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Diploma in gas supply of the village for 9.8 thousand people



Project's Content

icon Диплом по газоснабжению села на 9,8 тыс чел..dwg
icon ПЗ.doc
icon Приложение А ТЭО.doc
icon Приложение Б ОБЪЕМЫ РАБОТ.xls
icon Приложение Г-гидравлика низ. давления.xls
icon смета приложение В.doc

Additional information




1. Technological part

1.1 General characteristic of the gas supply facility

1.1.1 Construction characteristic

1.1.2 Climatic data of construction area

1.1.3 Gas Supply Source

1.2.Basic technical solutions

1.2.1 Gas distribution system

1.2.2. Gas pipelines

1.2.3 Protection of gas pipeline against corrosion

1.3.1 Annual gas consumption for household and communal needs of the population

1.3.2 Standard gas consumption

1.3.3 Calculation of annual gas costs for household and communal needs of the population

1.3.4 Annual gas costs for heating and ventilation of residential and public buildings

1.3.5 Calculation of annual gas costs for hot water supply

1.3.6 Calculation of annual gas expenditures for industrial needs

1.4 Determination of estimated (hourly) gas flow rates

1.4.1 Estimated hourly gas consumption for household and communal needs

1.4.2 Determination of estimated heating gas and valve hourly flow rates

residential and public buildings

1.4.3 Determination of estimated hourly flow rate of gas for hot water supply

1.4.4 Determination of estimated gas hourly consumption for industrial needs

1.5 Hydraulic calculation of gas pipelines

1.5.1 Hydraulic calculation of medium pressure gas pipelines

1.5.2 Hydraulic calculation of low pressure gas pipelines

1.5.3 Feasibility Study of Design Solutions

1.5.4 Control of gas release and selection of SGN equipment

2. Patent research and literature review

2.1. Introduction

2.2 Adjusting device

2.3 Formula of the Invention

3. Heating the production building with gas heaters

3.1. General provisions

3.2. Determination of design gas flow rate and selection of burners

4. Boiler house automation and gas equipment

4.1. General provisions

4.2 Boiler characteristics D-

4.3. Automation of D- boiler safety and regulation

5. Organization of construction and installation and construction works

5.1 Compiling Labour Costing and Composition Design


5.2. Network Calculation

5.3 Calculation of demand for basic construction materials, parts and


5.4 Calculation of construction plan

5.5 Determination of construction demand for water, electricity,

compressed air

5.6 Technical and economic indicators

6. Economics of gas supply systems

7. Environmental expertise of the project

7.1. Object characteristic

7.2. Environmental review at the design stage

7.3. Environmental expertise at the stage of work

7.4. Environmental assessment at the operational stage

7.5. Measures to reduce air emissions

8. Security of the designed object

8.1 Identification of hazards of the designed object

8.2 Application of safety and control automation


List of literature sources used

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix D

Appendix D Specification Collection


The gas industry will continue to play a leading role in providing the country with the necessary quantity of high-quality fuel.

Modern gas supply systems are a complex complex consisting of gas distribution stations (GRS), high, medium and low pressure gas networks, gas control points and plants (GRP and GRU), and are designed to provide gaseous fuel to the population, utility, industrial and agricultural consumers.

The gas supply system should ensure uninterrupted and safe gas supply to consumers, be simple and convenient to operate and provide for the possibility of disconnecting its individual elements for preventive, repair and emergency recovery operations.

The scale and pace of development of the gas industry and gas supply systems determines the production of gas, which becomes the main fuel consumed in the country. Natural gas is the highest quality fuel.

The structure of energy consumption in the utility sector in Russia in terms of quality should strive for global.

The purpose of the diploma project is to deepen and consolidate the knowledge gained during the study of the course "Gas Supply" and other disciplines, practical mastering of the design methodology, mastering the skills of working with SNiPs, GOST, the necessary technical and regulatory reference literature.

Process part.

1. Brief information about gasified settlement.

1.1 Construction characteristic.

The development of the village is provided for by various storeys, mainly one-storey. The central part of the village is built up with two-, three-story houses.

Of the public buildings in the village there are: schools, shops, hospitals, clinics. Of the industrial and industrial: forge, woodworking plant, asphalt concrete plant and bakery.

The population of the settlement for an estimated period is 9,800 people.

From southwest to east, a river flows through the village. The terrain is calm, with a slope towards the river.

