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Fattening with a complete production cycle with the development of a pig for uterus with an installed superporosity with a capacity of not more than 1200 heads

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KP by C/X 4 course 2 semester

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1. Geographic and climatic characteristics of the construction area

2. Purpose of the enterprise, animal maintenance system

3. Requirements for the complex

3.1.Technological requirements

3.2.Mechanization of main production processes

3.3.Pork sewage supply

3.4.Sanitary-protective, veterinary measures for buildings in the complex

4. Selection and description of the site for construction

5. Volume planning solution

6. Structural solution of the building

6.1.Development of the main structural solution of the building

6.2.Structural diagram of the building

6.3.Strut and girder

6.4. Bearing and enclosing structures of the coating

6.5.Stenes and windows

6.6. Bases

6.7. Floors

6.8. Rotation, doors and other building elements

7. General plan of the complex territory

7.1. Zoning of the complex area, composition of zones

8. Conclusion

List of sources used


This livestock complex is located on the territory of the Oryol region.

The area of ​ ​ the Oryol region is 30 thousand km. The population is 300 thousand people .

The average July temperature is + 19C. The average January temperature is 10C. Precipitation is about 500 mm. per year.

The Oka River flows through the entire Oryol region, known for its picturesque landscapes and abundance of fish.

many industrial industries have been fully developed - such as:

chemical industry, mechanical engineering, production of building materials, as well as the food industry. Rye, wheat, sugar beets, sunflower and other agricultural crops are grown on Oryol land. In addition to growing cereals and vegetables, cattle breeding is also developed.

3 Requirements for the complex

3.1. Process requirements

At the current stage of economic development, qualitative changes are taking place in the livestock industry accompanied by complex mechanization, automation of the technological process, concentration and specialization of production, the introduction of a new progressive animal maintenance technology, and the creation of a complex on an industrial basis. By their purpose, pig breeding enterprises are divided into tribal and commodity. The types and sizes of the plant are determined depending on the purpose of the farms and the number of main uterus or fattening stock. Enterprises for 24 thousand golos per year or more should be designed as industrial-type complexes. Livestock complexes, unlike ordinary farms, have a higher degree of mechanization of production, have a high level of concentration and specialization of production.

3.2. Mechanization of main processes

In this project, an automated feed distribution line based on a fodder sensor of the CES type of the TsNIPTIMEZ design is used, the essence of the recommendation is the rational use of fodder passages. The electrified feeder moves along the rails above the rows of feeders. Capital investment, by one head, is reduced by 2 times compared to the use of a serial feed distributor.

The work also adopts a system of gravity removal of manure due to its sliding along the bottom of the channel. The longitudinal channel is arranged without a slope, manure slides along the water "cushion" and, as it accumulates, overflows through detachable or rotary powders with a height of 80150 mm installed at the end of the channel.

3.3. Heat supply ventilation, sewerage

The internal sewage system in the premises for keeping animals is designed for the removal of manure life, water drains from the cleaning of the premises and for sanitary treatment of animals. The sewerage of auxiliary rooms has a similar arrangement as in residential rooms.

Ventilation devices are designed to remove damaged wet air from livestock premises and replace it with external air. They provide a normal hygienic regime for animals and maintenance personnel. Ventilation devices shall not cause through-holes and shall sharply reduce the room air temperature. In heated buildings, the ventilation system is often combined with air heating.

3.4. Sanitary protection, veterinary measures for buildings on the territory of the complex

Veterinary buildings and structures are designed to comply with sanitary and zoogygenic conditions aimed at preserving and reproducing livestock and protecting them from diseases, and they are also aimed at protecting human health from diseases that can be transmitted to humans from animals.

Veterinary buildings include: Regional veterinary laboratory, district veterinary hospital, killing and sanitary center. The main object is the insulator and laboratories.

The limit concentration of carbon dioxide in the air of animal holding rooms is 0.2%. During the operation of buildings, the maximum concentration of hazards in the air of animal rooms: ammonia - 0.02 mg/l, hydrogen sulfide - 0.01 mg/l.

