Kindergarten for 260 places in the town of Energetik
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Diploma thesis - kindergarten
Project's Content
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Additional information
1 Pre-Design Study
1.1 Sociological Research Program
1.2 Questionnaire Survey
1.3 Analysis of sociological data and synthesis of research results
1.4 Development of architectural and planning task for design
2 Improvement of the kindergarten site
2.1 Initial data for the project
2.2 Situation Plan
2.3 Scheme of planning organization of the land plot and improvement
its territory
2.3.1 Scheme of planning organization of the land plot
2.3.2 Engineering Training and Relief Management
2.3.3 Determination of earthworks
3 Space-planning solution of kindergarten
3.1 Comparison of options for space-planning solution of kindergarten
Technical and economic indicators
3.2 Characteristics of the functional process and space-planning decision according to the adopted version
3.3 Structural characteristics of the building
3.4 Architectural and compositional solution
3.5 Calculations for construction physics
3.5.1 Microclimatic characteristics of the building
3.5.2 Calculation of thickness of insulation layer of three-layer brick wall
lightweight masonry with rigid connections
3.5.3 Calculation of thickness of insulation layer of attic floor
4 Kindergarten Engineering
4.1 Heat supply and ventilation
4.2 Water supply and drainage
4.3 Calculation of the building water supply system
4.3.1 Selection of internal water supply system and diagram
4.3.2 Hydraulic calculation of the water supply network
4.3.3 Water meter calculation
5 Construction structures
5.1 Calculation of rafter structure of building covering
5.1.1 Calculation of rafter leg
5.1.2 Calculation of brace and girder
6 Technology of construction production
6.1 Construction Schedule
6.1.1 Schedule Design Philosophy
6.1.2 List of construction and installation works
6.1.3 Calculation of construction and installation works
6.1.4 Calculation of excavation volumes
6.1.5 Determination of requirements for material and technical resources
6.1.6 Determining the Need for Construction Machines and Machinery
6.1.7 Determination of Labour Requirements
6.1.8 Selection of methods of works execution
6.1.9 Selection of crane and mounting devices
6.1.10 Schedule the construction process
6.1.11 Definition of techno-economic indicators
6.2 Construction Plan
6.2.1 General principles of construction plan design
6.2.2 Calculation of storage areas
6.2.3 Calculation of areas of temporary buildings and structures
6.2.4 Calculation of resource requirements
6.2.5 Construction plan design features
6.2.6 Safety requirements
6.2.7 Environmental protection measures
7 Economics
7.1 Estimated calculations
7.1.1 Preparation of local estimate
7.1.2 Preparation of object estimate
7.1.3 Compile consolidated cost estimate for construction
7.2 Determination of techno-economic indicators
7.2.1 Calculation of cost-effectiveness of the design solution
7.2.2 Determination of technical and economic indicators of the project
List of sources used
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix D
According to the student's diploma project
Agafonova Inna Yuryevna
The theme of the project: "Kindergarten for 260 places in the village of Energetik," approved by order of the university from "_" March 20, __ No. ___.
The term of the student's completion of the completed project: June 18, 20 __
Initial data for the project: Architectural and planning task obtained as a result of sociological research
Content of the calculation and explanatory note (list of issues to be developed): Assignment for the execution of the diploma project. Introduction. 1. Pre-design study. 2. Improvement of the kindergarten site. 2.1 Initial data for the project. 2.2 Situation plan. 2.3 Scheme of planning organization of the land plot and improvement of its territory. 3. Space-planning solution of kindergarten. 3.1 Comparison of variants of the space-planning solution of kindergarten. Technical and economic indicators. 3.2 Characteristics of the functional process and space-planning decision according to the adopted version. 3.3 Structural characteristics of the building. 3.4 Architectural and compositional solution. 3.5 Calculations for construction physics. 4. Engineering equipment of kindergarten. 4.1 Heat supply and ventilation. 4.2 Water supply and drainage. 4.3 Calculation of the building water supply system. 5. Construction structures. 5.1 Calculation of rafter structure of the building covering. 6. Technology and organization of construction. 6.1 Work design for kindergarten. 6.2 Construction Production Schedule. 6.3 Object Construction Plot Plan. 7. Economics. 7.1 Estimated calculations. 7.2 Determination of technical and economic indicators.
