HVAC of office complex with underground parking

- Added: 14.08.2014
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Level -2
Parking for 90 car seats.
Project's Content
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Additional information
General part
The designed office complex is located at: Moscow, Nagatinskaya street, d. 4G, building 1. The complex includes the following functional zones:
Level -2
Parking for 90 cars. On the floor there are technical rooms: plenum ventilation chamber, electronic panel.
Level -1
Parking on 58 car places. On the floor there are technical rooms: plenum ventilation chamber, ITP room, electrical panel, BRU room, pump room of household and fire water supply, refrigeration center, rooms for overheat fans.
Level + 1
Open parking. Entrance groups for visitors, administrative premises, as well as technical. TP and FRL rooms
Level + 2 to + 12
Office space.
Level + 13
Technical floor with ventilation equipment placed on it.
Dry coolers are openly placed on the roof.
The section "Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning" of the office complex is developed on the basis of:
Architectural and construction drawings;
Requirements of regulatory documents of the Russian Federation;
Technical assignment for complex design development.
The equipment of the building with the proposed engineering systems provides the required parameters of the microclimate of the premises at the level of modern requirements, including reliability and operational efficiency.
All systems are equipped with automatic control, control and remote control of the automated control system (ACS) of the building.
Individual heat station
The source of heat supply of the complex is urban heating networks. Coolant parameters - 130/70 ° С.
The general thermal load of all complex makes Qsum = 2.801 Gcal/h (3257 kW), the heat carrier on a complex is accepted with parameters: on ventilation - 90 °C70 °C, on heating - 85 °C65 °C .
Heat consumers are:
ceiling air heaters installed in the parking lot;
radiator heating systems of administrative, public areas of the building, technical premises;
heat supply system of air heaters of ventilation systems of administrative and public areas of the building, technical premises;
air-heat curtains;
hot water supply system.
Heating, ventilation and WAN systems of the complex are connected according to an independent two-circuit scheme using detachable plate heat exchangers (type "AlfaLaval"). The equipment is installed in an individual thermal station (ITP), which is located on the -1st floor of the complex.
The ITP room houses equipment of heat supply systems - heat exchangers, filling station, circulation pumps, in the floor of the ITP rooms there is a ramp.
Heat exchangers for the following consumers are located in the ITR room:
system ventilation systems;
complex heating systems;
system of the system WAN.
Heat exchangers of heating and heating ventilation systems have 100% reserve.
Hot water supply system provides water supply with temperature of 55 ° С. A two-stage hot water treatment system is provided. During the preventive work of heat networks, the design provides capacitive electric heaters with a volume of 1100 liters per 100 kW.
Calculation of hot water system heat exchanger capacity is made on the basis of SNiP 2.04.0185 * "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings."
Circulation pumps of heating and ventilation systems have 100% redundancy. Pumps are switched from operating to standby in automatic mode.
Extended vertical and horizontal sections of pipes of heating, heat supply systems of ventilation and WCS are designed with installation of By-pass and bellows compensators for compensation of thermal elongations.
To maintain the required temperature of the return water in the heat point, two-way valves are installed on the return circuit of the coolant of the heating, ventilation and WAN heat supply systems and temperature sensors.
The necessary number of shutoff valves, indicating pressure gauges and thermometers, as well as sensors for normal operation of the systems is provided in the ITP room.
To compensate for temperature expansions of water in heat supply systems, the use of a pressure maintenance station is provided. In the premises of ITP, it is provided to install "commercial" heat meters on all groups of heat supply and heating systems for settlements with tenants.
For ITP, water and gas pipelines made of black steel, corresponding to GOST 8731, are adopted. ITR pipelines are painted twice with primer before installation and after welding works before installation of heat insulation materials. It is then heat insulated by Termaflex mineral wool cylinders with galvanized steel casing. Isolation valves shall also be heat insulated.
