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Heat network profile. Heat Network Diagram - School Heating

  • Added: 03.07.2014
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The school's heat supply project was examined in 2010, it includes an explanatory note, 4 drawings, specification

Project's Content

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Additional information


General Data

Information on climatic and meteorological conditions of the construction area

Heat supply source

Design Decisions Adopted

Measures to protect pipelines from aggressive effects of internal and external media

Heat loads

Technical solutions ensuring reliability of systems operation

Design diagram of external heating networks from UT-1 to the addition to the MOU secondary school No. 36 on the street. Rimsky-Korsakov

Table for calculation of external heating networks from kV boiler room. 271 before the addition to the MOU secondary school No. 36 on the street. Rimsky-Korsakov

Design Decisions Adopted

Heat supply is provided from external heating networks. Point at-connection - thermal chamber UT1 (n.).

The design provides for underground laying in an impassable monolithic channel.

To compensate for power loads from temperature extensions, fixed supports H5, H6, H7 and H8 are provided on the heat supply route.

Movable sliding supports shall be installed every 4 m.

Compensation of heat extensions of pipelines is performed by self-compensation due to route rotation angles and using a U-shaped compensator-torus.

Heat supply pipelines are installed from electric welded steel pipes as per GOST 1070491.

The site from the UT1 camera (sushch.) to the UT2 camera (sushch.) it is shifted in the existing channel with increase in diameter (see sheet TC2).

Dismantling the existing pipeline from UT2 chamber (n.) To the angle of the gate to the school is economically impractical, since the school is a municipal object. Therefore, the dismantling of the existing pipeline to the school will not be carried out.

Measures to protect pipelines from aggressive effects of internal and external media

Dielectric gaskets are provided in flange joints of fixed supports to protect steel pipelines from corrosion by wandering currents.

Insulation of the laid and shifted pipelines of the thermal network is made of "Rockwool" heat-insulating cylinders. Such cylinders have effective heat insulating properties.

Heat-insulating cylinders also have chemical resistance to solvents, oils, alkalis, acids. Heat-insulating cylinders are able to withstand high temperature while maintaining heat-insulating properties. The fibers melt at a temperature of more than 1000 ° C. Heat-insulating cylinders are convenient in various repairs and installation, they can be easily processed using a cutting tool. Cylinders not cased according to GOST 3024494 refer to non-combustible materials. Heat-insulating cylinders have a limit application temperature of + 650 ° С.

At the introduction of heat network pipelines into the building as protection against water and gas penetration into the building, sealing of the input according to the typical series 5.90526.04 is provided. (see TC2 sheet)

Technical solutions ensuring reliability of systems operation

The technical solutions adopted and the working drawings comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary and hygiene, fire protection and other standards applicable in the territory of the Russian Federation, and ensure the operation of the facility without danger to life and health of people, subject to the measures provided for in the working drawings.

Drawings content

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