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DP reconstruction of the railway station, Khabarovsk

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Thesis project. Set of drawings, drawings

Project's Content

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icon Смета Мансард.xls
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icon 5Плаен монсардного этажа.dwg
icon 6План подвала.dwg
icon 7Разрез.dwg
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icon ФасадыЦвет.dwg
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icon 2ИСХРазрезы.dwg
icon 3ИСХфасад.dwg
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Additional information






1.1. Sketched Design

1.1.1. Technical and economic characteristics of the construction area

1.1.2. Climatic conditions of the construction area

1.1.3. Building requirements Space planning requirements and room composition Functional requirements Sanitary and hygienic requirements Fire and evacuation requirements

1.1.4. Development of sketches of space-planning solution of the building General characteristics of the building Building structural system Calculation of the required area of window openings from the illumination condition Final development of sketches of building floor plans To Create a Building Section Building Elevation Development Plot plan of the development site

1.2. Justification for Selection of Features

1.2.1. Bases

1.2.2. Exterior walls Heat Engineering Calculation of External Walls Calculation of wall air permeation resistance

1.2.3. Partitions

1.2.4. Interstage floors

1.2.5. Floors Calculation of floors for heat absorption

1.2.6. Roof Calculation of heat transfer resistance of attic floor coating Check of steam permeability resistance of the building cover

1.2.7. Ladders

1.2.8. Windows

1.2.9. Doors

1.2.10. Calculation of reverberation time in building floors


2.1. Calculation of attic structures of the railway station building. Khabarovsk II

2.1.1. Design diagram of mansard coating

2.1.2. Design diagram and loads Snow load Wind load

2.1.3. Calculation of grating for metal pieces

2.1.4. Calculation of load-bearing runs

2.1.5. Calculation of internal runs

2.1.6. Calculation of the mansard bearing frame on the computer Frame Calculation Selection of I-section height Calculation of tightening

2.1.7. Calculation of connections Calculation of welded joints Calculation of bolted connection


3.1. Introduction to Construction Technology and Organization

3.2. Development of Job Instruction for mansard device

3.2.1. Scope of Application

3.2.2. Technical - economic indicators

3.2.3. Organization and technology of the construction process

3.2.4. Logistical resources


4.1. Estimate

4.1.1. Local Estimate for Civil Steel Structure Erection

4.1.2. Object estimate

4.1.3. Summary Estimate

4.2. Technical and economic indicators of the construction facility

Local estimate

Object estimate

Calculation Table

Consolidated cost estimate for construction


5.1 Introduction

5.2. Analysis of erection works from the point of view of occupational safety

5.3. Safety precautions during installation works

5.4. Installation Site Organization

5.5. Personal protective equipment during installation works

5.6. Selection of steel ropes for slings with four branches


6.1. Protection of the population from weapons of mass destruction

6.2. Civil Defense Alert Actions


7.1. Introduction

7.2. Main sources of environmental pollution

7.3. Measures to reduce pollution



Currently, there is an intensive development of the Khabarovsk Territory, which is manifested in the rise of production and construction. The city of Khabarovsk is the center of the Far Eastern region. Therefore, at present there is a need to expand transport links between the cities of the Far Eastern region and the central part of Russia.

Exploited buildings accumulate physical and moral wear over time. In the modern rapidly developing world, moral wear and tear often exceeds physical wear and tear, i.e., bearing and enclosing structures are still able to perform their functions, but the building, due to obsolescence, does not meet the functional requirements for it. In such cases, it is economically profitable to reconstruct the building rather than start new construction.

This diploma project considered the reconstruction of the building of the railway station of Khabarovsk II station, by changing the volume and planning solution and bringing it to the level of requirements for new construction.

The building of the railway station st. Khabarovsk II was built in 1939 and currently only part of the building is used as a pavilion for suburban passengers.

The building is not an architectural monument. At the same time, it is a plastic, almost sculptural volume with pronounced classical proportions and decor elements that deserve attention. The architectural appearance of the facades meets the requirements of perceiving the station building as an entrance sign or business card of a railway city station. In this regard, it is proposed to maintain the building as much as possible in its original form after the reconstruction.

The reference elevation 0.000 is the ground floor elevation corresponding to the absolute elevation 58.3.

