El.nabzh.groups of workshops of GPP1 UZMM district

- Added: 29.07.2014
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Additional information
Technical passport of production
Summary of production
1 Calculation of electrical loads of the enterprise
1. 1 General position
1. 2 Determination of the given number of electric receivers
1.3 Calculation of electrical loads in the enterprise
2 Calculation of electric loads cartogram
3 Selection of number, power and type of transformers of shop transformer substations
4 Selection of voltage, external power supply diagrams of the enterprise and transformers of the enterprise GPP
4.1 Variant 1: Calculation of external power supply circuit for 110 kV
4.2 Variant 2: Calculation of external power supply circuit for 35 kV
5 Feasibility Study for External Design
power supply
5.1 110 kV variant
5.1.1 Power losses in power transformers
5.1.2 Calculation of power transmission line from power system to GPP
5.1.3 Calculation of short-circuit currents at the beginning of the outgoing line from the substation of the power system to the MPP of the enterprise
5.2 35 kV variant
5.2.1 Power losses in power transformers
5.2.2 Calculation of power transmission line from power system to GPP
5.2.3 Calculation of short-circuit currents at the beginning of the outgoing line from the substation of the power system to the MPP of the enterprise
5.3 Technical - Economic indicators of the compared external power supply schemes
6 Selection of voltage value and internal power supply diagram of the enterprise, calculation of supply line
6.1 Selection of voltage value
6.2 Electrical Design
6.3 Calculation of supply lines
7 Calculation of short-circuit currents
7.1 Calculation of substitution scheme
7.2 Calculation of short-circuit currents at specific points
8 Selection of electrical equipment of the plant power supply system
8.1 Selection of auxiliary transformer of the main lowering substation
8.2 Type selection of switchgears on the 10kV side of the main lowering substation, switches, current transformers, voltage
8.3 Selection of current conductor connecting power transformers of the main lowering substation and 10kV switchgear
8.4 Selection of 10kV switches of internal power supply circuit and corresponding current transformers
8.5 Selection of switching equipment on the 10kV and 0.4kV sides of transformer substations
8.6 Selection of busbars
9 Calculation and selection of reactive power compensation device
10 Calculation of electric power quality indicators
11 Calculation of power plant lighting
11.1 Calculation of lighting of electrical equipment repair department
11.2 Calculation of lighting of the treatment facilities unit compartment
11.3 Calculation of emergency lighting
12 Selection and description of relay protection devices
12.1 Protection of power transformer on the GPP
12.1.1 Basic Transformer Protections
12.1.2 Calculation of differential protection
12.1.3 Calculation of MTZ
12.1.4 Calculation of overload protection
12.1.5 Gas protection
13 BJD
13.1 Layout and structural part of GPP
13.2 Protective equipment
13.3 Lighting
13.4 GPP grounding protection
13.5 Lightning protection
13.6 Fire Safety
13.7 Safety precautions on 10 and 0.4 kV cable lines routes
13.8 Safety precautions during operation of electrical installations
13.9 Operational services
13.10 Performance of works
13.11 Organizational arrangements
14 Economic part
14.1 Initial data
14.2 Energy Economy Objectives System
14.3 Force field analysis
14.4 SWOT and STEP analysis
14.5 Building the target tree
14.6 Define Enterprise Organizational Structure Types
14.7 Labour and Wage Planning
14.7.1 Planning the number of workers
14.7.2 Planning of wages of workers
14.7.3 Planning of the number and payroll
management personnel
14.7.4 Productivity Planning
List of literature
Appendices graphic part - 7sheet, format A
The project considers power supply to a group of metallurgical engineering workshops. The calculation of electrical loads of the specific workshop and plant under consideration was carried out using ordered diagrams .
The number, power and type of transformers of shop transformer substations were selected. Internal and external power supply schemes are selected. Electrical equipment is selected. Calculations were made to compensate for reactive power, and relay protection of cable lines, transformer substations, synchronous motors was also selected.
A power supply system is called a set of devices for the production, transmission and distribution of electricity.
