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Design of ATP-ZIL 130-300-Mednitsky

  • Added: 30.08.2014
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Design of ATP for 300 Zil-130 cars with the development of a copper-low section

Project's Content

icon ЗиЛ 130.doc
icon Медницкий (Компас 8).cdw
icon Приложения.doc
icon Производственный корпус (Компас 8).cdw
icon Расчет.doc
icon СП Стенд для проверки и ремонта радиаторов.doc
icon Стенд для проверки и ремонта радиаторов СБ (Компас 8).cdw

Additional information




1 Process Part

1.1 Calculation of Maintenance and Maintenance Production Program

1.1.1 Adjustment of standard intervals of maintenance

1.1.2 Calculation of average cycle mileage

1.1.3 Correction of mileage to MT and CG by multiplicity with average daily mileage

1.1.4 Calculation of MT and CG quantity per car per cycle

1.1.5 Number of days of car idle in repair and TO-2 per cycle

1.1.6 Number of calendar days in the cycle

1.1.7 Annual car mileage

1.1.8 Cycle-to-year transition factor

1.1.9 Number of MT and CG for the whole fleet per year

1.1.10 Calculation of annual number of diagnostic effects

1.1.11 Calculation of daily production program by types of maintenance and diagnostics

1.1.12 Selection of maintenance and diagnostics method

1.2 Calculation of annual scope of maintenance and maintenance works

1.2.1 Selection and correction of standard labour intensity of maintenance and maintenance

1.2.2 Calculation of annual scope of work for maintenance, maintenance and diagnostics

1.2.3 Calculation of the annual scope of work on self-service of ATP

1.3 Calculation of the number of production workers

1.4 Calculation of production units

1.4.1 Composition of production units

1.4.2 Selection and justification of operation mode of zones and workshops

1.4.3 Calculation of number of universal maintenance posts and special diagnostic posts

1.4.4 Calculation of maintenance and diagnostics flow lines

1.4.5 Calculation of EU flow lines

1.4.6 Calculation of number of TR posts

1.4.7 Calculation of number of posts of Control and Technical Station

1.4.8 Calculation of process equipment requirements

1.5 Calculation of areas of production, storage and auxiliary rooms

1.5.1 Calculation of areas of maintenance, maintenance and diagnostics zones

1.5.2 Calculation of areas of production areas (workshops)

1.5.3 Calculation of storage areas

1.5.4 Calculation of car storage area

2 Design part

2.1 Purpose of the developed accessory

2.2 Determination of required force on the rod of pneumatic cylinder

2.3 Selection of pneumatic cylinder

2.4 Calculation of pneumatic cylinder pin for cut

2.5 Finger Crush Calculation

2.6 Calculation of the bracket for bending

2.7 Strength calculation of the strut welding joint

2.8 Calculation of the welded joint of the bracket for strength

2.8.1 Calculation of weld stress from force

2.8.2 Calculation of weld stress from moment

2.8.3 Calculation of total weld stress

2.9 Calculation of radiators attachment screws

2.10 Calculation of threaded connection per cut


List of sources used


The efficiency of road transport depends to a large extent on the technical readiness of the rolling stock, which is ensured by the timely and high-quality performance of technical services and repairs.

Of all modes of transport, road is the most labor-intensive and phondom-intensive. Every year, its technical maintenance is affected by huge funds. Despite this, the technical and economic performance of the car fleet is increasing extremely slowly.

One of the main reasons for this situation is the lag in the development and improvement of the production base of motor transport enterprises from the growth rate of rolling stock. For efficient operation and maintenance of rolling stock, it is necessary not just new, but qualitatively new enterprises.

Thus, it is necessary to further develop the production and technical base of road transport, providing for the construction of new, expansion, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of existing automobile repair enterprises. These tasks are solved primarily in the process of high-quality design of ATP, which provides for the development of the most rational planning of production departments. The application of progressive forms and methods of maintenance and maintenance of rolling stock, a high level of mechanization of production processes, the use of modern means of diagnosing the technical condition of cars, scientific organization of labor. Such a design should fully meet construction, architectural and other requirements, take into account the structural features of the rolling stock, the modern level of technology and organization of production, and the prospects for the development of ATP.


During the project, a set of technical, organizational and design tasks were solved in the field of organization and technology of maintenance and repair of rolling stock. As well as mastered the methods of technological calculation, the basis of design and organization of production, acquired the skills of using special and reference literature.

The design calculations for 300 ZIL130 trucks produced the following results:

- technologically required number of 68 workers;

- annual scope of work is 139431.9 parts;

The number of universal specialized posts D-2 1ost, the number of TR posts is 8 posts.

- the number of EO flow lines is 3 lines;

- number of TO-1 flow lines with D-1 - 1 line, TO-2-1line

List of sources used

1. V.I. Anuryev. Reference book of a konstruktoramashinostroitel: in 3 t. - the 5th prod., reworks, and additional - M.: Mechanical engineering, 17.8279.

2.A.V. Panin, M.I. Artemenko, E.M. Artemenko Design of road transport enterprises

3. Napolsky G.M. Technological design of motor transport enterprises and maintenance stations. Textbook for universities. -M.: Transport. 17.8285.-231 pages.

4. Pavlyuk A.S., Panin A.V. Methodological guidelines for the design of course and diploma projects/Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov. - Barnaul: Publishing House AltSTU, 17,8297. - 40 s.

5. M.I. Artemenko, E.M. Artemenko Projects of Master Plans of Production Buildings, Sections of Motor Transport Enterprises/Rubtsovsky Industrial Institute, 212 s.

Drawings content

icon Медницкий (Компас 8).cdw

Медницкий (Компас 8).cdw

icon Производственный корпус (Компас 8).cdw

Производственный корпус (Компас 8).cdw

icon Стенд для проверки и ремонта радиаторов СБ (Компас 8).cdw

Стенд для проверки и ремонта радиаторов СБ (Компас 8).cdw

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