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Office center design with underground 2-level parking

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Sections: Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, heat supply and cold supply and smoke ventilation.

The designed "Office Center" is a 9-story building.

Project's Content

icon Воздухообмен УралСбербанк.xls
icon ДУ и ПД УралСбербанк.xls
icon дым.doc
icon Покровка записка1.doc
icon Принципиальная схема холода.dwg
icon Приток Вытяжка УралСбербанк.dwg
icon Приток и Вытяжка УралСбербанк.xls
icon расчет дыма.xls
icon Черновик.dwg

Additional information

Explanatory Note for Project Development

Office center with underground 2-level parking at:

st. Pokrovka, vl.47, CAO

Sections: Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, heat supply and cold supply and smoke ventilation.

This project is executed in accordance with the current rules and instructions, including explosion and fire safety.

1. General part

The development of the project is carried out on the basis of:

1.1 Engineering Specification.

1.2 Architectural drawings of ABK LLC;

Technological assignment for the catering unit;

1.4 Effective SNiP:

SNiP 2.04.0591 * - Heating, ventilation and air conditioning;

MGSN 4.0494 - Multifunctional buildings and complexes;

SNiP II379 * - Construction heat engineering;

SNiPII1277 - Noise protection;

MGSN 5.0101 (with amendments) - Car parks (Car parking lots);

SNiP 230199 - Construction climatology;

SNiP2.04.0786 - Heat networks;

SNiP2.01.0285 - Fire safety standards;

SNiP 2.08.0289 * * Public buildings and structures;

MGSN 2.01.99 - Energy saving in buildings;

IGSN 4.1798 - Cultural and entertainment institutions;

IGSN 2. 04 97 - Permissible parameters of noise, vibration and soundproofing requirements in residential and public buildings;

SNiP 210299 (from 10.03) - Car parking;

GOST 12.100588 - Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the working area air;

Manual to MGSN5.01.94 * - Car parking;

Recommendations for smoke protection in case of fire (to SNiP 2.04.0591 *) MDS 411.99;

MGSN 4.1498 - Catering enterprises;

Designed "Office Center" - is a 9-story building. Basement floors of the building are located at elevation -3.30, -6.30and -9.30 (elevations of clean floor). Most of the area of ​ ​ underground floors is occupied by parking lots: at an elevation of -9.30 at 27 m/m and -6.30 at 23 m/m. Underground parking is connected by a common ramp. At elev. -3.30 there are a restaurant and utility rooms, a water metering unit and ITP, an automatic fire extinguishing room. At el. -6.30 in axes AB/1 * 1 there is a ventilation chamber of plenum smoke ventilation of the PD1 system. In the ramp area there are ventilation chambers for smoke plenum ventilation, as well as for parking facilities and a restaurant with a kitchen. From the 19story there are offices. This part of the building is 3 and 9 storeys high. Ventilation chambers (technical floor) are located at elevation 30.00.

1.5 Design parameters of internal air in the room are accepted in accordance with SNiP:

permissible limits of temperature and relative humidity in conditioned rooms:

main premises - office.

winter Tvn = + 18 ° C 20 ° C ¼ = not normalized

summer Tvn. = +23 25 °C ϕ-no more than 65%

lobbies, restaurants.

winter Tvn = + 18 ° C 20 ° C ¼ = not normalized

summer Tvn. = +23 25 °C ϕ-no more than 65%

permissible limits of temperature and relative humidity in rooms with plenum ventilation.


parking - + 5 ° C;

technical rooms - + 16 ° C;

locker rooms and showers - + 25 ° C;

in the summer period of the year Tvn are not normalized

Air speed is not more than - summer 0.3 m/s, winter - 0.2 m/s,

1.4 Design parameters of outdoor air:

a) Warm period of the year

for ventilation systems Tnar = 22.3 ° C J nr = 49.4 kJ/kg

(parameters A)

for conditioning systems Tnar = 28.5 ° C ¼ = 38% J Nar = 54.0kJ/kg

(parameters B) -

b) Cold period of the year

for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems

Tnar = 28.0 ° C Jnar = 27.3 kJ/kg

c) Transition period of the year

for heating and ventilation systems

Tnar = 8 ° C Jnar = 22.5 kJ/kg

(barometric pressure 745 mm Hg. St

2. Heating

Design heat transfer resistances of enclosing structures are accepted according to MGSN 2.0199 "Energy Saving in Buildings" and SNiP 11379 * * "Construction Heat Engineering" and calculations see separate volume on Energy Efficiency as follows:

R walls = 3.15 m2 ° C/W;

R cover (roof) = 4.4 m2 ° C/W;

Rok. (triple) = 0.46 m2 ° C/W;

R double glass = 0.4 m2 ° C/W;

Heating is designed single-zone.

