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Diploma project on Yenisei combine 1200-1

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Diploma project for the modernization of the Yenisei-1200-1 combine harvester with an explanatory note, necessary drawings and a report to protect the project itself.

Project's Content

icon 1 Характеристика хозяйства.doc
icon 2 Технологическая часть.docx
icon 3 Реконструкция.doc
icon 4 Конструкторская часть.doc
icon 5. Безопасность жизнедеятельности.docx
icon 6. Экологичность проекта.doc
icon 7. Экономика проекта.doc
icon 8. Заключение.docx
icon Введение, реферат, содержание.docx
icon втулка.cdw
icon диск большой.cdw
icon Диск малый.cdw
icon Копия Ротор вентилятора.cdw
icon лапатка.cdw
icon Упор лапатки.cdw
icon цилиндр ротора.cdw
icon Лист 1 - Характеристика хозяйства.cdw
icon Лист 10 - Экономическая эффективность.cdw
icon Лист 2 - Способы уборки зерновых культур (ПЕРЕДЕЛАНО!!!).cdw
icon Лист 2 - Способы уборки зерновых культур.cdw
icon Лист 3 - Технологическая карта.cdw
icon Лист 4 - Операционная карта.cdw
icon Лист 5 - Патентный поиск.cdw
icon Лист 6 - Общий вид комбайна.cdw
icon Лист 7 - Пневмотранспортер СБ.cdw
icon Спец пневмотранспортер 2.cdw
icon Спец пневмотранспортер.cdw
icon Вал вентилятора.cdw
icon втулка дистанционная.cdw
icon крышка малая.cdw
icon Крышка передняя.cdw
icon Ротор вентилятора.cdw
icon Спец ротор вентилятора.cdw
icon втулка.cdw
icon Контрпривод вентилятора (СБ).cdw
icon Спец контрпривод.cdw
icon Спец шнек колосовой.cdw
icon Упор лапатки.cdw
icon Шнек колосовой.cdw
icon Ступица.cdw
icon Доклад на защиту диплома.doc
icon Задание.docx
icon Основные параметры комбайна Енисей - 1200 - 1.docx
icon Рисунок 3.1 - Устройства обмолота.jpg
icon Рисунок 3.3 - Устройтва подачи.jpg
icon НЕИЗДАННОЕ.docx
icon Общий 3.5.jpg
icon РИС 3.1.bak
icon РИС 3.1.frw
icon РИС 3.1.jpg
icon Рис 3.3.bak
icon Рис 3.3.frw
icon Рис 3.3.jpg
icon Рисунок 3.5 (часть 1).jpg
icon Рисунок 3.5 (часть 2).jpg
icon Часть 1.bak
icon Часть 1.frw
icon Список использованной литературы.docx
icon Титульный.docx

