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IR Telemechanization Project

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110 kV IR telemechanization project

Project's Content

icon 0. Обложка, титул .doc
icon 1. ОД, л. 2-5.doc
icon 2. ПЗ, л.6-27.doc
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icon 4. СО.37-38.dwg
icon 5. Приложение А, л.39.pdf
icon планировка.dwg

Additional information



1 General information .

2 Introduction

2.1 Name of the developed system:

2.2 Objectives of KPTC DTU:

3 Technical requirements for CPCS

4 Technical solutions

4.1 General characteristic

4.2 Structural diagram of KPTV

4.3 Organization of data transmission channels to upper layers

4.4 Linking to a Single Time

5 Equipment placement

6 Technical and software tools


6.2 Telemechanics systems "TV-M2"

6.3 Network Equipment

6.4 Data Collection and Relay Controller

6.5 Software

7 Metrological support of measuring channels

8 System reliability

9 Power supply and safety

10 Recommendations for further modernization

Appendix 1: List of HW, TT, TU signals for transmission of telemechanics to NlES DP in MEK60870-5-101/104 protocol..

Appendix 2: List of TC, TI signals for transmission of telemechanics to TC TC LE in MEK60870-5-101/104 protocol..

Appendix 3: List of TC, TI signals for transmission of telemechanics to LenRDU DP in MEK60870-5-101/104 protocol

General Information

The project was carried out on the basis of the agreement of technological connection to the electric networks of Russian Railways No. 7800/2010 dated 26.05.2010.

The initial data on the basis of which the technical solutions are developed are the following documents:

Appendix No. 1 to the Agreement on Technological Connection to the Networks of Russian Railways No. 7805/2010 dated May 26, 2010. - Specifications of Russian Railways for technological connection of Lenenergo electric installations (see 2EF/09PIRPZ.P, Appendix B);

Appendix No. 1 to the Contract for the Performance of Design and Survey Works No. 2EF/09PIR dated July 22, 2010. - Technical assignment of Energostroyinvest CJSC for the development of Energoprominvest LLC design documentation for the object "Reconstruction of 110 kV PS No. 422 Terebochevo" (see 2EF/09PIRPZ.P, Appendix B);

Letter of Lenenergo OJSC No. LE/1501/1054 dated 26.08.2010 TKZ values (see 2EF/09PIRPZ.P, Appendix D);

Sections of code 452102RZ and 452108SS of the project "PS 110/10 kV Berezhki" with 110 kV VL, "executed by CJSC EnergoProject in 2009

The work is performed in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documents and taking into account:

"Process design standards for AC substations with a high voltage of 35750 kV" - CO 15334.20.1222006.

Protocol No. 10 dated 01.07.2003 meetings of the electrical networks section of the NTS of Lenenergo OJSC.

Lenenergo OJSC NTS Protocol No. 3 dated 16.05.2007 on selection of power high-voltage equipment by the highest operating voltage.

Order No. 304 dated 15.07.2010 "On standard technical requirements for the organization of information exchange."

Order of Lenenergo OJSC No. 68 dated 27.02.2007

Instructions No. 530U of 26.10.2007 "Approval of" Technical Requirements for Equipment of Lenenergo ITSO Facilities. "

The existing 110 kV PS No. 422 is connected to the 110 kV power system by three overhead lines: "Brzh1" towards 110 kV PS No. 388 "Berezhki," "Trb1" in the direction of 110 kV PS No. 332 "Pcheva" with an unsupported 110 kV PS No. 544 "PPS1" Ki. On a way of accession of PS of 110 kV No. 422 to feed lines the substation treats a checkpoint (inclusion in a rassechka of the feeding main line of 110 kV) and works in the normal mode with the included CB110 of kV.

The existing RU110 kV is made according to the 11012 "one working, sectioned switch, and bypass bus system" scheme for connecting two power transformers and three overhead power lines.

This project provides for the reconstruction of power equipment and RPA system of the existing cell ORU110 kV "Brzh1," as well as the construction of a new cell ORU110 kV lBrzh "new" with the implementation of the corresponding secondary systems (RZA, AIISKUE, TM).

This section of the project deals with the issue of telemechanization of the reconstructed and new 110kV RMS cell.

Due to the fact that the existing telemechanics complex is morally obsolete and does not have the possibility of expansion at the Terebochevo PS, the project provides for the installation of an additional device for the controlled telemechanics point. This solution will allow a complete update of the telemechanics system in the future by installing additional modules and transferring existing telemechanics circuits to them.


The substation telemechanization project was carried out on the basis of the Terms of Reference in accordance with chap. 1.6 PUE, section 11 NTP2006, order No. 304 dated 15.07.2010. "On standard technical requirements for the organization of information exchange ."

