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Diploma project on poultry house power supply

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Thesis on poultry house power supply

Project's Content

icon 898603 Дипломная работа (1).docx
icon 1. План птичника.cdw
icon 1. План птичника.jpg
icon 2. Система освещения.cdw
icon 2. Система освещения.jpg
icon 3. Заземление и молниезащита.cdw
icon 3. Заземление и молниезащита.jpg
icon 898603_Готовое.docx

Additional information



List of abbreviations used


1 Design and technical part

1.1 General information about the enterprise and the power supply facility

1.2 Selection of electrical appliances

1.3 Calculation of ventilation and heat balance

1.4 Lighting calculation

1.5 Calculation of internal power networks

1.6 Selection of transformers

1.7 Design of 0.4 kV outdoor networks

1.8 Calculation of short-circuit currents

1.9 Calculation of grounding system

2. Economic part

2.1 Definition of capital investments

2.2 Determination of annual operating costs

2.3 Project Cost Effectiveness

3. Occupational safety

3.1 Production Safety

3.2 Safety in emergency situations

3.3 Environmental Safety


List of literature

List of abbreviations used

HV - high voltage;

GPP - main lowering substation;

RDU - closed switchgear;

ISP - power supply;

IRM - reactive power source;

Short circuit - short circuit;

MCC - complete condenser unit;

KRM - compensation of reactive power;

KTP - complete transformer substation;

CP - compensating devices;

NBK - low-voltage capacitor batteries;

LV - low voltage;

LV - low-voltage (load);

PP - converter substation;

RM - reactive power;

RP - distribution point;

BOT - power consumption system;

SES - power supply system;

TVH - current-carrying parts;

TP - transformer substation;

TER - technical and economic calculations;

XX - idling;

CEN - center of electrical loads;

EP - electric receivers;

POS - electrical network;

EU - electric installation.


Electricity is one of the most important areas of the national economy. Its importance in modern society is hard to overestimate. The development of production, the introduction of new technologies mainly lead to a constant increase in the capacity of systems, machines and units. At the same time, increased requirements are put forward for their economy, safety, repairability, environmental friendliness [4].

The rapid growth of the economies of developing countries at the end of the 20th century led to a sharp increase in electric energy consumption.

The first decade of the 21st century revealed a number of reasons for the increase in electricity consumption. These include the operation of obsolete equipment, the imperfection of technological processes, large losses in power lines, low level of operational maintenance of electrical installations, as well as some organizational issues.

The requirements for the quality of electricity have tightened. Thus, with an increase in losses in power lines, an increase in current consumption occurs, which in turn leads to overloads and an even greater subsequent loss of voltage.

In conditions of increasing demand for high-quality electricity, the task of optimal design of power supply systems is very urgent.

More than 80% of electricity generated in our country is used by receivers for voltage up to 1000 V.

When creating modern power supply systems, developers face a number of problems, the main of which are:

- correct determination of expected loads during production development;

- selection of the number of power supplies related to the requirements for uninterruptible power supply;

- improvement of electric energy quality;

- correct selection of the number and power of power transformers at all stages of power supply and their rational placement on the territory of the enterprise;

- selection of rational supply voltages and configuration of electrical networks;

- reactive power compensation and rational arrangement of compensating devices.

The quality and stability of the designed power supply systems depends on the successful solution of the above problems.

The theme of this graduation qualification work is "Power supply to the poultry house of Malechkinskaya Poultry Farm LLC."

The purpose of the final qualification work is to develop a project for the power supply system of the poultry farm LLC Malechkinskaya Poultry Farm using the latest achievements in science and technology, taking into account the general requirements for the power supply system and the peculiarities of technological processes taking place at the enterprise.

Based on the stated purpose of the work, the following tasks must be solved in the process of its implementation:

- investigate the general characteristic of the object;

- investigate the composition and characteristics of the electric power consumers of the facility;

- calculate electrical loads of the facility power supply system and perform calculation and selection of electrical equipment and power scheme of the facility power supply;

- select the number and power of transformers;

- calculate short-circuit currents;

- develop the lighting system of the workshop.

The object of the study is the power supply system of the poultry farm LLC Malechkinskaya Poultry Farm.

The subject of the study is the search for optimal and technically justified approaches in the development of the power supply and electrical support system of the poultry farm LLC Malechkinskaya Poultry Farm.

The result of this final qualification work will be technically justified proposals for the organization of the power supply system of the poultry farm LLC Malechkinskaya Poultry Farm, as well as a set of practical recommendations for the organization of the installation and commissioning of technical equipment.

Design and technical part

1.1 General information about the enterprise and the power supply facility

Malechkinskaya Poultry Farm LLC is the largest producer of chicken eggs in the Vologda Oblast. Company address: Vologda region., Cherepovets Rn., p. Malechkino, st. Victory, d.2B, of.16.

The company installed high-tech equipment. Cell equipment, feeding systems, microclimate adjustments make it possible to create optimal conditions for keeping birds. A unique electronic system is also installed at the factory, allowing specialists to remotely, in real time, monitor and regulate the production process and key indicators.

An integral part of the poultry farm project is its own production of full-diet feed. The feed mill is the fundamental platform on which the entire process is built. Since in the structure of the costs of egg production, fodder accounts for more than 60%, own fodder production significantly reduces the cost of production. The grain part in the diet structure is 20,500 tons, which is approximately 70%. The source of energy and protein for poultry is sunflower oil and extraction cake. They are produced at our enterprise. Design capacity of feed mill 10 tons per hour. This volume fully ensures the need of the poultry farm for feed.

The object studied in this work is the poultry farm.,


Electricity is one of the most important areas of life support. The development of modern production and living conditions of the population depends on the development of this industry, so electricity should take a priority position.

Currently, great attention is paid to energy conservation issues in all sectors of the national economy.

Given the increasing demand for high-quality electricity, the task of developing and implementing systems for detecting and combating electricity theft in enterprises is very urgent.

During the design process, the shortest time to complete the work, the necessary flexibility of the system should be provided. Therefore, the project task is more complex than the design task.

Rationally executed modern power supply systems must meet a number of requirements:

- cost-effectiveness;

- reliability;

- Safety and usability;

- ensuring the required quality of electricity;

- voltage level and stable frequency.

Upon completion of the final qualification work, the following results were obtained:

- researched general information about the enterprise;

- the main indicators of the economic, production and financial activity of the enterprise were investigated;

- Analysis of the level of electrification of electricity production and consumption;

- calculation of lighting plant power;

- lighting network was calculated;

- calculation of heating and ventilation of the poultry house, as well as calculation of grounding;

- structure of microclimate control system has been developed;

- the necessary equipment was selected;

- estimated cost-effectiveness of the project.

Upon completion of the work, it should be noted that all the tasks set have been completed, the goal of the work has been achieved.

Drawings content

icon 1. План птичника.cdw

1. План птичника.cdw

icon 2. Система освещения.cdw

2. Система освещения.cdw

icon 3. Заземление и молниезащита.cdw

3. Заземление и молниезащита.cdw
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