Additional information



1 Organizational and economic characteristics of Plissa Agro

1.1 Business Background

1.2 Analysis of production activities of Plissa Ag-ro

1.3 Analysis of grain harvesting technology in the farm

2 Design of grain harvesting process

2.1 Analysis of existing grain harvesting technologies

2.1.1 Combine harvesting methods

2.1.2 In-line industrial cleaning methods

2.1.3 Harvesting of non-grain part of crop

2.2 Design of grain harvesting technology at Plissa Agro

2.3 Process Calculations

2.3.1 Calculation of harvester productivity during direct harvesting

2.3.2 Calculation of Job Instruction for Winter Wheat Cultivation

2.3.4 Calculation of the number of vehicles for the removal of grain from the fields from harvesters

2.3.5 Design of field preparation for grain harvesting

2.3.6. Calculation of farm requirements for seed material

3 Reconstruction of Yenisei-1200-1 kom-bayne spike graff rework device to obtain the best quality seed material

3.1 Biological features of grain coke threshing

3.2. Analysis of existing technologies and combines with axial threshing and separation device

3.3 Process of combine operation

3.4 Description of proposed design

3.4.1 Drum Design Change

3.4.2. Refurbishment of the combine

3.4.3. Changes in process of combine operation

4 Design part

4.1 Definition of the main modernization scheme, patent search

4.2 Process and Structural Calculation of Screw CoE

4.2.1Technological calculation of the seam

4.2.2 Screw Design Calculation

4.2.3. Fitting of bearings for the shaft of the spline

4.3 Calculation of pneumatic transport unit

4.3.1 Process calculation

4.3.2 Determination of structural parameters of the vent fan wing

4.3.3 Design calculation of fan shaft

4.3.4 Set of bearings for the shaft of pneumatic transport unit

4.4 Calculation of fan counter drive shaft

4.4.1 Design calculation of fan counter drive shaft

4.5 Calculation of belt gears

4.6 Calculation of key connections

5 Safety of life during harvesting of grain crops

5.1 Ensuring labor safety requirements and safety of work completion during grain harvesting

5.2. Calculation of the required quantity of individual equipment during grain harvesting

5.3 Possible dangerous situations during operation of the unit. Technical measures to eliminate them

5.3.1 Calculation of longitudinal structure of Yenisei-1200 combine

5.3.2 Calculation of longitudinal stability during lifting and lowering

5.4 Organization of fire safety during cleaning

6 Environmental friendliness of the project

6.1 Characteristics of harmful production factors and measures to eliminate them

7 Technical - economic efficiency of the project


List of sources used



Food security of the country as a guarantee of stable satisfaction

The failure of the population to meet its food needs is an integral part of its national security. This problem has always been and remains relevant. An indicator of food security is previously

the level of agricultural production, the degree of food self-sufficiency, the availability of transition stocks, the level of food consumption and the availability of food to the poorest part of the population.

Priority in the food self-sufficiency of the country

has primarily cereal products. Russia and many CIS countries are characterized by a national feature of food consumption, which is expressed by the high relative share of consumption of bread products in the food diet of the population.

Thus, increasing grain production is a key problem

agriculture. The increase in grain production is possible due to the improvement of harvesting processes during the introduction of industrial-flow technologies, progressive methods, advanced methods of organization, the development of new equipment and the improvement of working bodies of existing harvesters.

The main way to increase grain production and satisfy age

the country's growing need for agricultural products - its cost-effectiveness

chronic mechanization and sequential intensification.

In the development of the mechanization of grain production, the

the introduction of machines based on advanced technology. A significant drawback of modern harvesters is that in the process of harvesting, part of the grain is damaged, and this in turn leads to a decrease in the persistence of the grain and in the future to a decrease in its germination.

At the same time, in the current difficult economic conditions, for the successful cultivation of grain crops, the self-provision of the farm with a sowing material of high quality is of great importance.

1 Organizational and economic characteristics of Plissa Agro

1.1 Basic Enterprise Information

The municipal agricultural unitary enterprise Plissa Agro (KSUP Plissa Agro) is located in the Beshenkovichi district of the Vitebsk region (Republic of Belarus). The center of the economy is the village of Sinitsy. From the district center, the farm is 25 km and 45 km from the regional center of Vitebsk. The central estate is connected with the district center by a road of regional significance, with access to the road of regional significance Vitebsk - Minsk. There are roads of domestic importance that do not have a hard surface. According to climatic conditions, the economy is located in the zone of temperate - continental climate. The average annual air temperature is 4.5... 5, 00C. The length of the frost-free period 130... 140 days per year. The average annual rainfall is 600... 650 mm.

Beshenkovichi district, where there is a KSUP "Plissa Agro," is located in the central part of the Vitebsk region. The area occupies the northern part of the Chashnik lowland and the southern part of the Polotsk lowland. The maximum height is 179.8 m (near the village of Plisa).

The relief of the farm is wide-wavy. Along with the leveled areas of considerable size, there are smoothed increases. The average size of the arable land contour is 12.8 ha. The main group of soils is loamy - 93%. Farm soils are poorly provided with trace elements (pH of arable land 5.56.5, P205 - 6.015.0 mg). Per 100 grams of soil K20 - 8.020.0 mg. Humus content is 2.3%.

According to the results of a qualitative assessment, the soils of the farm have a relatively high score of arable land - 31 and farmland - 28. Therefore, agricultural crops obtained in the farm cannot be considered quite high. In 2010, the output of stern units per 1 ballogectar amounted to: from arable land - 46.1 tsn.

