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Diploma - monolithic frame residential building


Drawings and Note

Project's Content

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Additional information




1 Architectural - structural part

1.1 General instructions

1.2 Master Plan Solution

1.2.1 Technical and economic parameters of the general plan

1.3 Architectural and Planning Solution

1.3.1 Building TEP

1.3.2 Design Solutions

1.3.3 Engineering Equipment

1.4 Environmental measures

1.4.1 Protection against radioactive exposure

1.4.2 Explosive and fire safety measures

1.4.3 Noise protection measures

1.5 Structural calculation

1.5.1 Thermal design of the outer wall

1.5.2 Window Heat Engineering Calculation

1.5.3 Heat Engineering Roof Calculation

2 Design - structural part

2.1 Introduction to Calculation

2.2 Calculation of frame (frame)

2.2.1 Basic Design Provisions

2.2.2 Load collection on frame

2.3 Calculation of the building for calculation of the slab according to the beam diagram

2.3.1 Calculation of structural frame diagram of the building

2.3.2 Calculation Analysis

2.3.3 Calculation of beams Calculation of the main beam Calculation of secondary beam Calculation of cast-in-situ floor slab as per

beam diagram

2.4 Calculation of the building for flat plate calculation

2.4.1 Calculation of the structural frame diagram of the building

2.4.2 Calculation Analysis

2.4.3 Calculation of cast-in-situ floor slab by non-beam

to the scheme

2.5 Selection of rational type of slab

2.6 Calculation of columns

2.6.1 Basement column calculation

2.6.2 Calculation of the typical floor column

2.6.1 Calculation of the 12 floor column

3 Foundation Calculation and Design

3.1 Selection of foundation variant

3.2 Load collection

3.3 Selection of pile depth and pile length

3.4 Calculation of driven piles

3.4.1 Determination of pile bearing capacity

3.4.2 Determination of number of piles in foundation and size


3.4.3 Bringing loads to the bottom of the pedestal

3.4.4 Determination of loads on each pile

3.4.5 Pile check for horizontal load

3.4.6 Pedestal Design

3.4.7 Selection of pile-piercing equipment and calculation of failure

3.5 Design of pile foundation from bored piles

3.5.1 Determination of pile bearing capacity

3.5.2 Determination of number of piles in foundation and size


3.5.3 Bringing loads to the bottom of the pile cap

3.5.4 Determination of loads on each pile

3.5.5 Pile check for horizontal load

3.5.6 Pedestal Design

3.6 Selection of rational type of foundation

4 Section Construction Economics

4.1 Socio-economic justification of construction

monolithic 11 storey residential building in microdistrict

Sverdlovsk city of Krasnoyarsk

4.2 Determination of estimated project cost, analysis

estimate documentation

4.2.1 General information on determination of estimated cost

4.2.2 Analysis of local estimate for

civil works on construction

monolithic 11-storey residential building in the microdistrict

Sverdlovsk city of Krasnoyarsk

4.2.3 Analysis of object estimate for construction

monolithic 11-storey residential building in the microdistrict

Sverdlovsk city of Krasnoyarsk

4.2.4 Analysis of consolidated estimate for construction

monolithic 11-storey residential building in the microdistrict

Sverdlovsk city of Krasnoyarsk

4.3 Calculation of variant design

4.4 Main technical and economic indicators of the project

for the construction of a monolithic 11-storey residential building in

Sverdlovsk microdistrict of Krasnoyarsk

5 Job Instruction for Roofing Operations

5.1 Map Scope

5.2 Brief description of the construction site

5.3 Organization and procedure of works execution

5.3.1 Preparatory works

5.3.2 Main works Instructions for performance of works Process flow chart Technical characteristics of applied

roofing materials Calculation of scope of work Justification of work front breakdown for grips

5.4 Requirements for quality of works

5.5 Occupational Safety and Safety

6 Work Execution Project

6.1 Calculation of work schedule

6.1.1 Definition of standard duration


6.1.2 Scope Calculation List

6.1.3 Selection of building erection methods

6.1.4 Technical and economic parameters of the schedule

6.2 Calculations of the general plan structure

6.2.1 Selection of tower crane for residential building Determination of crane coverage areas

6.2.2 Designing temporary driveways and roads

6.2.3 Warehouse and Production Design


6.2.4 Residential Campus Design

6.2.5 Determining the Need for Basic Construction

machines and mechanisms

6.2.6 Design of temporary utilities Power supply of the construction site Calculation of temporary power supply Site water supply, calculation

pipeline diameter Determination of Oxygen Demand and Compressed


6.2.7 Description of Construction Plot Plan

6.2.8 Instructions on quality control of construction and installation


6.2.9 Occupational safety and fire safety measures

6.2.10 Environmental protection measures

5.2.11 Measures to ensure the preservation of materials

7 Project Security

7.1 Decisions and measures envisaged by the draft

industrial sanitation, fire safety and

occupational safety

7.2 Design Part

7.2.1 Calculation of slings


List of sources used


Project Description

The graduation qualification work on the topic "Construction of a monolithic 11-story residential building in the Sverdlovsk microdistrict of Krasnoyarsk" contains... pages of a text document,... annexes,.... used sources, 10 sheets of graphic material,.... drawing,... tables.


