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Rolling shop, Chelyabinsk st. Yenisei 40 - construction site

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Construction Organization Project. Construction of the rolling shop

Project's Content

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Additional information


POS-1808-0202-SGP Construction Plot Plan

POS-1808-0202-KP Calendar Plan

POS-1808-0202-PP Explanatory Note


Technical and regulatory documents

1. Characteristics of construction area and construction conditions

2. Development of transport infrastructure of the construction area

3. Measures to attract local labour and non-local qualified specialists

4. Characteristics of the land plot for construction with justification of necessity of use for construction of land plots outside the provided land plot

5. Peculiarities of works in conditions of operating enterprise and in conditions of cramped urban development

6. Organizational and technological diagram of the sequence of erection of buildings and structures

7. Most responsible construction and installation works (structures) to be inspected with preparation of acceptance certificates

8. Process sequence of works (including scope and technology of works, including winter works)

9. Construction needs for personnel, energy resources, basic construction machines and vehicles, temporary buildings and structures

10. Storage areas for materials, structures, equipment, enlarged modules and stands for their assembly. Solutions for displacement of heavy oversized equipment, enlarged modules and structures

11. Quality assurance of construction and installation works, as well as supplied equipment, structures and materials

12. Organization of geodetic and laboratory control service

13. Requirements to be taken into account in the working documentation in connection with the accepted methods of erection of building structures and installation of equipment

14. Need for housing and social services for personnel involved in construction

15. Occupational safety measures

16. Environmental protection activities

17. Duration of construction

18. Monitoring of buildings and structures located near the facility under construction


The construction organization project (PIC) is the main organizational and technological document during the construction of the capital construction facility. The PIC ensures high-quality and safe performance of work within the specified time frame, as it contains measures to fulfill the requirements of technical regulations in construction.

This section "Construction Organization Project" was developed in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 16.02.2008 No. 87 "On the Composition of Sections of Design Documentation and Requirements for Their Content" as part of the project "Rolling Shop of Chelyabinsk. st. Yenisei, 40. " The structure and content of the project is in accordance with MDS 1246.2008 "Methodological Recommendations for the Development and Design of the Construction Organization Project, the Demolition (Dismantling) Organization Project, and the Work Execution Project." The design of text and graphic materials included in this section of the project meets the general requirements set out in GOST 21.10197 "Design Documentation System for Construction."

The construction organization project is developed taking into account:

application of progressive methods of organization and management of construction in order to ensure the shortest duration of construction;

development of the design capacity of the facility within the specified deadlines;

application of technological processes ensuring the specified level of construction quality;

application of progressive building structures, products and materials;

mechanization of operations with maximum use of machine capacity;

compliance with safety and environmental protection requirements established in the Technical Regulations.

The initial materials (data) for the construction organization design were:

the customer's task for the development of the construction organization project;

project sections: master plan solutions; structural and space-planning solutions;

scope of construction and installation works for individual buildings and structures;

information on delivery and transportation conditions from suppliers of building structures, materials and equipment;

data on sources and procedure for temporary provision of construction with water, electricity, steam, etc.;

information on the possibility of providing construction with workers, residential and residential premises;

The technical solutions adopted in this project comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary, fire and other regulations in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, and ensure safe operation of the facility for life and health of people, subject to the specified measures.

The work used the current regulatory and technical documents, the list of which is given below.

Technical and regulatory documents

1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.02.2008 No. 87 "On the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements to their content"

2. SNiP 1.04.0385. Standards of construction duration and backlog in construction of enterprises, buildings and structures

3. SNiP 12012004. Organization of construction. Part 2

4. SNiP 12032001 Occupational safety in construction. Part 1: General requirements

5. SNiP 12042002 Occupational safety in construction. Part 2: Construction

6. SNiP 3.02.0187 Earthworks, foundations and foundations

7. MDS 1246.2008 Methodological Recommendations for Development and Design of Construction Organization Project, Demolition (Dismantling) Organization Project, Work Execution Project

8. MDS 1281.2007 Methodological Recommendations for Development and Design of Construction Organization and Work Execution Project

9. Manual for the development of PIC and PPR for housing and civil engineering (to SNiP 3.01.0185 *). - M.: TsNIIOMTP, 1986

10. Calculation standards for drawing up construction organization projects. - M.: TSNIIOMTP, 1985

11. Methodological manual for the development of solutions for environmental safety of construction as part of PIC and PPR. - M.: PKTIpromstroy OJSC, 2007

1. description of construction area and construction conditions

The construction site is located in the city of Chelyabinsk. The construction site is located in the eastern part of the city and is a rectangle with sides 24 × 57 m in plan.

The level of clean floor of the rolling shop is taken as the relative elevation 0.000, which corresponds to the absolute elevation 218.10 in the Baltic system of heights of the surface of the construction site varies slightly

Groundwater at a depth of 10.8 m was not met. The amplitude of seasonal fluctuations in the level of groundwater is associated with the water level in reservoirs and lakes that are located within the city, the level in them is regulated and varies slightly.

