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Kindergarten for 8 groups

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Kindergarten-nursery for 8 groups


Introduction. 3

1. Scheme of planning organization of the land plot. 5

1.1 Characteristics of the land plot. 5

1.2 Landscaping. 6

2. Architectural solutions. 7

2.1 Characteristics of the designed building. 7

2.2 Space-planning solution. 7

2.3 Structural solutions. 8

2.4 External and internal finishing. 9

List of sources used. 13

APPENDIX 1.Teptechnical calculation. 15

Project's Content

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Additional information



1. Plot Planning Scheme

1.1 Characteristics of the land plot

1.2 Landscaping

2. Architectural Solutions

2.1 Characteristics of the designed building

2.2 Space Planning Solution

2.3 Design Solutions

2.4 Exterior and Interior Finishes

List of sources used

APPENDIX 1.Teptechnical calculation


The main purpose of architecture has always been the creation of the life environment necessary for the existence of a person, the nature and comfort of which was determined by the level of development of society, its culture, and the achievement of science and technology. This life environment, called architecture, is embodied in buildings that have internal space, complexes of buildings and structures that organize external space - streets, squares and cities.

In the modern sense, architecture is the art of designing and building buildings, structures and their complexes. It organizes all life processes. In its emotional impact, architecture is one of the most significant and ancient arts. The power of her artistic images constantly affects a person, because his whole life takes place surrounded by architecture.

An integral property of any building is the conformity of its practical utilitarian purpose, that is, compliance with the functional process or the nature of the activities that will take place in it.

Creating the most convenient and favorable environment for a person to live in makes up the functional side of architecture .

In addition, the designed building must meet the requirements of strength, durability and economy.

When designing a modern residential apartment building, you can set yourself the following tasks:

architectural and functional - a competent combination of space-planning elements of the building, which best satisfy the purpose of the designed building;

architectural and artistic - giving architectural

expressiveness to the appearance of the building and its interior;

architectural and structural - selection of building materials, structural diagrams, bearing and enclosing structural elements.

The purpose of this work is to design a preschool children's institution for 6 groups that meet the current sanitary standards and fire safety requirements.

In this project, the architectural and planning development of a kindergarten for the city of Voronezh is underway.

The choice of storey and the type of house is determined by local conditions on the basis of feasibility studies, taking into account social, domestic and architectural and artistic requirements and is regulated by standards .

Scheme of planning organization of the land plot.

1.1 Characteristics of the land plot

The site for the construction of the DDU is located in Belgorod, in the zone of existing development .

The master plan is developed on the basis of the design task; topographic plan of the land plot, topography M 1:1000.

The plot for the construction of an apartment building has the following characteristics. The relief of the plot is flat.

Located on a territory free from development. This territory is located outside the zones of protection of historical and cultural monuments.

Transport links are carried out on public roads.

Thus, the development project of the territory takes into account external transport links, the possibility of maximizing the use of the territory to accommodate low-rise buildings with facilities, engineering and transport support .

Architectural Solutions

Characteristics of the designed building

The project provides for the construction of a two-story kindergarten for 8 groups. The building has a complex symmetrical shape in plan. The designed building has the following plan dimensions :

Length - 49800mm;

Width - 25000 mm;

Height - 6700mm;

Floor height - 3000mm;

Roof - flat;

By storey - low-rise (2 floors);

In terms of durability - 3 degree (service life not less than 501); By fire resistance - 3 degree;

Space Planning Solution

The space-planning solution of the development provides for the construction of a two-story kindergarten .

The entrance to the building is at a level of 0.300. Entering the building, we will get into the vestibule, which is located at elevation - 0.000, passing directly we get into the lobby leading to the premises of the 1st floor, where there are:

Group (4 groups)

Administrative premises

Catering department

Medical facilities

Flawed and ironing

This building is 2 storeys; for communication between floors there is a reinforced concrete staircase. Elevator is not provided .

The appearance of the building was selected in order to create a single architectural composition with neighboring buildings .

When designing a residential building, the requirements of regulatory documents were taken into account, preventing the risk of injuries to people when moving inside and outside the building. The slope and width of the stair flights, the height of the steps and platforms, the size of the doorways provides convenience, safety of movement, and the ability to move equipment of the premises .