The purpose is to design power supply systems, ensuring high reliability, high quality of electricity at optimal costs. The diploma design shows the calculation of the power supply system of the plant LLC Metallurgical Engineering Plant, which includes the detailed calculation and selection of power supply equipment of the workshop, supply lines, transformer substation and GPP. Reactive power compensation is calculated. The diploma project considers the issue of economics, which is the choice of power supply options. Calculations of labour planning and wages are given. It is required to calculate the relay protection of the power transformer on the GPP, which includes the selection of appropriate protections and sensitivity check. The issue of ensuring life safety at the transformer substation is considered .
Project Technical Passport
1. Total installed power of electric receivers. enterprises with voltage below 1000V - 17805 kW
2. Total installed power of electric receivers. enterprises with voltage above 1000V - 3000 kW
- one induction furnace with a capacity of -1000 kV∙A
- four 500 kW synchronous motors
3. The category of main consumers is category II.
4. Total design power on GPP tyres - 12470 kV∙A
5. Reactive power factors:
- natural - 0.85
- specified by the power system - 0.31
- design - 0.24
6. External power supply voltage of the plant 110kV.
7. The short-circuit power at the point of connection to the power system of the supply lines of the enterprise is 2400 MV∙A.
8. The distance from the enterprise to the supply substation of the power system is 9.5 km, AC70/11.
9. On GPP two TDN 10000/110/10 transformers are installed.
10. Internal power supply voltage of the plant is 10kV.
11. Types of received cells K104.
12. Workshop TPs:
- TP1 - TMZ type transformers - 630/10
- TP2 - TMZ type transformers - 1000/10 are used
- TP3 - TMZ type transformers installed - 630/10
- TP4 - TMZ type transformers - 1000/10 are used
- TP5 - TMZ type transformers are used - 1000/10
- TP6 - TMZ type transformers - 1000/10 are used
13. The company uses AASHvU cables
of different cross-section: 10 kV -
0.4 kV - 10.70.95.
Summary of production
Design of the power supply system of the metallurgical engineering plant within the scope specified in the content. The master plan of the enterprise is presented in Annex 1.
This company produces equipment and spare parts for all alterations of metallurgical production: coke, agglomeration, blast furnace, steelmaking and rolling. In addition, the plant produces general-purpose equipment for steel and cast iron casting, forging, stamping, and metal structures. Gas burners manufactured by the plant have certificates of conformity.
This enterprise includes: 6 main workshops and 16 auxiliary workshops and sections.
Substation No. 43 with voltage levels of 35kV and 110kV at a distance of 9.5 km is located in the area of this enterprise .
Short-circuit power on power system substation buses: 2400 MVA for 110kV and 910 MVA for 35kV.
Cost of electricity at two-rate rate:
- main rate - 180.28 rub ./kW month;
- additional rate - 0.981 rub ./kWh.
The highest ambient temperature is 17.8 C °, soil - 13 C °, there are no tensile forces in the soil.
At the enterprise 3 shift production, with Tim = 4000 h
The company has installed:
- Crucible induction furnace at PPI
- Synchronous motors of the brand SDNZ2183120 with a speed of 300 rpm in the amount of 4 pieces.
In the diploma project, the electrical loads of the enterprise were calculated, the type, number and capacity of transformers of workshop transformer substations were selected. When comparing versions of external power supply schemes, it turned out that the most optimal in terms of technical and economic indicators was a 110 kV voltage scheme. GPP transformers with capacity of 10 MV· A were selected.. The calculation of quality indicators showed that on the branches of windings to which the "calm load" is connected, the indicators do not exceed the permissible values. That is, the induction furnace and the synchronous motors do not adversely affect the remaining electrical appliances. Low-voltage and high-voltage capacitor batteries were selected, which in full provide compensation and reserve of reactive power. A rational scheme of internal power supply of the enterprise was built, supply lines were calculated, and electrical equipment was selected. The relay protection of the transformer on the GPP is designed. Issues of life safety at the GPP were considered, design grounding and lightning protection of the GPP were calculated. In the economic and management section of the project, the issues of economics, organization and planning of the enterprise's energy economy were resolved.

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