In the graphic part, drawings have been developed that give ideas about the architectural, design and structural solutions of the building, as well as drawings of the building construction technology. Architectural construction drawings have been developed on sheets 1 to 2, which give an idea of ​ ​ the volume-planning and structural solutions of the building. On sheets with 2 on 5 designing and reinforcing of monolithic reinforced concrete elements On sheet 6 is shown the developed drawings of a grillage on bored piles are submitted. On sheet 7 the economic justification of the project. Sheet 8 contains the Job Instruction for roofing operations. On sheet 9, the general plan for the main construction period was developed. Sheet 10 contains a strolling schedule .

The explanatory note describes the decisions made, the necessary calculations, technical and economic indicators, estimated documentation for the construction of the building.


The housing problem was and remains one of the most important problems for the Russian Federation and Krasnoyarsk. The only correct way to overcome the real problem is the intensive construction of residential buildings.

Construction, being a material-intensive, labour-intensive, capital-intensive, energy-intensive and knowledge-intensive production, contains a solution to many local and global problems, from social to environmental. In addition, 1 workplace of the builder gives more than 10 jobs in related industries. The main economic reserve in urban planning is to increase the efficiency of land use. Also, to achieve the goal of saving, it is necessary to use local construction materials, that is, to reduce the cost of construction.

In connection with the aggravated environmental problems, it is extremely important to use the natural conditions of the construction site as rationally as possible.

A diploma project on the topic: "Construction of a monolithic 11-story residential building in the Sverdlovsk microdistrict of Krasnoyarsk" reveals the possibilities of designing buildings that are most rationally inscribed in urban conditions. Therefore, a multi-storey residential building was developed, which is the main type of housing in the cities of our country. Such houses allow rational use of the territory, reduce the length of engineering networks, streets, and urban transport structures. A significant increase in the density of housing stock (the amount of living space (m ²) accounted for 1 hectares of built-up territory) with multi-storey development gives a noticeable economic effect. In addition, their high-altitude composition contributes to the creation of an expressive silhouette of development.

Architectural - structural part

1.1 General instructions

Purpose of the building: Monolithic 11-storey residential building.

Construction site: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk Sverdlovsk District

Climatic area: IB [12]

Standard depth of seasonal ground freezing is 2.4m.

Indoor air temperature of room 200 = С

Temperature of the coldest five-day coverage 0.92- 40 ° С

Geotechnical conditions are normal.

Design wind area - 3.

Snow district - III [21]

The soil of the base is - coarse soil with medium-density sand aggregate.

Characteristics of the building:

Capital Class - II

Degree of fire resistance - I

Durability - I

1.2 Master Plan Solution

The designed building is being built on a site with a calm relief with a slope to the east. The dimensions of the section are determined in accordance with [13] and are 0.54 ha. The designed building is oriented to the north-west, Gaps have been accepted between the buildings, taking into account the requirements of sanitary and fire safety standards. Road passages 5 m wide are provided to the designed building, which provide transport communication with the main streets. The facility is located in the social and business construction zone (O-2), near previously erected residential buildings, kindergartens and health facilities. The area is characterized by good environmental conditions. The construction site of the residential building is characterized by a calm relief.

When developing the master plan, all necessary measures were taken to ensure the necessary sanitary standards for insolation and noise protection. Under the conditions of insolation, the residential building is located taking into account the provision of normative illumination of insolation of each apartment. Apartments have a two-sided orientation.

The construction project provides for a number of environmental measures, sanitary cleaning of the territory, landscaping and landscaping.

After completion of construction, it is planned to restore and create new turf cover and plantations throughout the construction territory. In the development zone, tree species resistant to trampling are planted. Ornamental shrubs and trees are planted. A network of roads and sidewalks is created.

Engineering preparation of the territory includes removal of rain and meltwater by trays near roads to rain-receiving grates of the designed closed drain. Surface water removal is carried out by a system of closed drainage network through water receiving grids located along roads. Waste water from the hull is discharged to the external sewage network and further to the city treatment facilities .

Improvement of the site allocated for construction includes the following measures:

- paving of entrance platforms and sidewalks, as well as paths on landscaped territory with shaped paving tiles, lining and paving of wings and stairs;

- landscaping with lawn installation, preservation of old and planting of new green spaces;

- arrangement of a playground with landscaping and installation of small architectural forms such as sandboxes, swings, benches, etc.;

- installation of outdoor lighting lights to service the territory in the dark.