Soils are mainly represented by loams.

The norm of the total area according to the general plan is 18 m2 per one

a man.

The climate of the village is temperate continental, humid, with cold snowy winters and temperate warm rainy summers.

1.2 Basic technical solutions.

1.2.1 Gas distribution system.

The gas distribution scheme of the settlement was decided based on the condition of the location of the head gas control station (GGRP), the nature of the planning and development of the settlement, the location of large concentrated consumers.

Gas distribution according to the settlement from the head gas control point adopted according to a two-stage scheme:

I stage - medium pressure pipelines PN 0.3 MPa;

II stage - low-pressure gas pipelines PN 0.003 MPa (300 dPa);

Cabinet-type gas control stations, utility and industrial consumers, and heating boiler houses are connected to medium-pressure gas pipelines.

Circuit of medium pressure gas pipelines is adopted as annular and dead end.

Residential buildings and small utility consumers are connected to low-pressure gas pipelines.

The scheme of low-pressure gas pipelines is adopted as annular and dead end.

To reduce the gas pressure from an average PN of 0.3 MPa to a low PN of 0.003 MPa, the settlement provides for the construction of gas control points of the cabinet type.

The scheme of gas distribution to the consumers of the settlement is designed on the basis of its modern layout.

1.2.2 Gas pipelines

The designed medium pressure gas pipeline is made underground of steel pipes manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the standards and meeting the requirements of [2] "Gas distribution systems."

Steel pipes [3] are produced by domestic plants and have a quality certificate. Soils along the gas pipeline route belong to medium-steep. The normative depth of seasonal freezing of the soil is 1.4-1.6 m. The depth of laying a steel gas pipeline is 1.35 m to the top of the pipe .

The designed low-pressure gas pipeline is made above ground on supports made of steel pipes according to [3], made in accordance with the requirements of the standards and meeting the requirements of [2] "Gas distribution systems."

For the possibility of disconnecting individual sections of the gas pipeline and SGD, the installation of disconnecting devices is provided. Places of their installation are presented on sheet 1.

Underground and above-ground steel gas pipelines, internal gas equipment of SGR are subject to leak test.

In accordance with the requirements of the rules for the protection of gas distribution networks along the gas pipeline route, a protection zone is established in the form of a territory limited by conditional lines passing at a distance of 2 m from each side of the gas pipeline, for SGD - in the form of a territory limited by a closed line drawn at a distance of 10 m from SGD

1.2.3Protection of gas pipeline against corrosion

To protect against atmospheric corrosion, the above-ground sections of the gas pipeline are covered with two layers of GF 021 primer and painted with two layers of paint for external work.

Electrochemical protection of gas pipelines.

Electrochemical protection of medium pressure gas pipelines at the circuit stage is planned to be carried out using cathodic protection plants of the OPS type.

To increase the efficiency of cathodic polarization and increase the action zones of cathode stations, the installation of insulating flange connections (IFS) is provided.

To systematically monitor and monitor the effectiveness of corrosion protection systems, instrumentation and control points are installed, which are installed on gas pipelines laid in the territory of the settlement after 200 m.

Cast iron pipes with a diameter of 150mm are provided as anode earthing elements.


During the degree project, design flowrates of gas on domestic and small municipal needs, public utilities, heating and ventilation of residential and public buildings, on hot water supply, industrial needs, all on the settlement - 6580 m3/h were counted.

Hydraulic calculation of medium and low pressure networks, branches was carried out, the diameters of gas pipelines were selected. Pressure losses do not exceed the values specified by SNiP. Cabinet gas control points were also selected, their number was determined by calculation.

Heating of OJSC "Building Materials" production shop with infrared burners was considered and designed in detail.

The internal gas equipment and automation of the boiler house were also considered.

During the diploma design for the organization of the construction of the gas pipeline, the volumes of earthworks, needs for energy resources, mechanisms and labor were calculated. An in-line construction method with a combination in time of work was implemented, the optimal schedule of workers' movement was chosen.

The critical path is 42 days;

The maximum number of workers per shift is 19;

The total power of the used machines is 67 kW.

In the section of the economy, a local estimate was developed, according to the results of which the total estimated cost will be 73482247.7 rubles.

Safety measures were developed during the design and construction of the facility, an environmental examination was carried out.

Drawings content

icon Диплом по газоснабжению села на 9,8 тыс чел..dwg