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Engine Drawings - Drawings

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Course design-Cross-section and longitudinal section of 2L-T engine, also attached are indicator diagrams and kinematic calculation of KSM + explanatory note by thermal, dynamic and kinematic calculation of 2L-T engine

Project's Content

icon поперечный разрез двигателя 2Л-Т.cdw
icon продольный разрез двигателя 2Л-Т5.11.cdw
icon А.А. Васильев КП РПКОРАД.doc
icon Индикаторная диаграмма 2Л-Т!5.11.cdw
icon Индикаторная диаграмма сил5.11.cdw
icon поперечный разрез двигателя 2Л-Т5.cdw
icon Спецификация.spw
icon Кинематический расчет КШМ5.11.cdw

Additional information



1 Determination of kinematic parameters of reduction gear box

1.1 Determination of overall drive efficiency

1.2 Required electric motor power

1.2.1 Rated power value

1.3 Select the electric motor

2 Division of gear ratio by stages

2.1 Operating machine drive shaft speed

2.2 Required speed of rotation

2.3 Determination of gear ratio of the drive and its stages

2.4 Determination of power and kinematic parameters of the drive

2.4.1 Power distribution by shafts

2.4.2 Distribution of rotation speeds by shafts

2.4.3 Angular velocity distribution

2.4.4 Torque Distribution

3 Calculation of gears with sizing

3.1 Selection of gear (worm) gear material

3.1.1 Gears

3.1.2 Determination of allowable contact stresses for gear and wheel teeth

3.1.3 Determination of permissible bending stresses for gear teeth, wheel

3.1.4 Worm gears

3.2 Calculation of open cylindrical gears

3.3 Calculation of closed worm gear

4 Load of gear box shafts

4.1 Determination of forces in engagement of closed gears

4.1.1 Determination of cantilever forces

4.1.2Defining geometric parameters of shaft stages

4.2. To create curves and torques of a high-speed shaft

4.3. To Create Curves and Torques of a Slow Shaft

5. Define total support reactions and select bearings

5.1 Refined Shaft Calculation

5.2 Determine safety factor

5.3 Check calculation of bearings

6 Gearbox Housing Design

6.1 Selection of reduction gear box lubrication

6.2 Thermal calculation

6.3 Determination of gearbox weight

List of sources used


Internal combustion engines are the most common thermal engines. Characterized by compactness, high economy and durability, these engines are used in all sectors of the national economy.

The beginning of the development of internal combustion engines dates back to the 60s of the last century (Lenuara1860 engine, France, engine N. Otto and E. Laegena1867, Germany, four-stroke engine N. Otto1876, according to the proposal of Bode Roche in 1862. method of pre-compression of working mixture and incineration at constant volume). By the end of the 19th century, when industrial oil processing was organized, internal combustion engines powered by liquid fuel (gasoline, kerosene and compression ignition engines) became widespread.

In Russia, the first gasoline engine was built in 1889. (Kostovich engine). In 1899 in St. Petersburg, the world's first economical and operable compression ignition engine (diesel) was created. For a short time, the design of the diesel engine was improved (compressor-free diesel engines). In Russia, uncompressed diesels designed by G.V. Trinkler were built in 1901. and the design of Y. V. Mamin in 1910.

The successful application of internal combustion engines, the development of experimental designs and the improvement of power and economic indicators were possible to a large extent due to the research and development of the theory of the working process of engines. In 1906. Professor of the Moscow Higher Technical School V.I. Grinevetsky first developed the method of thermal calculation of the engine. This method was developed and supplemented by part. -corr. USSR Academy of Sciences N.R. Briling, prof. E.K. Mazing and Acad. B. S. Stechkin.

After the Great October Socialist Revolution, the production of internal combustion engines, necessary for various sectors of the national economy, including automotive, began to develop rapidly.

In the late 40s, the automotive industry began producing new models of cars and carburetor engines, in which a number of improvements were made that increased their power and economic performance, as well as operational qualities. The production of two-stroke diesel engines for heavy-duty trucks was also launched.

Currently, based on the promising type of cars and engines, further modernization of automobile engines is being carried out. The main tasks in the development of new types of engines are to increase specific power indicators, economy, reliability and durability, as well as reduce the cost of their production.

For heavy-duty trucks, the production of a unified family of four-stroke diesel engines of various capacities has begun. If necessary, engines can be forced by using gas turbine pressurization.

The specificity of engine production technology and the increase in requirements for their quality with an increasing scale of their production led to the need for a co-building of specialized engine plants equipped with modern equipment.

Special attention is paid to the unification of engine units and parts and the development of a family of unified engines. Much attention is paid to scientific research, finishing, laboratory and operational tests of engines and their units.

1 Fuel and its chemical reactions during combustion

1.1 General information

In internal combustion engines, the thermal energy required to perform mechanical work is obtained as a result of chemical reactions between the fuel introduced into the cylinder and air oxygen. The time during which these reactions take place in modern engines is very limited and amounts to hundredths and even thousandths of a second. The duration of the process of preparing a mixture of fuel and air for a chemical reaction depends on the type of mixing and the speed of the engine.

The methods of forming a fuel-air mixture and conducting chemical reactions give rise to a number of requirements for fuels used in internal combustion engines.

In externally mixed engines (carburetor, gas and fuel injection into the inlet pipe), the fuel must readily evaporate and form as homogeneous a mixture as possible with the incoming air.

In engines with internal mixing (diesel), fuel is supplied directly to the cylinder. The start of the fuel supply occurs at the end of the compression process and does not significantly outpace the ignition moment, and part of the fuel is introduced during the combustion process. Under these conditions, it is necessary to ensure a good spraying of the fuel, during which fine droplets are formed, as well as good mixing of the fuel particles with the air in the cylinder.

10 Analysis of designed engine

Brands of cars on which the 2LT engine is currently being installed are being modernized and newer models are being produced.

The engine has a very low efficiency, and a high maximum pressure in the cylinders.

TOYOTA has engine overheating when the engine is operating at high speeds of the crankshaft with the car moving in low gear. Therefore, in the course design, the speed of rotation of the fan blades was increased.

Drawings content

icon поперечный разрез двигателя 2Л-Т.cdw

поперечный разрез двигателя 2Л-Т.cdw

icon продольный разрез двигателя 2Л-Т5.11.cdw

продольный разрез двигателя 2Л-Т5.11.cdw

icon Индикаторная диаграмма 2Л-Т!5.11.cdw

Индикаторная диаграмма 2Л-Т!5.11.cdw

icon Индикаторная диаграмма сил5.11.cdw

Индикаторная диаграмма сил5.11.cdw

icon поперечный разрез двигателя 2Л-Т5.cdw

поперечный разрез двигателя 2Л-Т5.cdw

icon Спецификация.spw


icon Кинематический расчет КШМ5.11.cdw

Кинематический расчет КШМ5.11.cdw
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