Specialization of KSUP "Plissa Agro" dairy and meat with developed seed production, and in particular grain crops. Products are sold to the city of Vitebsk at a meat processing plant or to the city of Beshenkovichi .

In the future, the management of Plissa Agro plans to build a livestock complex by 2014, which will improve the technologies for feeding, maintaining and milking cows, and therefore improve the quality and increase the volume of milk production. In addition to using the funds of the farm itself, the funds of the regional and district budgets, in the construction and technical re-equipment of the livestock complex, material assistance to Plissa Agro KSUP is provided by numerous subsidized organizations.

1.3 Analysis of grain harvesting technology in the farm

For harvesting crops, direct harvesting is mainly used, despite the increased clogging of fields, as well as the not-rare flakiness of fields due to summer rains and winds. The selection uses Yenisei-1200 combines. The non-grain part of the crop - straw is removed using canned technology. Cops form harvesters during the selection of rolls, then they are tightened with cable-frame fiber VTU10 in the unit with two tractors MTZ1221 to the place of skirting. Kopny is skirted with PF0.8 loader in the unit with MTZ82 tractor.

An analysis of the production activities of Plissa Agro CJSC showed that in

the farm does not use enough reserves to increase crop yields: organic and mineral fertilizers are practically not introduced, crop rotation is disturbed, soil preparation and crop care are delayed, which leads to high clogging and low crop yields.

The cleaning process is delayed due to frequent breakdowns in agricultural machinery. The available reserve of spare parts, almost exhausted, and which are, diverge in the process of preparing harvesters for cleaning. During harvesting, even minor breakdowns result in prolonged downtime if it is not possible to recover in-house. There is no clear schedule for the harvesting of various crops, calculations of the need for harvesting equipment and vehicles for the performance of certain works, which leads to the outage of equipment in some places and its shortage in others.

As a result of poor organization of work, lack of equipment and machine personnel, the terms of grain harvesting are extended for a month, the harvesting link

the non-grain part of the crop also does not have time to cope with the task

whose, which restrains the operation of the post-harvest tillage unit, thereby disrupting the flow of the harvesting process.

2. process design

Harvesting of grain crops

2.1. Analysis of existing grain harvesting technologies

Currently, a lot of experience in harvesting crops has been accumulated.

different technologies. One or another method is chosen based on weather

climatic conditions, type of culture, and condition of bakery, and first of all, based on the existing fleet of cars.

Various grain harvesting schemes provide for a wide variety of techniques, processes and harvesting techniques. Depending on the method of mowing the stems and their threshing, it is distinguished: direct and separate harvesting, according to three-phase technology (wasteless), and depending on the method of harvesting the non-grain part of the crop - piggy, in-line and selection from rolls. [3]

2.1.1 Combine harvesting methods

For direct harvesting, a combine equipped with a hedger is used. During operation, the unit is mowed with bakery, thawed and released grain. At the same time, it enters the combine bin, and not the grain part is removed from the thresher. This is the most versatile way to harvest grains, a number of legumes and herbs.

Direct harvesting begins in the phase of complete maturity of the grain. The exception is cleaning when rolling and rolling fields. Continuous and selective harvesting is distinguished, while first of all, sections of early crops are chosen, as well as those located on elevations, that is, early maturing fields.

As the cereals mature, they switch to continuous harvesting,

primarily low-growth (less than 0.5 m high), cut (up to a surface density of 300 pcs ./m2.) And non-light breads, as well as if the baking of bakery in rolls is unacceptable (for example, with steady rainy, raw weather).

The main conditions for direct harvesting - retractable kul-tu-ras should be dry, evenly ripe, non-light, as well as little clogged.

During separate harvesting bread is removed at the end of wax- phase

ripening at grain moisture content of not more than 35%, is mowed with row-by-row coats into rolls, then rolls are selected with combine harvesters equipped with pickers. Currently, up to 55... 60% of the area is removed in this way.