Main pipelines are designed with a slope of 0.002 towards the ITP. All low points of the systems provide for the installation of drain cranes for the possibility of emptying the system. At all higher points, air collectors must be installed to allow air to descend. Adjustment valves are provided on all branches to allow hydraulic linkage.
Heating systems
Water and air heating systems are designed in the complex building. Water heating systems are adopted as double-tube systems with lower wiring and dead end movement of the coolant. Parameters of heating systems are accepted 85 °C65 °C (water). Steel radiators are used as heating devices. Heating devices are equipped with thermostatic, shutoff and air discharge valves. Maintenance of design temperature in parking during cold period is carried out using heating units.
Independent circuits of the system heating systems are provided for control of the required amount of heat output:
Housing 1
Housing 2
Piping of heating systems to radiators is performed under the slab of the serviced floor. Pipelines for piping shall be metal-plastic. After installation, metal plastic pipelines are heat insulated "Termaflex." On radiator heating systems, the necessary shutoff valves and air drain valves (Mayevsky cranes) are installed, which allow for adjustment and balancing, as well as for disconnecting or dismantling each device. Automatic air vents are provided at the upper points of the systems to discharge air from the heating system. In addition, compensators are installed on risers to compensate for linear extensions. Piping and heating equipment shall be designed for a pressure of not less than 10 bar at + 100 ° C.
For main and riser pipelines of heating systems, water and gas pipelines made of black steel are adopted, corresponding to GOST 1070491, up to dy = 50 and for large diameters steel seamless pipelines are used, corresponding to GOST 873278. When pipelines cross building structures, sleeves are installed with subsequent sealing of clearances with non-combustible materials. Main and riser pipelines of heating systems are painted twice with primer before installation and after welding works before installation of heat insulation materials, then pipelines are heat insulated with mineral wool cylinders of Termaflex company. Pipelines laid open in the premises of public areas are covered with casings made of polymer materials. Isolation valves shall also be heat insulated.
Main piping shall be installed with a slope of 0.002 towards the technical premises or to branch tie-in points. At all low points of pipelines it is provided to install drain cranes for the possibility of system emptying. Air collectors with air vents must be installed at all higher points to allow air to descend.
Heating of ventilation, air conditioning and air-heat curtains
Heat supply systems of heating heaters of plenum plants are designed double-tube with dead end water movement. The coolant of the systems is water, with a temperature of 9070 ° С. Heat supply systems are connected to the heat supply source according to an independent scheme. In the room of the heat station, qualitative control of the coolant is carried out through a two-way valve according to the temperature schedule and the temperature of the return coolant. For each plenum unit, individual control of the coolant is carried out by valves with electric drives, which are installed on return pipelines and provide the specified air temperature after the heater. Heat supply systems are equipped with the necessary amount of shut-off and control valves and have circulation pumps. Circulation pumps of heat supply systems are provided with frequency control in order to maintain constant pressure in the heat supply network.
Each plenum unit has freeze protection. For this purpose, circulation pumps are installed, designed for the maximum load on the coolant flow rate and capable of overcoming the hydraulic resistances of all shutoff valves and heaters at this flow rate.
Pumps are installed next to calorifers (they are included in the binding unit). Piping to plenum systems is provided in the ventilation chambers room.
The project provides for the installation of water air-heat curtains on the entrance ramp and on the entrance groups of the complex. Air-heat curtains have their own room temperature control unit.
Total thermal power of air-heat curtains of parking and public premises is presented in the table of loads of heat supply systems.
Isolation valves are installed in technical rooms, behind suspended ceilings of corridors and auxiliary rooms for the possibility of disconnection of branches of independent circuits and for the possibility of water lowering without interference with personnel operation.
For the heating system of ventilation plants, water and gas pipelines made of black steel, corresponding to GOST 1070491, are adopted. When pipelines cross building structures, sleeves are installed with subsequent sealing of clearances with non-combustible materials. Pipelines of heat supply systems are painted twice with primer before installation and after welding works before installation of heat insulation materials. The heat supply pipelines are then heat insulated with Termaflex material. Pipelines laid open in the premises of public areas are covered with casings made of polymer materials. Isolation valves shall also be heat insulated.
