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FVG-T-0,74 - drawings, PP


Course Design-Design of FVG-T filter for aspiration air cleaning in chrome plating baths operation room. Drawings, specification, explanatory note

Project's Content

icon размер.doc
icon РПЗ.doc
icon Спецификация(ФВГ - Т 0.74).spw
icon таблица расчётов.doc
icon Фрагмент расч табл.bmp
icon Фрагмент табл расчётов.frw
icon Чертеж табл расчётов.cdw
icon титульник.doc
icon ФВГ-Т.doc
icon Чертёж 1а.bak
icon Чертёж 1а.cdw
icon Чертеж А2.bak
icon Чертеж А2.cdw
icon Чертеж (А1).bak
icon Чертеж (А1).cdw
icon Чертеж А1.bak

Additional information


Definitions, abbreviations and symbols


1 Brief description of the source of habitat pollution

2 Preparation of atmospheric protection system design. Choice of methods and means of protecting the atmosphere

2.1 Local ventilation in the painting shop

2.2 Aircraft suction

2.3 Calculation of aspiration system

2.4 Selection of emission treatment methods and means

3 Hardware - technological design of the atmosphere protection system

4 Disposal of production and consumption waste



Appendix A

Definitions, abbreviations and symbols

The median diameter (dm) is such a size at which the mass of particles larger than dm is equal to the mass of particles finer than dm and lgαh is the average quadratic deviation in the function of this distribution.

The Stokes dimension is the diameter of a spherical particle having the same deposition rate as this non-spherical particle.

The equivalent diameter is the diameter of the ball, the volume of which is equal to this volume of this particle.

Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) is a sanitary standard approved by law. Maximum allowable concentration is understood as such concentration of chemical eelement and their connections in the environment which at povsednenvny influence on a human body does not cause for a long time the pathological changes or diseases established by modern methods of researches in any terms of life of the real and subsequent generations.

PDKs. page. - the maximum permissible concentration of the substance is the average daily in the atmospheric air of populated places.

PDKm. river. - the maximum permissible concentration of the substance is the maximum one-time in the air of populated places.

PDKr.z. - maximum permissible concentration of substance in the air of the working zone.

MPA - maximum permissible emissions of the substance to the environment.


At all stages of his development, man was closely connected with the world around him. But since the emergence of a highly industrial society, dangerous human interference in nature has increased dramatically, the volume of this intervention has expanded, it has become more diverse and now threatens to become a global danger to humanity. The consumption of non-renewable raw materials is increasing, more and more arable land is leaving the economy, so cities and factories are being built on them. Man has to increasingly interfere in the economy of the biosphere - the part of our planet in which life exists.

The Earth's biosphere is currently under increasing anthropogenic influence. At the same time, several of the most significant processes can be distinguished, any of which does not improve the environmental situation on the planet.

The largest and most significant is the chemical pollution of the environment with unusual substances of a chemical nature. Among them are gaseous and aerosol pollutants of industrial and domestic origin.

The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is also progressing. Further development of this process will increase the undesirable trend towards an increase in the average annual temperature on the planet .

This paper examines how best to protect the environment from contamination by harmful substances. These issues are addressed within the framework of the "Habitat Protection System" discipline.

A qualitative solution to this problem requires consideration of the full range of air pollution-related issues: types of air pollution and its properties, air quality and emission rationing, principles of pollutant formation and influence of certain industries on the atmosphere, physical and chemical processes underlying emission purification processes, legal and organizational issues of organization of atmosphere protection, design of gas cleaning equipment and development of gas cleaning technology, disposal of the caught product.

Dyeing shops make a significant contribution to pollution; in this regard, the purpose of the course project is to develop a dyeing shop system.


It is known that air pollution from industrial emissions causes significant material damage to the national economy and leads to an increase in the incidence of the population. The protection of the air environment from industrial pollution is the most important social and social task, which is part of the set of tasks of the global problem of protecting nature and improving the use of natural resources.

In this project, we considered one of the ways to clean air from pollutants in the form of dust, fine fog, vapors and gases.

In order to reduce the content of pollutants in the air of the working zone and in industrial emissions of the electrochemical workshop, an aspiration system was designed

Thus, the objectives of this project were achieved, namely, the degree of pollution of the working zone atmosphere in the galvanic workshop and the environment was reduced and a method for processing and reusing solid waste was proposed.

Drawings content

icon Спецификация(ФВГ - Т 0.74).spw

Спецификация(ФВГ - Т 0.74).spw

icon Фрагмент табл расчётов.frw

Фрагмент табл расчётов.frw

icon Чертеж табл расчётов.cdw

Чертеж табл расчётов.cdw

icon Чертёж 1а.cdw

Чертёж 1а.cdw

icon Чертеж А2.cdw

Чертеж  А2.cdw

icon Чертеж (А1).cdw

Чертеж (А1).cdw

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