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Example of fire alarm project for one-storey shopping pavilion


Object: Trade pavilion. Project Developer: Spetsautomatics LLC. Year of project release: 2006. Systems: Fire alarm

Project's Content

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Additional information


2 Brief description of the object

3 Main Design Solutions

3.1. Automatic fire alarm installation

3.2. Fire Warning System

3.3. Automatic Security Alarm Installation

4 Occupational safety

Application. 1. License

(attached to the first two copies of the documentation)


3.1. Automatic fire alarm installation.

3.1.1. Fire alarm is an integral part of the complex of engineering and technical systems for fire protection of the building and serves for timely detection of fire, transmission of information on fire to the central control panel of fire protection systems and generation of a pulse for control of engineering life support systems of the building.

3.1.2. The design provides for fire detection using fire alarm equipment and transfer of fire information to the control and receiving device to the personnel room.

3.1.3. The fire alarm system is built on the basis of the integrated Orion security system of Russian production, which has a certificate of conformity and a certificate of fire safety.

3.1.4. Automatic fire alarm equipment is provided for all rooms and corridors of the shopping center, electric switchboard, gas boiler rooms with the exception of rooms with wet processes - bathrooms, washing rooms, refrigerating chambers, as well as technical rooms where there are no combustion materials of the ventilation chamber.

3.1.5. Smoke address-analog fire detectors of "DIP34A" type are installed in the above rooms. Automatic fire detectors are installed on the floors of protected rooms. Manual fire detectors of type "IPR5133A" are installed on the escape routes. An alarm when a fire is visually detected is sent by destroying a plastic window.

3.1.6. The technical implementation of the Orion integrated security system is based on the use of the head (master control) network controller of the system, as which the C2000M monitoring and control panel is used.

On the basis of Orion equipment, a combined system was built that combines the functions of a fire alarm system and the management of the building's engineering systems. The Orion integrated security system provides a modular construction structure, is multifunctional and economical, has an addressable construction principle, which ensures the monitoring of the state of each fire detector separately and the state of the system elements of the entire fire protection complex via a two-wire address alarm loop through the S2000KDL controller. Loops are formed according to the ring principle, which makes it possible to communicate with detectors on both sides during a break. Branches from the ring loop are provided in small sections. To protect the address line from short circuits, installation of "Breeze" branching-isolating units is provided.

3.1.7. The fire alarm system generates signals for the control of the building's engineering and fire systems in case of fire: - disconnection of general ventilation; - cessation of gas supply; - activation of the fire warning system for people; - generation of the "Fire" signal to the local bodies of "State Supervision." Information is provided on liquid crystal indicator of control and monitoring panels in Russian language. The messages are easy to read, and the address information necessary for accurate detection of the fire or malfunction area in the system is displayed. All elements of the system are in constant diagnostic mode and any deviations from the norm are displayed accordingly on the panel screen and are accompanied by an audio signal, and the fire sound signal differs in tone from the fault signal. 3.1.8. In standby mode, the network controller monitors the serviceability of detectors, connecting, address and interface signaling lines. If the interface line and address lines with fire detectors are damaged, a fault signal is output. 3.1.9. In case of fire, smoke detectors operate in the protected room. When fire detectors are activated, the network controller issues acoustic and light alarms indicating the address of the triggered detector. 3.1.10. Smoke fire detector "DIP34A" operates in the mode of address threshold detector, independently making a decision when the smoke threshold is exceeded. When smoke approaches "Fire" threshold, "Attention" signal is generated. If the detector dust exceeds the critical level, a "dust" message is sent to the network controller. This signals the need to clean the smoke chamber. 3.1.11. The notice on the fire and condition of installations of the fire alarm is displayed on the display of the C2000M remote controller, the block of indication "by S2000BI, established in personnel of the mall with the round-the-clock personnel on duty. 3.1.12. To transmit a fire signal via a radio channel to the territorial bodies of the State Supervision Service, contacts are formed on the executive relay unit SP1 is.01, which, if necessary, are connected to the transmitter. 3.1.13. Wiring is made by non-spreading cable laid in installation boxes and corrugated PVC pipes. 3.1.14. According to PUE, fire alarm installations in terms of ensuring the reliability of power supply are classified as electrical receivers of the 1st category, therefore, the power supply of the plant is carried out from two independent sources. As a backup source, storage batteries designed to provide power to the system for 24 hours in standby mode and 3 hours in "Fire" mode are used. The project uses three 17A/h batteries. 3.1.15. Detailed information on the operation of the control instrument and fire detectors is given in their technical descriptions. 3.1.16. To ensure the safety of people, elements of electrical equipment of the automatic fire alarm installation must meet the requirements of GOST All metal parts of electrical equipment that are not normally energized, but which may be under it, due to failure of insulation, are subject to grounding (earthing). The potentials must be balanced.

Protective grounding (grounding) must be performed in accordance with the "Electrical Installations Design Rules" (PUE, Edition 7, Chapter 1.7), SNiP 3.05.0685 "Electrical Devices," the requirements of GOST 12.1.03081 and technical documentation of manufacturers of components. The resistance of the grounding device shall be not more than 4 ohms and shall be provided by the customer.

3.2. Fire warning system for people.

3.2.1. The fire warning system shall be equipped with production, administrative and technical premises with permanent or temporary stay of people.

