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Construction of distribution networks in Kozelino - STP-25/10/0.4kV


1. Explanatory Note
2. Organization of construction
3. Project Passport
4. Graphic part
5. Electrical solutions
6. Estimate documentation

Project's Content

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icon 1. Титул2.doc
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icon А3. спецификация.doc
icon ОЛ на СТП.doc
icon Орг. строит, паспорт проекта.docx
icon ПЗ Козелино.doc
icon Расчет кабеля.docx
icon 02-01 Монтаж+строит.xlsx
icon 09-01 Пусконаладочные работы.xlsx
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icon Козелино_Сводный_1.xlsx
icon Титул.doc
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Additional information

Explanatory Note

This estimate is based on the project: "Construction of distribution networks in Kozelino, Kostroma"

The basis for execution are:

- technical assignment No. 255/2010 (PIR) C issued by the branch of IDGC Center OJSC - Kostromaenergo dated 26.07.2010 Smirnov E.A.

Design phase - working documentation.

The consolidated estimate of construction costs was compiled in current prices as of Q3 2010 on the basis of Gosstroy Resolution No. 14 of 27.01.2003.

Local estimated calculations for construction and installation works were compiled at the base prices of January 2001 and converted to current ones according to indices of the 3rd quarter of 2010 on the basis of Gosstroy Resolution No. 14 of 27.01.2003 .

The following costs are defined:

transportation and procurement expenses in the amount of 8% for equipment and materials purchased at prices.

Estimated calculations for construction and installation works were compiled using FER collections in the 2009 edition of the Ministry of Regional Affairs of the Russian Federation in 2001 prices on the basis of Gosstroy Resolution No. 14 of 27.01.2003 and recalculated into current ones as of Q3 2010 (Appendix 1 to the letter of the Ministry of Regional Affairs of Russia dated "26.07. 2010" NO. 28203KK/08).

overhead costs from the fund for remuneration of construction workers and mechanisms for types of construction and installation works on the basis of MDS 8133.2004 .

estimated profit based on MDS 8125.2001 subject to changes according to the letter of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services No. AP5536/06 dated 18.11.2004. "On the procedure for applying the estimated profit in construction."

The estimated documentation for the project was developed in the manner and composition established by the "Instruction on the composition, procedure for the development, approval and approval of design and estimate documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures for industrial construction" (SNiP 110195 section 4) and in accordance with the "Methodology for determining the cost of construction products in the Russian Federation" (MDS 8135.2004).

Local estimates for the purchase of equipment and materials not taken into account by the price tag are compiled in current prices.

The estimated cost of equipment and materials not included in the base prices is determined by the price lists of the proposed supplier firms with average charges for transportation costs .

Chapter 8. "Temporary buildings and structures."

- Costs are calculated according to MDS 8135.2004 item 4.83 and Appendix 1 item 2.7 of the Seeker 8105012001 and amount to 0.4 and 10 kV for the VL and 10/0.4 kV substation - 2.5% of the CMR chapters 1-7 with K = 0.8 in pos. 2.1 Procedures for application of norms.

Chapter 9. "Other work and costs."

Costs are calculated on the basis of the current standards:

- funds for additional costs during works in winter as per seeker 8105022001 Table 4 p. 2.7 for IV temperature zone of Table C = 1.0. For VL 0.4 and 10 kV and substation 10/0.4 kV - 2.9 × 1.0 = 2.9% of the SMR according to chapters 1-8;

- funds to cover the costs of construction and installation organizations for voluntary insurance of employees and property, including construction risks, are included on the basis of a letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated 29.08.2009 No. 27092IP/08 in the amount of 3% of the total of chapters 1-8 of the consolidated estimated calculation;

- funds related to the bonus for the commissioning of built objects - 2.75 * 1.03% from the total of gr. 4.5 according to the Letter of the Ministry of Labor of the USSR and the USSR Gosstroy No. 1336VK/1D dated 10.10.91. (item II.2.b); letter of Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and State Committee for Construction of the Russian Federation of 15.03.93. NO. 463RB/713/32.

Chapter 10 "Maintenance of the customer-developer service (technical supervision) of construction."

Chapter 12 "Design and survey work, author supervision."

- Costs for design and survey works are determined according to the estimated calculation for design works No. 276B10. The index for design work of the II quarter of 2010 is 3.05.

- Development and examination of design documentation Spd was adopted in the amount of 33.75% on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.03.2007. №145

The reserve of funds for unforeseen works and costs was accepted in the amount of 3% on the basis of MDS 8135.2004 item 4.96.

Drawings content

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