Design of a public building in Uralsk

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Design of a public building in Uralsk
Project's Content
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Additional information
1 Architectural and construction part
1.1 Public buildings
1.2 Classification of public buildings
1.3 Functional Processes and Features
1.4 Initial data
1.5 Plot Plan
1.6 Space Planning Solution
1.7 Functional Purpose
1.8 Architectural and artistic solution
1.9 Design Solution
1.10 Architectural and structural solution
1.11. Engineering equipment
1.12 Heat engineering calculation of enclosing structures
2 Design and structural part
2.1 Program Brief
2.3 Determination of reinforcement in elements
2.4 "ROD" reinforcement module
2.5 "BEAM-WALL" reinforcement module
2.6 "PLATE" reinforcement module
2.7 "SHELL" reinforcement module
2.8 Frame calculation
3 Technology of construction production
3.1 Process engineering of construction
3.10 Job Instruction for Foundation Arrangement
3.14 Job Instruction for Construction of Cast-in-Situ Reinforced Concrete Foundations
4 Organization of construction production
4.1 Organization and technology of piling
4.2 Quality and acceptance requirements
4.3 Network Calculation and Optimization
4.4 Calculation and design of construction plan
4.5 Construction Cover List
4.6 Calculation of storage areas
4.7 Calculation of electrical loads
4.8 Lighting of construction site
4.9 Calculation of water and heat demand
4.10 Calculation of the number of vehicles
4.11 Selection of crane
5 Economic part, technical and economic indicators
5.1 Determination of construction cost
5.2 Technical and economic indicators
5.2 Technical and economic indicators
6 Occupational and environmental protection
6.1 Safety precautions
List of literature
The main purpose of architecture has always been to create the life environment necessary for the existence of a person, the nature and comfort of which was determined by the level of development of society, its culture, and the achievements of science and technology. This life environment, called architecture, is embodied in buildings that have internal space, complexes of buildings and structures that organize external space - streets, squares and cities.
In the modern sense, architecture is the art of designing and building buildings, structures and their complexes. It organizes all life processes. In its emotional impact, architecture is one of the most significant and ancient arts. The power of her artistic images constantly affects a person, because his whole life takes place surrounded by architecture. At the same time, the creation of a production architecture requires a significant amount of public labor and time. Therefore, the requirements for architecture along with functional feasibility, convenience and beauty include requirements for technical expediency and economy. In addition to the rational layout of the premises, corresponding to certain functional processes, the convenience of all buildings is ensured by the correct distribution of stairs, elevators, equipment and engineering devices (sanitary appliances, heating, ventilation). Thus, the shape of the building is largely determined by the functional pattern, but at the same time it is built according to the laws of beauty.
Cost reduction in architecture and construction is carried out by rational space-planning solutions of buildings, correct selection of construction and finishing materials, design facilitation, improvement of construction methods. The main economic reserve in urban planning is to increase the efficiency of land use.
Each type of public building is characterized by its own functional processes and their functional design requirements. For example, the functional requirements for the design of hospitals are determined by the scientific methods of the medical process and care of patients, the requirements for school buildings by the methodology of educational work.
Functional processes and functional design requirements for each type of public building determined by them are the result of scientific development carried out by specialists in the corresponding type of human activity.
A comparison of the different functional processes of public buildings shows that each of them has its own specific character, characteristic of only one particular type of activity of people, and the other part is common to various types of social and labor activities.
Specific functional processes are developed by specialists in relevant areas of activity. The general functional processes and related functional requirements include: social or labor activity of people and provision of the necessary space for it, movement of human flows and creation of traffic routes with the required parameters, visual perception and visibility, creation of a favorable air environment, light and solar regimes in the premises. The study of these requirements and the development of methods for designing buildings responsible for creating a favorable artificial environment belong to the field of professional activities of construction specialists.
In each building and room, the main functional processes (functions) and auxiliary (auxiliary) are distinguished. The auxiliary function in any room for another can become the main one. Both in the room and in the building as a whole, in addition to the main functional process, auxiliary ones are carried out. For example, in a training building, auxiliary functional processes are catering, management, and the like.