Main piping shall be installed with a slope of 0.002 towards the technical premises or to branch tie-in points. At all low points of pipelines it is provided to install drain cranes for the possibility of system emptying. Air collectors with air vents must be installed at all higher points to allow air to descend.
Cold supply systems
To maintain the required microclimate parameters in the warm season, independent cold supply systems for the following groups of consumers are provided in the public and administrative premises of the office complex:
- office premises of building 1
- office premises of building 2
- server rooms
The cold supply system of the complex is designed using water-cooled refrigerators located in the cooling center on the -1st floor. "Dry coolers" are placed on roof of housing 2.
During the operation of the system in the cold period, a free cold mode is provided. On the -1st floor, a technical room of the cold center is provided, in which there are: water-cooled refrigeration machines, plate heat exchangers, circulation pumps connected to distribution headers of cold supply systems. In the cold center room, in accordance with the design, the required number of shutoff valves, indicating pressure gauges and thermometers, as well as sensors for normal operation of cold supply systems is installed. Floating floors are designed to reduce vibration from equipment in the cold supply pump room.
To compensate for temperature expansions of water in the cold center room, the installation of closed membrane expansion tanks is provided. Cold supply systems are fed automatically through solenoid valve from cold water supply system. It is recommended to use hydraulic deaerators "Spirovent" to increase service life of pipelines and reduce oxygen content in water.
Systems with cold carrier glycol are recharged from the make-up pump in manual and automatic modes from tanks with finished glycol solution. Signal about makeup necessity is displayed on control panel of ACS operators.
Backup tanks are installed in the technical rooms for temporary storage of glycol solution before its disposal or for temporary emptying of any of the systems for preventive work. The volume of tanks is assumed to be 150% of the volume of all pipelines and condenser units. For temporary storage and preparation of glycol solutions, plastic tanks resistant to aggressive media, factory-made or stainless steel tanks can be used.
The disposal of glycol solutions is carried out by specialized organizations. Discharge of 45% propylene glycol solution into sewage systems is not allowed.
For cold supply systems with cold carrier glycol, black steel pipelines corresponding to GOST 1070491 are adopted, and for cold supply systems with cold carrier water, galvanized pipelines corresponding to GOST 1070491 are adopted. "HILTI" clamps with rubber insert are used for pipes attachment. Casings are installed at points of intersection between pipelines of building structures with subsequent sealing of gaps with non-combustible materials.
Cold supply system pipelines are painted twice with primer before installation and after welding works before installation of heat insulation materials. The piping is then heat insulated with Termaflex materials 1319 mm thick. Shut-off valves and process equipment shall be heat insulated with Termaflex mats. Pipelines passing outside the building along the roof of the complex are heat insulated and protected by galvanized steel shells 0.6 mm thick.
Main pipelines shall be installed with a slope of 0.002 towards the technical rooms. At all low points of pipelines it is provided to install drain cranes for the possibility of system emptying. Air collectors and vents must be installed at all higher points to allow air to descend. Balancing valves are installed on all risers and extended branches.
Technical parameters of cold supply systems equipment:
- System type - water-cooled refrigerating machine Qx = 1038 kW (total 2 pcs);
- Total capacity - 2076 kw;
- Refrigerant - Freon R134a;
- Coolant - propylene glycol solution 45% 4 ° C - 9 ° C;
- "Dry" cooling tower of chillers - Tnar = + 31 ° С, Qx = 1290 kW (total 2 pcs)
- Total capacity - 2580 kw.