1.2.1 Technical and economic parameters of the general plan.

The area of ​ ​ the plot is 1345 m2.

The built-up area is 585m2 .

Ratio of building area to plot area 0.43

Solid coating area 310 m2

Solid coating area to area ratio 0.23

Landscaping area 450 m2.

Ratio of green area to plot area 0.33

1.3.2 Design Solutions

Residential unit - section:

- structural type of frame - diaphragm;

- structural diagram - riggless frame;

- the spatial rigidity of the building is ensured by the joint operation of the floors and the core of rigidity;

- foundation - monolithic girder on piles. The inner walls of the basement are monolithic. All surfaces of walls in contact with the ground are painted with hot bitumen in two times;

- external walls - enclosing structures of external walls are made of brick [] 250mm with external heat insulation with a thickness of 130mm. External finishing of ceramic plates according to KRASPAN technology;

- internal walls - from gypsum concrete slabs of dry plaster;

- floors are designed with cast-in-situ reinforced concrete with thickness of 180mm from concrete of class B25, with reinforcement of class AIII;

- two-layer roll roof, flat. Insulation from extrusion polystyrene foam and expanded clay gravel to create slope. The water drain from the roof is organized internal, designed with three funnels;

- stairways and platforms made of monolithic reinforced concrete;

- staircase fencing - typical metal;

- elevator shafts are designed monolithic reinforced concrete from concrete of class B25 and reinforcement of class AIII;

- holes with a diameter of 50mm are drilled to pass electrical leads through concrete walls. Smoke removal mines in parallel with masonry are plastered on both sides;

- cast-in-situ reinforced concrete columns with 500mm without dripping. Made of B25 class concrete and AIII class reinforcement.

1.3.3 Engineering Equipment

- natural exhaust ventilation from kitchens and bathrooms. Exhaust is performed by vertical ventilation units with associated and prefabricated channels;

- central heating, with a water temperature of 10570 degrees Celsius. The system is dead end with upper wiring from typical risers, designed for variable temperature and pressure loss in radiators. Water heating system with convectors. The heat source for heating and hot water supply will be the heating network of the CHP. Connection of heating systems is provided according to dependent scheme with CTP device;

- water supply from the external network. Cold water will be supplied from the network of the microdistrict supplying drinking water. To ensure the necessary head in the internal networks, the installation of booster pumps of both household and firefighters is provided. Water supply of the housing is carried out from a separate CTP. 12 cold and hot water supply pipes from CTP are laid through the passage channels to the basement of the house, and booster pumps are also installed there. In the building, a combined economically fire-fighting water supply is designed. To provide fire fighting, two twin fire risers with a diameter of 50 mm, equipped with hoses with a length of 20 m, are provided on each floor. Hot water supply is provided centrally from CTP. Risers are laid in mines on the stairwell and in the bathrooms of apartments. Mines have access to risers on each floor. Pipelines of water supply systems, laid in the basement and, are isolated by products from mineral wool with a coating layer of lacquer glass cloth along the pergamine;

- discharge of stormwater from the roof is organized into funnels on roofs and risers;

- power supply of residential building is provided from external supply network by two cable entries separately at voltage 380/220V. Power supply of the main consumers of the residential building and built-in rooms should be performed according to the III category of reliability of power supply. For consumers of category 5 (smoke removal and fire alarm systems, elevators, emergency and evacuation lighting) it is necessary to provide an ALT. Electric cabinets of two on the floor are installed in niches of electric panels, in which counters of all-apartment metering and circuit breakers of group lines are located. The lighting of staircases is controlled by a photo switch, working and emergency lighting of staircases and elevator halls is provided. Supply mains are laid along the basement open in steel pipes. Group network in apartments is laid in channels of partitions and slabs. For each apartment, an electric call with a 220V voltage button is provided. One common introductory switchgear shall be installed in the building.

The following lighting shall be provided:

1) working;

2) emergency;

3) evacuation.

- the design provides for the arrangement of internal networks:

1) radio broadcasting from city transformers to subscriber radio outlets in all apartments;

2) collective use television antennas with the device and installation of universal branching boxes in floor cabinets;

3) Internet cable.

- installation of internal sewage system is provided from polyethylene pipes. In bathrooms, pipes are laid above the floor in decorative lining. Risers are laid in mines with access to each floor. The following sanitary devices are designed for installation:

1) ceramic toilets with directly located drain tanks and oblique outlets;

2) cast iron enameled baths with siphon, overflow and discharge;

3) ceramic semicircular washbasins with brass discharge and siphon, overflow and discharge;

4) ceramic semicircular washbasins with a brass outlet, siphon and a single mixer with a flexible hose;

5) double stainless steel washes with siphon, outlet and table type mixer.

