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Fire alarm and fire warning of training building with basement


The object is a four-story building of the educational building with basements, located in the city of Baranovichi, st. Proletarskaya, 30. Total area (controlled) -2153.3 m2.

Project's Content

icon 1 пояснит. записка.cdr
icon 1спецификация.cdr
icon _расчет АКБ СО ТАНГО.cdr
icon _расчет АКБ СО.cdr
icon БарГУ.xls
icon задание на электроснаб..cdr
icon общие данные.cdr
icon ОБЩИЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЯ поясн зап..doc
icon подвал.cdr
icon расчет АКБ АПС.cdr
icon расчет сечения ТАНГО.cdr
icon СО местн.связьБарГУ.xls
icon Стр.схема А-3.cdr
icon стр.схема.cdr
icon тит. лист с шапкой.doc
icon Условн. граф. обозн..cdr
icon уч.корпус 2 эт дубль 2.cdr
icon уч.корпус 1 эт.cdr
icon уч.корпус 3 эт дубль 2.cdr
icon уч.корпус 4эт.cdr

Additional information

General provisions

Construction design of fire alarm and fire warning is performed in accordance with drawings provided by the Customer.

The following data were taken into account during the design development: fire hazard categories of rooms, availability of supports, columns, racks, load-bearing beams, protruding structures, process and ventilation equipment, cable wiring, presence of maintenance personnel and air temperature in the rooms.

The project is executed in accordance with the current norms and rules, ensures explosion and fire safety of operation, subject to the measures stipulated by the project.

When developing the project, regulatory and technical documents were used:

- SNB 1.03.0296 "Composition, procedure for development and approval of design documentation in construction";

- SNB 2.02.0504 "Fire automation";

- SNB 2. 02/02/01 "Evacuation of people from buildings and structures in case of fire" with revision No. 1;

- NPB 152004 "Scope of application of systematic fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing units";

- SNiP 3.05.-6-85 "Electrical devices";

- RD 2595390 "Automatic fire extinguishing, fire, security and fire alarm system. Symbols and schematic graphic elements of systems ";

- PUE "Electrical Installation Rules," 6 ed.;

- GOST 30331.395 (MEK.36444192) "Electrical installations of buildings. Part 4. Safety requirements. Protection against electric shock. "

Description and characteristics of the object

The object is a four-story building of the educational building with basements, located in the city of Baranovichi, st. Proletarskaya, 30. Total area (controlled) 2153.3 m2. Floors - reinforced concrete, bearing walls partitions - brick. In terms of functional fire hazard, the building belongs to class F4.2.

Electrical Equipment Placement

Automatic fire detectors are placed so as to control each point of the protected surface. They are installed on the floors of the premises at the distances provided in the NSS.. 2.02 0504

"Fire automation" ensuring timely detection of fire signs. But not exceeding the values ​ ​ indicated in the passports for a specific brand of detectors.

Manual fire detectors are installed on the walls at a height of 1.5m. from the floor level according to Annex NSS 2.02.0504 .

The control instrument and keyboard shall be installed in accordance with Item 14.1 of SNB 2.02.0504, in non-explosive, non-fire hazardous rooms on the wall, with zero limit of fire propagation.

Drawings content

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