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Drilling Tool - Drawings

  • Added: 30.08.2014
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Course for design of device for drilling of hole in splined shaft

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icon Курсовая по проектированию приспособления.doc
icon Вал шлицевый.dwg
icon Приспособа на вал шлицевый.dwg

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1. Introduction

2. General Section

2.1 Purpose, device and operating principle of the designed


2.2 Development of the workpiece basing scheme in the accessory

2.3 Calculation of basing error

2.4 Calculation of workpiece clamping force in the accessory

2.5 Calculation of strength of heavily loaded element

2.6 safety requirements for the designed

to adaptation

3. Conclusions



The intensification of production in mechanical engineering is inextricably connected with the technical re-equipment and modernization of production facilities based on the application of the latest achievements in science and technology. Technical re-equipment, preparation of production of new types of mechanical engineering products and modernization of production facilities inevitably include the processes of designing technological equipment and their manufacture.

In the total amount of technological equipment, about 50% are machine tools. The use of machine tools allows:

1) reliably base and secure the machined part with preservation of its stiffness during machining;

2) stable provision of high quality of machined parts with minimum dependence of quality on qualification of the worker;

3) increase productivity and facilitate working conditions of the worker as a result of mechanization of devices;

4) to expand technological capabilities of the used equipment.

The economic feasibility of choosing and using machine tools in any production, especially in serial and mass production, is determined by their payback. All production equipment costs shall be compensated by reducing production costs.

Depending on the type of production (single, serial, mass), technological requirements, the configuration of the processed blanks, their sizes, the conditions of application, the technical level and the structure of the machine tools are different. For mass production and large-scale production, in most cases, special machine tools are used. Special machine tools have a single purpose for performing certain machining operations of a particular part. These devices are most labor intensive and expensive to perform. In the conditions of single and small-scale production, a system of universally assembled devices based on the use of standard units and parts has become widespread. This type of equipment is more mobile in terms of production preparation and does not require significant costs.

General Section

2.1 Purpose, arrangement and operation principle of the designed accessory

The designed accessory is designed for reliable fixation and basing of the workpiece during the "Transverse hole drilling" operation. Proposed device consists of body, support surfaces, clamp, force transfer mechanism and force source. Since the type of production is serial, the device will have a manual actuator drive. The force transmission mechanism is eccentric.

Operating principle: The workpiece is installed on the prisms of the accessory. On the side of the actuating dimension 28 +/0.42 mm there is a stop, to ensure the size of the hole from the end of the blank to the axis of the hole on the other side there is a spring-loaded stop. The spring force must ensure that the workpiece is pressed against the opposite stop. By turning the handle of the clamp drive, due to the eccentric, the push-pull rod drops down. When lowered by the slider, the clamp copies the curve groove in the guide, thereby providing rotation of the clamp to the operating position. The clamp directly affects the workpiece, ensuring its immobility during surface processing and stability of installation of each part. When turning the handle in the other direction, the rod rises behind the spring-loaded clamp, due to the curved slot and slider, the clamp turns, providing convenience of access to the blank.

2.2 Development of the workpiece basing scheme in the accessory.

Since the workpiece has a cylindrical shape (splines and a key groove, at the time of performing the drilling operation, transverse holes are not formed, rough treatment of cylindrical surfaces is carried out), it is most advisable to use prisms to base the workpiece. Prisms are located at a distance of 50 mm from the end of the opposite hole from the processed hole. The second prism is located at a distance of 250 mm from the first. This arrangement of prisms ensures that the workpiece is based on the surface of one diameter, processed in one transition, without reinstallation. To prevent movement of the workpiece along the axis, a stop is installed at the end of the workpiece. To ensure reliable fixation, the clamp will be carried out in the middle between the prisms from top to bottom.

2.6 safety requirements for the designed device.

External structural elements of the accessory shall not have surfaces with irregularities (sharp edges, angles, etc.), representing a source of danger, if their presence is not caused by functional purpose. The structural elements of the accessory must not protrude beyond the dimensions of the machine table, should not interfere with the operation of the machine and access to the controls. The method of connection with the machine and with replaceable adjustment shall exclude the possibility of spontaneous loosening of the attachment, as well as displacement of the accessory during operation. Installation of compression springs in the accessory with a ratio of the height of the spring to its outer diameter of more than 2.5 should be carried out using special sleeves, mandrels, etc. The design of the accessory should ensure the free removal of LPG and chips. Safety of the workpieces installation and removal shall be ensured, eliminating the possibility of their spontaneous fall on the supports. Clamping handles shall not endanger the operation of the machine. The height from the floor level (working platform) to the controls of the accessory must be 10001600 mm during standing maintenance and 6001200 during sitting maintenance. Illumination of working surfaces of adaptation according to requirements Construction Norms and Regulations 11A571 has to be provided. The design of adaptation has to be safe when warehousing with transportation. Repair and maintenance of the accessory during machine operation is not allowed. Accessories shall be stored on racks, in cabinets ensuring compliance with all safety requirements for storage and storage of goods. The newly manufactured, modernized and repaired devices shall be subject to safety requirements monitoring during acceptance, acceptance and periodic tests (as per GOST 15.00173).


In this course work, the device for drilling the transverse hole in the Part "Splined Shaft" was designed. The assembly drawing of the accessory is made in three projections, and the specification is made on two sheets. A drawing of one of the parts of the accessory on which the strength calculation was carried out and adjustment for the drilling operation was also made .

In the process of designing a device for drilling a transverse hole in the part "Splined shaft," the principles of designing machine tools, as well as a number of related topics, such as: calculation of drive power circuits, were studied and mastered; calculation of basing error; strength calculations; calculation of cutting forces and cutting modes; calculation; Design basics determination of forces and reactions of supports in static; received an understanding of machining processes of parts and safety requirements for devices during their design and operation.

Drawings content

icon Вал шлицевый.dwg

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