Heat carrier parameters ΔТ =8560 °C;

Heating of car parks is designed by water with water parameters of 8560 ° С. The heating system is common for 2x - levels of car parks. The system is accepted as double-tube with horizontal wiring on floors. Registers made of smooth pipes are used as heating devices. At the entrance to the parking lot, an air-heat curtain with water heating, coolant parameters 10060 ° С was designed. A separate heat metering is provided for parking .

For the office part with the restaurant, separate heating systems are designed, each with its own heat consumption metering unit. Coolant parameters 8560 ° С.

For the office part, a vertical double-tube heating system with lower mains wiring for parking spaces at the elevation of -6.30. is adopted. On the instructions of the customer, heating devices are accepted by steel radiators of the KERMI type or the like. Thermostatic cranes "Danfoss" or "Heimaer" are installed at heating radiators with pre-installation adjustment on the pipeline supplying the heating device (the thermostat installed directly at the device allows the consumer to control the internal temperature in the room). Shut-off and control valves (balance valves) are installed on heating risers.

Thermal curtains (water curtains) are designed at the entrances to the offices.

The connection of heating systems is provided according to an independent scheme, see a separate section of the project.

Heating system parameters control and monitoring devices are installed in ITR.

3. Ventilation and air conditioning

The selection of basic ventilation and air conditioning schemes is made depending on the purpose, operating modes of the rooms, the nature and magnitude of heat inputs, the number of people and the location of the room in the building.

Air conditioning is designed for the following rooms:


restaurant with kitchen;


Air conditioning systems (K1 and K2 systems) are designed for the restaurant and kitchen. Straight-flow systems. Air exchange was determined by calculation taking into account heat inputs and multiplicities.

Air conditioning system (K3, K3 system ") is designed for offices. Air exchange was determined on the basis of 40 m3/h per 1 operating one. Direct-flow systems with steam humidification in winter are adopted.

The central installations for fresh air supply are designed according to the following scheme: K1 and K2 (restaurant) - 2 filters (panel and bag), winter-1 heating, summer - cooling in the air cooler of the plenum plant, K3 and K3 "(offices) - 2 filters (panel and bag), winter-1 heating and evaporation, summer - without cooling in the central plenum plant.

Installations K1 and K2 are located in the ventilation chamber at the elevation of -3.30, and exhaust ones in the ventilation chamber at elev. 30.00.

K3, K3 "and exhaust units are located in the ventilation chamber at elevation 30.00.

The diagram of air ducts is accepted as vertical with installation of fire-retarding valves on floor branches.

The main decisions on the method and sequence of air treatment, the basic decisions on regulation, as well as the organization of automatic control and control are shown on the schematic diagrams. All equipment is designed in low noise.

Plenum ventilation systems have been designed for parking rooms. In total, 1 inflow system (P1) for 2 floors of car parks and exhaust system -B1 (installation with two engines from the car park and B2 from the ramp was designed. Fire-retardant valves with fire resistance limit EI60 are installed in ventilation ducts at the points of their intersection with fire barriers, as well as at the points of connection of horizontal ducts to vertical headers. Calculation of air exchange for parkings was determined by the following technique of ONTP0191 and MGSN 5.0101 appendix 2 of item 1.1 and item 2.2

4. Heat supply

For connection of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and hot water supply systems there is an individual heat station located in the basement at the elevation of -3.30.

Connection of ventilation, air conditioning, heating and air-heat curtains is designed as follows:

Radiator heating is single-zone by independent circuit through heat exchanger with parameters of local water ΔT = 8560 ° C.

