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Design of ATP and STP area


Contents Introduction.....................................................................................3 1. General part................................................................................4 2. Settlement and technological section...................................................6 3. Engineering design of a zone of diagnosing....................................12 4. Labor protection........................................................................... 15 List of the used sources.................................................16 the Checklist Project of the Site of Zone TR of Short-term Works

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1. General part

2. Calculation and processing section

2.1Development of STR power

2.2STO operation mode

2.3 Calculation of annual scope of work of STO

2.4 Calculation of annual volume of cleaning and cleaning works

2.5 Calculation of annual volume for pre-sales preparation

2.6 Calculation of Annual Self-Service Volume

2.7 Calculation of annual scope of Toi TR

2.8 Calculation of the number of workers

2.9 Calculation of the number of operating maintenance and maintenance

2.10 Daily number of STO rides

2.11 Calculation of the number of cleaning posts

2.12 Calculation of auxiliary posts

2.13 Calculation of cars - waiting places

2.14 Calculation of cars - storage places

2.15 Calculation of work post areas

2.16 Calculation of production areas

3. Technical design of the diagnostic area

3.1 Diagnosis Area Assignment

3.2 Selection of process equipment of production equipment

3.3 Refined Zone Calculation

3.4 Job Instruction

4. Occupational safety

List of sources used


Road transport has the largest importance in the overall transport system of our country. It is widely used in all sectors of the national economy. The advantages of road transport are higher speeds, the ability to use it in door-to-door transportation, without additional overloads. Perishable and urgent goods are transported over long distances. Road transport serves to transport the most important cargoes (grain, construction materials, etc.) to railway stations, seaports and river marinas, to deliver goods arriving at the station, to ports and marinas, to consumers. Here, compared to other types of vehicles, less stringent conditions are imposed on the packaging of the goods. Greater mobility, the ability to quickly respond to changes in passenger traffic put vehicles "out of competition" when organizing local transportation of passengers. Transport is distinguished by relatively small investments in terminal equipment (loading and unloading capacities) and the use of public roads. The disadvantage is the high cost of transporting goods, which is associated with a small load capacity of cars. In vehicles, the value of variable costs (remuneration of drivers, fuel costs, tires and repairs) per kilometer of track is large. Fixed costs (overheads, vehicle depreciation), on the contrary, are small. As a result, road transport is mainly used to transport small flows of goods over short distances.

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