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Justification and management of the project for the construction of a multi-storey building with a store on Umetaliev St. in Bishkek - Diplomatic project

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Thesis project. Drawings, Explanatory Note

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Additional information


Contents 1-2pg

Entry 3-9 page

I Architectural and construction section

1.1. General Part 10-11 pp

1.2 Initial data.11-12pg

1.3 General provision 12-14 pp

1.4. Architectural and structural solution 15-19 pp. 1.5. Technical and economic indicators.. 20-21 page

1.6. Master Plan.. 21-22p

1.6.2. Design and structural part of FM-1 foundation calculation.. 22-26pg

II Technology and organization of construction production27-28pr

1.1. Determination of excavation works29 pages

1.2. Selection of machines, mechanisms and vehicles for the development of pits and trenches

1.3. Development of the main measures for safe production of earthworks 33-35 pages

2.1. Technology of monolithic erection.. 36-40 pages

2.7. Number of vehicles for concrete mixture delivery to the facility.. 40-41pr

2.8. Selection of tower crane.41-42str

2.9. Procedure for performance of works, which are carried out according to the technologist. 42-44p

2.10.Alendary plan.44-47str

Bill of Quantities for Construction 48-54str

Calculation of labor cost.55-72str

2.11.Material Requirements Sheet.. 73-75str

2.12.Recalculation of temporary power supply.. 76-77str

2.13. Calculation of searchlight quantity 77str

2.14. Calculation of the number of personnel.. 78 pages

2.15.Compute temporary buildings 79pcs

2.16.Explication of temporary buildings.. 80 page

2.17. List of used literature.. 81 page

III Economics

3.1. Procedure for determination of basic estimated construction cost 82pp

3.2. Bill of Quantities... 83-90ptr

3.3. Preparation of the object estimate... 91-94 pages

3.4. Calculation of technical and economic indicators of the project.. 94-97 page

3.5. Local estimate No. 1 for civil works.. 98-105pr

3.6. Object estimate for construction??????? 106 p

3.7. Balance of space and volume of the building 107 pages

Techno-economic indexes.110-111str

TEP of architectural and construction part.. 112-113str

List of literature used 117 pages

Occupational Safety and Safety

4.1. General Safety Technology118-123str

4.2. Determination of fire resistance degree of the building 124-125 pages

4.3. Organization of the construction site... 125-133pp

4.4. Calculation of load-gripping devices and accessories.. 134-136 page

List of literature used 136 pages

V Rationale for investments

5.1 Situation on the real estate market Bishkeka.-analysis... 137-139p. 5.2 Analysis of the market of apartments and houses in Bishkek for the first 3 months of 2011. 139-140pg

5.3 General analysis of real estate market segments in Bishkek 141 page

5.4. Dynamics of transactions of purchase and sale inhabited nedvizh. in Bishkek. 142 page

5.5.Analysis of apartment changes in Bishkeke143-144str

List of used literature.. 145-147pp

Real estate market in Kyrgyzstan

Real estate statistics and analysis

Real estate prices in Bishkek and throughout Kyrgyzstan have seen small but steady growth over the past decade. However, a significant upward trend in prices for primary, secondary housing and office space has been observed since 2003. For example: the price of a three-room apartment from 10 thousand dollars increased to 35 thousand. Various factors influenced such a sharp jump in prices. Kyrgyz citizens mainly kept their savings in American currency. The instability of the dollar caused the population to invest in real estate. Property prices have risen rapidly since the summer of 2006. As a result, from 2006 to September 2007, prices for apartments and office space increased by 100%. One of the main reasons is called the development of mortgages. Today, more than 40% of all apartments are sold on a mortgage - the client makes an initial contribution of 30%, and the rest is issued by the bank for a period of about 8 years at 15% per annum. An important factor is that many of our compatriots working abroad invest their money in real estate in Bishkek and the resort area of ​ ​ Issyk Kul. In addition, citizens of Kazakhstan also invest in the Kyrgyz real estate market. There is an artificial overpricing of apartments in the secondary housing market. By mid-2007, demand for housing exceeded supply. Many analysts and experts agree that more of the reason that affects price increases is the limited real estate market. The construction of residential complexes has not been carried out for more than 12 years, so demand exceeds supply. A complete and accurate analysis of the real estate market can only be carried out taking into account all the factors affecting this market.