The set of requirements defines the scientific side of the design, which is based on a comprehensive study of the process taking place in the room. The set of requirements includes: physical and technical - to artificial environment, air environment, light and acoustic modes; technical - to the material embodiment of the spatial environment, including strength, stability and durability of load-bearing and enclosing structures, sanitary and engineering equipment, fire safety and, finally, architectural and artistic requirements for solving the appearance of the building and its interiors. The result of the study of these requirements makes it possible to establish the composition of rooms and their equipment, geometric parameters, grouping and interconnection of rooms, the direction of movement and values of human flows, the required physical parameters of the environment, as well as technical data for the design of structures, sanitary and engineering equipment of public buildings. The results of research are used in the development of albums of drawings of planning normals of individual rooms of public buildings of various purposes, which serve as an addition to the design standards.
Planning normals allow you to reflect not only functional requirements in them, but also to identify the geometric parameters of the planning elements of buildings (cells), to unify them, as well as to establish spatial proportions of rooms that meet architectural and artistic tasks.
Architectural and construction part
Public buildings.
Public buildings and structures are intended for institutions of cultural and consumer services of the population and for various types of social activities of people: political, economic, administrative, scientific and others .
Public buildings and structures are a material base for a large number of events. This determines their importance in urban planning. The increase in public consumption funds, the expansion of cultural and consumer services for the population and the types of social activities of people also lead to an increase in the construction, improvement and creation of new types of public buildings and structures.
It is advisable to place public buildings and structures in cities in the system of so-called public centers: citywide and specialized, residential and industrial areas and recreation areas, as well as public centers of the microdistrict.
The city-wide centers house the largest public institutions: administrative buildings, cultural and art institutions (theaters, museums), trade and catering enterprises. Specialized centers house medical, scientific research, educational, exhibition and sports complexes of public buildings. In residential areas there are institutions for periodic service of the population (food and industrial goods stores, canteens, clinics and others), in the centers of microdistricts - everyday (food stores, household services points, etc.).
In Soviet urban planning for a long time, a step-by-step system was used to build a network of institutions for cultural and consumer services of the population, which provides for periodic and daily services with separate placement of trade and consumer services enterprises.
Small-scale trading enterprises did not allow the use of technical achievements in their equipment and the application of progressive forms of service limited the range of goods and services, and increased operating costs. In this regard, the so-called functional system for building service networks, with a division of trade and services into mass and special ones, is being developed. This system involves the consolidation of trade and household services enterprises, the creation of buildings of public shopping centers. The consolidation of enterprises significantly reduces the costs of building construction and operation .
Public buildings according to their general planning solutions must fully meet their purpose, provide the necessary amenities for people, operational efficiency, have reasonable and economic structures and high architectural and artistic qualities. This is achieved by increasing the architectural, technical, economic level of design solutions for improving structures, the technology of their manufacture and installation, expedient use of materials, saving metal, cement, wood and replacing them with other effective materials, reducing the construction time, ensuring conditions - economical use of energy.
The social significance of public buildings and structures, the originality of space-wide solutions distinguish them from mass residential development and determine a special role in the development of populated areas. Public buildings and their complexes are often compositional centers of architectural ensembles of squares, streets, residential areas .
Classification of public buildings.
In terms of functional purpose and operational features, public buildings and structures can be divided into specialized and universal ones.
Specialized public buildings have the certain purpose, as a rule, which is not changing during the entire period of their operation (buildings of children's yasleysad, schools, hospitals, theaters and so on). Specialized public buildings, according to their purpose, are divided into groups, views and subspecies .
The group unites a significant number of public buildings that coincide in their general purpose. The view of the public building determines its main functional purpose, the subspecies - functional features.
Universal public buildings can be of two types.
The first includes multi-purpose buildings, in which rooms within several hours can be transformed for use for another purpose. The second type includes buildings in which you can periodically change the size of rooms and their grouping, as well as equipment, its arrangement in accordance with the improvement of functional processes. Both types of public buildings provide flexible efficient and economic exploitation and meet modern forms of social activity of people. Among the universal public buildings of the first type are: spectacular buildings with large-capacity halls, cinema concert complexes, film sectors, clubs and cultural houses with universal halls.
The construction and equipment of such halls requires significant investments and one-time costs (for heating, air conditioning, electric lighting, etc.).
