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Design of ATP engine compartment for 258 ZIL-5301 cars


The engine repair department was designed for servicing 258 ZIL-5301 cars. The results are as follows: To increase responsibility for the level of technical condition of cars entering the line, control work is carried out in addition to the driver by column mechanics or TOC workers. Control inspections are carried out at the entrance of the car to the ATP. The main volume of UO work falls on UMR. They are carried out, both at dead end posts and on flow lines. Using various washing plants and appliances. A section of the floor of a building or an open section on which a car is installed is called a car seat, which, in turn, depending on their purpose, is divided into the following posts: 1. working 2. retaining or buffer 3. waiting post

Project's Content

icon Записка.DOC
icon Разборка головки блока.dwg
icon Разборка головки блока.frw
icon Технологическая карта (Моторное отделение).dwg
icon Технологическая карта (Моторное отделение).frw
icon Отделение .cdw
icon Приспособа.cdw
icon Спецификация.spw
icon ТЕХ КАРТА МОЯ.bak.kdw

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icon Записка.DOC

icon Разборка головки блока.dwg

Разборка головки блока.dwg

icon Разборка головки блока.frw

Разборка головки блока.frw

icon Технологическая карта (Моторное отделение).dwg

Технологическая карта (Моторное отделение).dwg

icon Отделение .cdw

Отделение .cdw

icon Приспособа.cdw


icon Спецификация.spw


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