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Mitsubishi 4B10 Engine Power System Upgrade


The object of the degree design is the 4B10 mitzubish engine. An analysis of the economic activities of TransTehService LLC was carried out, and an ongoing repair site was developed. During the work, based on the analysis of existing structures, the power supply system of the Mitsubishi 4B10 engine was improved, the thermal and dynamic calculation of the engine was carried out, and design documentation for the manufacture of parts was developed. The process of the compressed air power supply system installation has been developed. An assessment of the state of labor safety and safety at the enterprise and at the area of ​ ​ ongoing repair of cars was made.

Project's Content

icon 1 АХД.docx
icon 2_АСК.docx
icon 3 ДВС.docx
icon 4 - копия.docx
icon 5 БЖД.doc
icon 6 эконом.doc
icon Pismo_zayavka_ot_organizatsii_na_utverzhdenie (1).doc
icon Введение сжатый воздух передел (1).doc
icon Введение сжатый воздух.doc
icon Введение.doc
icon вдп.spw
icon доклад.doc
icon задание.doc
icon Заключ и библ.doc
icon заключение Коромыслову.docx
icon ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ +.doc
icon Оглавление.doc
icon Отзыв на ДП.docx
icon РЕФЕРАТ.doc
icon рецензия.doc
icon Титульный лист.doc
icon 1_баллон А3.cdw
icon 2_Угловой штуцер А4.cdw
icon 3_Штуцер А1.cdw
icon 4_Крышка толкателя А4.cdw
icon 5_Толкатель А4.cdw
icon 6_Тройник А3.cdw
icon Сборка.cdw
icon Спецификация.cdw
icon 1_АХД 21.05.cdw
icon 2_Генплан.cdw
icon 3_АСК.cdw
icon 5 тек рем.cdw
icon 5-CБнов.cdw
icon 8 Тех. карта.cdw
icon 9 ТЭП.cdw
icon Прин схема.cdw

Additional information




General characteristics of the enterprise

Organization of repair and maintenance of vehicles

Technical and economic indicators of the enterprise

Conclusions on analysis and project objectives



Control system of gas distribution phases by turning the camshaft

Ignition advance angle control device Patent No.

Compressed air supply system No.


Description of the device and operation of the designed unit

Thermal calculation of the engine

Pipe diameter, unit pressure

Solenoid valve calculation

Strength calculations


4.1 Development of the compressed air supply system installation area 


5.1 Ensuring working conditions and safety at work

5.2 Environmental protection measures

5.3 Measures to protect the population and material assets in emergency situations

5.4 Conclusions


6.1 Calculation of manufacturing costs 

6.2 Calculation of annual economic effect from the installation of the stand




1 Project subject: "Modernization of a power supply system of the Mitsubishi 4B10 engine", is approved by the order on university No. __ 1116z/o_ot on April 15, 2014.

2 Initial data for the project: a) Annual reports of TransTehService LLC; b) reference, scientific literature; c) patents and copyright certificates; d) regulatory and technical documentation.

3 Content of calculation and explanatory note: Analysis of activity of TransTehService LLC. Improvement of the Mitsubishi 4B10 engine power supply system. Design development. Process part. Project safety and environmental friendliness. Project Feasibility Study.

4 List of graphic material: 1) Analysis of economic activity (A1). 2) Master Plan of TransTehService LLC (A1). 3) Classification of engine power increase systems (A1).. 4) Assembly drawing (A1). 5) Detailed drawings (A1). 6) Engine 4B10 with supply of compressed air in a cylinder of the engine (A1). 7) Diagram of the system for compressed air supply to the cylinder (A1). 8) Compressed air power system installation area 9) Installation of compressed air nozzles (A1). 10) Technical and economic indicators (A1).

Project Description

Project: 88sheet, 11 figures, 15 tables, 20 sources, 10 sheets of A1 format of graphic material.


The object of the degree design is the 4B10 mitzubish engine. An analysis of the economic activities of TransTehService LLC was carried out, and an ongoing repair site was developed. During the work, based on the analysis of existing structures, the power supply system of the Mitsubishi 4B10 engine was improved, the thermal and dynamic calculation of the engine was carried out, and design documentation for the manufacture of parts was developed. The process of the compressed air power supply system installation has been developed. An assessment of the state of labor safety and safety at the enterprise and at the area of ​ ​ ongoing repair of cars was made.