Ventilation and air conditioning.

heaters of the 1st heating are connected according to a dependent scheme

ΔT = 10060 ° C. (since the ventilation chamber for K1 is located on the upper technical floor)

All corrosion resistant piping, ARMAFLEX insulation or THRESHOLD.

Protective coating - aluminium or galvanized sheets.

5. Noise Control Activities

In all rooms, depending on their purpose, the sound pressure level from the operating equipment is normalized and it should not exceed LA and Laeq in dBA:

restaurant halls - 50 dBA;

offices, administration - 45dBA ;

Maintaining it is achieved by observing the appropriate measures for silencing the air noise of fan units and vibration of plumbing equipment.

These activities include:

1. Connect fans and pumps to duct and piping networks using soft inserts.

2. Installation of silencers on main ducts, as well as on air intakes and emissions in central air conditioners.

3. Air ducts and pipelines are attached on suspensions with shock-absorbing gaskets.

4. Acoustic treatment of building structures of ventilation chambers.

5. Device, "floating" floors in ventilation chambers. All equipment for ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems is designed for imported low-noise design.

6. Smoke ventilation

To ensure the evacuation of people in the event of a fire in the building, smoke protection systems of the building are designed using ventilation systems, which consist of:

removal of smoke from corridors where fire has occurred (DN1 and DN2 systems);

in smoke removal from car parks premises (DC3 system);

in removal of smoke from the ramp room (natural smoke removal system through N.Z smoke removal valve);

in creation of overpressure in staircases of the underground part of the building (PD1 and PD3 systems);

in creation of overpressure in staircases of the above-ground part of the building (PD6 and PD7 systems);

in creation of overpressure in air locks in front of elevators of underground part of the building (PD4 system);

creation of overpressure in elevator shafts of the above-ground part of the building (PD8 and PD9 systems);

air supply before the entrances to the isolated ramps from the floors on the parking lot side in front of the fire gate for the air curtain with nozzles at a speed of 10 m/s; (PD2 system));

air supply to the ramp for compensation of natural smoke removal (PD5 system);

Calculation of smoke ventilation was performed according to "Recommendation on smoke protection in case of fire (to SNiP *) MDS 411.99) and Appendix 22 SNiP"

7. Energy Efficiency

The design focused on energy efficiency. Energy costs are expected to be reduced through the following project activities, namely:

distribution of ventilation systems and in accordance with the operating mode of the premises.

installation of thermostatic valves at heating devices;

8. Basic provisions for automation of ventilation systems.

The automation project is produced by a separate section.

The design provides for electrical diagram of remote control and automatic control of systems.

Control and control are focused on the central manager board.

The following are brought to the shield:

1. Remote start and stop of electric motors of all systems.

2. Alarm and operating alarm devices.

3. Remote temperature measurement.

Automatic control system provides for:

1. Maintenance of the specified supply air temperature by means of the temperature sensor action on the control valves installed on the pipelines near the heaters.

2. Maintenance of design winter and summer dew point temperature.

3. Protection of plenum system calorifers from freezing.

4. Disconnection of ventilation systems in case of fire and activation of smoke removal and air pressure systems.

Automatic locking shall include:

- opening and closing of outdoor air valves when fans are switched on and off;

- actuation of standby equipment in case of failure of the main one;

9. Equipment

For air conditioning and supply ventilation systems accept imported equipment.

Central air conditioners - VTS CLIMA, YORK, WOLF, Carrier.

Pumps - Grundfoss, WILO

Control valves - Danfos, Samson, Naval.

Airflow and control devices TROX, ABB.

Fire retardant valves and smoke removal valves - RUSSIA

Isolation valves and control valves - BROEN and BALOREX .

10. Heat supply

For connection of heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems there is a central heat station located in the basement of the 10th stage. The project for the reconstruction of the CTP is issued by a separate project.

Connection of ventilation, air conditioning, heating and air-heat curtains is designed as follows:

Heating - single-zone by independent circuit through heat exchanger with parameters of local water ΔT = 8560 ° C..

Ventilation and air conditioning.

heaters of the I-th heating are connected according to an independent circuit through a heat exchanger with local water parameters ΔT = 11060 ° C.

All corrosion resistant piping, ARMAFLEX insulation or THRESHOLD.

Protective coating - aluminium or galvanized sheets. For thermal loads, see the sheet with the general figures.