4 Selection and description of site for construction

When evaluating the construction site, it is necessary to take into account the quality of soils, they should represent a reliable basis for the construction of the building. In the territory or in the vicinity there should be a water supply source providing the need for benign water for drinking, industrial, economic, fire-fighting needs. The area should have sufficient dimensions to accommodate the entire designed complex and some reserve in case of expansion of the facility.

This pig-breeding complex is located in the Oryol region, in the village of Troitskoe. Soils in a given area represent a reliable basis for the construction of buildings. Near the complex flows the Voronezh River, which provides it in water for drinking, in industrial, economic, fire-fighting needs. The complex is located below the village along the river. The territory has sufficient dimensions to accommodate the entire designed complex and some reserve in case of expansion of the facility. On the territory of the settlement, settlement and production zones are distinguished. The production zone of the rural village is part of its territory, on which agricultural, industrial, auxiliary and other facilities are located. The basis of the design of the production area is the close planning connection of this area with the residential one. The production zone of agricultural enterprises should be located on the leeward side, taking into account the prevailing wind direction and relief in relation to the settlement zone. The production zone is clearly separated from the residential zone because wedging one zone into another is unacceptable. The production area is separated from the saltwater protective strip. Dimensions of sanitary zones are set (CH24571). The territory of the production zone is built up taking into account the most expedient location of buildings and structures .

5 Volumetric planning solution

The building should be economical, durable, reliable and not expensive to operate. Unification allows you to significantly increase the use of structures for industrial construction. Along with the main requirements, the architectural and artistic expressiveness of pig breeding enterprises under construction should also be ensured.

Pig feeders with a complete production cycle. The 18x114 building is divided by a transverse corridor into two isolated zones, each of which contains no more than 600 pig heads. Animals are contained in group machines of 25 heads, group machines are located in 4 rows between which there are two feed passages. The main entrances and exits are located at the ends of the building, and all utility rooms are located here. Vertical enclosing walls of these rooms form internal vestibules at external gates.

6 Structural solution of the building

6.1. Development of the main design version of the building

This project uses a frame system. Foundations for three-hinge railway frames, half-frames are installed in them. Between the half-frames a span of 18 meters is formed. Paving slabs are used 6 m long, 1.5 m wide. Roof of asbestos cement sheets UV6.

6.2. Structural diagram of the building

The project uses a frame system. Using three-ball frames. A scheme with a full frame is used, i.e. the inner frame consists of two rows of half-frames, and curtain panels are used as external walls, which are attached to half-frames

6.3. Rack and girder

The rack and crossbar of a semi-frame have variable rectangular section at a constant thickness of a semi-frame of 180 mm. Working fittings of a semi-frame are accepted from round hot-rolled steel of a periodic profile of class A ІІІ.

During manufacturing, embedded parts are immersed in half-frame, the number and shape of which are determined by the purpose of half-frame. Embedded parts are provided on the upper surface of the half-frame for attachment of the coating plates with a pitch of 1.5 m. In addition, strip steel parts are provided for fastening wall elements. Semi-frames are installed on separate jaw prefabricated foundations for three-ball railway frames reinforced with reinforcement in the form of welded grids.

6.4. Bearing enclosing structures of the coating.

Paving slabs PP6015 are bearing elements of the enclosing structure of the coating part, laid on beams. Then keep within, mineral-cotton plates 100, a roof from asbestos-cement wavy listovUV6. These coatings are less material intensive.

6.5. Walls and Windows

In rooms for pigs, windows are located at a height of at least 1.2 m from the floor level. In maintenance, feed and other rooms, windows can be at any height from the floor level. In areas where the temperature difference between internal and external air in the cold period of the year is more than 25 gr. windows are provided with 2nd glazing, at least 50% of windows must have opening bindings. Are provided in this project one type of OK1=4800x1200 windows

The pig walls consist of two-layer wall panels consisting of an internal protective layer of M200 heavy concrete with a thickness of 50 mm, a heat-insulating construction layer of light concrete M50 on artificial porous aggregate (expanded clay), and a texture layer of cement sand mortar 100 with a thickness of 20 mm. The thickness of the panels is 300 mm. The panels are reinforced with three-dimensional frames.