- "Dry" cooling tower of free cold - Tnar = 5 ° С, Qx = 400 kW (1 pcs in total)
Heat recovery systems with intermediate coolant
Systems for heat recovery of ventilation systems with intermediate coolant are designed in order to recover the heat of exhaust air of general ventilation systems. The system consists of two recuperative heat exchangers at the plenum and exhaust plants, a closed circuit with an intermediate coolant, a circulation pump, an expansion tank and the required valves. The intermediate coolant is water and glycol solution of 45%.
Circulation pumps operate at constant speed during cold season.
Three-way valve with electric drive with smooth adjustment, which protects heat exchanger of exhaust plant from freezing of condensate and is controlled by temperature of exhaust air downstream of the plant, is installed at heat recovery unit of exhaust plant. In the warm period of the year, the system does not work.
For recovery systems, water and gas pipelines made of black steel, corresponding to GOST 1070491, are adopted. When pipelines cross building structures, sleeves are installed with subsequent sealing of clearances with non-combustible materials. Pipelines are painted twice with primer, before installation and after welding works before installation of heat insulation materials. After priming the pipelines are heat insulated with 19 mm thick Termaflex materials. Shut-off valves and process equipment shall be heat insulated with Termaflex mats.
Main pipelines shall be laid with a slope of 0.002 towards the technical rooms. At all low points of pipelines it is provided to install drain cranes for the possibility of system emptying. Air collectors with air vents must be installed at all higher points to allow air to descend.
Makeup of all systems with intermediate coolant is performed from makeup pump in manual mode of start-up from tanks with finished glycol solution.
Condensate removal from air coolers and heat absorbers is provided in the ventilation chambers ladders with a hydraulic lock with a height determined by calculation.
The main equipment of heat recovery systems is also located in the ventilation chambers .
Composition of central air conditioners of systems serving office premises:
Flexible inserts
Recuperative heat exchanger with intermediate coolant
EU3 Filter
EU7 filter
Air heater 90 ° С-70 ° C
Air cooler 7 ° С-12 °
Drip trap (calculated)
Adiabate humidifier
Air heater 65 ° C-40 ° C
Noise suppressor
Ventilation chambers bordering rooms with high acoustic requirements shall be soundproofed (see Section IVS).
Backup tanks for temporary storage of glycol solution before its disposal or for temporary emptying of any of the systems for preventive works are installed in technical rooms with accommodation of ventilation equipment. The volume of tanks is accepted 150% of the volume of all pipelines and heaters. For temporary storage and preparation of glycol solutions, factory-made stainless steel tanks or plastic tanks resistant to aggressive media can be used.
General ventilation systems
General ventilation systems are designed to ensure permissible air parameters depending on the purpose of the premises and taking into account the required air exchanges.
Division and integration of serviced areas of ventilation systems is carried out according to functional purpose, microclimate parameters and operation modes of serviced rooms, as well as taking into account fire compartments.
Ventilation systems provide ambient air flow in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards.
Main air ducts of plenum systems are made of galvanized steel 0.5 mm thick (for the edge of air ducts up to 250 mm); 0.7 (up to 1000 mm); 1.0 (up to 2000mm) and 1.2 (over 2000mm).
The degree of density of air ducts corresponds to class "A" in accordance with the international classification of air ducts and class "P" in accordance with SNiP 41012003. Attachment of air ducts is provided on flanges. Plenum external air ducts of general exchange ventilation are heat insulated by mineral wool with thickness of 50 mm with foiled external surface. Air ducts on the air intake part of the units are heat insulated with Termaflex material with foiled surface and thickness sufficient to prevent condensation on the outside of the ducts.
In accordance with the current regulatory documents, all transit air ducts are covered with fire-retardant materials to ensure the required fire resistance. When air ducts cross partitions with an abnormal fire resistance limit, the gap between the wall and the air duct is tightly sealed with non-combustible materials. When air ducts cross fire walls, partitions and floors, fire retardant valves shall be installed with fire resistance redistribution in accordance with regulatory documents. All fire retardant valves are accepted with electric drives.
