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Mechanical workshop - Architecture of industrial buildings - coursework

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Course project - two drawings, explanatory note

Project's Content

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Additional information


. Introduction. Source Data

2. Master Plan

3. Architectural and structural solution of the production building

3.1. Volumetric planning solution

3.2. Design Solutions

4. Calculations of the production building

5. Architectural and structural solution of the administrative-domestic building

5.1. Volumetric-planning and structural solution

6. Engineering equipment

7. Literature


When designing a production plant, the decisions taken in the schemes and projects of the district planning, in the schemes of the master plans of industrial nodes and the planning and development projects of the city are taken into account.

In the development of the project, the enterprises make the most of the achievements of science, technology and best practices in construction, ensure the efficiency of capital investments, rational use of land, protection of the natural environment.

The most important areas in the design of the enterprise are typification of design solutions, improvement of volume planning, structural and technological solutions, product structures, high efficiency of capital investments due to increased availability of equipment supplied to construction sites, construction structures and products, application of industrial construction methods, progressive forms of organization of construction production, implementation of high-performance equipment that increases labor productivity, expanding the practice of placing equipment on open sites, realization of achievements of science and technology, advanced domestic and foreign experience, etc.

2. Master Plan.

Plot plan of the site is shown on sheet 1 of the project, scale 1:1000. Section dimensions 405x307m. Plot plan TEP is shown on sheet No. 1 in Table

Railway transport is provided for the transportation of fuel, raw materials, construction and repair materials, heavy oversized and special cargoes.

Secondary driveways are designed for pedestrian and transport communications between buildings and the main street. Pedestrian paths are made of asphalt concrete mixture, the width of sidewalks is 1.5 m, access roads for car traffic are made of asphalt, the width of road lanes is accepted as 6 m of a road with two sided traffic, the turning radii of the main roads have taken 40m, access roads 20 m.

The main type of landscaping is lawn. Tree planting is performed to create protective strips and on recreation areas. Shrubs are planted along the sidewalks and in places of rest .

The percentage of landscaping is sufficient to protect against wind.

Construction is carried out on site No. 3, in accordance with the design assignment. The relief of the site is calm.

Space Explication

Table 2.

p/n Name of premises Area,


1st floor

1 Classroom 43.32

2 Safety Cabinet 48,14

3 Trade union 24,18

4 Planned accounting 48,19

5 Office of the chief 21.24

6 Secretary 18,26

7 Meeting room 61.61

8 Lobby 123.9

9 Wardrobe (with dining room) 4.84

10 Kitchen with handout 17.11

11 Medical center 34.22

12 Wash 10.98

13 Utility room 24.4

14 Dining room 56.69

2nd floor

15 Duty room 5.46

16 Men's Handout 32.21

17 Male shower 30.0

18 Female shower 10.15

19 Shoe cleaning room 5.94

21 Women's handout 7.98

3.2. Design solutions.

The structures of the structure are accepted as standard according to the current catalogs.

The undeniable advantage of large-panel buildings is that standard structures are used for their construction, the mass production of which is established in the construction region. Structures are delivered to the construction site by road.

The structural diagram of the production building and the selection of the main structures are predetermined by the made volume planning decision.

Structurally, the workshop is a frame building with a rigid structural scheme. We solve reinforced concrete prefabricated frames: workshops - in the form of a single-story frame, consisting of columns rigidly sealed in the foundations and hinged to them trusses and beams of the coating,

The foundations are separate, monolithic reinforced concrete, two-stage for all columns, rectangular in plan. At the location of the deformation seam is an atypical monolithic foundation. Foundation deepening is determined by load, bearing capacity of the base, presence and depth of groundwater location, depth of ground freezing, presence of nearby channels. The height of the foundation provides the required sealing of the column in the sleeve, in addition, the elevation of the top of the foundation of the extreme row must correspond to the bottom of the prefabricated reinforced concrete foundation beam.

Foundation height as per assignment - 2.1 m

Foundation beam - precast reinforced concrete.

Poly - asphalt concrete

Columns. For the workshop - reinforced concrete prefabricated single-branch continuous sections Fahwerk columns - reinforced concrete assembly with a pitch of 6 m.

The coating beam is prefabricated reinforced concrete with braces with a span of 18 m.

Walls. The design of the panels is three-layer, with effective insulation, 350 mm thick. Panels of external walls are interconnected by steel bonds. Joints of panels of external walls have air-proof adhesive from inside from roll waterproofing material and insulation insert. Cavities of joints are sealed with concrete

Paving slabs - ribbed precast reinforced concrete.

Windows, doors, gates. The dimensions of openings in the outer walls are assigned according to the requirements of natural illumination. An excessive increase in the glazing area will lead to additional energy consumption to maintain a given temperature and humidity regime in the building. The dimensions of the window openings are associated with the corresponding dimensions of the wall panels.