In Bishkek, one-room apartments are in great demand. According to statistics, over the past 2 years, purchases of one-room apartments account for 35%, two-room apartments - 25%, 15% were transactions with land plots and non-residential premises. In the first half of 2007, on average, the price of one square meter of the secondary apartment market increased from $780 to 920. During the summer period of 2007, real estate prices increased by 3%.

Construction of elite mansions

along the AlaArcha River in southern Bishkek

There is also an increase in prices in the private real estate market. Over the past six months, it amounted to 6%. The average price per square meter is about $750. The average price per square meter of expensive elite mansions is $890. The land market, on the contrary, is undergoing a significant decline in prices. In the central part of the city, prices fell by 5.45% and amounted to $370 per square meter, in the western part - 23%, respectively $47 per square meter, the largest price decline in the northern part of the capital - 52%, and only $24, 09 per square meter.

Bishkek property price forecast

There are conflicting forecasts of the price state of the real estate market. A developed system of bank loans allowed Kazakhstanis to invest in real estate in Bishkek. However, the banking crisis in Kazakhstan entails a temporary suspension of loans, which leads to a decrease in the demand for real estate among citizens of Kazakhstan in Kyrgyzstan. The average cost of a one-room apartment as of September 2007 is approximately 3540 thousand US dollars. If the issuance of loans by Kazakh banks does not resume, then in 5-6 months housing prices will decrease by 2030% on average. However, many real estate experts express the opposite point of view and claim that the crisis in a neighboring country will not affect the market due to the lack of significant reasons, but there are a sufficient number of prerequisites for rising prices. One of them is the mass return of migrants from Russia (more than 20,000 people). It is quite natural that the demand for residential real estate will increase, and with it the price of housing will increase. It is also believed that when the issuance of loans in Kazakhstan resumes, real estate prices will become higher than in August 2007, when the largest price increase was recorded. Many experts and experts in the real estate market in Kyrgyzstan believe that the state can take control of the situation, which will help regulate the market and monitor the growth and decline in housing prices. Until now, the real estate market is not clearly controlled by government services.


Current status of the construction sector

Construction is one of the basic sectors of the economy of the Kyrgyz Republic, which creates the prerequisites for sustainable growth in other sectors. Recently, there have been trends in the growth of investments in the construction industry. The main areas of the industry are housing construction (24% of investments), transport, communications, energy, infrastructure and manufacturing.

In 2007, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic approved the "National Housing Construction Program of the Kyrgyz Republic for 20082010," reduced the time for obtaining building permits, introduced the Single Window principle when obtaining such permits, and reduced tariff rates. Every year, about 15,000 plots of land are allocated to citizens for the construction of individual residential buildings in all regions.

Problems in the construction sector, challenges and threats to one of Kyrgyzstan's most acute social problems have been the sharp decline in the rate of housing construction. So, if in 1990 24,640 landscaped apartments were commissioned, built in accordance with all regulatory and technical requirements, including earthquake resistance, comfort, safety, in recent years only 5,500 to 6,300 apartments and individual residential buildings have been commissioned.

The state ceased to be the main participant in housing construction. At the expense of the population, more than 97% of housing is now being built, often by citizens themselves without complying with safety and seismic requirements, while earthquakes with an intensity of 8, 9 or more points are likely in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic. Of the 1860 settlements of the republic, only 127 have master plans for urban planning.

Development is carried out randomly, without engineering preparation of territories. As a result, residents often become victims of landslides, collapses, flooding. The lack of developed and approved urban planning documentation is a deterrent in the development of settlements of the republic.

The existing housing stock does not meet the needs of the population. The average housing supply is less than 12 square meters. m per person, and 70% of families have less than 5 square meters. m per person. About 200 thousand families need housing. More than 12 thousand families are subject to resettlement from natural risk zones. The existing situation in housing construction will not solve the housing problem during the life of the next 2-3 generations.