The main equipment of plenum and exhaust ventilation systems is located in the technical rooms of the parking ventilation chambers, as well as on the roof of the 9th floor of building 2.
The equipment in the ventilation chambers is controlled from the shields located in the same ventilation chambers, and the equipment on the roof is controlled from the electric panels located at the level of the roof of the complex near these ventilation chambers. All display devices are available and are in close proximity to the units.
Plenum and exhaust plants are located taking into account the convenience of their operation, as well as taking into account the technical possibility of installing (dismantling) the main equipment. To remove accidental water from the systems located in the technical rooms of the ventilation chambers, the installation of ladders is necessary.
Air conditioning systems
Air conditioning systems provide the required air parameters (cooling of air in the warm period of the year, humidification of air in the cold - see table "internal parameters"), depending on the purpose of the rooms and taking into account the required air exchanges.
Division and integration of serviced areas of central ventilation air conditioners is carried out according to functional purpose, microclimate parameters and operation modes of serviced rooms, as well as taking into account fire compartments.
In the premises of the office part it is provided to install funcoils and provide supply air cooled in the central air conditioners to the design temperature in the premises. When selecting funcoils, the design cooling capacity should be taken as the unit capacity when the fan is operating at medium speed.
For server rooms condenser water supply (ethylene glycol 45%) is provided for possible connection of tenant air conditioners with condenser water cooling.
Main air ducts of plenum systems are made of galvanized steel 0.5mm thick (for duct rib up to 250mm); 0.7 (up to 1000 mm); 1.0 (up to 2000 mm); 1.2 (over 2000mm).
The degree of density of air ducts corresponds to class "A" in accordance with the international classification of air ducts and class "P" in accordance with SNiP 41012003. Attachment of air ducts is provided on flanges. Plenum air ducts of central air conditioners are heat insulated by mineral wool with thickness of 50 mm with foiled external surface. Air ducts on the air intake part of the plants are heat insulated with Termaflex material with foiled surface and thickness sufficient to prevent condensation on the outside of the ducts.
In accordance with the current regulatory documents, all transit air ducts are covered with fire-retardant materials to ensure the required fire resistance. When air ducts cross partitions with an abnormal fire resistance limit, the gap between the wall and the channel is tightly sealed with non-combustible materials. When air ducts cross fire walls, partitions and ceilings, fire retardant valves shall be installed with fire resistance rating in accordance with regulatory documents. All fire retardant valves are accepted with electric drives.
The main central conditioning equipment is located in the ventilation chambers of the 7th floor of the building of the 1st and 9th and 13th floors of the building of the 2nd.
Ventilation chambers bordering rooms with high acoustic requirements shall be soundproofed (see Section IVS). Condensate removal from pallets of central air conditioners is performed in the ladders of ventilation chambers with hydraulic lock with height determined by calculation.
The equipment is controlled from the shields located in the same ventilation chambers, the equipment on the roof is controlled from the rooms of electrical panels located at the level of the roof of the complex near these ventilation chambers. All display devices are available and are in close proximity to the units.
The central air conditioners are located with due regard to their ease of operation, as well as taking into account the technical possibility of installing (dismantling) the main equipment.
Fire-fighting measures for "s and sq" systems
Fire safety in heating systems is provided by the following design solutions:
the building is equipped with water and air heating systems;
pipelines at the intersection of floors, internal walls and partitions are laid in metal sleeves with subsequent sealing of gaps with non-combustible materials to provide a normalized fire resistance limit of the enclosure;
heating devices are provided with a smooth surface that allows easy cleaning;
heat insulation is provided from non-combustible materials.
Fire safety in general ventilation and air conditioning systems is provided by the following design solutions:
maintenance of separate ventilation systems of various functional premises;
installation of fire-retardant valves with rated fire resistance limits at the points where air ducts intersect fire barriers (walls and floors);
presence of vent system status alarm;
automatic shutdown of general ventilation systems in case of fire;
heat insulation is provided from non-combustible materials.