For thermal loads, see the sheet with the general figures.

11. Cold supply

Cold supply of conditioning units is carried out from 2 groups of refrigeration machines with air cooling of condensers (40/60% water-glycol mixture) by cooling of condensers.

2 refrigeration machines with a piston special compressor for high pressure grade LCHHM230 WL from YORK (England) are accepted for installation

Design design cooling load (summer) for air conditioning systems is ΑQ chol. = 950 + 546 + 100 = 1596 kW.

We accept a concurrency factor of 0.8.

ΑQchol. = 1596 x 0.8 = 1276 kW.

2 refrigeration machines (both working.) Are accepted for installation. Machines accepted by YORK (England) brand LCHHM230 WL.

Qkhol.=648 of kW everyone, a coolant of R407, Nkompr.=436 of kW, ΔТ = 6÷11 of °C (on the evaporator), with water glycolic cooling of the condenser, the number of compressors of 2 pieces, quantity of steps of regulation of 8 pieces, the consumed electric power of N = 216 kw Refrigerators, pumps are established in the basement. Pumps are installed as a unit with refrigeration machines. The air coolers of the central air conditioners and convectors FancoiL install 2-way control valves with a logarithmic characteristic, that is, the design adopted a quantitative system for regulating the cooling capacity of the central air conditioners and fan convectors Fancol, then for the hydraulic stability of the cold supply system in the upper ventilation chamber (12th floor) the SFMSON pressure stabilizer is installed.

To cool the condensers of refrigeration machines, Dry Cooler glycol axial coolers (free cooling units) of YORK (England) brand GAV 0615 S092x 5S 6 pcs. (all operating), cooling capacity Qchol. = 281.5 kW each, with a water glycol temperature ΔT = summer 40 45 ° C (mode ).

12. Noise Control Activities

In all rooms, depending on their purpose, the sound pressure level from the operating equipment is normalized and it should not exceed LA and Laeq in dBA:

Hotel rooms - 30 dBA;

Conference room - 35 dBA;

cafe halls, restaurants, foyer - 50 dBA;

offices, administration - 45dBA ;

Maintaining it is achieved by observing the appropriate measures for silencing the air noise of fan units and vibration of plumbing equipment.

These activities include:

1 Installation of refrigeration machines, fans and pumps on special vibration isolating bases with shock absorbers recommended by companies suppliers of the selected equipment.

2. Connect fans and pumps to duct and piping networks using soft inserts.

3. With a decrease in cold consumption (night time), the disconnection of the axial fans of the coolers is provided in the following order: the first to disconnect a number of fans on all coolers is the roof closest to the edge (from Neglinnaya St.).

4. Installation of silencers on main air ducts and acoustic isolation with installation of tubular silencers on branches in separate rooms and specifically on the supply air duct in each room after the regulating device, as well as on air intakes and emissions in central air conditioners.

5. Air ducts and pipelines are attached on suspensions with shock-absorbing gaskets.

6. Acoustic treatment of building structures of ventilation chambers.

7. Device, "floating" floors in ventilation chambers. All equipment for ventilation systems, heat - cold supply and heating is designed imported low-noise design

13. Smoke ventilation

To ensure the evacuation of people in the event of a fire in the building, smoke protection systems are designed using ventilation devices, which consist of:

removal of smoke from the corridors of the above-ground part of the hotel;

removing smoke from the corridors of the underground part of the hotel;

removal of smoke from the cold room of the owner;

removing smoke from the atrium;

smoke removal from the parking lot;

creation of excess in a tambour - a lock when leaving a parking lot into a common corridor;

in creating excess into staircases of type 2,

creating an excess of at least 20 Pa in the elevator shafts of the above-ground part of the hotel;

in creation of excess pressure of at least 20 Pa in the air lock in front of elevators descending into the basement;

removal of fire extinguishing products in diesel room;

Since the building is very complex and has many corridors without natural lighting, the optimal reduction in the number of exhaust smoke ventilation systems is achieved by using the installation of smoke valves on the branches of air ducts. In addition to mechanical systems, natural smoke removal is designed in the atrium room - automatic opening of framugs in the atrium dome.

