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Machining process of rear axle differential satellite of ZiL-53011 vehicle

  • Added: 26.05.2014
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Full draft - all drawings and note. The ZiL-53011 car uses a symmetrical gear-type inter-wheel differential. It is a three-link planetary mechanism. The differential is made with a detachable case with 4 satellites. To increase the service life of the differential, steel washers are installed between the support surfaces of the satellites and semi-axial gears, reducing friction. For the manufacture of differential gears, 12KHN3 steels are used.

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. Preface 1 2. Assignment for the development of the course project

3. Introduction

4. Characteristics and analysis of part design 4 4.1. Part Constructability Analysis

4.2. Select Part Material

5.Define Production Type and Lot Quantities

6. Characteristics and analysis of the workpiece

6.1. Feasibility Study of Procurement Method

6.2. Procurement Production Process

7. Development of machining process

7.1. Analysis of existing process plan

7.2. Selection and justification of bases

8. Calculation of processing allowances

9. Calculation of cutting modes

9.1. Calculation of cutting modes during processing on multi-tool


10. Technical rationing of machining operations

10.1. Calculation of part processing time per operation

10.2. Defining the Main Time in Turning

10.3. Define Auxiliary Time

10.4. Determining Service and Rest Times

11. Calculation of machine tool

12. Literature


Scientific and technological progress is a continuous process of discovering new knowledge and applying it in public production, allowing us to connect and combine existing resources in a new way in order to increase the production of high-quality end products at the lowest cost.

In a broad sense scientific and technical progress is meant as creation and introduction of the new equipment, technology, materials, use of new types of energy and also emergence of earlier unknown methods of the organization and production management. The introduction of new technology and technology is a very complex and controversial process. It is generally accepted that improving technical means reduces labor costs, the share of labor in the stability of a unit of production. However, at present, technological progress is "becoming more expensive" because it requires the creation and use of increasingly expensive machines, lines, robots, computer controls, and increased environmental protection costs. All this affects the increase in the cost of depreciation and maintenance of the used fixed assets in the cost-effectiveness of products. A potential approach to the concept of "new technology" for a particular production is to assess the possibility with its help to achieve the goals of an enterprise or firm in a short time. Therefore, for any particular production of a new one, there may be a technology that is not the most progressive, but allows raising the productivity and quality of products to a higher level.


The course project under the course "Automotive Engineering Technology" provides for the design of the technological process of mechanical processing of one of the typical parts of cars or tractors and means of technical equipment of the processing process for conditions of mass or large-scale production. In the task for the course design, issued by the consultant, it is indicated that it is necessary to design the process of mechanical processing of the satellite differential of the rear axle of the Zil53011 car.

Feasibility study of the procurement method.

The selection of the workpiece and its design is the responsible work performed at the initial stage of the design of the technological process for the manufacture of the part. The nature of the processing process and the performance of the part depend to a large extent on the choice of the method of obtaining the workpiece. The more the shape of the workpiece approaches the shape of the finished part, the less time and expense it takes to process. The overall seatability of the part includes the seatability of the workpiece itself and machining. Therefore, the manufacturing process of the part must be considered in a comprehensive manner, including the production process of the workpiece. In this process, the method of stamping on crank presses is used to obtain the workpiece. In this case, this is the most practical way.

Procurement production process.

On presses it is possible to stamp details weighing up to 200 kg of type of flat forgings, gear wheels, crosspieces with a round nave, round and square flanges with naves, step shafts, valovshesteryon, rotary fists, levers, connecting rods, crankshafts, etc.

Stamping on crank presses is 2-3 times more productive, allowances and tolerances are 2035% lower compared to stamping on hammers, metal consumption is reduced by 1015%.

During stamping, profile rolled stock or rolled stock obtained on forging rollers is used.

Analysis of existing process plan.

The sequence of machining of the part surface for achieving the specified accuracy and quality of machining is selected rationally. Base surfaces are selected correctly, the principle of base unity is observed. The accuracy of the equipment corresponds to the performed operations. Cutting modes correspond to cutting tool, processed material and process equipment. Therefore, this process does not need to be upgraded.

Selection and justification of bases.

Errors that occur when basing and fixing machined parts directly affect the accuracy of the coordinating dimensions and the ratio, therefore the issue of choosing bases is of great importance.

Bases exist basic and auxiliary. In this case, the end is the main base, and the hole for the cross is the auxiliary.

There are database selection rules:

1. Clean installation bases must coincide with design bases, which eliminates the basing error (indeed, almost all dimensions are tied to one main base, purely reversed. the surface on which the part is placed).

2. Bases must ensure the greatest stability and least deformation of the part from clamping and cutting forces (this rule is fully observed).

3. It is necessary to observe the principle of constancy of bases, that is, that all exact surfaces on all operations are processed from the same installation bases. When changing bases during the process, additional errors arise depending on the state of the surfaces of the installation bases and the accuracy of their location relative to the previously used bases (these bases are used at all positions, which indicates compliance with this rule).

Drawings content

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