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Mechanical repair shop for 300 repairs per year

  • Added: 02.04.2021
  • Size: 999 KB
  • Downloads: 2
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The purpose of the repair and mechanical workshop is to provide the enterprise with:

- uninterrupted operation of the equipment;

- manufacturing of spare parts for equipment repair;

- manufactured non-standard equipment;

- repair of the plant equipment according to the PPM schedule.

- carrying out capital and partial repair works of equipment in compliance with the requirements of manufacturers "factories; carrying out partial and complete technical inspections of technical devices, equipment and individual units; careful storage of the equipment and instrument entrusted to him; scheduling of equipment repair and maintenance in accordance with industrial safety rules; development of equipment operation and maintenance documentation; development of documentation in the field of industrial safety, labor protection and environmental protection.

Functions and tasks:

1 Manufacturing of spare parts for equipment repair and modernization.

2 Manufacturing of non-standard equipment.

3 Installation of new equipment and dismantling of old equipment.

4 Repair and modernization of plant and workshop equipment.

5 Preparation of requisitions for materials, semi-finished products, spare parts and purchased products for repair, operation of equipment and provision to OMTS and K.

6 Control over systematic inspection and timely presentation of lifting devices and cranes for maintenance and repair.

7 Performance appraisal and job rationalization.

8 Monitoring of equipment serviceability, accessories and technical devices.

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