There are 7 exits to the street.

On the 2nd floor there are:

Group (4 groups)

Music Hall

Gymnastics Hall

Methodological office

There are 4 independent street exits.

2.3 Design Solutions

Structural diagram - frame; The frame is made with a grid of columns 6x6m. Precast reinforced concrete columns, square section 400x400mm .


When erecting the walls of the building, manual masonry with horizontal and vertical dressing of seams is used. Ceramic concrete is used for masonry of external and internal walls.

The walls are laid on cement sand mortar. Thickness of external walls is determined on the basis of heat engineering calculation. The thickness of the interior walls is 380mm.

Ceramic concrete was chosen for the external and internal walls, since it has good heat-insulating properties, has high strength, frost resistance.


Slabs - horizontal bearing and enclosing structures dividing buildings into floors and accepting loads from their own weight, the weight of vertical enclosing structures, stairs, as well as from the weight of interior items, equipment and people in them. These loads are transferred from floors to the building columns.

In this building, the floors consist of multistage reinforced concrete slabs with a thickness of 220 mm. Slabs provide sound and thermal insulation, they also meet high requirements for rigidity and flexural strength.


Partitions are internal vertical enclosing structures in buildings. Partitions perform enclosing functions in the building. Partitions are gispartonic, large-panel 100 mm thick. In wet rooms there are partitions made of ceramic brick.


The roof is a structure that protects the building from precipitation and is the upper fence of the building. The roof is designed flat. The coating includes: reinforced concrete slab 220mm, insulation 140mm and gravel-sand layer 80mm.

2.4 Exterior and Interior Finishes

Exterior finishes:

The compositional solution of facades with a volume-spatial solution is aimed at creating a cost-effective and expressive facade. Stylistically, facades use the techniques of classical architecture, using advanced achievements in the field of finishing facade materials.

Interior decoration:

Materials according to functional purpose are adopted for interior decoration of rooms. Materials and products included in the design have certificates that meet fire safety requirements and sanitary and hygienic standards.

Materials in accordance with their functional purpose, having certificates of compliance with fire and hygienic standards, are used for decoration of premises.

The walls of the rooms are provided smooth and are finished with materials that allow wet cleaning in a wet way and disinfection. Glazed ceramic tiles for the entire height of the premises are provided in rooms with a wet regime, bathrooms, receptacles with buffets, rooms of the catering unit: workshops, dispensers, washing utensils and containers, pantries of vegetables; ironing, flawed.

In the premises of group, sleeping, undress, locks, halls for music and sports, corridors, staircases, vestibules, lobbies, lounges, loading, pantry loose materials, acrylic paint is provided for the entire height of the premises. The walls of the premises: dressing rooms and staff rooms, the office of the head, methodical rooms are glued with wallpaper.

All construction and finishing materials must be harmless to human health. The surfaces of the walls of the rooms for music and gymnastics are provided with light tones with a reflection coefficient of 0.60.8.

The floors of the premises are smooth, non-slip, without slots and defects, tightly fitted to the walls and floor, providing for wet cleaning using detergents and disinfectants. Floors in sleeping and group floors located on the ground floor are provided with heating.

Materials used for the arrangement of floors in the rooms of the entrance group and staircases, lobby, halls, corridors - porcelain (not sliding);

in rooms with wet mode - ceramic tiles (not sliding);

in rooms, sleeping, group, undress - certified linoleum;

in the halls of music and sports - wooden.

In the rooms of showers, cleaning, washing, in the procurement shop of the catering unit, the floors are equipped with drain ramps with a corresponding slope of floors to ramps.

Doors are wooden, metal with full factory readiness.

In the rooms of bathrooms and bathrooms, waterproofing of the floor with an additional layer of waterproofing is provided.

Windows from PVC profile with triple glazing. The height of the windows is 2300mm. Doors to apartments - single-floor 1000mm; room doors - single-floor 1000mm; doors to bathrooms - single-floor deaf 700mm; doors to pantries - single-floor 700 mm. The door to the building - one and a half - 1200mm.

The height of the doors is 2100mm. Taking into account fire safety requirements, all doors of the designed building are opened outside .

mode - set for each type of SP building - by sets of rules. Compliance with SP requirements is mandatory during design.

Drawings content

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