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Design of a nine-storey residential building in panel structures and a two-storey public building


The course design includes an explanatory note and 2 drawings of the A1 format (general and residential building). This architectural and structural project has the following goals: 1. familiarization of the student with the techniques of the composition of civil buildings on the example of an individual task; 2. consolidation of knowledge gained in the study of sections of the discipline "Architecture" devoted to the problems of civil buildings development; 3. Detailed understanding of civil building design techniques; Contents Introduction 1. Initial data 2. SPRAM (TEP) 3. Functional process 4. Volume - planning solution 5. Constructive solution 6. Architectural and compositional solution Conclusion List of used literature

Project's Content

icon Лист1 и Лист2.dwg
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icon Лист2_План стропил_перекрытия_узлы.dwg
icon ПЗ.doc

Additional information



Job Form

1. Initial data


3. Functional process

3.1 functional diagram of the public building

3.2 zoning of residential building apartments

4. Volume - planning solution

4.1 Public Building

4.2 residential building

5. Constructive solution

5.1 Public Building

5.2 residential building

6. Architectural and compositional solution

7. Conclusion

8. List of literature used


During the course "Architecture of civil buildings and structures," it is necessary to consolidate the acquired knowledge and gain practical experience in designing civil buildings and structures. This task is solved through the implementation of a course project on the topic of civilian buildings.

This architectural design has the following objectives:

familiarization of the student with the techniques of the composition of civil buildings on the example of an individual task;

consolidation of knowledge gained in the study of sections of the discipline "Architecture," dealing with problems of civil buildings development;

Detailed understanding of civil building design techniques;

training in the use of normative literature and other sources (typical projects, technical reference books, GOST, building design standards, etc.).

In accordance with the objectives set out in this course draft, the tasks to be achieved can be formulated as follows:

development of space-planning and structural solutions of civil buildings;

obtaining skills to develop a constructive solution of buildings, developing the most rational master plan of the area under consideration, optimal placement of the designed civilian building in this area on the basis of the situation plan provided in the design task;

connection of the designed public building with residential development (through the location of sidewalks, paths, etc.), its location relative to main roads or other important means of communication;

competent and technical implementation of the graphic part of the project presented in two sheets of A1 format, correct design of the project;

correct and skillful use of standard design, building codes and catalogues of building structures;

consolidation of previously acquired skills in the performance of feasibility studies, short and technically competent preparation of an explanatory note to the project with appropriate justification of design, architectural and other solutions taken during the design process

Source Data

In this course work, according to the design assignment, we have the following initial data for calculation.

The designed buildings are a five-story residential building and a three-story public building. The designed buildings are located in Kazan.

According to SNiP 230199 "Construction climatology" (Table No. 1), this area has the following climatic features :

1. The temperature of the coldest five-day security is -320 С.

2. The maximum wind speed for January is 5.7 m/s.

In accordance with the presented climatic indicators, their derivatives have the following values ​ ​ (indicators):

Internal air temperature in residential areas of the building + 210С .

Heating period temperature -5.20С.

The heating period is 215 days.

Operating conditions B.

In accordance with the functional purpose of the designed building, its premises have a normal humidity of 55%.

In view of the indicators presented in the regulatory literature, you can first make sure that it is necessary to place insulation layers in the outer walls and attic floor.


The main task of this section of the explanatory note is to characterize the spatial location of the designed building in relation to the means of communication and other objects of urban development, to form the optimal relationship between them.

In case of presented assignment for course design, the following situation is observed.

According to the situation plan presented, there are the following significant civilian objects:

designed residential building;

residential development;

transport and pedestrian two lane road of regional significance.

For convenience, a parking lot is provided near the designed building. The entrance is dead-end, and therefore has a sufficient width to turn the transport.

Mention should be made of the separation of 1.5 m of pedestrian sidewalks and road entrances to the designed building. This measure addresses three important urban design issues:

the problem of streamlining pedestrians and vehicles - increases safety;

ecological - reduces the impact on pedestrians of automobile gases;

aesthetic - adorns the city layout.

Each residential building is surrounded by a lawn of different widths. Further, for the convenience of residents, sidewalks measuring 1.5 m and driveways for vehicles were designed..

Regarding the terrain, it should be noted that the buildings are designed so that the height difference is minimal.

4 Space-planning solution of the building.

4.1 Public Building

Public building - public service unit: laundry for 250 kg per shift shower for 24 cabins and hairdresser for 10 seats. The building is frame-monolithic. All columns in it have a square section. The exterior walls are located with a reference of 200 mm with respect to the layout axes. The necessary part of each building is the entrance connecting the rooms with the external environment. Entrances in public buildings are divided into main, service. There are 4 entrances.

