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Course calculation of the grip accessory

  • Added: 09.06.2021
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41.1 Analysis of the drawing of the part

1.2 Analysis of previous operations and determination of workpiece size

for the designed fixture


92.1 Development of the operation for which the device is designed9

2.2 Development of an installation scheme and verification of the condition of deprivation

the possibility of moving the workpiece in the device according to GOST 21495-76

112.3 Calculation of basing error

2.4 Description of the purpose and principle of operation of the projected



3.1 Analysis of the designed device with a view to reducing it

metal intensity and unification

3.2 Calculation of the economic feasibility of using the projected




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1.1 Part Drawing Analysis

1.2 Analysis of previous operations and determination of workpiece size

for designed accessory


2.1 Development of the operation for which the accessory is designed

2.2 Development of installation scheme and verification of deprivation condition

possibility of the workpiece movement in the accessory as per GOST 21495-

2.3 Calculation of basing error

2.4 Description of purpose and operating principle of the designed



3.1 Analysis of the designed accessory in order to reduce it

metal capacity and unification

3.2 Calculation of economic feasibility of using the designed





The construction of the material and technical base of modern society and the need to continuously increase labor productivity based on modern means of production poses very important tasks for engineering.

These include improving the quality of machines, reducing their material consumption, labor intensity and cost of production, normalizing and unifying their elements, introducing in-line production methods, its mechanization and automation, as well as reducing the preparation time for the production of new facilities.

The solution of these problems is ensured by improving the design of machines, improving the technology of their manufacture, using progressive means and methods of production.

Of great importance in improving the production of machines are various kinds of devices.

The use of devices improves the efficiency and accuracy of processing, assembly and control; facilitating working conditions, reducing the number and skills of workers; strict regulation of the duration of operations; expansion of technological capabilities of equipment; improving safety of operation and reducing accident rate.

When developing devices, there is a wide opportunity to take a creative initiative to create structures that ensure the greatest efficiency and profitability of production, to reduce the cost of devices and reduce the time for their manufacture.

The devices shall be convenient and safe to operate, fast, sufficiently rigid to ensure the specified accuracy of processing, convenient for quick installation on the machine, which is especially important when periodically changing devices in mass production, simple and cheap to manufacture, available for repair and replacement of worn out parts.

Description of purpose and operating principle of the designed


Hand-driven machine-tool clamps are a universal tool for securing workpieces on machines and ensuring the correct position of the tool relative to the machining surfaces.

A prism is installed on the body of standardized clutches, which allows you to securely attach a cylindrical part. The prism is fixed with two screws and two pins.

The correct arrangement of the cutting tool relative to the workpiece to be processed is provided by an installation fixed on the prism by two pins and a screw. The installation ensures alignment of the slot of the part and the cutting tool during milling.

The blank is secured in the clutches manually by means of a screw handle.

The alignment of the clutches on the machine table takes place along the clutch slots and machine guides. Two bolts are used to fix the clutches on the machine table.

External elements of machine tool structures shall not have surfaces with irregularities (sharp edges, angles, etc.) representing a source of danger, if their presence does not cause functional purpose. Rounding radii, dimensions of chamfers of external surfaces shall be not less than 1 mm (unless otherwise specified).

Parameters of roughness of external surfaces of cartridges, mandrels, plates and other devices rotation shall not exceed Ra = 1.25 as per GOST 278973.

The method of connecting the machine tool to the machine tool shall exclude the possibility of spontaneous loosening of the attachment, as well as displacement of the machine tool during operation.

The design of the machine tool shall ensure the free removal of lubricating cooling liquid and chips, as well as contaminated air from the treatment zone, if harmful aerosols, gases whose concentration exceeds the norm established by GOST 12.1.0576 are possible in the working zone.

Safety of the installation and removal of blanks shall be ensured, eliminating the possibility of their spontaneous fall on the supports.

Machine tool with weight up to 16 kg shall have structural elements for their safe and convenient installation and removal by hand.

The machine tool shall be capable of periodically lubricating all friction surfaces by means of lubrication channels.

It is not allowed to seal with paint, varnish and similar devices, which are periodically opened during adjustment and adjustment.

Handle clamps shall not endanger the operation of the machine.

The use of clutches for the drilling operation significantly reduces the time required to install and reconcile parts in preparation for drilling, and allows you to achieve and ensure the necessary processing accuracy.

Preparation for work and drilling with the help of grips are carried out in the following order:

- cleaning the plane of the machine table and clutches from chips and dirt with a brush, and according to the drawing, a drill bit of the necessary geometric dimensions is selected and installed on the spindle of the machine;

- when starting the machine, it is checked that there is no drill run-out, i.e. its correct installation;

- the clamps are installed and fixed on the machine table in such a way as to prevent possible displacement of the clamps during processing;

- selecting the most productive cutting mode and adjusting the machine to a certain rotation speed;

- the part is installed in a clamp and securely fixed by means of clamping mechanisms;

- turning on the machine, moving the drill over the machine table so that it stands exactly on the stand;

- start drilling the hole.

After completion of drilling, drill is withdrawn to initial position and part is released from clutches. The teas are cleaned of chips, the next part is installed and drilling is continued in the same sequence.


Process design is an important part of the manufacturing process.

The quality and costs of production and labor productivity depend on the degree of rationality of technological processes.

Process design (TP) is intended to describe the procedure and sequence of manufacturing (repair) of parts, assembly units and products with the necessary feasibility calculations and justification of the decision.

The development of TPs allows you to identify the necessary means of production, labor intensity and cost of products .

On the basis of the designed TP, materials supply, planning and technical control are organized.

The level of detail of the PI development and the order of their construction is determined by the type of production.

When designing the process in the course design, the following main tasks were solved:

1. The process for the given condition and scale of production ensures reliable (without scrap) implementation of all requirements of the working drawing and technical conditions for the product.

2. This process is the most economical.

3. A machine tool was designed for the drilling operation - a conductor.

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