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Gas supply to the boiler house 1.26MW

  • Added: 09.08.2014
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This section presents the internal gas supply of the boiler house 1.26MW 1. Explanatory note. 2. General Data 3. Boiler room plan and sections. 4.

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Additional information

4.1 gas supply

(internal devices)

4.1.1 General part

The project is based on the design task.

The boiler room is connected to the medium pressure gas pipeline 3.0 kgf/cm2.

Fuel - natural gas with a calorific value of 7960 kcal/nm3.

The design envisages installation of two KVa0.63 type hot water boilers in the boiler house, each equipped with a gas burner E6.850 G/FVT, manufactured by Elco, operating on medium pressure gas P = 30 kPa .

4.1.3. Gas Flow Metering

The total gas flow is designed for the boiler room and unit-by-unit accounting.

The commercial accounting of the general consumption of gas is carried out by gas measuring SGEKVzR0.540/1.6 complex with the proofreader of volume of EK260 gas and the rotational RVG G25 gas meter (D1: 50). Design consumption of natural gas in the boiler room according to thermal parameters: at maximum heat consumption - Bmax = 146.8 nm3/h, at minimum heat consumption - Bmin = 33.2 nm3/h .

According to the requirements of the "Rules for Gas Use and Provision of Gas Supply Services in the Russian Federation," in the project for the technological accounting of gas, aggregate meters SG16MT100 (2 pcs.) are provided. The maximum flow of gas measured by the SG16MT100 counter, m3/h Qmax=100, range of measurement of an expense of D 1:10. Maximum gas flow rate for KVa0.63 boiler is 74.0 nm3/h, minimum 29.6 nm3/h .

4.1.4. Anticorrosive coating

Paint the gas pipelines with PF115 enamel, GOST R56912000, GOST 646576 twice on the surface cut in two layers - GF 021, GOST 2512982.

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