Drainage is designed into an external domestic sewage network through two outlets with a diameter of 150mm, oriented to the courtyard facade. To ensure uninterrupted robots of the sewage network, revisions must be designed on it. On risers revision is installed on upper and lower floors

- the waste collector is designed according to the Prana catalog - waste removal and fire extinguishing systems for residential and administrative buildings. Intake valves are located on all floors except 1st and 11th floors the garbage collection chamber is located at the level of the first floor.

1.4 Environmental measures

The vegetal layer of soil 15 cm thick on the area of ​ ​ the entire construction site before the start of work is cut by a bulldozer and moved up to 1 km to the reserve. The protected fertile soil is returned to the construction site during the period of completion of landscaping work for the construction of lawns under the condition of laying water-carrying networks that exclude subsidence phenomena of the soil.

1.4.1 Protection against radioactive exposure

On the basis of [] NRB 76/87 and OSP 72/87, before, during and after the construction of the building, it is necessary to carry out constant radiation control of the construction site, building materials and structures, enter the following data in the work log: radiation control for inclusion in hidden works acts.

1.4.2 Explosive and fire safety measures

Eleven-storey single-section residential is made non-combustible and provides I degree of fire resistance. Building class by functional fire hazard F1.3.. Fire-fighting measures adopted in the draft comply with the requirements of chapters [11] and provide for:

- evacuation from 11 storey residential building is carried out by stairwell outside;

- arrangement of emergency exits from each room to a balcony with a blind window from the end, to a glazed opening with a width of 1.2m;

- fire alarm;

- fire-fighting water supply system;

- the structure of the walls of the elevator shafts is made of monolithic reinforced concrete with a thickness of 160 mm. To ensure the air head in the elevator shafts in case of fire, an plenum ventilation system was designed with placement in a separate room in the basement;

- a gap of 10 cm is provided between the marches;

- the ladder has an exit directly outside through the double vestibule.

1.4.3 Noise protection measures

Reduction of noise level according to [14] item 10 is achieved due to removal of the building from the roadway of the streets, due to planting of different green spaces. There are no permanent noise sources in the building construction area. Windows and balcony doors, in a residential building plastic with paired glazing, rooms adjacent to the staircase and elevator unit on the inside are treated with anti-noise coating.

Determination of estimated project cost, analysis of estimated documentation

3.6.1 General information on determination of estimated cost of the project

In order to determine the full estimated cost of the construction of an 11-storey one-storey entrance residential building, estimated documentation is drawn up, consisting of local estimates, object estimates and consolidated estimates. The estimated documentation is drawn up in accordance with the established procedure, regardless of the method of construction by contract or economic method. Based on economic calculations, the estimated estimated cost is determined.

The local estimate calculation is made using territorial unit rates (hereinafter - TEP) for construction and installation works TEP-2001 and the territorial collection of estimated prices (hereinafter - SCM) SCM 2001.

Initial data for determination of estimated construction cost are:

- territorial construction area - 24 (Krasnoyarsk Territory);

- territorial zone - 1 (city of Krasnoyarsk) [];

The index of conversion to prices for the 4th quarter of 2012 (to the main wage Kozp = 12.8, to the operation of Cam = 5.86 machines, to the material resources Kmat = 3.68) is accepted for objects of multi-storey residential buildings [].

The amount of overhead costs and estimated profit is accepted according to regulatory documents [];

- earthworks performed mechanically (95 %/50%) from the wage fund (hereinafter - FOT)

- manual earthworks (80 %/45%) from PHT

- concrete and reinforced concrete prefabricated structures in housing and civil construction (155% 100%) of POT;

- concrete and reinforced concrete monolithic structures in housing and civil construction (120 %/77%) of the POT;

- brick and block structures (122 %/80%) of POT;

- wooden structures (118 %/63%) of POT;

- finishing works (105 %/55%) of POT;

- roof (120 %/65%) of POT;

- floors (123 %/75%) of POT;

- protection of building structures and equipment against corrosion (90 %/70%) from PHT;

- civil metal structures (90 %/85%) of the PPF;

- piling works (130 %/80%) of PPF.

Object estimate calculation combines data from local estimate calculations in its composition (per object as a whole) and is subject to clarification, as a rule, on the basis of detailed documentation. Object costing determines the estimated limit for the corresponding object in the project.

The consolidated cost estimate is a document defining the estimated limit of funds required for the complete completion of all project facilities. The approved consolidated estimate of construction costs serves as the basis for determining the capital investment limit and opening construction financing.