List of graphic material: 1. Analysis of sociological data. 2. Scheme of planning organization of the land plot. 3. Comparison of variants. 4. Facades. 5. Plan at el. 0,000. 6. Plan at el. + 3.600, node. 7. Floor plan, sections. 8. Foundation plan, roof plan, subassemblies. 9. Water supply system. 10. Layout of rafters, units. 11. Schedule. 12. Construction Master Plan.
In our society, the value of family, motherhood, and family education is noticeably increasing. The family is one of the oldest "institutions" that has survived entire eras. Its durability is explained by the fact that it allows a person to stay in society more stably at all times. The family as a source feeds the wider and higher spheres of human life - the feeling of the Motherland and patriotism.
According to scientists, the family is the greatest sociocultural value created by humanity .
Not a single nation, not a single cultural community was without a family. Society and the state are interested in its positive development, preservation, strengthening. Every person, regardless of age, needs a strong, secure family.
Numerous studies conducted in our country and abroad have convincingly shown that the family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child social experience in its own way, but only in combination with each other they create the optimal conditions for a small person to enter the big world.
Public preschool education has been created as a tool to help the family in the upbringing and education of the child. The nature of the interaction between these two institutions, which are important for society, is dictated by the new conditions of life. The family and kindergarten in the chronological series are in continuity .
The first kindergartens in Russia appeared in the middle of the XIX century. They were organized by family unions uniting for a common cause - raising children .
The historical excursion into the system of formation and development of preschool education allows us to highlight the main positions that need to be taken into account in modern society. Here are some of them:
- Initially, kindergarten was conceived as a family-type institution that helps the family raise a child;
- The first kindergartens were organized in Russia by family unions;
- the ideas of family education of young children were defended by many Russian teachers.
Society has established itself in the position that it is impossible to completely replace family education with public education, but it is possible and necessary to help the family. To do this, a diverse network of preschool educational institutions must develop. The historical experience of each home, family kindergarten is unique and colored by the personality of those people who, thanks to their enthusiasm and activity, found a solution to all economic and pedagogical problems of this new business for Russian society.
The principles of the regional policy for the development of preschool education are aimed at ensuring a complete and balanced system of educational, developmental, educational and health-improving services for the population, providing the family with the opportunity to choose the forms and methods of raising the child.
To implement these principles, a differentiated species network of preschool educational institutions has been created. A system of services for a family raising a child at home is being developed: short-term groups, counselling points, child gaming support centers, and early assistance services. The institution of governorship is being revived.
The basis for the development and construction of a new innovative model of a family children's preschool educational institution was an analytical and statistical review of requests for preschool education of different categories of families, as well as an analysis of the accumulated knowledge on the problems of parenthood and family life.
The creation of a new model - a family children's preschool institution - will make preschool education services more diverse and accessible to the population, as well as increase the number of children receiving high-quality education. Naturally, the introduction of such a model cannot be massive, but, undoubtedly, it will arouse interest among some large, young families and parents whose children do not attend kindergarten for various reasons. Meanwhile, this model should not be seen as an alternative form of preschool education and education. It should complement and develop a variable system of preschool education, take into account the psychological, pedagogical and age characteristics of the development of children of early and preschool age .
When creating family day-care facilities, it is necessary to take into account the needs of specific families planning to use this service. Therefore, a family kindergarten can be multivariable in the form of organization and in the content of work with children.
Thus, the relevance of this problem is obvious, since the lack of kindergartens is manifested everywhere in the Irkutsk region and throughout the country. A notable point in the planning structure of the 5a microdistrict is the aspect that the project originally provided for the construction of three preschool educational institutions, but only one was built - kindergarten No. 116 "Rainbow," which is explained by the difficulties of the rebuilding period. Therefore, there are not enough two more kindergartens, which means that in preschool institutions of other microdistricts there are queues, which adversely affects the general situation in this area .
The main goal of this diploma project is to design a kindergarten, which is most comfortable in its planning, economic and socially significant characteristics. The main design tasks are described in more detail in the section "Pre-design research," which also reflects the object and subject of the study, the base of scientific research and design, the main methods of collecting and processing information, scientific hypotheses. As a result of sociological research, the main characteristics of the designed object will be revealed, which constitute the structure of the architectural and planning task for the design of kindergarten.