One solution to the problem of housing affordability could be the development of a system of long-term mortgage lending. However, commercial banks are not ready to meet the demand of the population in mortgages due to the high risks of their non-return and the lack of a financial base for long-term mortgage lending. Mortgages in Kyrgyzstan are inaccessible to most citizens of the republic. Mortgage interest rates

commercial banks vary from 15% to 23% per annum, depending on the terms and timing of lending. The maximum term of a mortgage loan is 10 years, but loans issued for a period of up to 3 years are more common.

Despite the already begun implementation of the "National Housing Construction Program of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2008-2010," Challenges remain in increasing housing construction, such as underfunding of budgets at all levels of housing construction, lack of funds for the development of urban planning documents, difficulties in allocating land for housing construction, especially in the cities of Bishkek and Osh, the degradation of infrastructure for connecting the facilities under construction to electricity and water supply networks, sewerage, gas, heat and other sources, rising prices for construction services and transport, insufficient accounting of construction facilities, which leads to an increase in the construction of the "shadow economy" and a decrease in tax revenues.

Country's Development Strategy for 20092011 in the Construction Sector

The strategy for 20092011 is aimed at forming a housing market accessible to all categories of citizens of the republic. The strategy provides for the development of the housing market and financial mechanisms that ensure the availability of housing for citizens with sufficient solvency, support for poor citizens in improving housing conditions at the expense of the republican and local budgets, providing new buildings with energy resources, and using modern earthquake-resistant protection systems.

The strategy provides for the improvement of the regulatory framework in the field of housing construction, the introduction of amendments and additions to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On individual housing construction," development of the Housing Code, creation of economic mechanisms for attracting financial resources for housing, including the private capital, the credits, loans on the basis of the principles of mortgage lending, simplifying administrative procedures for new construction projects, establishing personal responsibility of the heads of regional state administrations, districts, city halls of Bishkek and Osh for the implementation of housing construction programs, allocation of land plots, possibility of connection of objects under construction to sources of engineering support, development of a municipal housing fund for the category of citizens entitled to receive municipal housing.

The strategy focuses the construction sector on the production of products based on progressive technologies, including the production of building materials and structures intended for earthquake-resistant construction, demonopolization of the construction materials market (cement, glass, etc.) due to the construction of new industries, the development of gypsum and other deposits of the republic, training of personnel of construction professions in market relations, streamlining ______ 0ґprotsedury registration of construction objects in local governments, including to obtain complete data on their real value.

The strategy assumes that by 2011, the State Building of the Kyrgyz Republic, with the involvement of a South Korean company, will complete a major project to create the JalArtis microdistrict, where 1,400 apartments are being built, including 400 social apartments for public sector employees.

The strategy assumes that state support for housing construction in general will create opportunities for the construction of housing by middle and low-income families, will create a housing market and a labor market in the construction sector, will create conditions for improving the demographic situation in the country, implementing an effective migration policy, and reducing social tensions in society.


Funds for housing construction will be allocated, in almost equal shares, both from the republican budget and from local budgets. The total need for financing for the implementation of the housing commissioning strategy is 43 billion soms of capital investment, and the cost of implementing the seismic safety program is 74.5 million soms. For the development of urban planning documentation, 70 million soms should be provided in the budgets of local administrations.

Architectural and construction part

1 1Based Part

The main purpose of architecture has always been to create the life environment necessary for the existence of a person, the nature and comfort of which was determined by the level of development of society, its culture, and the achievements of science and technology. This life environment, called architecture, is embodied in buildings that have internal space, complexes of buildings and structures that organize external space - streets, squares and cities.

In the modern sense, architecture is the art of designing and building buildings, structures and their complexes. It organizes all life processes. In its emotional impact, architecture is one of the most significant and ancient arts. The power of her artistic images constantly affects a person, because his whole life takes place surrounded by architecture. At the same time, the creation of a production architecture requires a significant amount of public labor and time. Therefore, the requirements for architecture along with functional feasibility, convenience and beauty include requirements for technical expediency and economy. In addition to the rational layout of the premises, corresponding to certain functional processes, the convenience of all buildings is ensured by the correct distribution of stairs, elevators, equipment and engineering devices (sanitary appliances, heating, ventilation). Thus, the shape of the building is largely determined by the functional pattern, but at the same time it is built according to the laws of beauty.