The construction site is located on the existing production site with existing power and water supply networks.

Climatic construction area - 1B. Estimated winter outside air temperature 34◦S. The estimated snow load on 1 m2 of the horizontal surface of the earth for the III snow region is 1.8 kPa. The standard value of wind pressure for the II district is 0.3 kPa. The standard depth of seasonal freezing for clay soils is 1.83 meters.

2. development of transport infrastructure of the construction area

The construction area has a developed transport infrastructure in the form of railways and an extensive network of roads and highways.

In Chelyabinsk, there are large enterprises of the construction industry, metallurgy and mechanical processing (solid waste plants, metal structures plants, sandwich panel plants, etc., many mechanical and electrical enterprises), which will allow the delivery of local construction materials, commercial concrete for a distance not exceeding 15 km. Construction materials are delivered by general-purpose road transport and specialized trailers. For transportation to the construction site there is no need to arrange temporary roads.

3. measures to attract local labour and non-urban skilled


The capital construction facility is located in the eastern outskirts of Chelyabinsk. 195 thousand people live in the Leninsky district of Chelyabinsk. The population of Chelyabinsk itself in 2012 amounted to 1143.9 thousand people. The population of the district is mainly employed in production, at large and medium-sized enterprises (Metallurgical, engineering, construction, food, agricultural sectors). Currently, there is an increase in the volume of investments in other industrial enterprises in Chelyabinsk, which will contribute to the shortage of attracting local labor (both auxiliary workers and qualified specialists).

10 kilometers from Chelyabinsk is the small town of the second industrial center of the east of the region - Kopeisk.. The number of residents of the city is 151 thousand people, of which 118 thousand are of working age. The average age of residents is 36 years. On the territory of the city of Kopeisk there are a large number of small businesses, as well as a large mining enterprise, which is currently idle, which helps to attract non-urban labor

The construction sector of the economy has a powerful production base. The educational network of the city is represented by 78 educational institutions and branches of leading universities in Russia, including construction. The consequence of this is the presence of highly qualified workers and engineering and technical workers in the city.

Thus, it is possible to attract free qualified workers and specialists from Kopeisk to the construction of the facility. To deliver workers to the construction site, it is enough to use one small-class bus of PAZ or KaVZ brands at two flights per day (before and at the end of the work shift).

4. characteristics of the land plot for construction with justification of the necessity to use this site.

The construction site is located in the central part of the existing site is a rectangle with sides 24 × 57 m in plan. The area of ​ ​ the plot is 1368 m2.

Directly to the site of the designed rolling shop from the north adjoins the existing production building and near the construction site there is an access road. In the new rolling shop, it is planned to install rolling equipment for the production of products in demand at the moment. This equipment shall be capable of maintenance and shall operate in accordance with the technical requirements for this equipment, as well as be supplied with utilities and utilities. People are supposed to work in the rental shop, for this this project developed a heating and ventilation system.

5. peculiarities of works in conditions of operating enterprise and in conditions of cramped urban development

The capital construction facility is located within the city settlement on the production site. We will conduct an analysis of the presence of constrained conditions during construction. The constrained conditions of the existing urban development imply the presence of spatial obstacles on the construction site and the territory adjacent to it, the restriction in width, length, height and depth of the size of the working zone and underground space, the placement of construction machines and vehicles, an increased degree of construction, environmental, material risk and, accordingly, enhanced safety measures for construction workers and residents. Moreover, according to Appendix 1 to MDS8135.2004, the presence of constrained conditions should be characterized by the presence of three of the following factors:

- Heavy traffic of urban transport and pedestrians in the immediate vicinity of the site, necessitating the construction of short grips with the complete completion of all gripping work, including the restoration of destroyed surfaces and the planting of greenery;

- an extensive network of existing underground communications to be suspended or shifted;

- residential or industrial buildings, as well as preserved green spaces in the immediate vicinity of the place of work;

- constrained conditions of materials storage or impossibility of their storage on the construction site for normal provision of work places with materials;

- during the construction of facilities, when the density of development of facilities exceeds the normative one by 20% or more;

- during the construction of facilities, when in accordance with the requirements of safety regulations, the construction organization project provides for the restriction of the rotation of the tower crane boom.

The three factors mentioned above do not exist at the same time, therefore, the application of increasing ratios to labor costs and wages of workers is unacceptable. Limitations are not taken into account in the development of the PPM.

However, the construction site is located in close proximity to existing production buildings, which will require during construction:

1. Transfer of temporary surface cable networks

2. Cleaning of the existing site.

3. Partial dismantling and cleaning of the reconstructed adjoining part of the building

4. Temporary disconnections of utility networks, which will lead to forced downtime, which must be coordinated with the corresponding adjacent structures of the enterprise .

The networks are transferred during the preparatory period of construction (within the first month from the beginning of work).

Drawings content

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