Universal public buildings of the second type are used for large trading enterprises, administrative, design and other organizations. The functional process in them develops, changes and improves, which causes the need for periodic replacement of equipment, modification of premises and their grouping.
Periodic modification of premises in universal public buildings is achieved by special voluminous - planning solutions based on the use of enlarged spans and the pitch of load-bearing structures.
Studies have revealed the economic feasibility of placing several institutions in one relatively large building (blocking public institutions), as well as their co-operation, that is, joint use of part of the premises at different times of the day for institutions blocked in one building.
Blocking and co-operating small public institutions in one building ensures their more rational operation, saves space and volume of the building, reduces operating costs for maintenance personnel, heating, water supply and energy supply, and also reduces the built-up area, the length of roads and engineering communications.
In addition, the replacement of smaller public buildings with larger ones through the blocking and co-operation of public institutions contributes to the solution of architectural and artistic tasks related to the architectural and planning organization of public centers of small settlements and microdistricts. The advantages created by a flexible planning system and various forms of operation expand the scope of application of the principle of universality in public buildings.
Thus, for public institutions with a relatively stable functional process, the use of specialized buildings is advisable; for small public institutions - blocking and co-operating, for buildings with large halls - it is advisable to use convertible halls and a flexible planning system.
Functional processes and features
Each type of public building is characterized by its own functional processes and their functional design requirements. For example, the functional requirements for the design of hospitals are determined by the scientific methods of the medical process and care of patients, the requirements for school buildings by the methodology of educational work.
Functional processes and functional design requirements for each type of public building determined by them are the result of scientific development carried out by specialists in the corresponding type of human activity.
A comparison of the different functional processes of public buildings shows that each of them has its own specific character, characteristic of only one particular type of activity of people, and the other part is common to various types of social and labor activities.
Specific functional processes are developed by specialists in relevant areas of activity. The general functional processes and related functional requirements include: social or labor activity of people and provision of the necessary space for it, movement of human flows and creation of traffic routes with the required parameters, visual perception and visibility, creation of a favorable air environment, light and solar regimes in the premises. The study of these requirements and the development of methods for designing buildings responsible for creating a favorable artificial environment belong to the field of professional activities of construction specialists.
In each building and room, the main functional processes (functions) and auxiliary (auxiliary) are distinguished. The auxiliary function in any room for another can become the main one. Both in the room and in the building as a whole, in addition to the main functional process, auxiliary ones are carried out. For example, in a training building, auxiliary functional processes are catering, management, and the like.
The set of requirements defines the scientific side of the design, which is based on a comprehensive study of the process taking place in the room. The set of requirements includes: physical engineering - to artificial environment, air environment, light and acoustic modes; technical - to the material embodiment of the spatial environment, including strength, stability and durability of load-bearing and enclosing structures, sanitary and engineering equipment, fire safety and, finally, architectural and artistic requirements for solving the appearance of the building and its interiors. The result of the study of these requirements makes it possible to establish the composition of rooms and their equipment, geometric parameters, grouping and interconnection of rooms, the direction of movement and values of human flows, the required physical parameters of the environment, as well as technical data for the design of structures, sanitary and engineering equipment of public buildings. The results of research are used in the development of albums of drawings of planning normals of individual rooms of public buildings of various purposes, which serve as an addition to the design standards.
Planning normals allow you to reflect not only functional requirements in them, but also to identify the geometric parameters of the planning elements of buildings (cells), to unify them, as well as to establish spatial proportions of rooms that meet architectural and artistic tasks.
The design of public buildings is based on the principles of synthesis of functional, architectural, technical and economic aspects of architecture.
The principles of functional organization of internal space are as follows:
- Identification of relationships between individual premises while maintaining a clear distinction between them;
- Desirability in order to best meet the material and spiritual needs of the collective at a reasonable minimum cost of construction and operation;
- a space intended for a collective of people should have artistic properties and be built according to the laws of beauty.
The purpose of the design is to find such solutions that best meet their purpose, are fractional for the same or different activities of people, have high architectural and artistic qualities, provide buildings with strength, economy of construction and operation.
The main feature of public buildings is the variety of types and, therefore, functional processes, in some cases complex and associated with the use of special equipment. A distinctive feature is the concentration of a large number of people in them. In this regard, when designing public buildings, the task of correctly organizing the movement of human flows arises.