Clogged, unevenly ripe are removed separately

areas, as well as easily pollinated breads, for example winter barley. Only in a separate way remove fields that are prone to the danger of eating insects. It is not recommended to use separate harvesting at a wheat yield of less than 10 c/ha, barley - 15 c/ha, as well as at a stem density of less than 250 plants per 1 m2 and a stem height of 55... 60 cm. Separately, it is advisable to remove clogged breads with a long stem of more than 60 cm, even with a crop density of less than 250 pc/m2, since weed stubble helps maintain the roll .

During separate harvesting of high-yielding bread stubble is left

honeycomb 15... 20 cm, so that the rolls lying on it do not bend, do not casa

land and well ventilated.

Rolls are selected from the side of the spike, they are laid across the direction of rows to avoid mass falling to the ground through rows of stubble.

With a sufficient amount of harvesting equipment separate method

harvesting makes it possible to drastically reduce duration of harvesting and ensure its high quality in fields with any agrobiological condition of bread.

2.1.2 Flow-industrial methods of cleaning.

New flow-industrial methods of harvesting involve a significant reduction in the number of field operations and simplification of machines with the transfer of complex batches of bread mass processing to stationary or semi-stationary points. Currently, several options for agro-industrial technologies for grain harvesting for various conditions are economically justified and supported by constructive developments.

The three-phase method of harvesting grains serves as the basis of other versions of industrial-flow technologies for harvesting the entire biological crop and includes the following operations: mowing the mass into rolls, sub-boring the rolls with a picker-grinder (compactor), collecting ground (compacted) mass into transport containers, taking it to a stationary station for processing and obtaining condensed grain. Straw and flooring are processed depending on the needs of the farm for various types of feed or for storage.

The brought bread mass is immediately treated on a separator or first poisoned for drying to reduce humidity to 20... 25%. Sub-drying allows you to remove bread almost regardless of weather conditions, which reduces grain loss, increases its gross collection. The entire beveled mass is taken from the field and released for subsequent work.

Grain harvesting in the Non-Black Earth zone with mass drying at the hospital before threshing. The grain crop is removed from the field by silo or fodder harvesters SK2.6, KSK-100, E280 and brought to the stationary station by cars with an increased body volume or a vehicle based on PPT100 in a unit with a T150K tractor. Under unfavorable conditions, the mass is treated with two sequential harvesters. The crushed bread mass delivered to the stationary station is dried to the required co-standing.

Kuban industrial waste-free grain harvesting technology. The crop is removed from the field by a field grinder and transported in trolleys of the CAT type in a unit with a tractor of class 14 kN, dosing the mass using a serial feeder of the dispenser. Then it is dried on two drying-separating lines with air heated by TAU-1.5 heat generator and thawed with two harvesters. The floor is directed to the reservoir, and the straw is sent to the skyrdoformer.

Harvesting grain according to the "Neveika" scheme. The technology includes the following operations: joint shchy operations: joint to an attire of grain and polova; separation of the grain from the non-grain part, its supply to the ZAV40 grain cleaning complex, and the floor to the briquetting or granulation line; selection of straw rolls and its delivery to places of storage and scraping.

Unlike Neveika according to the technology developed by UNIIMESH,

straw is ground and spread over the field. The graff collected by the field machine is processed on a stationary universal line. Graff is treated according to a new separation method - at low-speed water-shower flows.

As a result, the quality of separation of both grain crops and small-seed grasses is improved. The heap of hard-to-rinse crops passes through a special heat-rinsing device.

Harvesting of cereals with mass treatment at the edge of the field. The technology provides for the following operations: mowing or selection of grain rolls

stogger with simultaneous loading of bread mass into container; the tractor transports containers with harvested crops to the edge of the field and puts it in a series of completed stogas; threshing the mass with a high-performance mobile thresher; grain transportation is carried out by heavy-duty vehicles; straw scraping. [4]

The generalized experience of the application of industrial-flow lines in farms showed that due to the use of lighter field machines for collection

the entire crop mass from the field increases the water permeability of soils and improves their fertility, reduces grain losses in the field by 1.5... 2.0 times. The problems of obtaining coarse feed, as well as the tasks of trans-tailoring, are better solved. The solution of the personnel issue is simplified.