The public building has a symmetrical rectangular shape, consists of three floors (floor height 3.3m). The following rooms are located on the floor:

Technical underground (430 m2)

Cable room (2.4 m2)

Lobby (37.3 m2)

Wardrobe (10.0 m2 )

Kiosk (6.7 m2)

Pantries (18.7 m2)

Shower Manager (8.9 sq.m)

Waiting-cooling (25.3 m2)

Staff room (14.0 m2)

Dirty linen room (5.4 m2)

Undress (87.4 m2)

Showers (92.0 m2)

Steamy (24.6 m2)

Preparation of disinfection solution (11.0 m2)

Ingestion of dirty linen (10 m2)

Storage of dirty linen (29.9 m2)

Clean linen storage (32.3 m2)

Delivery of clean linen (8.9 m2)

Furnace (15.2 m2)

Boiler room (29.0 m2)

Hall (36.0 m2)

Accounting (12.6 m2)

Pantry (6.7 m2)

Minor repair workshop (25.9 m2)

Meal room (11.5 m2)

Staff wardrobe (7.6 m2)

Hairdresser (21.4 m2)

Latrines (27.6 m2)

Director's Office (14.1 m2)

Sterile and drying and ironing shop (168 m2)

Wardrobe of visitors (17.0 m2)

Women's wardrobe (15.2 m2)

Men's wardrobe (10.6 m2)

Electrical panel (11.3 m2)

Expected for visitors (8.84 m2)

Mechanical workshop (55.5 m2)

Office space (25.2 m2)

4.2 Residential building

The residential building is designed for the permanent residence of people, their rest and food. The main architectural and compositional element of a residential building is an apartment. The landscaped apartment of a residential city building should have the following premises: living rooms (common room and bedrooms), kitchen, front, sun. assembly, bathroom, built-in cabinets or storage room. All rooms in the apartment are defined in accordance with the dimensions of the person, the dimensions of the equipment, the size of the passages.

My apartment building is a five-story apartment building. On each floor there are three apartments. The height of the building is 19.5 m. The height of the floor is 3.3 m. On the floor there are three two-room rooms.

The total average area of the apartment is 72.63 m2, housing 52.59 m2

5 Constructive solution

5.1 Residential building

Exterior and interior walls

Structural system - frame-monolithic

Structural diagram - with cross arrangement of girders

Foundations - strip of precast reinforced concrete blocks

External walls - brick three-layer 510 mm thick.

Internal walls - cast-in-situ panels made of heavy concrete with a thickness of 160mm

Partitions - prefabricated gypsum concrete with a thickness of 80 mm.

Connection of outer wall blocks between each other and floor slabs is fixed by anchors made of round steel. The thickened seam above the basement blocks is reinforced with steel nets. Balcony plate is fixed by welding with steel anchors, pinched slabs.

Joints are sealed and insulated by means of hemp plating with tar, sizing with ruberoid on bitumen, installation of packages of mineral felt on bitumen binder and ground with light concrete. Outside seams are cut with cement mortar.


Floors of the designed building:

Parquet board. In the bathroom - ceramic tiles.

Window openings

Single and with paired bindings.


Building horizontal features that explode it into individual features

floors. They give the structure spatial rigidity, taking into account all the loads on them, and also provide heat and sound insulation of the premises. At the same time bearing and enclosing functions are performed. Flat reinforced concrete panels 220 mm thick.

Depth of slabs support on concrete walls is not less than 100mm. Longitudinal seams between plates form a mortar key, filling poppet slots with diameter of 120 mm located on lateral faces, with pitch of 200 mm. The gaps that appear during laying out between the wall and the plate or neighboring slabs are filled: with a width of up to 50 mm - with cement mortar of grade 100, with a width of 50300 - with concrete of grade 200, reinforced by welded frames.

Hooks for suspension of lighting devices are placed in longitudinal seams or

holes are passed through holes drilled in the center.


Depending on the purpose of the stairs, they are divided into main or main, serving for communication between floors and evacuation, auxiliary, intended for communication with basements, attics, emergency, which are emergency ways of evacuating people; firefighters serving to access the floors, attic, roof during a fire.

The width of the flight of stairs is 1.05 m. Prefabricated reinforced concrete platforms lined with ceramic tiles, reinforced concrete marches with a smooth surface.

Refuse chute

The garbage pipeline is installed in houses with a height of five floors. It consists of a barrel with intake valves located on each storey or through the floor - inter-storey platforms; a ventilation shaft with an umbrella and a garbage removal chamber that rises above them and goes to the roof. In this chamber, the lower link of the garbage duct shaft at a height of 1.2 to 2 m from the floor is blocked by a shutter. It is desirable to place the floor of the garbage removal chamber close to the level of the land planned around the building - so that it is convenient to remove the container from it.