Special fire-fighting measures are also required to ensure safety for people and the safety of the building in the event of a fire.
A characteristic feature of public buildings is the combination of rooms in them with various geometric parameters (areas, heights). Rather small rooms (offices, working rooms) can be combined with rooms of the average size (classes, audiences, laboratories) and with big halls (visual, sports, trade).
The combination of rooms with various geometric parameters in the space-planning solution of the building should meet not only the requirements of functional, technical and economic feasibility, but also the architecturally artistic expressiveness of building external volumes and internal spaces.
An important feature of public buildings is their architectural and artistic solution. Depending on social and urban significance, public buildings can play the role of compositional centers of development, including large architectural ensembles and in combination with sculpture, painting, actively affect the consciousness of people.
1.4 Initial data
Designed Building: Uralsk Community Center
The initial data are:
Thesis Assignment.
Geological section of soil base.
The location of the community center.
The community center is located in the southwestern part of the city of Uralsk in the 9 microdistrict under construction. The climate of the region is continental, belongs to the 2nd climatic region with a minimum winter temperature of 22 ° C.
The structural diagram of the building is a complete monolithic frame with riggeless floors;
building class by durability degree = II;
building class by fire resistance = II;
the community centre is equipped with passenger and freight elevators;
foundation - columnar pile with monolithic pedestal;
walls - brick with floor support on floors;
floors and coverings - cast-in-situ reinforced concrete.
Climatic zone - II characterized by cold winters and warm summers
The average temperature of the coldest five-day area is − 22 ° C, the coldest days − 35 ° C.
The average temperature during the heating period is − 5.4 ° C. The duration of the period with an average daily air temperature below or equal to 8 ° C according to SNiP 2.01.0182 − 217 days.
The normative depth of seasonal freezing of soils is 1.6 meters.
Construction area refers to:
- for snowy area - IV with standard value of snow cover weight on 1m2 of horizontal ground surface 1.5 kPa (150 kg/m2);
- in the wind area - II with a standard wind pressure of 0.3 kPa
1.5 Plot Plan
The selection of a site for the construction of a public center is carried out in accordance with the general plan of the microdistrict. In front of the main entrance, driveways, entrances and sidewalks are being developed. On the territory, asphalt paved paths, green zones on which hardwood and conifer trees are planted at a distance of 5 m from each other, a shrub and an ornamental shrub along the paths.
The construction site is located on a slope with an eastward slope, planned during construction and landscaped within the city territory. Physical and geological processes on the site are not expressed. The area of the plot is 0.96 hectares with a total slope from the central area. The removal of stormwater from the building is decided by lawns designed by passage and sidewalk towards the general lowering of the existing relief.
Improvement of the designed site provides for the construction of asphalt concrete pavement of driveways, platforms and sidewalks. The width of the roadway is 9 m (lane width 3.0 m, number of lanes 3).
The house is snapped from an existing building.
The community center is located in the southwestern part of the city of Uralsk in the 9 microdistrict under construction. Parking areas have been designed from Civic Street. The pedestrian part of the sidewalk is 1.5 m wide. The house is designed in the meridional direction, which provides less blowing with cold winds of the courtyard and improves the microclimate of the quarter. To ensure sanitary and hygienic conditions, the area free from development is landscaped. Various types of fits are used in the project. To enrich the architectural appearance, ordinary planting is carried out. Deciduous trees and flowering perennial shrubs are planted along the paths; such as lilac, honeysuckle, red-leaf rose. Plantings of trees and shrubs are designed between the center and the house, which is noise absorption and improves the ecological balance of the air environment .
Along the main facade, wide sidewalks are designed, which in the event of a fire are used as access roads for fire engines. Lights are designed along the sidewalk. Roads are illuminated by masts, with lamps fixed on them. Between the center and the houses and in the center there are through passages for people to pass through.
1.7 Functional Purpose
The community center will be the cultural and entertainment center of the microdistrict.
Each type of public building is characterized by its own functional processes and their functional design requirements. For example, the functional requirements for the design of hospitals are determined by the scientific methods of the medical process and care of patients, the requirements for school buildings by the methodology of educational work.