At the same time, the efficiency of these harvesting methods decreases with increasing the radius of transportation of crops from the field and depending on the coordination of the work of field machines, transport, stationary equipment, etc.

Analysis of long-term data shows that the use of these technologies is justified mainly where harvesters do not work satisfactorily. They are effective with simultaneous and complete harvesting of the non-grain part of the crop.

2.1.3 Harvesting of non-grain part of harvest.

When harvesting directly or separately, various methods of harvesting the non-grain part of the crop are used - straw and flooring.

The method of harvesting the non-grain part of the harvest determines the combination of the combine, the organization of harvesting operations and the main technical and economic indicators of the harvesting process .

The digging technology is based on the use of a harvester with a digger and various straw harvesters. The technology includes two main cleaning schemes. According to the first scheme, straw together with the floor is collected in the digger of the combine, the cops are unloaded on the field, collected by pushing red tape VNK11 into the stack, or pulled by cable-frame fiber BTU10 in the unit with two tractors DT75M to the place of skirting. Kopny is skirted with PF0.8 loader in the unit with MTZ80 tractor. This scheme is used to harvest dry and unmixed copenas on dry soils with an even relief with a transportation range of no more than 3 km.

In areas with high humidity with small field sizes, where

it is possible to use red tape for straw cleaning, use canopy

copnovoses KNU11 and KUN10, which take copnas to the edge of the field and lay them at the base of the skird. Then it is skirted with PF0.8 loader.

The main advantage of the complex of machines using ropes-

the framework fiber of VTU10 is that it allows you to remove straw from the field quickly and with little labor and means during a busy cleaning period. However, this machine complex also has significant drawbacks.

The use of the digger reduces the replaceable productivity of the combine on 10... 12% and increases grain losses on 10... 40% when filling the digger on 75... 100%.

Unsatisfactory shape and small mass of kopen (150... 200 kg), a

also, their scattering on the field does not meet the requirements of in-line cleaning technology. When tightening, straw losses reach 35% or more, while a significant part of the floor (75% or more) is lost in the field. In addition, straw when pulled is contaminated by the ground on 25... 30%, which does not allow it to be used effectively for cattle.

During accumulation of wet straw, its drying is not provided, and skird -

wetting of wet straw leads to its deterioration. A large set of machines is required to carry out the stored technology of the au pair.

The complex of machines with the use of copnovoses, possessing a number of disadvantages inherent in piggy technology, allows at the same time to remove straw and flooring more qualitatively, to ensure its higher suitability for feeding cattle.

To provide the in-line cleaning technology of the non-grain part of uro-

PUN5 hinged accessories for SK5 Niva combine and PKN1500 for DON1500 are installed on harvesters. At removal of non-core part

harvest this accessory is used for the following process


- collection of crushed straw and flooring into trolleys with subsequent transportation of the mass to the place of storage;

- collection of straw and flooring in the trolley attached to the combine, used as a large-capacity accumulator;

- collection of flooring in trolleys, laying of straw in roll;

- collection of flooring into replaceable trolleys and uniform scattering of the co-scrap along the field surface to the width of the harvest gripping;

the straw is laid in a roll over which the floor lies;

- crushed straw together with sexual is spread over width 910 m.

Compared to digging technology, in-line technology allows you to simultaneously remove crops of grain, straw and flooring with less loss (up to 12... 18%) and good quality, frees up fields for after-blowing work.

The removal of weed seeds from the floor increases the general crop of agriculture. Crushed straw, unlike the whole, has increased looseness and has a high density (2... 3 times), which facilitates transportation .

The disadvantages are the reduction of the replaceable productivity of the combine with devices on 20... 25%. Operation of the combine with appliances reduces the life of the combine by 40%. To organize uninterrupted operation of the units, a large number of tractors of class 14 kN and two or three trolleys per combine are required .

