Design of motor transport enterprise for 250 KAMAZ-5320 vehicles

- Added: 25.01.2021
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Design of a motor transport enterprise for 250 KAMAZ-5320 vehicles.
During this course work, the maintenance area No. 2 for 250 KamAZ-5320 cars was designed. The annual production program and the number of production workers, the annual scope of work, the subdivision were calculated, equipment and equipment were selected, the method of production control was determined, a process plan was compiled, the calculation and drawing of the accessory was carried out, as well as the layout drawing of the subdivision itself.
Project's Content
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Additional information
Source Data
1. Calculation of the production program for maintenance, diagnostics and repair of cars
1.1. Correction of MT and CG mileage standards
1.2. Calculation of the quantity of maintenance and maintenance per car per cycle
1.3. Calculation of MT and CR quantity (write-offs) for the whole fleet for the year
1.4. Calculation of D-1 and D-2 quantity for the whole fleet for the year
1.5. Calculation of daily production program by UO type and maintenance
1.6. Select Maintenance Method
1.7. Calculation of annual scope of ATP works
1.8. Adjusting Regulatory Labour
1.9. Calculation of annual scope of work for OM, M, D, TR
1.10. Calculation of annual scope of auxiliary works
1.11. Distribution of annual scope of work by production zones and areas (workshops)
1.12. Calculation of the number of production workers
1.13. Calculation of number of universal maintenance posts
1.14. Calculation of number of universal maintenance posts
1.15. Calculation of number of diagnostic posts
1.16. Calculation of continuous flow lines
1.17. Calculation of the number of maintenance posts
1.18. Calculation of number of waiting posts
1.19. Space Area Calculation
1.20. Calculation of areas of maintenance, diagnostics and maintenance
1.21. Calculation of Production Areas
1.22. Selection of process equipment
1.23. Calculation of storage areas
1.24. Calculation of waiting and storage areas
2. Development of ATP layout
2.1. Master Plan
3. Feasibility study of design solutions
List of literature used
The main problem facing road transport is improving the operational reliability of the car, and reducing the cost of maintaining them. The solution to this problem, on the one hand, is provided by the automotive industry due to the production of cars with great reliability and processability (repairability), on the other hand, by improving methods of technical operation of the car; increase of labor productivity, reduction of labour intensity of maintenance and repair works of cars, increase of their overhaul mileage. This requires the creation of the necessary production base for maintaining the rolling stock in good condition, the widespread use of mechanization and automation of production processes, and the expansion of the number and quality of roads.
The main objectives of the course project are:
1. Consolidate and deepen the theoretical knowledge gained in the study of the subject;
2. To consolidate and supplement the knowledge and skills gained in the process of training in the organization of production, the technology of maintenance and repair of cars, the design of production zones and sections;
3. Be able to correctly choose the method of organization of production and its justification for specific conditions;
4. Be able to use technical and regulatory reference literature, normative materials and standards.
5. develop the ability to analyze and logically justify engineering decisions.
In this course work, the maintenance area No. 2 was developed .
Source Data
To perform the process calculation of the motor transport enterprise, we accept the following initial data:
Type of road transport enterprise - cargo ATP;
Type of car - KamAZ - 5320 (truck tractor);
The list number of cars is 250 autos;
The average daily mileage of the car is 180 km;
The number of days of work in the ATP year is 305 days;
Category of operating conditions - III;
Climatic operating conditions - cold climate zone;
Share of the automobile fleet, after KR - 40% to it - 60%;
Time in the outfit - 8 hours;
Graphic part: Plant Master Plan, Production Building Plan, Electrical Section.
Part of the initial data is given in the assignment in the course design, the rest are accepted according to the regulatory and technical documentation and directories in the calculation process.
Calculation of the production program for maintenance, diagnostics and repair of cars
The production program (the number of technical services per year or day) is determined by all types of technical impacts provided by the "Regulation...," except for seasonal maintenance and TR.
EO is divided into EOs performed daily (external car care, cleaning, washing, wiping, refueling) and EOs performed before maintenance, E and TR (in-depth washing in order to prepare the car for maintenance). Therefore, it is necessary to separately define programs for EOs and EOs. The definition of the production program is based on the so-called cycle calculation method, which is used in ATP design practice. At the same time, the cycle refers to the mileage of a car to its CG or to write-off, i.e., resource mileage.
To calculate the program, it is previously necessary for this ATP to select the standard values of rolling stock mileage before decommissioning and the intervals TO-1 and TO2, which are set for certain conditions, and correct them taking into account the operating conditions specified in the task. Standard design mileage to CG is defined as resource mileage. According to periodicity standards, maintenance must be multiple of each other, and resource mileage must be multiple of maintenance periodicity. This multiplicity may be compromised when adjusted. Therefore, in subsequent calculations, the mileage between individual types of maintenance and resource mileage should be adjusted among themselves and with an average daily mileage. Allowable deviation from maintenance periodicity standards is 10%.
1.13. Calculation of number of universal maintenance posts
The calculation of the number of universal posts according to this method is determined only for those areas in which service is accepted at universal posts. Posts are calculated for each group of technologically compatible rolling stock. The initial values for calculating the number of service posts are the production rhythm and the clock cycle of the post.
1.18. Calculation of number of waiting posts
Waiting posts (overheads) are intended for cars waiting for the queue before carrying out the corresponding type of maintenance or maintenance. Retaining posts ensure not only uninterrupted operation of posts and lines, smoothing to some extent the uneven arrival of cars for maintenance and maintenance, but are places of heating cars before their maintenance in winter.
Waiting posts (overheads) depending on planning decisions and organization of ATP work may be provided separately for each type of service or together. They can be located both in production rooms and in open areas. If there are closed parking lots, waiting posts may not be provided.
The number of waiting posts is determined by:
- in front of washing posts (lines) based on 1525% hourly capacity of ECU posts (lines). We accept 4 posts;
- before TO-1 posts based on 1015% replacement program for TO-1. We accept 1 post;
- before TO-2 posts based on 3040% replacement program for TO-2. We accept 1 post;
- before TR posts - in the amount of 2030% of the total number of posts
current repair. We take 3 posts.
1.19. Space Area Calculation
ATP areas in their functional purpose are divided into three main groups: production storage, for storage of rolling stock and auxiliary.
Depending on the stage of the project implementation, the areas of maintenance and maintenance zones are calculated in two ways:
- by specific areas - at the stage of feasibility study and selection of space-planning solution, as well as during preliminary calculations;
- graphical construction - at the stage of development of planning solution of zones.
Development of ATP layout
ATP layout refers to the layout and mutual location of production, storage and administrative-household premises on the plan of the building or separate buildings (structures) intended for maintenance, maintenance and storage of rolling stock.
SNiP-P-89-80, ESN-01-89 and ONTP0191 are the guidelines for planning issues. The purpose of the planning is to solve the issues of the use and development of the land plot, the organization of the production process on the territory of the enterprise, the mutual location of buildings and structures, the placement of work posts and storage places for rolling stock.
During this course work, the theoretical knowledge gained during the study of the discipline was fixed and deepened, the maintenance area No. 2 for 250 KamAZ5320 cars was designed. The annual production program and the number of production workers, the annual scope of work, the subdivision were calculated, equipment and equipment were selected, the method of production control was determined, a process plan was compiled, the calculation and drawing of the accessory was carried out, as well as the layout drawing of the subdivision itself.
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