Development of a gas supply project for the city with a population of 350 thousand people

- Added: 29.07.2014
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Additional information
1.1 Adopted Technical Solutions for Gas Pipeline Laying
1.2 General information about the city
2.1 Population
2.2 Annual Gas Consumption
2.3 Maximum gas flow rate
2.4 Gas costs of industrial enterprises
2.5 Gas flow rates for low and high pressure networks
2.6 Selection of gas supply system and routing of gas distribution networks
2.7 Hydraulic calculation of low pressure networks
2.8 Hydraulic calculation of high pressure network
2.9 Hydraulic calculation of internal house gas pipeline
2.10 Design of gas control station
2.11 Gas Distribution Station Design
3.1 Procedure of gas pipeline commissioning
3.2 Crossing artificial obstacles
3.3 Transitions through natural barriers
3.4 High and low pressure networks
3.5 Gas distribution station
3.6 Gas Control Station
3.7 Gas supply to public buildings, production plants and boilers
4.1 Technical description of PTVM-50- boiler
4.2 Technical description of RSWG burner
4.3 Selection of equipment for GRU
4.4 Selection of burners for boilers
4.5 Hydraulic Calculation of Piping
5.1 Analysis of hazardous and harmful production factors in accordance with GOST 12.0.003-80 * "System of occupational safety standards. Hazardous and harmful production factors. Classification "and measures to prevent them
5.2 Safety requirements for testing of installed equipment and pipelines
5.3 Fire protection during operation of gas facilities
5.4 Environmental protection measures
5.5 Measures to ensure industrial safety, prevention of accidents and localization of their consequences
5.6 Calculation of gas emissions from GRP
5.7 Calculation of lightning protection of FRG
6.1 General provisions
6.2 Capital Investments for Gas Distribution Network Construction
6.3 Operating Costs
6.4 Cost Effectiveness Assessment
The diploma project developed a gas supply system in Kemerovo with a population of 347,497 people.
Based on the estimated gas consumption, annual and hourly consumption of gas by the city, and based on specific categories of gas consumers (household and communal consumption; heating and ventilation consumption; industrial; consumption by large and small boiler houses) calculations of medium pressure networks and low pressure networks - ring, as well as dead end gas pipelines were carried out.
Based on certain estimated gas consumption, hydraulic calculation of the intra-quarter and intra-house gas pipeline was carried out. Gas control station, gas distribution station and boiler room were designed.
In the research part of the diploma project, the front water of the boiler house for the consumption of gaseous fuel was considered.
The section "Life Safety" covers health issues, safety requirements during testing of installed equipment and pipelines, fire safety and environmental protection measures.
In the economic part, the cost of constructing a gas distribution network is determined.
This project consists of an explanatory note on 124 pages, containing 117 formulas, 35 tables, 21 figures and 34 sources used, and a graphic part on 10 sheets.
Improvement and automation of technological processes leads to the need to improve the quality of consumable heat carriers. Natural gas meets these requirements most than other fuels.
The rational use of gaseous fuel with the greatest realization of its technical advantages allows to obtain a significant economic effect, which is associated with an increase in the efficiency of the units and a decrease in fuel consumption. The use of natural gas as a fuel makes it possible to significantly improve the living conditions of the population, increase the sanitary and hygienic level of production and improve the water pool in cities and industrial centers.
Natural gas supply to cities and settlements aims to:
- Improvement of living conditions of the population;
- replacement of more expensive solid, liquid fuel or electricity in thermal processes at industrial enterprises, thermal power plants, municipal enterprises, medical institutions, public catering enterprises, etc.;
- improvement of the ecological situation in cities and settlements, since natural gas during combustion practically does not emit harmful gases into the atmosphere.
Natural gas is supplied to cities and towns through main gas pipelines starting from gas production sites (gas fields) and ending at gas distribution stations (GRS) located near clans and villages.
To supply gas to all consumers, a gas distribution network is being built in the cities, gas control points or installations (GRP and GRU) are being equipped, control points and other equipment necessary for the operation of gas pipelines are being built.
On the territory of cities and villages, gas pipelines are laid underground.
On the territory of industrial enterprises and thermal power plants, gas pipelines are laid above the ground on separate supports, on overpasses, as well as on the walls and roofs of production buildings.
Gas pipelines shall be laid in accordance with SNiP requirements.
Natural gas is used by the population for burning in household gas appliances: stoves, water gas heaters, in heating boilers.
At public utilities, gas is used to obtain hot water and steam, baking bread, cooking in canteens and restaurants, and heating rooms.
In medical institutions, natural gas is used for sanitary treatment, preparation of hot water, for cooking.
At industrial enterprises, gas is burned primarily in boilers and industrial furnaces. It is also used in technological processes for heat treatment of products manufactured by the enterprise.
In agriculture, natural gas is used to prepare feed for animals, to heat agricultural buildings, and in production workshops.
