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Installation for differential disassembly


The plant is designed to disassemble the differential of driving bridges and can be used for press-pressing and pressing-out operations during repair of KAMAZ vehicles and other equipment.

Project's Content

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Additional information

3. Design Part

One of the most important components of the economy's activities is the mechanization of the production processes of maintenance and maintenance of cars. The level of mechanization of maintenance and maintenance processes in the total labor costs has a significant impact on the technical readiness factor of the rolling stock and the costs of maintenance and maintenance. The reduction of labor-intensive work, equipping of work posts and places with high-performance equipment and on this basis a sharp increase in the level of mechanization of the production processes of maintenance and maintenance of rolling stock should be considered as one of the main directions in the creation and reconstruction of PTB of road transport enterprises. Mechanization of work during maintenance and maintenance serves as the material basis for increasing production efficiency, improving working conditions, improving its safety and, most importantly, contributing to solving the problem of increasing labor productivity.

3.1. Selection of development subject and justification of selection

On the reconstructed section of this project, one of the operations is disassembly of the KAMAZ drive bridge differential. To perform this operation, it is necessary to remove the main gear and send it to the assembly section.

The following solution is proposed; develop a device for disassembly of the inter-wheel differential taking into account improvised materials.

3.3. Plant Maintenance

Reliable operation of the plant is ensured by timely preventive maintenance:

1. Daily technical inspection:

- check of level and presence of oil in the jack,

- check of condition level of pneumatic equipment connection points (check with soap foam).

2. TO1 performed once a month:

- the same as during daily technical inspection and additionally:

- check of fasteners condition;

- condensate drain from the sump.

3.4. Plant Safety Measures [2]

1. People who have been specially trained to work on equipment of this type are allowed to work on the plant.

2. The locksmith must be familiar with safety and industrial sanitation regulations before starting work on the plant. Study the device and operating rules of the unit.

3. Workplaces near the plant should be free and clean. The spilled oil must be collected and removed.

4. It is forbidden to work on a faulty installation.

Drawings content

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