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Process design of APT unit section


ATP Process Engineering Course

Project's Content

icon Расчет числа рабочих.xls
icon Участок (Формат А3).dwg
icon Корпус ( Формат А1).dwg
icon Проект АТП.doc
icon Разрез.dwg

Additional information


1 Process calculation of ATP

1.1 Initial data

1.2 Adjustment of standard values of initial data

1.3 Calculation of the annual production program by the number of impacts

1.4 Calculation of maintenance and maintenance labour intensity of rolling stock

1.5 Calculation of the number of maintenance workers

and their distribution by specialty

1.6 Process design of vehicle maintenance and maintenance zones

1.7 Calculation of production areas

1.8 Calculation of storage areas

1.9 Total area of production and storage facilities

2 Layout of ATP production building

3 Process calculation of production area


List of used literature

Job for Course Project

Design the process design of the freight transport enterprise.

Process calculation of ATP

The task of technological calculation is to determine the necessary data (number of workers, posts and areas) for the development of a planning solution for the production building of ATP and the organization of the technological process of maintenance and maintenance of rolling stock.

Total area of production and storage facilities

Before developing the planning solution of the production building, it is recommended to draw up an explication of the premises with an indication of the areas adopted as a result of the technological calculation. In the same table, the space areas obtained during the planning process can be indicated.

Based on the explication of premises and the accepted number of working and waiting posts, the layout of the production building of the ATP is developed taking into account the main regulatory sources, educational and methodological literature and lecture conception listed in the list of literature.

This section of the explanatory note contains a description of the organization of the technological process of maintenance and maintenance, the justification of the mutual location of the production, warehouse and administrative-household premises.

Substantiation of the selected space-planning solution of the production building and its main characteristic is given: structural diagram, column grid, building dimensions in plan, height of rooms from floor to bottom of load-bearing structures of floors, lifting and transportation equipment and its carrying capacity.


Road transport is the most mass mode of transport, especially efficient and convenient when transporting goods and passengers over relatively short distances. The efficient and efficient operation of road transport is ensured by the rational use of a multimillion-dollar fleet of rolling stock - trucks, cars, buses, trailers and semi-trailers.

The automotive industry supplies the national economy with perfect rolling stock, the design of which has high reliability. However, due to the complexity of rolling stock structures, it is necessary to use increasingly complex technical means of servicing cars, primarily diagnostic ones, as well as improve technology and organization of work. The intensive growth of the automobile fleet requires a sharp increase in labor productivity when servicing and repairing rolling stock, and the complication of the design requires advanced training of maintenance personnel.

Therefore, the quality of maintenance and repair requires a good material and technical base: equipment that meets modern requirements, sets of necessary tools and devices. To ensure these conditions in existing enterprises, it is necessary to reconstruct production zones and sections with the replacement of old equipment with new modern means of diagnosis and repair.

It is necessary to introduce new process diagrams that will reduce the cost of maintenance and repair, reduce the downtime of cars in repair. The reconstruction should be carried out in such a way as to ensure the normal operation of the existing zones and sections.

Drawings content

icon Участок (Формат А3).dwg

Участок (Формат А3).dwg

icon Корпус ( Формат А1).dwg

Корпус ( Формат А1).dwg

icon Разрез.dwg