3.2.2. The fire evacuation warning and control system is one of the components of the complex of technical means and organizational measures that ensure the safety of people in case of fire or other emergency.

3.2.3. The fire warning system is designed to inform people about the fire and control their evacuation to a safe area.

3.2.4. In accordance with NPB 10403, the second type of warning system is designed. EMSS of this type provides audible warning of people, actuation of "Exit" annunciators and indicators of movement direction to evacuation exits. Sound signals are transmitted to all premises of the shopping complex where people are located.

3.2.5. As sound annunciators sirens for wall "Humming-bird" (PKI1) installation are designed, as light annunciators "KOP25" annunciators are designed.

3.2.6. The sound level of the alert exceeds the noise level in the protected premises by 15 dB.

3.2.7. The management of the warning system is built on devices from the set of the integrated security system "Orion." Blocks control starting "S2000KPB" exercise serviceability check of chains of light and sound annunciators on break and short circuit. At damage of connecting lines, and also at other malfunctions via RS485 interface on the C2000M remote controller disturbing messages arrive, the sound signal on the block of indication "S2000BI" of SMD joins.

3.3. Automatic installation of security alarm.

3.3.1. The security alarm installation is intended for timely detection of unauthorized intrusion of the intruder into the protected object and notification of the personnel on duty about intrusion into the protected object. The installation includes - detection means (detectors, sensors); alarm means (buttons); means of collecting and processing information.

3.3.2. The security alarm installation is based on the Orion integrated security system of Bolid.

The system allows you to:

monitor security detectors and alarm trunks;

output of "Alarm" duplicate signals;

display messages from connected devices on the display screen (alarm messages, messages about removal/taking, alarm, opening, disconnection, breaks and short circuits in the loop, power supply accident, etc.);

restricting access to control functions and programming using passwords.

3.3.3. The following sensors are provided in the design to block vulnerable areas for penetration:

- security optoelectronic address detector "S2000IK" and passive infrared detector SRP700 - for protection of premises volume;

- announcers security magnetocontact address "C2000CMK" - on opening of doorways;

- the announcer security address "C2000CT" - for glass destruction detection.

- the announcer security manual dot electrocontact IO 1012 (KNF1) - for the disturbing alarm system (after pressing of the disturbing button, the reset is possible only by turn of a key in the lock);

Announcers of the security SRP700, button alarm system of the disturbing alarm system with function "without the right of shutdown" join in the Orion system via intermediate address C2000AP2 dilators. Address security detectors and address expanders provide an alarm signal via a two-wire communication line to the C2000 KDL controller of the Orion integrated security system. Removal/statement of objects from protection / on protection is carried out from the C2000M control panel installed in personnel.

3.3.4. In standby mode, the Orion security system monitors the serviceability of detectors and trunks. In case of damage of trunks and loops with security detectors, "Alarm" signal is output via two-wire line.

3.3.5. In case of unauthorized entry into the guarded premises, security detectors are activated and information on penetration in the corresponding area is transmitted to the C2000M panel to the security post in the administrator's room. This signal is displayed on the display of the C2000 remote controller and is followed by the sound alarm system.

3.3.6. To transmit a fire signal via a radio channel to the territorial bodies of the State Supervision Service, contacts are formed on the executive relay unit SP1 is.01, which, if necessary, are connected to the transmitter. 3.3.7. Wiring is made by non-spreading cable laid in cable - channels and corrugated PVC pipes. 3.3.8. According to PUE, the security alarm installations in terms of ensuring the reliability of power supply are classified as electrical receivers of the 1st category, therefore, the power supply of the plant is carried out from two independent sources. Batteries are used as a backup source.

4. Occupational Safety

4.1. Compliance with safety precautions is a prerequisite for safe operation during construction, installation and operation of fire extinguishing and fire alarm units. Violation of safety rules can lead to accidents.

4.2. At installation, installation, maintenance and operation of installations, "Service regulations of electroinstallations of consumers", "User Safety Rules for Operating Electrical Equipment" of PO TRM0162001, RD 15334.0-03.15000 "Interindustry rules on labor protection (safety rule) at operation of electroinstallations" have to be carried out.

4.3. The installation of the plant should be guided by the requirements of chapter SNiP III48, including the requirements set out in the sections:

- electrical installation works;

- installation works;

- equipment testing;

- electric welding and gas-flame works;

- Loading and unloading works;

- operation of process equipment and tools.

4.4. When performing electrical installation works, it is also necessary to comply with the requirements of SNiP3.05.0685 and PUE.

When working with the construction and installation pistol PC 521, it is necessary to comply with the requirements "Instructions for the use of powder tools in the production of installation and special and construction works" VSN 41080.

When working with the power tool, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of GOST 12.2.00775.

4.5. During operation of fire extinguishing and fire alarm units it is necessary to follow the operating manual, technical descriptions and certificates of the equipment included in the unit, RD 25 96490 "System for maintenance and repair of automatic fire extinguishing units, smoke removal, security, fire and fire alarm, organization and procedure of works, " "Rules for technical operation of electrical installations of consumers," "Safety rules for operation of electrical installations of consumers" (PTE and PTB).

4.6. Persons who have undergone a medical examination, who have a document certifying the right to work with the installations and who have received safety training and instruction at the workplace in safe working methods are allowed to service the installations.

4.7. Perform all repair and scheduled works with electrical equipment only after power supply disconnection. The presence of working and protective grounding must be checked.

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