Cost reduction in architecture and construction is carried out by rational space-planning solutions of buildings, correct selection of construction and finishing materials, design facilitation, improvement of construction methods. The main economic reserve in urban planning is to increase the efficiency of land use.

Source Data

Diploma project on the topic: "Justification and management of the project for the construction of a multi-storey building with a store on Umetaliev St. in the city of Bishkek." completed according to the assignment for the diploma project.

Location of a residential building in Bishkek

The residential building is located in the district on the street. Umetalieva, 127, - st. Abdymomunova, 279 of the city of Bishkek, the main facade goes to the street - "Umetalieva." The climate of the region is sharply continental, belongs to the 3rd climatic region with a minimum winter temperature of 19 ° C.

• Seismicity of the area = 8balls

• Seismicity of construction site = 8balls

• Design seismicity of the building = 8balls

• Standard load: a) wind 45 kgf/m2

B) snow 70 kgf/m2

• Standard depth of seasonal soil freezing - 50 cm

• building class by durability = 2,

• building class by fire resistance = 2,

• 9-storey rectangular building with axial dimensions of 15mx48m

• The residential building is equipped with a passenger elevator with a carrying capacity of 400 kg.

• foundations - monolithic railway/concrete columnar for posts and monolithic concrete tape.

• Frame - cast-in-situ railway/concrete posts and girders

• Walls - external of double-layer brickwork. Insulation filling - polystyrene foam = 40kg/m3 B = 100mm. Brickwork of the 2nd category. Standard resistance to axial tension along non-bandaged seams R = 1.2kg/cm2.

Basement walls monolithic concrete concrete class B 15 as per GOST 1357978 *. Partitions are reinforced brick M75 on solution M50 b = 120, from the 6th floor - gasosilicate.

• slabs and coverings - cast-in-situ reinforced concrete.

• On the 1st floor are located - trading and service rooms.

• On the basement are located - office premises.

General position

With the development of typing of design and industrialization, the construction of residential buildings has become enormous. The most important task of social importance is being solved - to provide each family with a separate apartment. At the same time, housing construction is carried out in conjunction with day-to-day cultural services. The border of microdistricts is streets. Therefore, when designing a residential building, wide streets, sidewalks are provided that provide free passage for people, as well as in the event of a fire, the passage of fire engines.

In order to save land in the city, a 9-story residential building was designed. This house is located on Umetaliev Street, therefore, for the convenience of residents, a store has been designed in this house.

In the designed house, each apartment consists of the following rooms:

• living rooms,

• kitchen,

• hall (corridor),

• bathroom,


• loggia.

All living rooms are illuminated by natural light in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2,3,4, rooms in apartments have separate entrances, the height of the basement and ground floor is 3,3m. Height 2-9. floor = 3.00m Kitchen is equipped with natural exhaust ventilation, washing, electric gas stove. The walls near the kitchen equipment are lined with glazed tiles, the rest with washable wallpaper. The floor in the apartments is covered with parquet on a mortar brace. The bath and toilet are also lined with glazed tiles.

Being in the 3rd climatic zone, the vestibule is made double with insulated entrance doors and with the installation of heating devices both in the vestibule and on the stairwell.

The stairwell is planned as an internal day-to-day operation, with metal stairs and monolithic staircases. In the entrance assembly of stairs from monolithic railway/concrete stages. Two-march staircase with resting on the girders of buildings..,. The stairwell has artificial and natural lighting through window openings. All doors along the stairwell and in the vestibule open towards the entrance of the building. The stairs fencing is made of metal links, and the handrail is lined with plastic. For vertical communications, an elevator prefabricated reinforced concrete shaft with installation of an elevator unit with a lifting capacity of = 400 kg is provided. The elevator engine room is placed on the technical floor, which allows you to reduce the length of the leading ropes by almost three times, simplify the kinematic scheme of the elevator, reduce loads on the load-bearing structures of the building, and abandon the device of a special room for blocks. Thus, the cost of the elevator and operating costs are significantly reduced. However, such an upper location of the engine room is less advantageous for acoustic - noise reasons.

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