5.2. Public building

Columns - precast reinforced concrete according to AI-04-2 series

The series provides columns with a section of 300 * 300 mm for buildings up to five floors high inclusive with a payload on floors up to 80 MPa. The columns are arranged in middle rows at bearing outer walls.

Joints of columns in height are performed with welding of outlets of main longitudinal reinforcement and monolinking of coupling unit.

Girders - a T-section with a lower flange for supporting slab slabs, which reduces the total structural height of the slab. They are prefabricated reinforced concrete according to the II043 series. Depending on the load, we take the size of the crossbar in height 450 and in width 520. joint of crossbar with post is made with hidden cantilever and welding to embedded part of column console.

The floors in the II044 series are solved using multistage floors of 300 mm.

Elements are divided into row and bond (spacer plates). The main coordination dimensions of the floor elements in width for ordinary multistage plates 1.2, 1.5, 3 m, for wall and bracing 1.5, 1.2 m. Operation of floors as horizontal stiffening diaphragm is provided by welding of girders to cantilevers of columns, welding of connected floor panels to each other with girders, grouting of keyways between all floor elements with concrete.

Exterior walls: brick, 510 mm thick. Load is taken from girders. Carrying and enclosing functions are performed. Internal partitions are also brick 120 mm thick.

Foundations - for columns - precast reinforced concrete.

Floors - stone, made of ceramic tiles, made of linoleum, mosaic.

The walls are brick.

6 Architectural and compositional solution

The solution of architectural and artistic problems should be based on an integrated approach to the design of dwellings in the organic unity of all its parties - functional expediency, structural and technological progressiveness and economy. High architectural and artistic qualities of residential buildings and their complexes should be combined with advanced industrial methods of construction.

The identification of the architectural image of a residential building should be based on the use of three-dimensional forms, various rhythmic and plastic structures corresponding to its structure, as well as the composition of the entire residential complex as a whole, of which it is an element. Increasing expressiveness is created by various methods of placing and grouping windows, balconies, loggia, as well as highlighting parts of facades with protrusions, different texture or color of surfaces corresponding to the composite structure of buildings.

Residential buildings are characterized by a smaller architectural scale compared to public ones in the sizes of windows, entrance doors, balconies, loggia, as well as parameters such as floor height.

The internal architecture of dwellings, the interiors of rooms and apartments in general are essential for creating a favorable living environment in them. First of all, this applies to ensuring good proportions of rooms and ratios of their depth, width and height in conjunction with the arrangement of light poles, doors and built-in cabinets. The architectural solution of apartments should provide for the visual connection of the space of different rooms, using glazed doors. Interior design of dwellings should take into account the placement of furniture and household items.

Architectural expressiveness of the building is achieved by using small architectural forms (lamps, flagpoles), as well as by using new building materials. In the design of wall panels, preference is given to natural colors. The panels are painted in a calm tone, and the seams between the panels are highlighted in a different, brighter tone. To increase the architectural expressiveness of the building, a gate is allocated. The contrasting selection of individual elements on the facade of an industrial building makes it possible to visually evaluate it, to scale compare individual parts of the building.


In the process of carrying out a course project in the discipline Architecture of Civil Buildings, the knowledge gained from lectures on the study of the relevant sections of the course was fixed, creative thinking developed.

The main result of this course work was the creation of a public building project.

To achieve the outcome, work was carried out to:

familiarization with the techniques of composition of residential buildings;

consolidation of knowledge obtained during the corresponding sections of the theoretical course;

familiarization with techniques for designing residential buildings;

extension of skills of graphic image of design material;

study of the rules for using standard projects, technical literature, GOST, SniP-mi and other sources.

To achieve the above goals and increase professionalism in the design of public buildings, a number of the following tasks were solved:

1. development of structural and structural solutions of residential buildings;

Building Design Development Skills

development of the plot plan of the area under consideration, optimal placement of the designed residential building in this area on the basis of the situation plan provided in the design task;

5. connection of the designed residential building with residential development (through the location of sidewalks, paths, etc.), its location relative to main roads or other important means of communication ;

6. competent and technical implementation of the graphic part of the project presented in two sheets of A1 format, correct design of the project;

7. correct and skillful use of standard design, building codes and catalogues of building structures;

8. consolidation of previously acquired skills in the performance of feasibility studies, short and technically competent preparation of an explanatory note to the project with appropriate justifications of design, architectural and other solutions taken during the design process.

Drawings content

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