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Process Calculation and Cumulator Area Drawings

  • Added: 04.08.2012
  • Size: 720 KB
  • Downloads: 5
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Accumulator area (drawings, process calculation)

Project's Content

icon Генеральный план ASN.cdw
icon Корпус производственный ASN.cdw
icon Раздел №1 Технико-экономическое обоснование проекта Антонович.doc
icon Раздел №2 Технологический расчет Антонович.doc
icon Содержание ASN.doc
icon Титульный лист ASN заполнить.doc
icon Участок аккумуляторный ASN.cdw

Additional information



Engineering Input Feasibility Study

Technical characteristics and scope of the assigned AR

Calculation of planned annual passenger turnover for the assigned IR

Process calculation of road transport enterprise

Selection and correction of maintenance periodicity standards and resource mileage of IR, plotting

Definition of HTC, Annual and Daily Production Program

Determination of labor intensity of EW, maintenance, TR, calculation and distribution of annual scope of work by their types

Determination of the number of people working on ATP

Calculation of number of EO, TO, TR posts

Calculation of areas of ECU, MT, TR zones, sections, warehouses, auxiliary and technical rooms

Selection of equipment for the battery section

Definition of forms and methods of organization and management of maintenance, TR and PS production at ATP. Functional diagram of ATP

Development of ATP planning solutions

Production Building Planning Solution Development

Brief description of work performed in departments

Design of accumulator section of ATP

General plan of ATP, calculation of area for construction and indicators of general plan

Description of general plan and route of IR movement in the territory

Calculation of main technical and economic indicators

Occupational, environmental and fire safety at ATP


List of sources used


Drawings content

icon Генеральный план ASN.cdw

Генеральный план ASN.cdw

icon Корпус производственный ASN.cdw

Корпус производственный ASN.cdw

icon Участок аккумуляторный ASN.cdw

Участок аккумуляторный ASN.cdw

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