Functional processes and functional design requirements for each type of public building determined by them are the result of scientific development carried out by specialists in the corresponding type of human activity.
A comparison of the different functional processes of public buildings shows that each of them has its own specific character, characteristic of only one particular type of activity of people, and the other part is common to various types of social and labor activities.
Specific functional processes are developed by specialists in relevant areas of activity. The general functional processes and related functional requirements include: social or labor activity of people and provision of the necessary space for it, movement of human flows and creation of traffic routes with the required parameters, visual perception and visibility, creation of a favorable air environment, light and solar regimes in the premises. The study of these requirements and the development of methods for designing buildings responsible for creating a favorable artificial environment belong to the field of professional activities of construction specialists.
In each building and room, the main functional processes (functions) and auxiliary (auxiliary) are distinguished. The auxiliary function in any room for another can become the main one. Both in the room and in the building as a whole, in addition to the main functional process, auxiliary ones are carried out. For example, in a training building, auxiliary functional processes are catering, management, and the like.
1.8 Architecture-driven solution.
An important feature of public buildings is their architectural and artistic solution. Depending on social and urban significance, public buildings can play the role of compositional centers of rural development, actively affect the consciousness of people.
The main components of the architectural composition of the building are its external volume and internal space. The construction of the composition is based on a harmonious, that is, proportionate unity of the external volume of the building with the space of interiors and the environment, which contributes to the creation of an artistically completed whole.
The unity of the external volume and the internal space of the building is achieved by complying with the dimensions and shapes of the facades and interiors, thereby ensuring the architectural composition. The interior is the main functional environment that the building is built to create.
The composition of the interior space comes from the correspondence of the shape, dimensions and mutual arrangement of the premises to the functional process and the requirements of artistic unity. In accordance with the purpose of the building, its internal space is delimited by vertical (walls, partitions) and horizontal (floors) barriers to individual enclosed spaces.
The relationship with the external environment is achieved by the device for opening the interior of the lobby, however, in working rooms where the process requiring concentration is ongoing, this technique is excluded.
No less important for ensuring the unity of the building is the subordination of its constituent forms. The matching is achieved by the inequality of the elements, which is achieved by the difference in geometric dimensions, massiveness, and so on.
The building of the public center is 61.2x18m in size. The predominant elements of the elevation are fillets. In the central part of the roof ends with a dome. Glass stained glass windows are used on the facade to give architectural expressiveness. The building is proportional in nature, as it is built on the observance of certain proportions of both the external volume and the internal space .
The artistic expression of the work of the structure and material, tectonics, is expressed through the use of small-sized prefabricated structures. The tectonics of sequential laying of stones in horizontal rows is reflected in the division of walls by horizontal profile elements - rods that draw out the base of the wall (base) and individual spatial layers of the building - floors .
Design and Design Part
2.1 Summary of the program.
is a modern generation of LIRA such programs and implements the concepts of information systems, when the user is in an interactive graphical environment throughout the synthesis and analysis process of the object in question
designed for calculation and design of structures of various purposes
operates in the Windows2003 operating environment on IBM compatible personal computers, starting with computers with 4 MB of RAM and a VGA screen
has advanced processors that allow you to calculate static (in linear and non-linear staging), dynamic effects and stability without limiting the number of nodes and elements
has developed structural systems for reinforced concrete and steel structures
has a developed documentation system that allows you to draw up the calculation results in the required form.
structural engineers designing construction and engineering structures
research scientists performing mathematical modeling of the life cycle of structures
students of universities mastering modern methods of construction mechanics and modern information technologies of computer-aided design.
SOFTWARE COMPLEX "LIRAWindows" has a certificate
RF NO. GOST.P.UA.9011.1.3.0001.
Section 2.2 LIRA- AWS
Main provisions
The LIRARM structural subsystem is designed to determine reinforcement in rod and plate elements for various cases of stressed states, as well as to check for the specified reinforcement in accordance with the regulatory requirements of SNiP 2.03.0184 *.
Input of initial data and analysis of results are performed in graphical mode. Multi-window data rendering mode is provided.
In LIRAUS it is possible for the same set of DCS (design combinations of forces or loads) to select reinforcement in elements for different characteristics of materials or for different types of unification of elements.