The purpose of the diploma project is to design gas supply in the Kemerovo region. To do this, you must:
perform calculations of gas supply system:
a) determine annual gas consumption by consumers;
b) determine the hourly consumption of gas by consumers;
c) perform hydraulic calculation of low and medium pressure networks, intra-quarter and intra-house gas pipelines.
d) to select the gas equipment used by gas control stations (GRP), gas distribution station (GRS), enterprises and utilities.
2. The gas supply system shall ensure uninterrupted supply of gas to consumers, be safe in operation, simple and convenient to maintain, shall provide for the possibility of disconnecting its individual elements or sections of gas pipelines for repair or emergency work.
3. Facilities, equipment and units in the gas supply system should be of the same type. The adopted version of the system should have maximum economic efficiency and provide for the construction and commissioning of a gas supply system in parts. The main element of urban gas supply systems are gas networks.
4. A number of factors must be taken into account:
a) the nature of the gas source, the properties of the gas, the degree of its purification and humidity;
b) size of the city, peculiarities of its layout and development, population density;
c) number and nature of industrial consumers;
d) the presence of natural or artificial obstacles to the laying of gas pipelines.
5. To prevent harm to people, reduce the negative impact on the environment during the construction of a gas distribution network, human labor protection and environmental protection programs should be developed.
The initial data for gas supply network design are:
- composition and characteristics of natural gas or gas field;
- climatic characteristics of the construction area;
- development plan of the settlement;
- characteristics of heat supply sources of the population and industrial enterprises;
- population of the city or population density per hectare;
- storey of residential neighborhoods.
1 common part
1.1 Adopted Technical Solutions for Gas Pipeline Laying
The present project has developed gas supply to the city of Kemerovo.
From the main gas pipeline, gas enters the city through a gas distribution station. Gas supply to the city of Kemerovo is adopted two-stage. The first stage is a medium pressure gas pipeline, and the second stage is low. Between the stages are a gas control station (GRP) or a cabinet control station (SRP), which were designed depending on the development of the territory, the storey of the buildings: in the center - GRP, in the adjacent area - SRP. Pressure drop in low pressure networks is equal to p = 1200 Pa.
On the territory of the city there are industrial enterprises and a boiler house, which were gasified depending on the flow and pressure of gas, as well as future prospects.
The laying of external gas pipelines in the city is provided for underground. Steel pipes are accepted.
Gas pipelines are laid at a depth of at least 0.8 m to the top of the gas pipeline or case. In places where the movement of transport and agricultural machinery is not provided, the depth of laying steel gas pipelines may be at least 0.6 m [21].
At the crossings of gas pipelines with underground communication headers and channels for various purposes, as well as at the places where gas pipelines pass through the walls of gas wells, the gas pipeline is laid in a case.
The ends of the case are brought to a distance of at least 2 m to both sides of the external walls of the crossed structures and utilities, at the intersection of the walls of gas wells - at a distance of at least 2 cm. The ends of the case are sealed with waterproofing material.
At one end of the case, at the upper point of the slope (with the exception of the intersections of the walls of the wells), a control tube is provided that goes under the protective device.
3.2 Crossing artificial obstacles
The minimum distance from underground gas pipelines at the points of their intersection by tram and railway tracks should be taken:
- to bridges, pipes, tunnels and pedestrian bridges and tunnels (with a large population of people) on the railways - 30 m;
- to arrows (beginning of points, tail of crosses, places of connection to the rails of suction cables) - 3 m for tram tracks and 10 m for railways and 3 m to the supports of the contact network.
The reduction of the specified distances is allowed by agreement with the organizations in charge of the crossed structures.
The need to install identification columns (signs) and their design at the crossings of gas pipelines through the railways of the common network is decided in agreement with the Ministry of Railways of Russia.
The laying of underground gas pipelines of all pressures at intersections with railway, roads of I, II and III categories, as well as expressways within the city, main streets and roads of citywide importance should be provided in steel cases.
The ends of the cases must be sealed. At one end of the case, a control tube should be provided, which goes under the protective device, and at inter-village gas pipelines - an exhaust candle with a sampling device, brought out at a distance of at least 50 m from the edge of the earth bed.
In the tubular space of the case, it is allowed to lay an operational communication cable, telemechanics, telephone, and an electrical protection drain cable intended for servicing the gas supply system.
The ends of the case should be brought out for distances, m, at least:
- from an extreme drainage construction of a railroad road bed (a ditch, a ditch, a reserve) - 3;
- from the extreme rail of the railway track - 10;
- from the way of industrial enterprise - 3;
- from the extreme rail of the tram track - 2;
- from the edge of the roadway of the streets - 2;
- from the edge of the roadway - 3.5.
In all cases, the ends of the cases shall be extended beyond the fill foot by a distance of not less than 2 m.
The depth of the gas pipeline under the railways and roads should be taken depending on the method of construction and the nature of the soils in order to ensure traffic safety.
