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Development of the city STO


Development of STO. with a note. 3 drawings: gene plan, layout of production building, layout of maintenance station

Project's Content

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Additional information





3.1 Production Program Calculation

3.1.1 Calculation of annual volume of cleaning and washing works

3.1.2 Calculation of annual scope of works for maintenance, repair and self-service of STOA

3.2 Calculation of the number of production workers

3.3 Calculation of posts and car waiting and storage places

3.3.1 Calculation of work posts

3.3.2 Calculation of auxiliary posts

3.3.3 Calculation of storage vehicles

3.4 Calculation of areas of production premises

3.5 Calculation of production shop areas

3.6 Calculation of storage areas

3.7 Calculation of storage areas

3.8 Calculation of auxiliary rooms areas

4. Peculiarities of STO production building layout

5. Engineering of maintenance area, E, TR or workshop

6. Technical and economic evaluation of the project

7. Assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the enterprise project

8 Literature

Job for Course Project

Source Data:

the number of cars served by the station per year - N, autt.;

Population: A = 5000;

Number of cars per 1000 inhabitants: n = 180;

Maintenance station type: universal;

average annual car mileage: Lg = 15000;

operation mode of STOA: number of days of operation per year - D r.g. = 305;

number of work shifts - С = 2;

shift duration - Tcm = 7 h .


The growth rate of the fleet of passenger cars owned by the population is significantly ahead of the growth rate of its service. This discrepancy is tried to eliminate small car service enterprises and "firms" that, with loud and catchy advertising, are physically unable to maintain the operability of vehicles at a high quality level due to the lack of the possibility of introducing advanced maintenance technology, high-performance with high functional capabilities of technological equipment, efficient forms and methods of production activities. If, nevertheless, advanced methods and means of maintaining cars in a technically serviceable condition are introduced at such enterprises, then paying for such maintenance repels any desire of owners of vehicles to contact them. The qualitative performance of individual operations from the entire complex of necessary technological impacts at these enterprises does not solve the problems of maintaining cars in working condition. Therefore, whether we want this or not, it is necessary to return to the previously justified processes of concentration, specialization and co-operation of auto-operating and auto-servicing enterprises, which were thoughtlessly and amateurishly discarded by the so-called "market relations."

For the efficient use of large automotive enterprises of different capacities, special knowledge is needed to solve problems in the field of production management and the technological process of maintenance and repair. Moreover, the solution of these problems is carried out in different ways in auto-operating and auto-servicing enterprises.

Process calculation one hundred

The task of the process calculation is to determine the necessary data for the development of the planning solution of the workshop: the number of workers; the number of posts and car places for maintenance, repair, waiting and storage; Production, storage and support space.

3. 1 Production Program Calculation

The production program of the STO is determined by the annual labor intensity of harvesting works (UMR), pre-sales preparation and maintenance and repair of cars serviced by the station.

3.8 Calculation of auxiliary rooms areas

The composition and area of the auxiliary rooms of the STR, as well as for ATP, is determined by SNiP P9276. In addition, a client room is provided for city stations. The area of ​ ​ the room for customers (client) is determined on the basis of one work post: 8... 9 m2 - for stations up to 15 posts; 7... 8 m2 - for stations on 16... 25 posts; 6... 7 m2 - for STOA with a number of posts more than 25.

The space for the sale of spare parts, automotive accessories and materials is accepted at the rate of 6.. 8 m2 on the 1000 of serviced cars .

Client room area - 64 m2

Store area - 7.2 m2

Calculation of areas of administrative and domestic premises - 119 m2

The plot plan is completed at a scale of 1:150. On the plan of the site, using schematic symbols, buildings and structures are marked according to GOST 2110878 in their overall outline. The administrative building is located near the main entrance to the ATP. Fire breaks between buildings are accepted according to SNiP.

On the plan there are lines for the movement of cars through the territory.

Features of the layout of the production building of the STR

For STOA, as a rule, blocked one-story buildings are used, so all production, warehouse and auxiliary rooms are located in the same building. Only that part of the station building, in which administrative - household premises are located, is designed multi-storey (two, three floors).

The layout of the production building is carried out on a scale of 1:100 (as an exception 1:100).

The dimensions of the production building of the service station are accepted taking into account the data of technological calculation and the use of unified column grids: 6 × 6, 9 × 6. 12 × 6. 18 × 6. 24 × 6. 12 × 12. 18 × 12. 24 × 12 meters. The area of the STOA production building adopted during planning should not differ from the calculated area (the sum of the areas of the maintenance zones (posts), E, TR; workshops, warehouses and auxiliary rooms) by more than 10%.

We choose the column grid 12 × 24 meters.

When developing the planning solution of the production building of the station, it is necessary to use the recommendations set out in para. 5 of the first part of the methodological guidelines for the design of ATP/5/.

Engineering of maintenance area, E, TR or workshop

When developing this section of the project, be guided by the requirements of the methodological guidelines for the design of ATP.

Drawings content

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