2.3 Determination of reinforcement in elements.
Determination of reinforcement in rod and plate elements for various cases of stress states in the first and second group of limit states is made in accordance with DCS obtained after static design calculation.
Reinforcement is determined on the basis of normative data, which contains information on design characteristics of reinforcement and concrete, diameters and areas of reinforcement bars, etc.
The calculation can be based on the original data specified in the text editor or generated in graphical mode. The source data file is described in Documentation.
Various reinforcement modules are used to define reinforcement in the elements of the calculation diagram:
- "ROD" module;
- "BALKASTENKA" module;
- "PLATE" module;
- "SHELL" module.
Construction production technology
3.1 Process engineering of construction
Process design is designed to develop optimal technological solutions and determine the necessary organizational conditions for the implementation of construction processes, works, construction of a building or structure as a whole.
Process design is part of the design documentation developed during the construction of the facility. Execution of technological processes is provided at all stages of the project creation: feasibility study (project stage), detailed documentation, work execution.
Process engineering of construction includes:
construction organization project (PIC);
Work Execution Project (WP);
routines for complex construction processes;
Labour process maps
process flow charts.
The organization of construction production should ensure the focus of all organizational, technical and technological solutions on the achievement of the final result - the commissioning of the facility with the necessary quality and on time.
The construction of the facility should be organized taking into account the expedient expansion of technological specialization in the performance of construction and installation works, the use in construction of combined organizational forms of management based on a rational combination of industrial and construction production.
When organizing construction production, the following shall be ensured:
coordinated work of all participants in the construction of the facility with coordination of their activities by the general contractor, whose decisions on issues related to the implementation of approved plans and schedules of work are mandatory for all participants, regardless of departmental subordination;
complete delivery of material resources at the rate on the building, a construction, knot, the site, section, the floor, a tier, the room in the terms provided by planned schedules and schedules of works;
execution of construction, installation and special construction works in compliance with the technological sequence and technically justified alignment;
compliance with safety regulations;
Compliance with environmental protection requirements.
It is prohibited to carry out construction and installation works without approved construction organization project and work execution project. There shall be no derogation from the decisions of construction organization projects and work execution projects without the approval of the organizations that developed and approved them.
The construction organization project is a mandatory document for the customer, contracting organizations, as well as organizations that finance and logistics the construction.
The construction organization project should be developed by the general design organization or another design organization at its request.
PIC is developed for the entire period of construction of the complex.
The anti-icing system shall contain:
construction plans for the preparatory and main construction periods;
the construction schedule (CP) and separately the preparatory period plan.
On the basis of the construction KP, the following are drawn up:
CIW production schedule at construction site;
organizational and technological diagrams of erection of objects with indication of sequence of works on them;
list of construction, installation and special works volumes for the main facilities and complexes of construction periods;
List of requirements for structures, products, materials and equipment with distributions to construction facilities and periods;
Schedule of requirements for basic construction machinery and construction transport in general;
schedule of construction personnel requirements;
Explanatory note containing short description of construction conditions and description of methods of basic works execution, necessary calculations, justification and TEP.
PIC is developed using standard PPM.
The Work Execution Project (PDP) is developed for the building as a whole, individual construction cycles of the building, complex construction work, for the construction of individual objects.
The PPM consists of three main types of process documents:
Schedules (scheduling plans)
construction plans;
Job Instructions.
The following components are included in the PPM for the construction of the object or its part:
Site Work Schedule or Integrated Network (IBC)
construction master plan;
schedules of arrival of building structures, products, materials and equipment to the object;
schedules of working personnel movement on the object and main construction machines on the object;
Job instructions (diagrams);
solutions for geodetic works;
measures to perform works by means of a through-flow brigade contract;
solutions for laying temporary networks of water, heat and energy supply and lighting;
lists of process equipment and installation equipment, as well as cargo slinging diagrams;
Explanatory note, substantiating decisions and methods of work, resource calculations and TEP.
The PPR for preparatory work is carried out in the same nomenclature as for the main work, but in a smaller volume. For technically uncomplicated objects, the PDP contains only a schedule, a construction plan, and a brief explanatory note.