Minimum depth of gas pipeline laying to the top of the case from the bottom of the rail or the top of the coating at zero elevations and excavations, and if there is an embankment from the bottom of the embankment, it should be provided, m:
- under the railways of the general network - 2.0 (from the bottom of drainage facilities - 1.5), and during the work by puncture - 2.5;
- under the railways of industrial enterprises and roads:
o 1.0 - during open works;
o 1.5 - during works execution by method of pressing, horizontal drilling or shield drilling:
o 2.5 - during works execution by puncture method.
The height of the above-ground gas pipelines at the intersection with electrified and non-electrified railway tracks, with tram tracks, roads, trolleybus contact network should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNI8980.
During the construction of gas pipelines of insignificant length (up to 100 m) with a diameter of up to 110 mm, it is allowed to drag the gas pipeline with simultaneous expansion of the drilling channel.
3.3 Transitions through natural barriers
In the gas supply system of the city of Kemerovo, one crossing of the Tom River was designed by a high-pressure gas pipeline of the 1st category (1.2 MPa). The width of the river at the intersection is 580 m.
Transitions of gas pipelines through water barriers are provided on the basis of hydrological, engineering-geological and topographic surveys, taking into account the operating conditions of existing and construction of designed bridges, hydraulic structures, promising works in a given area and the ecology of the reservoir.
The place of crossing water barriers should be coordinated with the basin administrations of the river fleet, fish protection, local bodies of Mine Nature of Russia, the local committee on water management and other interested organizations.
Slats of underwater crossings through rivers are selected on rectilinear stable mold sections with gentle non-washed bed banks with minimum width of floodplain being poured. The subsea junction shall be provided, as a rule, perpendicular to the dynamic flow axis, avoiding areas folded with rock soils. Skewing is generally not allowed.
According to SP 421012003, with the width of water barriers at the low horizon of 75 m or more, underwater crossings should be provided, as a rule, in two strands.
The second thread is not provided for laying:
- looped gas pipelines, if uninterrupted supply of gas to consumers is provided during the underwater transition shutdown;
- dead end gas pipelines to consumers, if consumers can switch to another type of fuel for the period of underwater transition repair;
- by the method of directional drilling or other justification of the made decision.
Since none of these conditions is satisfied, the underwater transition is made in two parallel threads.
The diameter of each line of the gas pipeline shall be selected on the condition of ensuring the pipe throughput of 0.75 design gas flow rate.
For subsea gas pipelines intended for gas supply to consumers that do not allow interruptions in gas supply, or with a floodplain width of more than 500 m in terms of GBV level of 10% of flooding and flooding duration of more than 20 days, as well as for mountain rivers and water barriers with unstable bottom and banks, it is recommended to lay the second thread.
When crossing water barriers, the distance between the lines of underwater gas pipelines is assigned based on engineering-geological and hydrological surveys, as well as the conditions for the construction of underwater trenches, the possibility of laying gas pipelines in them and the preservation of the gas pipeline in case of an accident on a parallel laid one.
In floodplain areas of crossings on non-navigational rivers with a channel and banks that are not subject to erosion, as well as when crossing water barriers within settlements, it is allowed to provide for the laying of gas pipeline lines in one trench.
The distance between gas pipelines is recommended to be at least 30 m or at least as specified in 4.10 SP 421012003 when laid in one trench.
Laying of gas pipelines at underwater crossings is provided with deepening in the bottom of crossed water barriers. The value of deepening is taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 4201, taking into account possible deformations of the channel and promising dredging on channel sections for 25 years (deepening of the bottom, expansion, cutting, re-forming of the channel, erosion of the banks, etc.).
At underwater crossings through non-navigable and non-navigable water barriers, as well as in rock soils, it is allowed to reduce the depth of gas pipelines laying, but the top of the gas pipeline (ballast, lining) in all cases should not be lower than the mark of possible erosion of the bottom of the reservoir for the design life of the gas pipeline.
Gas pipelines are designed for surfacing within the boundaries of GBV 2% of the supply (water barriers) and the maximum GBV (water-saturated soils).
Installation of loads on gas pipelines laid on seasonally flooded areas is not required if the trench backfilling soil ensures the design position of the gas pipeline when it is exposed to the pushing force of water.
In the presence of pressure waters, the depth of the trench for the gas pipeline is assigned taking into account the prevention of destruction of the trench bottom by pressure waters.
When designing a gas pipeline in areas folded with soils that can go into a liquid plastic state, when determining the ejecting force, the volumetric weight of the liquefied soil should be taken instead of the volumetric weight of the water according to engineering and geological surveys.
The project provides for the necessary solutions to strengthen the banks of the channel in the places of laying the underwater passage and to prevent the trench from being washed with surface water (lining, stone outline, construction of ditches and jumpers).
Identification marks of identified specimens should be provided on both banks of navigable and sawmill water barriers. At the border of the submarine crossing, it is necessary to provide for the installation of permanent benchmarks: with a barrier width with a low horizon of up to 75 m - on one bank, with a larger width - on both banks.
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