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Reconstruction of the heat network section of the tie-in 339.03/1 along Bondar Street in Khabarovsk

  • Added: 07.09.2016
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Pacific State University Department: Engineering Systems and Technosphere Bachelor's Degree in Heat, Air and Ventilation "Reconstruction of the thermal network section of the tie-in 339.03/1 along Bondar Street in the city of Khabarovsk" Khabarovsk 2015 The purpose of the final qualification work is the reconstruction of the site (03.02a - 03.05) heat network tie-in 339.03/1 along Bondar Street in Khabarovsk due to the connection of new residential buildings with a total heat load of 5.02 MW, as well as plans to reconstruct sections (03.05 - TP19a) and (03.05 - TP2 (6)) due to their wear. In this regard, heat loads were determined, a schedule for controlling the temperature of network water was built, the estimated coolant flow rates were determined, new sections of the heat network were hydraulic calculated, piezometric graphs were built. Calculation and selection of equipment for individual heating station and reconstructed sections of heating network was performed. The RATONAL boiler system was designed and designed to meet the heating and hot water supply needs in the form of an alternative source of thermal energy. In the section of automation the selection of devices and means of automatic equipment is made for individual thermal points according to the two-level scheme of connection of water heaters of hot water supply with independent accession of a heating system by the Area of reconstruction Khabarovsk is. Temperatures of external air for design: on heating minus 31 wasps; average temperature of external air for otop. period minus 8.1 ° C. Heating period duration n = 225 days. Design temperatures of network water in the highway: Water temperature in the giving wasps pipeline 125; Water temperature in the OS return pipeline 70. Design flowrates of heat on heating and hot water supply are accepted according to thermal networks of Khabarovsk and presented to appendix A. Thermal load new,connected to heat networks, residential buildings taking into account thermal losses equal to 11% was Q = 5,02 MW. Total thermal load of insert 339.03/1 taking into account thermal losses of equal 11% sostavilaq = 17.6 MW. Composition: 1) General Data Sheet, 2) Thermal Network Design Diagram, 3) Piezometric Diagrams of the Heat Network to be Reconstructed, 4) Thermal Network Design and Installation Diagram, 5) Longitudinal Profile of the Heat Network to be Reconstructed, 6) Automation.

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