3.10 Job Instruction for Foundation Arrangement
This routing consists of two types of routings:
Job instruction for piling operations;
Job Instruction for arrangement of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete foundations.
The process chart includes: scope of application of the process sheet, selection of mechanisms according to technical parameters for piling works, organization and technology of stonework, requirements for quality and acceptance of works, calculation of labor costs, machine time and wages, need for technical resources, safety, technical and economic indicators.
The Job Instruction was developed for the immersion of driven piles up to 16 m long with multi-row arrangement of piles. Nomenclature of driven reinforced concrete piles is adopted in accordance with the following state standards:
GOST 19804.1 - 79 * "Solid solid solid reinforced concrete piles of solid square section with non-stressed reinforcement";
GOST 19804.2 - 79 * "Solid solid solid reinforced concrete piles of solid square section with transverse reinforcement of the shaft and stressed reinforcement";
GOST 19804.0 - 79 * "Driven reinforced concrete piles. General Specifications ";
GOST 5686 - 78 * "Piles. Field test methods. "
When constructing pile foundations except for Job Instruction, refer to the following regulatory documents:
SNiP 3.02.01 - 83 "Bases and Foundations";
SNiP II 17 - 77 "Pile Foundations"
SNiP III - 16 80 "Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures"
SNiP III - 4 - 80 "Safety in construction"
The scope of piles is specified in the mandatory appendix to GOST 19804.0 - 78 *. The routing has been developed for groups I and II.
Construction of pile foundations is provided by a complex-mechanized method using mass-produced equipment and mechanization facilities. Calculation of labor costs, work schedule, pile diving diagrams, material and technical resources and technical and economic parameters are performed for driven piles with a length of 9 m with a section of 30 x 30 cm.
The works considered by the map include:
Pile unloading and stacking;
Pile layout and configuration at diving points;
Pile marking and horizontal drawing;
Preparation of copra for loading works;
Pile immersion (slinging and pulling of piles to the copra, pile lifting to the coper and starting to the head, pile pointing to the diving point, pile diving to the design elevation or failure);
Cutting of heads of reinforced concrete piles;
Acceptance of works.
On the basis of the assignment, a diploma project was developed on the topic: "Project of a public center in the 9th microdistrict of Uralsk."
In the architectural and construction part of the project, volumetric planning and structural solutions were reflected, as well as the thermal engineering calculation of the building fences (walls and coatings) was carried out.
In the design and structural part, the calculation of the prefabricated reinforced concrete march of a residential building was carried out. As a result of the calculation, reinforcement was selected (diameter 28 mm), and the crack resistance of the march was checked.
In the organizational and construction part, a comparison of technological solutions was made, as a result of which construction machines and mechanization tools were adopted, namely: for earthworks - bulldozer DZ130, excavator EO4321; for transportation - car MAZ516B; for installation works - self-propelled crane of underground part KS2561E; for above-ground part tower crane KB403B (2 pcs); for concrete and reinforced concrete works - concrete mixer SB130. Technological instructions for the installation of floor slabs, the construction of linoleum floors, and the painting of walls with a water emulsion composition were developed. As new technologies, the use of mineral wool PAROC for heat insulation of the roof was proposed. Based on the volume of work, the labor costs of workers and machine time were calculated, the result of which was the development of a construction schedule. The construction period according to the calendar plan was 12 months. The maximum number of workers per shift on schedule was 74 people. Based on the maximum number of workers per shift, a construction plan was calculated and designed, in which the areas of warehouses and sites, the composition and area of temporary buildings, the construction site's need for water, electricity, compressed air were calculated.
In the economic part, a comparison of two options for using PAROC thermal insulation and glass-plastic plates for insulation of the roof is presented.
The section of ecology and environmental protection reflects the main hazards and measures to eliminate them at the preparatory stage, as well as at the stages of the construction of the facility and the improvement of the territory.
The life safety section describes the main safety requirements for the transportation of materials, the operation of machines and mechanisms, the performance of work, as well as an assessment of the chemical situation in an accident - ammonia spill from the tank at a distance of 1200 m from the construction site.
As a result of the diploma project, the goals and objectives were achieved. The construction of the facility is carried out using new materials, more productive mechanisms, the least labor-intensive and most efficient technologies and methods of work are used, which was reflected in the final result.
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