Relevance of the topic. The fuel supply system of the gasoline engine is designed to place and clean the fuel, as well as prepare a combustible mixture of a certain composition and supply it to the cylinders in the required amount in accordance with the engine operating mode.

Engine efficiency, economy, performance indicator depend on the engine power supply system. (environmental safety, manageability, dynamism, stability, smooth running, cross-country ability). In case of improper operation of the power supply system, the engine efficiency will be significantly reduced, which will affect the driving performance of the car. Thus, the power system is one of the important systems of the car, which determines many parameters of the car, and the development of power systems is one of the current areas of development of the automotive industry.

The purpose of the diploma project is to modernize the Mitsubishi 4B10 engine power supply system, which is aimed at improving and improving the characteristics of the car using simple means (without radically changing the design of the car), namely, by supplying compressed air to the cylinders of the engine.

Design Objectives:

Analyze existing power system designs;

Develop a compressed air engine power supply system;

Perform thermal calculation of ICE operating on the upgraded power supply system;

Perform structural calculations of installation elements;

To provide a feasibility study of the decisions taken;

Develop measures for labor protection and environmental friendliness of the project.

Analyzing Existing Constructs

The theme of my diploma project is the modernization of the 4B10 engine power supply system, which solves environmental pollution problems and increases the effective engine power.

In recent years, environmental regulations have been tightened to reduce emissions from internal combustion engines into the atmosphere, but without reducing, and even increasing, the effective power of the engine. In this regard, methods have been developed to reduce emissions while increasing the effective engine power.

2.1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of turbochargers

Engine with turbocompressor less bulky, Engine torque curve with turbocompressor can be better adapted to specific operating conditions. turbocharger, providing increased air supply, compensates for reduction of atmospheric pressure, almost without deterioration of engine characteristics.

A significant drawback of the turbocharger is the "turbo pit." Which prevents the turbocharger from responding to changes in speed modes. When the throttle opening pedal is pressed, there will be a loss of power, this is because the turbine needs time to set the required rotation speed, and also turns on from nominal revolutions, resistance to exhaust gases.

Project Feasibility Study

The diploma project proposes to modernize the power supply system (SP) of the engine of the mitsubisi lancer car with the 4B10 engine.

To determine the technical and economic indicators of the use of the modernized joint venture, we calculate the costs for the implementation of this project, the annual economic effect is achieved by reducing fuel costs, the payback period of capital investments.

The economic effect of using this system is achieved due to item

To determine the cost-effectiveness of introducing design development into production, it is necessary to calculate the cost of production.


In the diploma project, the analysis of the production work of TransTech Service was carried out, according to which it is possible to draw conclusions that the enterprise has a good production base for the modernization and improvement of the services provided, and is well provided with production capacities. However, in recent years, rising fuel prices and restrictions, due to environmental pollution, have forced the ordinary consumer to think about buying a car .

Existing power supply systems were analyzed, advantages and disadvantages of structures were identified.

The result of this diploma project is the modernization of the Mitsubishi 4B10 engine power supply system due to the supply of compressed air to ICE cylinders, aimed at increasing power, economy and environmental friendliness, which is achieved due to more complete combustion of exhaust gases. The developed device allows increasing the excess air ratio to the required value at any engine operation modes, as a result of which the characteristics of the car are improved. Thermal calculation of the engine with compressed air supply was performed to determine its dynamic characteristics.

The economic efficiency of this plant is justified, the profitability of the project is 13%, the payback period is 3.4 years.

Drawings content

icon вдп.spw


icon 1_баллон А3.cdw

1_баллон А3.cdw

icon 2_Угловой штуцер А4.cdw

2_Угловой штуцер А4.cdw

icon 3_Штуцер А1.cdw

3_Штуцер А1.cdw

icon 4_Крышка толкателя А4.cdw

4_Крышка толкателя А4.cdw

icon 5_Толкатель А4.cdw

5_Толкатель А4.cdw

icon 6_Тройник А3.cdw

6_Тройник А3.cdw

icon Сборка.cdw


icon Спецификация.cdw


icon 1_АХД 21.05.cdw

1_АХД 21.05.cdw

icon 2_Генплан.cdw


icon 3_АСК.cdw


icon 5 тек рем.cdw

5 тек рем.cdw

icon 5-CБнов.cdw


icon 8 Тех. карта.cdw

8 Тех. карта.cdw

icon 9 ТЭП.cdw

9 ТЭП.cdw

icon Прин схема.cdw

Прин схема.cdw

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