Roll technology is based on the use of grain harvesters

Bayons with roll formers and various straw harvesting machines for selecting rolls. Four sets of machines are used to perform the roll technology during the following organization of work:

1. Straw from rolls left after the combine passes is pressed into rectangular bales by PS1,6 presser, then they are selected by

GUT2.5 bales collector and installed on the field in stacks, which are transported to the storage place by TSHN2.5 stacker

2. Rolls are selected by roll press PRP1,6. The rolls are left in the field, and then they are loaded with a PKU0.8 loader and transported to the storage site.

3. Rolls of straw select the sorter stogoobrazovately SPT60 and form stacks which unload in the field, and then select and transport on an edge of the field stogovozy SP60 where complete them stogometately PF-0.8.

4. Straw is selected by PV-6.0 compactor in the unit with 2PTS4 trolley into large cops, which are skirted by USA10 skird unit and two loaders by PF0.8 stohymers.

The advantage of roller technology is the increased maneuverability of the harvesting unit as a result of using a simplified design of the combine. This allows you to increase its efficiency by 15... 20%, as well as divide the time of the grain harvesting operation and co-scrap. In addition, with roll technology, it is possible to more efficiently organize the group use of combine harvesters with heavy vehicles and organize the unloading of grain from the combine bin on the go of the unit .

At the same time, roll technology has a number of significant drawbacks. When selecting rolls, straw is almost completely lost, and the semen of weeds with it scatter across the field. The low production capacity of straw selection machines led to an increased need for 14 kN wheeled tractors. Application of the technology is limited in zones subject to wind erosion in areas with low yield of non-grain part and in zones with strong straw wetness. [4]

Drawings content

icon втулка.cdw


icon диск большой.cdw

диск большой.cdw

icon Диск малый.cdw

Диск малый.cdw

icon Копия Ротор вентилятора.cdw

Копия Ротор вентилятора.cdw

icon лапатка.cdw


icon Упор лапатки.cdw

Упор лапатки.cdw

icon цилиндр ротора.cdw

цилиндр ротора.cdw

icon Лист 1 - Характеристика хозяйства.cdw

Лист 1 - Характеристика хозяйства.cdw

icon Лист 10 - Экономическая эффективность.cdw

Лист 10 - Экономическая эффективность.cdw

icon Лист 2 - Способы уборки зерновых культур (ПЕРЕДЕЛАНО!!!).cdw

Лист 2 - Способы уборки зерновых культур (ПЕРЕДЕЛАНО!!!).cdw

icon Лист 2 - Способы уборки зерновых культур.cdw

Лист 2 - Способы уборки зерновых культур.cdw

icon Лист 3 - Технологическая карта.cdw

Лист 3 - Технологическая карта.cdw

icon Лист 4 - Операционная карта.cdw

Лист 4 - Операционная карта.cdw

icon Лист 5 - Патентный поиск.cdw

Лист 5 - Патентный поиск.cdw

icon Лист 6 - Общий вид комбайна.cdw

Лист 6 - Общий вид комбайна.cdw

icon Лист 7 - Пневмотранспортер СБ.cdw

Лист 7 - Пневмотранспортер СБ.cdw

icon Спец пневмотранспортер 2.cdw

Спец пневмотранспортер 2.cdw

icon Спец пневмотранспортер.cdw

Спец пневмотранспортер.cdw

icon Вал вентилятора.cdw

Вал вентилятора.cdw

icon втулка дистанционная.cdw

втулка дистанционная.cdw

icon крышка малая.cdw

крышка малая.cdw

icon Крышка передняя.cdw

Крышка передняя.cdw

icon Ротор вентилятора.cdw

Ротор вентилятора.cdw

icon Спец ротор вентилятора.cdw

Спец ротор вентилятора.cdw

icon втулка.cdw


icon Контрпривод вентилятора (СБ).cdw

Контрпривод вентилятора (СБ).cdw

icon Спец контрпривод.cdw

Спец контрпривод.cdw

icon Спец шнек колосовой.cdw

Спец шнек колосовой.cdw

icon Упор лапатки.cdw

Упор лапатки.cdw

icon Шнек колосовой.cdw

Шнек колосовой.cdw

icon Ступица.cdw


icon РИС 3.1.frw

РИС 3.1.frw

icon Рис 3.3.frw

Рис 3.3.frw

icon Часть 1.frw

Часть 1.frw

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