The consolidated estimate is based on prices for Q4 2012. This document combines data from object cost estimates, data from local cost estimates for preparatory and external construction and installation works and limited costs. Limited costs are taken in the amount of 1.1% for temporary buildings and structures [9], in the amount of 3.7% for additional costs during construction and installation works in winter [10] and in the amount of 2% for unforeseen costs [7].

As a result of the calculation of the scope of work and the corresponding application of TEP collections and prices for materials of SCM collections and price lists, the application of limited costs and VAT, the full cost of construction and installation work in the amount of 145 431 180,00 rubles was determined.

Roofing Job Instruction

5.1 Map Scope

The Job Instruction is designed for reuse with the same roof composition. The routing is intended for new construction. The Job Instruction has been developed for the installation of roofing from roll roofing material Technoelast RPP. The works covered by the map include: steam insulation device from Bikroelast CCI, heat insulation device from Extrusion polysterol TEHNONIKOL, unfolding device, reinforced bracing device, double-layer carpet sticker from Technoelast ECP and lower layer from Uniflex Vent EPV.

5.2 Brief description of the construction site

A monolithic - frame residential building for 55 apartments, part of the building of axis 1-5 is rotated relative to axes 7-11 by 300 and has a plan size of 44310 × 15000 mm, the number of floors is 11, the height of the 1st floor is 3200 mm, following 2800 mm. The roof is flat, not operated, without attic. Roof composition by layers (from top to bottom):

- RPP technoelast;

- Uniflex Vent EPV;

- Primer bitumen TECHNONICOL No. 1;

- reinforced cement-sand brace;

- slope-forming layer of expanded clay;

- extrusion foam polysterol TECHNONICOL 2 layers;

- CCI Bikroelast;

- monolithic railway plate.

Construction conditions

Climatic construction area 1 V

The temperature of the coldest five-day coverage is 0.92-40 ° С

Average monthly temperature in July + 20 ° С

Start roofing June 1 end June 26

The organization of work during the construction of the roof is carried out in one shift so that this area is most important due to the fact that possible shortcomings can affect in the future and can lead to large financial losses.

Organization and procedure of works execution

5.3.1 Preparatory works

All construction works on the roof shall be completed prior to the start of roofing works. The monolithic slab is accepted by the master according to []. The necessary materials, tooling, inventory are given on the folies1. Store materials and tools in a closed warehouse after work is completed.

5.3.2 Main works Instructions for performance of works

Guidelines were developed according to [], [].

- all construction works must be completed before the steam insulation layer is laid, the base must be cleaned of debris;

- on all vertical surfaces the steam-insulating material must be glued with a continuous glue, putting above the heat-insulating layer;

- on the whole horizontal plane, glue the material sheets in the seams, providing 80-100mm and 150 in the end faces on the whip;

- when placing heat insulation, the seams between the slabs are placed in a run-down, providing tight abutment to each other. Cut the heat insulation plates so that the joints of the 1st and 2nd layers do not coincide. Lay layers on yourself

- install beacons before the start of the deceleration device. Fill carefully, without damage to the heat insulation layer, reach the design slope i = 2.5;

- when laying the brace from cement sand mortar, arrange temperature shrinkage seams with width of 5 mm separating the brace not more than 6 * 6 m. Reinforce the brace with mesh. The cement-sand bracing mortar must be used prior to setting and intermittently stir during use. In places of roofing adjoining walls of shafts and other structural elements there shall be provided transient inclined sides at angle 450, height not less than 100 mm from cement sand mortar. Brick walls in these places shall be plastered with 50 grade cement sand mortar;

- perform bracing with primer in 3 - 4 hours as bracing is laid;

- before the start of the sticker of the main water insulation carpet, all preparatory work must be completed: ventshakhts are installed, abutments, cornice overhangs, and funnels of the internal drain are made. The slope shall be checked for compliance with the design design;

- the label of the first layer shall be made as follows:

1) roll the material roll on the prepared surface, trying on it in place and provide it on the whip in relation to the neighboring surface;

2) roll the material back to the middle on both sides;

3) on the lower side of the roll in the place of steam-conducting strips, burn the film with a burner, preventing drowning of sand in the binder. In case of surfacing, additionally warm up the side to form a roll of bituminopolymer binder, it should protrude by 0.51.5 cm from the side seam. Roll fixture in lateral places is carried out most carefully;

- label of the second layer of carpet:

1) on the prepared surface, roll the material roll in place and in relation to the adjacent one by providing on the whip, remove the protective film;

2) roll the material back;

3) the glue is made as follows: for this, the roofer lights the burner and melts the rolled roll with the pendulum movement of the burner along the roll, keeping the burner cup at a distance of 10-20 cm from the roll. After the formation of the roller of the stacked build-up layer (from the lower side of the roll), the roofer grasps the roll with a grasper and, stepping back, rolls out and glues it. Rolling in places of joints is performed by roller IR735;