The station building is brick, one-story and consists of:

- operating room of commuter passengers about 8 m high;

- premises of police on duty;

- office rooms located on both sides of the operating room;

During reconstruction, redevelopment, replacement of structures, superstructure of the second floor of the building in the form of attic is provided.

The main facade of the building has a classical construction with the middle part extended forward and up and two extended wings. The main entrance is solved in the form of a four-column portico supporting a wide visor. From the apron side, the entrance to the station building is decorated in the same way as the main entrance, but without a visor.

The facade planes are dissected by vertical pilasters and end with a high tiered cornice. The windows are rectangular and recessed in niches with rounding in the upper part.

For the development of a space-planning solution, a technical passport and measuring drawings made by the design institute Dalzheldorproekt were used. According to the data received, floor plans, sections would be built, and the structural diagram of the building was also determined. During the inspection of the building, the following defects were identified:

• roof collapse due to fire;

• high physical wear of the wooden floor;

• non-compliance with heat engineering standards of outer wall thickness.

The survey of the building showed that the structural elements of the building (walls, foundations, etc.) have a fairly good technical condition.

The general complex for the reconstruction of the railway station includes: improving the technical condition, preserving architectural expressiveness, superstructuring the second attic floor, increasing working areas, improving the functional scheme, replacing the structure of the existing wooden floor, repairing, strengthening the structures and elements of the building.

To increase the useful area and give the building new architectural forms, as well as increase the architectural appearance of the building, the project provides an add-on in the form of an attic floor. At the same time, it is advisable to use light metal structures to reduce loads on the load-bearing elements of the building.

Part of the premises currently located in the building on the first floor is transferred to the attic second floor. At the same time, wide opportunities are opened to change the layout of the first floor and the second attic. Developed versions of the planning solution shall comply with the functional diagram and be agreed with the customer.


The explanatory note of the diploma project is carried out on the pages and includes drawings and tables .

The degree project includes the following sections:

1. architectural and construction

2. design - structural

3. organizational - technical

4. economic

5. Occupational Safety

6. civil defense

7. environmental protection

The first section "Architectural and Construction" consists of a subsection of sketch design, which is based on a number of requirements for the design of the building, from the selection of enclosing structures of the building based on calculations. The same section describes the space-planning solution and the structural framework of the building, the main load-bearing and enclosing structures and other elements of the building: windows, doors, stairs, floors and room finishes. This section includes sketch drawings, 13 AR grade drawings and one GP grade - plot plan.

The design and structural section of the project includes the calculation and design of the bearing structure of the coating - a steel frame. The topic includes two KM tag drawings.

The "Organizational and Technical" section includes the development of a Job Instruction for the attic floor, which includes the development of the technology for erecting steel frames, and the construction of a roof made of metal. The graphic part of the section includes one sheet of the TX brand, which shows the schedule of work on the attic device, the installation diagram of steel frames, instructions for the performance of work and safety techniques for the work performed, the need for basic structures, semi-finished products, as well as machines and tools and technical and economic indicators.

In the section "Construction Economics," an estimate was developed and compiled for civil works, for the construction of the attic floor of the reconstructed Khabarovsk II station building, object estimates and a consolidated estimate.

The section "Labor Protection" describes the measures to prevent the work of workers during installation work.

In the section "Civil Defense" developed measures to protect against weapons of mass destruction in the conditions of the civilian population in the station building.

The section "Environmental protection" describes the main sources of environmental pollution in railway transport and measures to reduce environmental pollution.

1.1. Sketched Design

1.1.1. Technical and economic characteristics of the construction area

Khabarovsk Territory occupies the middle part of the Far Eastern region, the lower reaches of the Amur River. It borders on the Primorsky Territory, the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Amur and Magadan Regions. It is washed Okhotsk and Japanese by the seas.

Khabarovsk Territory has large and diverse natural resources, for many of them it occupies an important place in the Far East and even in the country. The region is rich in stone and brown coal, tin ores, gold, mercury, iron ore, peat. In total, the State Balance took into account 140 fields of raw materials for the production of construction materials, of which about 30 fields are in operation.

Khabarovsk is the most important industrial center of the region - it produces energy machines, diesel engines, machine tools, ships, cable, chemical and pharmaceutical preparations, woodworking equipment, oil refining products.

The investment potential of the construction base of the Khabarovsk economy includes: the mineral and raw material base - reserves of raw materials for the production of basic types of construction materials, the base of the construction industry - the capabilities of factories producing building materials and structures, the construction base - the capabilities of organizations building various transport, energy, industry, social, household and cultural facilities.

