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Metal Cutting Machine Design

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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Course project. Calculation of metal cutting machine feed box/speeds

Project's Content

icon Задание.DOC
icon МРС.doc
icon Спецификация КР.DOC
icon Кинематика.cdw
icon Развертка.cdw
icon Свертка.cdw
icon Шпиндель.cdw

Additional information


Assignment............................................................................................................................................. p

Introduction..................................................................................................................................... p

1. Kinematic calculation of machine drive................................................................................................................. p

1. 1 Choice of speed box variant................................................................................................................................................................. p

1. 2 Graph-analytical method of speed box calculation..................... p

1. 3 Determination of torques............................................................................................................................. p

2. Power calculation of the drive............................................................................................................................................................. p

2. 1 Gearing calculation..................................................................................... p

2. 2 Determination of gear wheel parameters......................................................................................................................................... p

2. 3 Preliminary calculation of shafts......................................................................................................... p

2. 4 Calculation and selection of drive bearing supports......................................................................................................................................... p

3. Shaft strength calculation..................................................................................................................................................... p

4. Calculation of shaft for stiffness and accuracy.......................................................... p

5. Lubrication system..................................................................................................................................................................... p

Literature........................................................................................................ p


Mechanical engineering is the basis of scientific and technological progress in the individual fields of the national economy. Continuous improvement and development of mechanical engineering, since metal cutting machines together with other types of technological machines ensure the manufacture of any new types of equipment, is associated with progress in machine tool construction.

The improvement of modern machines should ensure an increase in the speeds of working and auxiliary movements with a corresponding increase in the power of the main movement drive. It is of exceptional importance to improve the reliability of machines by equipping them with monitoring means, as well as introducing diagnostic systems into machines.

Modern metal-cutting machines provide exceptionally high machining accuracy.

New machine models, machine modules and flexible production systems will now be required for the foreseeable future.

In this course design, the basis for designing the speed box of a metal cutting machine is considered.

Purpose and scope of turning-turret machines.

The machine is designed for turning from bar material of a series of identical parts with a diameter of up to 25 mm and a length of up to 150 mm from steel, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and other structural materials.

On the machine it is possible to make draft and fair grinding, shaped grinding, drilling, coredrilling, chamfering, expansion, cutting of torets, pro-cutting of flutes, cutting of a carving, a nakatka rifly and cutting. The machine is designed for use in small-scale and mass production.

One of the most important features of the 1R326 machine is the automatic changeover of the spindle speed and the supply values of the turret and transverse calipers. One of six spindle rotation speeds and one of three caliper feed values can be selected for each position of the turret.

The machine-mounted cmdlet enables rapid re-adjustment from part to part, enabling successful use of the 1326 machine even in small-scale production.

To reduce the auxiliary time on the machine, a special drive is provided to quickly retract the turret after the next transition and a mechanism for automatically releasing, turning, fixing and fixing the turret.

5. Lubrication system

Careful attitude to lubrication and normal operation of lubrication systems are a guarantee of machine failure-free operation and its durability.

The machine has two isolated centralized lubrication systems:

- gears, speed box bearings and speed box elements;

- gears, bearings of feed box.

The oil tank and lubrication pump of the speed box of the horizontal spindle are located in the bed. Oil is poured into the tank through the elbow to the middle of the oil indicator. If necessary, the oil level shall be replenished. Oil is drained through the branch pipe.

Control over operation of speed box lubrication system is performed by oil indicator.

Lubrication of speed box elements is performed by spraying. Oil is poured into the tank through the plug to the middle of the oil indicator. Oil is drained from the tank through a plug located in the lower part.

Lubrication of the bearings of the rotary head is carried out by syringe.

Guides, drive mechanisms of longitudinal stroke located in slides are lubricated periodically from pump located in cantilever. Oil for lubrication of these units is supplied from the cantilever tank. Lubrication of the console guides is carried out from the button, and lubrication of the slide guides, table and longitudinal drive mechanisms is carried out from the other. Lubricant adequacy is estimated by presence of lubricant on guides.

Lubrication shall be carried out taking into account the degree of loading of the machine, as a rule, before operation (approximately twice a shift for a duration of 1520 seconds).

Lubrication of end supports bearings and longitudinal feed screw is performed by syringing through point in lower part of table.

Earring bearings lubrication - drip.

The oil bay is made through plugs to the middle of the oil indicator.

The lubricant is considered sufficient if one drop is delivered to the sliding surface after 2-3 minutes.

Drawings content

icon Кинематика.cdw


icon Развертка.cdw


icon Свертка.cdw


icon Шпиндель.cdw