6.6. Bases

In this project, a version of the columnar foundation of the glass type has been developed. Foundations are laid directly on the planned surface of the pit, if large-shell and sand groups lie in the base, except for dust sands, or on concrete preparation in all other cases. These foundations are made of class B 22.5 concrete, the concrete consumption is significantly reduced due to the use of the shape of the truncated pyramid instead of the solid, massive, vertical part of the foundation.

A glass is designed in the center, in which a column is sunk for 200300 mm. At the ends of the building, panels carry half-timbered columns. For them, a columnar foundation is also used, but it is already smaller.

The depth of foundation laying depends on the purpose and structural features of the building, the size and characteristics of loads, the depth of laying of the bearing layer of soil, the depth of freezing and UHF. The depth of laying is calculated from the surface of the layout or the floor of the basement to the base of the foundation .

When choosing the depth of the foundations of these buildings, the depth of freezing of soils is crucial.

N = mt of Nn, where

Lv = 0.9-standard freezing depth

mt = 0.7 -cotifier, which takes into account the influence of the thermal mode of the building on the depth of ground freezing near the foundations of external walls and columns.

We are calculating:

H = 0.7 * 0.9 = 0.63m

Foundation beams are used to transfer loads from external walls to foundations. They are designed for the load from the mass of walls from panels of increased factory readiness. In places of gate openings in which heavy mechanisms can pass, foundation beams do not fit, since under the influence of large loads the rigidity of the entire frame can deteriorate.

In order to protect the foundation beams, vertical and horizontal waterproofing is arranged, paving is arranged on the ground surface along the foundation beams. Foundation beams provide stiffness in horizontal direction. Fixation takes place on embedded parts on welding.

6.8. Gates and doors

The gates and doors in the pig house are designed for the convenience of animal maintenance and the ability to evacuate animals in case of rapid need. Gates and doors leading to animal rooms should be easy to open and have no thresholds. The gates are made double-sided, the doors are double-sided opening outside or in the course of movement. The width of the gate is 3 meters and the height is 2.5 meters, the width of the doors for evacuation and the passage of pigs is at least 1 meter.

7 Master Plan

7.1. Zoning of the complex area, composition of zones

On the territory of the settlement, settlement and production zones are distinguished. The production zone of the rural village is part of its territory, on which agricultural, industrial, auxiliary and other facilities are located. The basis of the design of the production area is the close planning connection of this area with the residential one. The production zone of agricultural enterprises should be located on the leeward side, taking into account the prevailing wind direction and relief in relation to the settlement zone.

When evaluating the construction site, it is necessary to take into account the quality of soils.

The production area should be clearly separated from the residential area. Wedging one zone into another is not allowed. The production area shall be separated from the saltwater protection strip. The dimensions of sanitary areas are established by the "Sanitary Standards for the Design of Industrial Buildings" (CH24571). The territory of the production area should be built up taking into account the most appropriate location of buildings and structures .

The master plan consists of:

Main production buildings

1- Pig for idle and suporon uterus.

2- Pigsty for uterus with established superporosity.

3- Pig for poles.

4- Pig for sucker uterus.

5- Pig for porsyatsosuns.

6- Pig for porsetotemysh.

7- Fattening pig

Utility rooms:

8- Storage of root tubers.

9- Pig receiving and shipping ramp.

10-Administrative and household building with a sanitary passageway.

11-Veterinary unit


13-Siloso storage.


15-Warehouse of placer and granular feed.

16-Economic and energy block.

17-Fire pond.

18-Manure receptacle.


During the course project, they mastered the methods of developing an architectural-composite and volumetric planning solution, studied the arrangement of foundations, half-frames, coating plates, roofs, the development of a situational plan taking into account the terrain and wind direction, the plot plan diagram and its composition.

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