In the UPS room, server rooms, as well as the uninterruptible power supply room, where the installation of gas fire extinguishing systems is provided, ventilation systems are equipped with fire retardant valves. The removal of combustion products and gases of fire extinguishing agents after a fire is carried out by a smoke removal system serving only this zone, as well as mobile mobile smoke pumps.
Structural solutions of "s and sq" systems
Horizontal laying of air ducts is designed behind suspended ceilings of corridors and serviced rooms. In technical rooms it is assumed open laying of communications.
Air intakes in the ventilation chambers are made through air intake grids located at the level of the roof, and for roof installations air intakes with protective visors are provided. The distance between plenum and exhaust grates of general ventilation is designed at least 10 m.
All ventilation units and central air conditioners are provided on foundations. Fans are installed on frames with vibration insulation.
Noise and
vibration protection measures
Heating and ventilation systems are designed taking into account the requirements of SNiP 23032003 "Noise Protection."
Heating systems are provided with pipe attachments using rubber gaskets. Coolant speed in pipelines is accepted not more than values set by SNiP 41012003 (2.04.0591 *). Heat supply pumps are installed on foundations, flexible inserts (rubber compensators) are used to connect pumps to pipelines.
Ventilation systems are equipped with noise silencers, ventilation units on vibration isolators, flexible inserts for connection of suction and pressure nozzles of fans, which provide the normalized noise level from the operated equipment. Panels of housings of plenum and exhaust units are provided in low noise version with insulation by noise absorbing material. Soundproofing of building structures is provided in the rooms of ventilation chambers, cold center and ITP room (see section of NPP), as well as "floating" floors.
Energy-saving activities
To meet the requirements of TSN 2330499 and in order to save energy resources, the project uses the following solutions:
all external fences (walls, coverings, windows) are made taking into account energy saving conditions in accordance with SNiP 23022003. Fencing structures are specified in the architectural and construction section of the project (see VOLUME-2);
For all heat supply systems (heating of ventilation systems, air-heat curtains and heating) in the heating station and locally in the premises, automation is provided that reduces the supply of heat depending on the temperature of the outside air and heat inputs of the building from internal and external sources (lighting, equipment, visitors, solar insulation);
each radiator is equipped with a thermostatic head for quantitative control of coolant parameters, which allows saving heat resources for heating systems, recycling heat inputs from other temporary sources (electric lighting, office equipment, visitors, etc.);
actuation of systems of air-heat curtains and heat fans is carried out automatically by readings of temperature sensors, and is also interlocked with opening and closing of doors of input groups;
General ventilation systems of offices are equipped with recuperative heat exchangers for heat recovery of exhaust air.
Automation of "s and sq" systems
The project provides for automation of heating, ventilation and smoke removal systems:
Disconnection of ventilation systems in case of fire and activation of smoke protection systems;
Protection of calorifers from freezing;
Interlocking of coolant and fan actuation with opening of heat valve;
Interlock "air valve";
Locking of systems;
Monitoring of system operation status (ON/OFF/ALARM) and protection switching;
Control and regulation of parameters of engineering systems.
The following automation scope is provided for ventilation systems:
- control of supply air temperature by valves with electric drives on coolant pipelines,
- preliminary 3-minute heating of calorifers at starting of plenum system,
- display of system health information and alarm signal,
- monitoring of filters contamination condition;
- blocking of supply and exhaust systems serving one functional area,
- automatic disconnection of common ventilation systems in case of fire,
- automatic (programmable) activation of ventilation systems before the start of the working shift and disconnection of systems after the completion of work in the building.
Automatic system operation control mode is duplicated by manual control. The control mode is selected by the building engineering systems operation service.
Structural diagrams of automatic control and dispatching systems (ACS)
Equipment and materials
The project at this stage "Project" provides for the use of domestic and imported equipment and materials.
All equipment and materials used for the construction of the complex are certified for use in the Russian Federation.








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