Name of the developed system:

Complex of software and hardware of dispatch technology control (abbreviated name: KPTS DTU).

The system is designed for operational-dispatching control of the main power equipment of power facilities and data relaying in the direction of the superior control centers for controlling electrical networks..

The goals of creating KPTC DTU are:

provision of information to operational dispatching personnel for solving tasks of power system operation management and its components, to administrative and management personnel - information for solving tasks of planning, rationing, optimization of power system operation;

improvement of time characteristics in terms of transmission and processing of telemetry information due to application of modern digital communication channels, protocols of information exchange and complex of software and hardware;

improved quality of work and working conditions of operational dispatching and technological personnel.

Technical requirements for CVT

When developing the technical solution, the requirements and recommendations of the following standards and regulatory and technical documents were taken into account:

GOST 34.20189 Set of standards for automated systems. Types of complexity and identification of documents when creating automated systems.

GOST 34.60190 Set of standards for automated systems. Automated systems. Stages of creation.

GOST 34.60392 Information technology. Types of testing of automated systems.

RD 5034.698-90 Automated systems. Requirements to the content of documents.

Rules of technical operation of electric stations and networks.

Electrical Installation Rules. 6th edition, supplemented and amended, Moscow, Gosenergonador, 2002

"Process design standards for AC substations with a high voltage of 35750kV" - CO 15334.20.1222006.

Order of Lenenergo OJSC No. 304 dated 15.07.2010 "On standard technical requirements for the organization of information exchange."

Technical solutions

General characteristic

Two cells of lines of 110 kV of l are subject to telemechanization. Brzh1 and l. Brzhnovy, for this purpose the installation of necessary number of complexes of TelekanalM2 devices is provided. Also, for tele-measurements, it is provided to install meters of electronic multifunctional "KIPP2M" (used as digital AC transmitters - hereinafter "KIPP2M") connected according to Eternet technology..

Structural diagram of KPTV

For the proposed structural diagram of KPTV DTU, refer to 2EF/09PIRTM.GH drawing No. 3.

CCTS is formed by information transmission subsystem, information reception and processing subsystem.

At the same time KPTV devices are combined by main communication channels into a process LAN (information transmission subsystem). The central link is the subsystem of reception and information processing executed at the level of complexes "TelekanalM2" and multipurpose KIPP2M counters.

KPTV information transmission subsystem consists of telemechanics complexes and network equipment installed at the facility.

Complexes of telemechanics "TelekanalM2" have the structure which is optimum using advantages of the concentrated and distributed systems. Functionally complete telemechanics of small information capacity (up to 50 I/O), combined into an internal network, form complexes capable of collecting significant amounts of data and managing a large number of execution devices within a single object.

The compact design of the devices allows you to concentrate the complexes or their parts inside cabinets, racks and panels, providing additional protection from external influences and unauthorized access. As internal network in the TelekanalM2 complexes Ethernet network which allows to increase considerably the performance of function of data collection is used and also to provide joining with other subsystems of ACS and the high-speed channel-forming equipment.

The Locally Computer Network (LCN) will be organized on the basis of switchboards by means of which association of the TelekanalM2 complexes and SP KIPP2M in uniform industrial network on the basis of Ethernettekhnologii is made. A data collection and relay controller is also included in the LAN, which allows expanding the communication capabilities of the CCTS when transmitting information to adjacent systems and to higher levels.

The communication channel within the facility (substation) is built on the basis of the routed Ethernet network based on the cable type "twisted pair" S/STP cat. 5e (medium - copper cable) with Ethernet network switches.

Selection of transmission parameters is carried out taking into account the quality of existing channels and reachable exchange rates over these channels according to the criterion of maximum information transfer rate .

If it is not possible to achieve the necessary exchange rate, at the stage of production of the CVT it is necessary to provide measures to reduce the flow of transmitted information:

transmission of information in sporadic mode and upon request;

increased aperture in sporadic transmission;

reducing the list of parameters for transmission.

The equipment of KPTV information receiving and processing subsystem installed in the telemechanics cabinet includes:

- data collection and relay controller;

- uninterruptible power supply for the controller.

Recommendations for further upgrades

Further modernization of the system is recommended in the following areas:

- increase of collected information volume of TS and TI. More information may be required if new telemechanization facilities are to be added or if new equipment is to be commissioned. In this case the reserve on entrances of the CU of complexes of devices of telemechanics "TelekanalM2" is used, or new modules of data collection and SP KIPP2M are added. New signal parameterization and binding is required as the amount of information processed increases.

Drawings content

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4. СО.37-38.dwg

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