- installation of roofing carpet within the limits of working grips to start from reduced sections to increased ones;

- cornice overhangs, areas of the location of gutters, with the arrangement of panels perpendicular to the flow of water;

- when adjoining vertical surfaces, make a sticker from the bottom to the top. In places of roofing adjoins to parapets, bring layers of additional carpet on the upper face of the parapet, after which the adjoining is covered with galvanized roofing steel, which can be fastened using self-cuts;

- tension of the panels during laying on the base shall eliminate residual undulations and wrinkles on the surface of the roofing material. The web laid on the base after the sticker must be firmly held on the base, without forming waves and bloats to prevent such defects, the rolls should be rolled from the axis of the roll diagonally to its edges, the detected defects after the sticker of each layer should be eliminated before the sticker of the following layers of material;

- walking on the carpet that has just been laid is not allowed;

- at roofing arrangement perform acceptance of each layer with filling of the act for hidden works . Process flow chart

Work on the construction of a ruberoid roll roof with a layer of mastic is carried out by a specialized team of 6 people. Including:

- roofer of the V category, and he is the foreman - 1 person;

- roofer IV category - 1 person;

- roofer of the III category - 2 people;

- roofer of the II category - 2 people;

- crane operator of V category - 1 person;

- riggers of the II category - 2 people.

1st roofer of the II category prepares the base of the 2nd roofer of the II category and the 1st roofer of the III category glues the vapor insulation. After completion of preparation of the 1st roofer of the II category and the 2nd roofer of the III category, the 1st layer of heat insulation is laid. After application of steam insulation, the 2nd roofer of the II category and the 1st roofer of the III category, the 2nd layer of heat insulation is laid. After the 1st roofer of the II category and the 2nd roofer of the III produce the laying of thermal insulation, they together begin the device of decompression from expanded clay. After the roofer of the IV category is completed and the 1st roofer of the III category begins the device of cement-sand bracing and the roofer of the III category helps them by laying the reinforcement mesh along the bracing. When the solution solidifies, the discharge roofer V adjoins the gutters. In parallel with it, roofers of the II category begin to cut the base. Together with them, the roofers begin to work: IV categories and III categories, they sequentially make a sticker of the 1st and 2nd layer of the water insulation carpet, they also make a lining of the abutments . Justification of work front breakdown for grips

Since the building with a flat roof and according to the work technology, it is necessary to sequentially perform the work during the construction of the roof, as well as for the accelerated commissioning of the roof for the start of finishing work, a breakdown into 1 grip and the roof device using contact electric heating is not possible since this load was not calculated.

5.5 Occupational Safety and Safety

Developed according to [], [], []

- before the start of work, each roofer must receive the following set of overalls: men's jumpsuit GOST 12.4.10080 from suit fabric Change 3art, brick boots GOST 12.4.18797, protective helmet GOST 12.408784, universal sprayer 60m TU 2568057957311572002;

- safety rules shall be observed during installation of roll roofs made of built-up materials by gas burner method;

- Persons not younger than 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination, special theoretical training and practical training, who have passed exams and received a certificate are allowed to work on the construction of roofs made of floating material;

- regardless of the length of service, roofers must undergo an introductory (general) safety instruction, as well as a production instruction directly at the workplace;

- roof elements and parts, including compensators in seams, protective aprons, drain pipe links, drains, overhangs, etc., should be supplied to workplaces in the prepared form. Before starting work, the roofer must put on special clothes and make sure that they are serviceable. Shoes shall not be sliding;

- visually check serviceability: cylinders, burners, hoses, reliability of their attachment (attach only with metal clamps), serviceability of reduction gears, pressure gauges. When working with gas cylinders (working gas - propane), it is necessary to follow the "Temporary instruction on safe operation of posts, storage and transportation of liquefied gas cylinders of propanbutane mixture during waterproofing operations";

- it is recommended to use safety goggles when working with gas-flame equipment;

- when igniting a manual flame burner (working gas - propane), open the valve by 1/4 - 1/2 turns and after short-term blowing of the hose, light the combustible mixture, after which the flame can be controlled;

- ignition of the burner with a match or a special lighter, it is forbidden to light the burner from accidental burning objects;

- with the burner lit, do not move outside the workplace, do not climb trays and forests, do not make sharp movements;

- the burner is extinguished by closing the gas supply valve, and then lowering the locking lever;

- in case of interruptions in operation, the burner flame must be extinguished, and the valves on it must be tightly closed. In case of interruptions in operation (lunch, etc.), valves on gas cylinders, reduction gears must be closed;

- when the burner overheats, operation shall be suspended and the burner extinguished and cooled to ambient temperature in the tank with clean water;

- Flammable operations shall be carried out at a distance of not less than 10 m from groups of cylinders (more than 2) intended for flammable operations; 5 m from individual flammable gas cylinders; 3 m from combustible gas pipelines;

- It is forbidden to work in oiled clothes and smoke in the workplace;

- intrusion of unauthorized persons, drunken workers or not engaged in work in this area of work is prohibited;

- the roofer's workplace shall be provided with the following means of fire extinguishing and medical care: powder fire extinguishers for one roof section of at least two pieces, a box with sand with a capacity of 0.05 m3, shovels - 2 pieces, asbestos cloth - 1 m2, a first aid kit with a set of medicines.