Since in the hotel complex, automatic fire extinguishing is designed for all rooms and the areas of rooms without natural lighting are less than 200 m2, smoke removal systems are not designed directly from the rooms, only from corridors.

Calculation of smoke ventilation systems was made according to the manuals 4.91 and 14.91 to SNiP 2.04.0591 * "Smoke protection of buildings and structures," as well as according to Appendix 22 and item 5.16 in SNiP 2.04.0591 *.

The number of smoke removal mines is taken on the basis of - 1 mine per compartment with a length of 30 m. The calculation took into account smoke removal systems with two valves.

Summary characteristics of plenum smoke ventilation systems with the parameters required by calculation are presented in the tables.

Smoke removal and air pressure fans are located in separate ventilation chambers with fire partitions of the 1st type and on a roof made of non-combustible materials .

Exhaust smoke ventilation systems shall use ducts (air ducts) in the design corresponding to class "P," with a fire resistance limit of at least 1.0 hours (EI 60). Smoke valves of these systems shall be equipped with automatic and remotely controlled drives, and their fire resistance limit shall be not less than fire resistance limits of the channels in which they are installed. Fans of these systems - a special version with a fire resistance rating of 600 ° С/1h for car storage rooms of 400 ° С/2h in other cases.

Plenum smoke ventilation systems shall use channels of class "P" with fire resistance rating of 1 .00hr (EI 60). Normal-closed fire valves of these systems shall have fire resistance limits of at least 1.0 hour (EI 60) and be equipped with automatic and remotely controlled drives. General purpose fans can be used as fans for these systems.

Fire-retardant valves are installed on floor branches from common vertical headers, at the intersection of fire walls and on transit ducts. They must be automatic, remote and manual.

Opening of smoke removal valves and switching on of fans is provided from automatic smoke sensors and remotely from buttons installed on floors in fire cabinets.

Equipment used in smoke ventilation (fire protection coatings of air ducts, smoke and fire protection valves, smoke removal fans) shall be certified according to the Russian fire rating system in accordance with the established procedure.

For schematic diagrams of smoke ventilation systems, refer to LL 18,19.

14. Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Heating Automation Guidelines

The automation project is produced by a separate section.

The design provides for electrical diagram of remote control and automatic control of systems.

Control and control are focused on the central manager board.

The following are brought to the shield:

1. Remote start and stop of electric motors of all systems.

2. Alarm and operating alarm devices.

3. Remote temperature measurement.

4. Remote control of Danfoss thermostatic cranes at radiators and Fancoil in hotel rooms.

Automatic control system provides for:

1. Maintenance of the specified supply air temperature by means of the temperature sensor action on the control valves installed on the pipelines near the heaters.

2. Maintenance of design winter and summer dew point temperature.

3. Protection of plenum system calorifers from freezing.

4. Disconnection of ventilation systems in case of fire and activation of smoke removal and air pressure systems.

5. Maintaining the specified humidity by means of the action of the humidity sensor the steam humidifier system.

Automatic locking should be provided for

- opening and closing of outdoor air valves when fans are switched on and off;

- actuation of standby equipment in case of failure of the main one;

- switching on and off of coolant supply at switching on and off of air heaters and heating units.

15. Energy saving

Energy costs are expected to be reduced with the following measures envisaged in the draft for heating and ventilation systems:.

1) installation of thermostatic cranes on heating devices;

2) installation of circulation and mixing pumps at the heaters of the I-th heating for high-quality control;

3) breakdown of ventilation and air conditioning systems taking into account the operating mode of the premises;

16. Equipment

For air conditioning and supply ventilation systems accept imported equipment.

Central air conditioners - YORK, WOLF, Carrier.

Fancoil - YORK,Carrier, TRANE.

Refrigerators - YORK, Carrier, TRANE.

Heat exchangers - ALFA-LAVAL.

Pumps - Grundfoss

Control valves - Danfos, Samson, Naval.

Airflow and control devices TROX, ABB, IRIS.

Fire retardant valves and smoke removal valves - TROX, Manesmann.

Living Air electronic air purification systems.

Note that due to the complex structural features of the building, a lot of equipment is supposed to be installed on the roof, as well as part of the exhaust systems will be installed in the lower ventilation chambers and pressure air ducts will transit through the building.

Drawings content

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