The entrance doors are wooden deaf. Internal doors are designed one- and double-floor blind or glazed.

The gate in the building is designed with metal insulated for passing cars of various carrying capacities. According to the opening method, sliding, double-floor gates are designed. The gate has wickets.

Roof. The roof structure in accordance with the storey and volume-planning solution of the attic-type building, with an internal organized drain. The distance between the gutters is no more than 48 m. Water runoff is carried out due to the slope of the roof, controlled by the slope of the bearing structure of the coating.

Roof. The roof is roll, with insulation. Roofing materials shall be waterproof, atmospheric and frost resistant and durable. The base under the roof is directly reinforced concrete coating panels, cement-sand ties, which form a rigid crust. For the insulation layer, mineral wool slabs are used as the most durable quality material, having high operational qualities, satisfying increasing modern requirements and requirements, providing impeccable roof quality from a technical and aesthetic point of view, having the best technical and economic performance.

Floors. depending on the purpose of the building, different requirements are made to the floors. In industrial buildings, they must withstand operational loads well

Biases of floors serve for the direction of a drain of liquids from drives, passes, to the locations of ladders, trays and channels.

6. Engineering equipment.

The industrial workshop and ABK are equipped with various sanitary devices: water supply, sewage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

Heating. The coolant temperature of the external network is 130700С, the design temperature of the heating systems is 105700С. Single-tube heating system with lower wiring, U-shaped risers. Heating devices - cast iron radiators Ch-2. The design provides for the installation of double control cranes in front of each heating device to maintain a certain temperature in the room. Disconnecting valves and drain valves are installed on all risers of the heating system.

Ventilation. Plenum ventilation with mechanical and natural motive is designed in the building. All air ducts to the ventilation chambers are covered with pearlite plaster = 20 mm to achieve a fire resistance of 0.5 hour. From the rooms of the bathrooms, exhaust ventilation is provided through ventilation channels with a natural impulse. Ventilation and ventilation are provided by the construction of ventilation shafts, opening windows, framugs or windows.

Water supply and sewerage. Running water. Internal water supply systems include: inputs to the building, water metering unit, dilution network, risers, supply to sanitary devices, water collection, mixing, shutoff and control valves. The fire-fighting water supply system in buildings having power supply systems should be combined with one of them. When designing water supply systems, it is necessary to provide measures to reduce non-production water consumption and reduce noise. The source of drinking and fire-fighting water supply is the city water supply. Network diagram - ring, with 2 inputs. Water metering unit with bypass line is provided at inputs. On the bypass line, an electrically driven gate valve was designed to pass the network to the fire-fighting flow building.

Hot water supply. The hot water supply system is centralized, with a closed connection scheme to the heat networks. The network diagram is dead end, circulation along the main and risers.

Sewerage. The following sewage systems are designed:

- household - for waste water removal from sanitary and technical devices (toilets, shells, washbasins, showers);

- internal drains - to divert rain and meltwater from the roof of the building to the pavement.


Connection of the designed sewage network of the building is provided to the existing sewage networks. Waste water removal is provided through closed gravity pipelines.

Power supply. The power supply of the building is carried out from the existing transformer substation using two mutually redundant cables at a voltage of 380/220 V. The accounting and distribution of electricity is carried out on an input distribution device of the BRU type.

The project has developed working, emergency, evacuation and repair lighting. Local lighting control by switches installed at the inputs.

Communication. The project provides for networks of urban radio broadcasting, local radio broadcasting and fire warning, urban telephony, electrification, ringing, television.

Radialization is carried out from the city wired broadcasting network. The introduction of the radio transmission line from external networks is carried out through a radio point. For the local radio broadcasting network and fire warning, a small stationary sound amplifying complex in the radio node is provided. For hidden laying of wires and panels of communication systems in floor preparation and in walls pipelines are laid from polyvinyl chloride pipes.

Loudspeakers and audio speakers of the local radio broadcasting network are connected without connecting sockets, disconnecting devices and must not have volume controls.

Alarm. The project provides for security and fire alarm networks. The PPK2 panel installed on the ground floor of the administrative building is adopted as a receiving and control device.

Fire fighting measures. Fire-fighting measures in the design are provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.01.0197 "Fire safety of buildings and structures." The fire resistance of the building is II, all structures are adopted accordingly. Fire protection alarm is designed in the building. On the escape routes, materials are provided that do not interfere with the evacuation of people during combustion (toxicity, gas content ).

From each floor of ABK there are 2 exits. The width of the doorways is 1.5 m, the escape passages are 1.451.6 m, the width of the corridors is 1.31.8 m. The evacuation stairwell has natural lighting and exits to the lobby and directly to the street. Emergency evacuation lighting is available. The opening of all doors is designed outside the premises, towards the exit according to fire safety requirements.

Drawings content

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