Select Building Erection Methods

1. Preparatory period.

During this period, the following types of work are carried out:

- clearing of the construction area;

- geodetic works;

- fencing of the territory and arrangement of temporary buildings;

- arrangement of temporary roads, temporary networks of drainage, sewerage, power supply of the construction site.

The duration of the period is 30 days.

2. Earthworks:

- cutting of vegetable layer by bulldozer DZ25;

- soil development is carried out with loading on a car. The excavator the return shovel of the E10011A brand with a volume of ladle of 1 m3. The passage is carried out by end penetration when the excavator moves to itself;

- manual rework of pit bottom to cut depth of 10 cm;

- backfilling is performed by bulldozer DZ25. Backfill with incompressible soil;

- compaction of soil in the sinuses of the foundation by manual electric ramming of IE 4502.

3. The main works on the construction of pile foundations are preceded by the preparatory, delivery and storage of reinforcement frames, the breakdown of the axes of the pile field and the places of pile drilling; Checks the status of wireframe features and assemblies. The basement is erected by an integrated team of 8 people.

The basement of the building is erected using the crane-badya method:

- the leading mechanism is the SKG crane - 40A;

- camera mixer 5814V;

- drilling of wells for piles is carried out by a car of the type of kamaz with mounted equipment of the brand MBU 20;

4. The construction of the monolithic above-ground part is carried out by a sequential method in one capture by a complex brigade of 16 people.

Erection of above-ground part by crane-badya method:

- driving mechanism - KB674 valve ;

- camera mixer 5814V;

- installation method - sequential;

- welding of fittings E42A electrodes.

- masonry of external walls and balconies in one brick. The masonry of walls and partitions is carried out parallel to the installation of the monolithic part, that is, as soon as the construction of the 1st floor is completed and the construction of external walls, balconies, and partitions begins on the 1st day. Masonry is carried out by a team of 8 masons .

5. Finishing works:

- finishing work to start with the readiness of the frame of the 7th floor by this time, masonry work on the construction of walls and partitions should be completed, window and door openings from the 1st to 7th floor are laid bracing for floors on the 1st and 2nd floors. Also, with the readiness of the 7th floor, the decoration of the facade with ceramic tiles according to the Kraspan system begins, before the decoration begins, install protective visors along the entire perimeter of the building .

- plastering of concrete surfaces and joints by hand;

- plastering of partitions is carried out using means of mechanization;

- solution supply - by crane in boxes;

- performance of painting works using manual paint assembly;

- decoration of the facade according to the technology of Kraspan Kolor is carried out from metal scaffolding.

6. Roofing works:

- supply of piece and volume materials to the roof with a crane to a specially equipped site.

7. Floor arrangement:

- concrete base is arranged with strips with width B = 2 m, with compaction by site vibrator;

- ceramic floors are made of tiles measuring 30 × 30 cm;

- parquet floor laying technologist in accordance with []

8. The blessing of the territory includes :

- installation of a children's camp;

- Arrangement of access roads and footpaths;

- landscaping of the territory.

This work is carried out by a team of 6 people .

To perform unaccounted work, a link of handymen in the amount of 6 people is provided.

Actual duration of house construction was 238 days

6.2.2 Designing temporary driveways and roads

For intra-border transport they use mainly road transport.

Permanent entrances do not provide construction due to mismatch of routing and dimensions, in this regard we arrange temporary roads. Temporary roads are the most expensive part of temporary structures, the cost of temporary roads is 1-2% of the estimated construction cost.

The traffic flow chart and the location of roads in the plan provides access to the area of ​ ​ operation of installation and loading and unloading mechanisms, to pre-assembly sites, warehouses, and household premises. When developing a traffic pattern, we make maximum use of existing and designed roads. We provide for ring and dead end roads, junctions and turning platforms were arranged on dead end roads. When routing roads, maximum distances are observed:

- between road and storage area 1m;

- between the road and the fence enclosing the construction site 1.5 m.

The width of the carriageway of single-lane roads is 3.45 m. On sections of roads where one-way traffic is organized, in the material storage unloading zone, the width of the road increases to 6.5 m, the length of the widening section is 18 m.

Rounding radii were 12 m, but the width of the driveways within the curves increases from 3.5 to 5 m.