Further, the planning, structural and architectural-compositional presentation of the kindergarten building is organized on the basis of the obtained task. As a benchmark for comparison, it is necessary to take the planning and design characteristics of a typical design of a kindergarten building of similar capacity in order to be able to determine the impact on their technical and economic indicators of differences in space-planning solutions of buildings .
The space planning solution of the selected option is reflected in the following section. In addition to the main planning characteristics of the building, the design characteristics, the selected structures of various volume-planning elements, the architectural and compositional solution of the designed building are described, the functional process as a whole is characterized by dividing the rooms into zones, and the functions of each of the kindergarten rooms are described.
No modern building is without centralized engineering support. Thus, the next section is a description of all the designed utility networks, as well as the calculation of the water supply system.
The structural characteristics of the main elements of the building structures are given in the section "Volume planning solution," and the calculation of individual elements - in this case, the rafter structure of the building coating - in the section "Building structures."
The organization of construction production must be carried out to ensure the construction of kindergarten in the shortest possible time with savings in labor and material resources. To do this, a work schedule is drawn up, which provides an in-line method of construction, saving labor resources and calculating material costs. In addition, an object building master plan is being designed, the purpose of which is to place temporary buildings and structures and installation mechanisms in the plan in the most rational and convenient way.
The final section is "Economics," which estimates the material and financial costs of construction as a whole, as well as individual types of costs, as well as the calculation of the main technical and economic indicators for the project as a whole is necessary to perceive the full picture.
As a result, they receive a project of a preschool educational institution for 260 places in the 5th microdistrict of the village of Energetik with the most comfortable conditions for the stay of children and their parents, as well as service personnel.
Pre-Design Study
Considering the Irkutsk region as an object of research conducted in order to identify the needs of the population in preschool educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as DOE), the most important features described below can be distinguished.
The main plan in this region is that the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region proposed to oblige all developers to build or reconstruct kindergartens at their own expense during the construction of residential buildings.
In Irkutsk and other large cities of the region, such as Bratsk and Angensk, there are not enough kindergartens. Today, if you audit buildings that have long been built and are under municipal ownership, you can find many buildings and premises of former children's institutions that are not used for their intended purpose. If you start using them again as kindergartens, the problem of providing preschoolers with places in nurseries and gardens can be solved much faster than when building new ones. Ways of solving the problem at the expense of the municipal budget are as follows :
- the most economically feasible method is to increase the filling capacity of groups of existing kindergartens to the limit standards;
- Opening of children's institutions in previously leased premises;
- the most costly way is to build a new institution for children of preschool and primary school age in areas of mass new development.
Since research activities are carried out in the course of degree design, at first sociological data are analyzed, which contains the following elements:
the research programme;
collecting empirical data through questionnaires;
data analysis and synthesis of the study results;
development of an architectural and planning task for design, which in the future will serve as a task for graduate design.
For this diploma project, the main goals of sociological research are:
- studying the opinion of the population of the 5th microdistrict of Energetik on the need to build a kindergarten in this microdistrict and identifying the motivation for a positive attitude towards its planning organization;
- A description of the needs of the population in the formation of the spatial environment of the preschool children's institution and its territory.
Calculation of the capacity of the designed kindergarten is carried out based on data on the demographic structure of the population 5a of the microdistrict, as well as data [33]. Thus, the estimated level of provision of children with preschool institutions within 70% for the general type of DOE is accepted. The population of the microdistrict is
a person, of which 650 are preschool children. The capacity of the Rainbow kindergarten is 220 places, the number of groups in it is 12, the occupancy of nursery groups is 15 places, preschool - 22 places. Therefore, taking into account the already existing kindergarten, as well as those provided for by the project, but not built kindergartens, 5a microdistrict needs a kindergarten with an estimated capacity of about 216 seats. In my diploma project, I provided for a reserve of additional places and accepted the capacity of the designed kindergarten equal to two hundred and sixty places.
To achieve these goals, a sociological study is carried out - a survey of parents of preschool children living in the 5th microdistrict - the purpose of which is to identify the needs of the population (and specifically parents) in the most comfortable planning organization of a preschool educational institution in the 5th microdistrict, as well as the formation of the spatial environment of the kindergarten and its territory. At the same time, the spatial environment of a children's institution means the planning principles of the consumer zone and the economic and service zone.
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