The power supply of Khabarovsk is carried out from local power plants operating on Raichikhinsky brown coal.

There are construction organizations in Khabarovsk that have great potential and construction experience in the conditions of the Far East. The construction industry is represented by enterprises producing metal structures, prefabricated reinforced concrete, brick, heating equipment, heat insulation and roofing materials.

Khabarovsk is a large transport hub with two river ports, two large and several small railway stations with its own repair and operation facility, an airport, and a large road park. Transport links favor the development of Khabarovsk as the industrial and cultural center of the Far Eastern region.

Building requirements

Requirements for public buildings are divided into functional, technical, architectural, eco-nomic.

The functional requirements are that the public building best meets its purpose. Space-planning and structural solutions of the building shall be subject to these requirements.

The technical requirements are to ensure the strength, stability and durability of the building, to reduce the fire and explosion hazard for the workers, as well as to enable industrial maintenance of the building.

Architectural and artistic requirements: a public building should have an attractive and expressive appearance that satisfies the artistic needs of a person.

The economic requirements are to ensure the minimum necessary costs for the construction and operation of the designed building. For these purposes, it is necessary to choose the most appropriate volumetric planning, structural and architectural-compositional solutions . General characteristics of the building

The building of the railway station st. Khabarovsk II was built in 1939 and is currently used as a pavilion for suburban passengers.

The building is not an architectural monument. At the same time, it is a plastic, almost sculptural volume with pronounced classical proportions and decor elements that deserve attention. The architectural appearance of the facades meets the requirements of perceiving the station building as an entrance sign or business card of a railway city station. In this regard, it is proposed to maintain the building as soon as possible in its original form after major repairs.

For relative elevation 0.000 the floor elevation of the first floor corresponding to absolute elevation 58.3 is accepted.

The station building is brick, one-story and consists of:

- operating room of commuter passengers about 8 m high;

- premises of police on duty;

- office rooms located on both sides of the operating room;

Next, it is planned to add a second attic floor.

The main facade of the building has a classical construction with the middle part extended forward and up and two extended wings. The main entrance is solved in the form of a four-column portico supporting a wide visor. From the apron side, the entrance to the station building is decorated in the same way as the main entrance, but without a visor.

The facade planes are dissected by vertical pilasters and end with a high tiered cornice. The windows are rectangular and recessed in niches with rounding in the upper part.

To Create a Building Section

The section of the building is made on the basis of the plan decision taking into account the accepted structural system. The cut plane must pass along the most characteristic parts of the building to fully represent its volume-planning and structural solution. Typically, a section is made at the stairwell or entrance of the building. The section view should show the basic constructions . Building Elevation Development

The development of an architectural solution to the facade of the building is a major and very important part of the sketched design. The architecture of the facade reveals the artistic and structural advantages and shortcomings of the building, determines its expressiveness and integrity of the architectural image. Therefore, when solving the facades of the building, the main provisions of the theory of architectural composition are taken into account:

a) building tectonics;

b) techniques and means of architectural composition;

c) the principle of unity and subordination.

1.1.5. Plot plan of the development site

When developing the general plan, taking into account the requirements, the area of ​ ​ development of the building and the land plot was determined, according to its purpose and volume-planning solution. The building is placed on the site in accordance with the given urban planning situation and permissible orientation [4].

Land for construction should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the general plan of the settlement and the route of the railway, taking into account transport links with the main areas of the settlement.

The station area is provided on the side of the main part of the settlement territory, providing for convenient technological relationships between the station area, passenger building and platforms .

When placing a significant part of the inhabitants on the other side of the railway, with appropriate justification, it is allowed to arrange a second station area on the opposite side of the railway tracks. At the same time, convenient and safe passages of passengers through the railway tracks to the main station building and without unnecessary duplication of premises are provided.

According to [33, Table 3.1], the dimensions of station areas, for small stations, are provided for at least 0.3 ha.

The organization of pedestrian and transport traffic, zoning of the territory at the station areas is designed according to local conditions using the following techniques:

- with the arrangement of a pedestrian zone and transport stops along the perimeter of the square;

- with a device in the middle part of the square with an adjoining to the station of the peninsula-type pedestrian zone with the location of transport stops (arrival, departure) along its perimeter.

Drawings content

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