6.2.7 Description of Construction Plot Plan

The SGP is made on a scale of 1:2000 and includes general sites with the application of temporary facilities on it. On the SGP, the boundaries of the construction site and the types of its fences are indicated, operating temporary underground, above-ground and air networks and communications, temporary roads, traffic patterns of means of transport and mechanisms, places of installation of construction and lifting machines with indication of ways of their movement and areas of operation, location of permanent, under construction and temporary buildings and structures, arrangement of sources and means of energy supply and lighting of the construction site, sites and premises for storage of materials and structures, locations of premises for sanitary services of builders .

The SGP sizes in respect of 228800 x 203760. The construction of a residential building is carried out by a tower crane KB - 408.21.

6.2.8 Instructions for quality control of construction and installation works

The required quality and reliability of buildings and structures should be ensured by construction organizations, by implementing a set of technical, economic and organizational measures of effective control at all stages of the creation of construction products.

Quality control of CIW shall be carried out by specialists or special services that are part of the construction organization or are involved from the outside and equipped with technical means that ensure the necessary reliability and completeness of control .

Production quality control of CIW shall include incoming control of working documentation, structures, products, materials and equipment, operational control of individual construction processes or production operations and acceptance control of CIW.

Operational control shall be carried out during construction processes or production operations and acceptance control of CIW.

During acceptance inspection, it is necessary to check the quality of the completed construction works, as well as critical structures .

Based on the results of production and inspection quality control of CIW, measures should be developed to eliminate the identified defects, while the requirements of author supervision of design organizations and state supervision and control bodies should also be taken into account.

6.2.9 Occupational safety and fire safety measures

Hazardous areas into which the entry of people not associated with this type of work is prohibited, fenced off and marked.

There are safe ways for pedestrians and road transport.

Temporary and administrative and household buildings and structures are placed in such a way that the distance from the most remote place outside the building does not exceed 200 m .

Drinking plants are located at a distance not exceeding 75 m from workplaces.

Fire breaks are provided between temporary buildings and structures, refer to [].

At the construction site, safe working conditions shall be created that exclude the possibility of electric shock to people in accordance with the norms [].

The construction site, passageways, driveways and workplaces are illuminated .

Places for curries are indicated and fire stations equipped with fire fighting equipment are located.

Wheels are washed from the barrel, dirty water is drained to the city storm water system

Site Safety.

Welding works

Welders' workplaces in the room shall be separated from adjacent workplaces and passageways by non-combustible screens to a height of 1.8 m. When welding in the open air, the fence should be installed in case of simultaneous work of several welders close to each other and in areas of intensive movement of people. Welding work in the open air during rain, snowfall should be stopped.


By production of earthwork in the territory of settlements or on production territories ditches, holes, trenches and ditches in places where there is a movement of people and transport, transitional bridges have to be protected, installed.

The personnel operating means of mechanization, the equipment, devices and manual machines have to be before trained in safe methods and methods of works.


Rigging or cargo slinging shall be performed by persons who have undergone special training.

Work in winter

Works on construction of structures in winter are allowed to be carried out according to the work execution project developed by the construction organization and agreed with the binding organization.

6.2.10 Environmental protection measures

It is envisaged to install the boundaries of the construction site, which ensures maximum safety beyond the territory of construction of trees, shrubs, grass cover.

Disorderly and unorganized movement of construction equipment and vehicles is excluded. Temporary roads and other access roads are arranged taking into account the requirements for the prevention of damage to wood and artisanal vegetation.

Concrete mix and mortars are stored in special containers. Places where garbage tanks are installed are organized.

6.2.11 Measures to ensure the preservation of materials

Closed warehouses are arranged to preserve expensive or outdoors-spoiling materials (cement, lime, gypsum, plywood, nails, etc.).

Materials are stored according to certain rules. When putting articles in a stack, the gaskets are placed between them strictly under each other. The section of the gaskets and liners is usually square with the side 6... 8 cm. Dimensions are selected so that the parent components do not rest on the mounting loops or protruding parts of the children.

When installing the elements, slings must be correctly selected, otherwise the structures may break .

A gate is installed at the entrances and exits of the construction site, a guard operates, which is located in temporary buildings located at both entrances.

An alarm system is provided at the site. In the dark, the construction site on all sides is illuminated by floodlights.


The assignment for the diploma design on the topic "Construction of a monolithic 11-storey residential building in the Sverdlovsk microdistrict of Krasnoyarsk" was completed in full in accordance with the curriculum and is 10 sheets of the graphic part and... sheets of explanatory note. The diploma project was carried out on the basis of literature accepted in construction, the purpose of which is to create the most modern and comfortable building. New materials and technologies were used in the project. The technical and economic indicators of the project confirm the rationality of the decisions made.

Drawings content

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