Road bridge over the river. Ural in the area of Uralsk

- Added: 03.07.2014
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Additional information
Diploma Design Assignment
1. Analysis of source data
2. Description of local conditions of the construction area
2.1 Climatic characteristics of the construction area
2.2 Hydrotechnical conditions of construction area
2.3 Engineering and geological conditions of the construction area
3. Variant Design
3.1 Detailed description of variant No.
3.2 Detailed description of variant No.
3.3 Detailed description of variant No.
4. Feasibility comparison of options
4.1 Operating index
4.2 Technical indicator
4.3 Production index
4.4 Architectural indicator
4.5 Economic indicator
5. Design part
5.1 Calculation of the main span beam
5.1.1 Collection of constant loads on stiffening beam
5.1.2 Determination of transverse setting factors
5.1.3 Determination of normative and design forces from constant loads
5.1.4 Determination of normative and calculated forces from temporary
5.2 Determination of effective width of span beam belts
5.3 Determination of geometric characteristics of the given section
5.3.1 Determination of geometric characteristics of the reference section
5.3.2 Determination of geometric characteristics of section in the middle of design span
5.4 Check of main beam strength
5.4.1 Check of strength by normal stresses
5.4.2 Check of beam walls strength by reduced stresses
5.4.3 Check of strength by tangent stresses
5.5 Check of beam for local stability
5.5.1 Check of the compressed compartment of the beam wall for stability
5.5.2 Check of general stability of the main beam
5.5.3 Determination of main beam deflection
5.6 Calculation of orthotropic roadway slab
5.6.1 Calculation of flooring sheet
5.6.2 Calculation of longitudinal edge
5.6.3 Calculation of transverse beam
5.7 Calculation of mounting joint on high-strength transverse bolts
5.7.1 Calculation of cross beam mounting joint
5.7.2 Calculation of the lower belt of the mounting joint
6. Calculation of intermediate support
6.1 Determination of self-weight of support
6.2 Determination of hydrostatic water pressure on the support
6.3 Determination of reference pressure from span weight
structure and pavement
6.4 Determination of the reference reaction from the time load on the span
6.5 Determination of horizontal longitudinal load from
braking A
6.6 Determination of horizontal lateral load from
side impacts of load A
6.7 Determination of wind pressure value for span
structure and support in the direction across the bridge
6.8 Determination of wind pressure value for span
structure and support in the direction along the bridge
6.9 Determination of ice pressure on the support in the direction across the bridge
6.10 Determination of ice pressure on the support in the direction along the bridge
6.11 Collection of loads acting on the support
6.12 Calculation of support section
6.12.1 Calculation of strength of reduced section of support
on the action of efforts directed along the bridge
6.12.2 Calculation of strength of reduced section of support
action of efforts directed across the bridge
6.12.3 Calculation of support section for horizontal forces action
7. Process Safety
7.1 Analysis of Hazardous Production Factors
7.1.1 Production sanitation
7.1.2 Ergonomics
7.1.3 Safety precautions
7.1.4 Fire safety
7.1.5 Forecasting Possible Emergencies
8. Environmental justification of the project
8.1 Influence of pollutants on the atmosphere
8.2 Environmental impact of noise and vibration
8.3 Impact on land resources
8.4 Compliance with environmental requirements at the construction site
9. Estimated Financial Calculation
9.1 Technical and economic indicators
9.2 Summary Estimate
9.3 Object Estimate
9.4 Local Estimate
10. Patent section
Conclusion...... 139 Literature used
Appendix No.
The main areas of economic and social development of Kazakhstan provide for the further development of the road economy, and therefore a significant increase in the volume of bridge construction with the wide introduction of new progressive structures. Mass construction of bridges, overpasses, platforms on automobile and city roads will go on the way of application of rational industrial reinforced concrete structures, progressive technology of their production and installation.
Bridges belong to the most expensive and responsible structures, calculated for long service life under the conditions of adverse climatic and geological factors. The construction of the bridge is always carried out on the basis of projects in which the type of structure, the design of all its parts, as well as construction methods that ensure the commissioning of the structure in accordance with the schedule are determined and economically justified.
Bridges are engineering structures that allow you to lay a transport highway above obstacles encountered.
The construction of a bridge in the Kostanay region also contributes to the fulfillment of the above listed factors .
An increase in passenger and freight traffic on the railway in southern Kazakhstan became necessary to increase the number of railway tracks at the station .
The increase in the number of railways will contribute to the large passage of passenger and freight trains, which will primarily have a positive impact on the economic development of the region.
Metal is the most advanced of materials used to build modern bridges.
Metal bridges have a number of important features and advantages. Their designs allow for simple separation into individual blocks or elements, which are manufactured in factories by industrial methods with great accuracy and a degree of standardization.
The highest achievements of modern bridge engineering are associated with the design and construction of large metal bridges, in the bearing structures of which high-strength steels are effectively used.
The relatively low cost, strength, uniformity, quality and the possibility of use in various structural forms made metal the most common material in the construction of bridges.
Due to the high strength of modern construction steels, metal bridges, despite the bulk weight of steel, are the lightest, which allows you to use metal to cover spans that significantly exceed the spans of bridges made of other materials.
In operational terms, metal bridges are much better than wooden ones because they require less maintenance and repair costs, and also have a longer service life, but are slightly inferior in this regard to reinforced concrete bridges.
The great disadvantage of metal bridges is the corrosion of metal from the action of moisture, sulfur dioxide and other harmful effects.
In accordance with the task, it is required to design a bridge for the II technical category of the road with a dimension of G - 11.5 + 2 × 1.0 m under loads: A11, NK80 and pedestrian load on the sidewalks. It is also necessary to carry out a technical and economic analysis of the selected options and choose the most optimal one.
For the selected option, you must:
• Calculation of the main beam;
• Calculation of orthotropic roadway slab;
• Calculation of the mounting joint of the transverse beam.
It is also necessary: to make an estimated financial calculation of the construction of the bridge. Finally, it is necessary to develop safety provisions for the process and environmental protection provisions for the construction of the bridge.
4.1. Operational indicator.
Here, options are considered in terms of traffic safety and pedestrians, navigation, as well as convenience of repair and inspection of the structure.
According to the passage of ice drift, high water and ships, option No. 3, which has the largest span - 300 m, is most favorable. In the first and second versions, vessels, ice and high water are also allowed to pass, but the span width is much smaller and there is a risk of ships colliding with the bridge support due to their proximity (a human factor is possible).
All three options are represented by continuous systems and have a minimum number of deformation joints, which provides comfort along the bridge, and the sidewalk zone is protected from the roadway by a barrier fence along the bridge. However, in terms of safety and convenience of passage of vehicles and pedestrians, option No. 3 loses, as it has great flexibility of span structures and large movements in deformation seams.
For the convenience of inspection and operation, option No. 3 also loses due to the high height of the pylon and the inaccessibility of its elements and tin mounts. Variant No. 2 is also not convenient for inspection of the span, consisting of the metal of the main beams and the reinforced concrete slab of the roadway.
Conclusion: For this indicator, the advantage is option No. 1 due to the ease of passage and the accessibility of all elements of the span.
4.2. Technical indicator
In this indicator the analysis of structures operation is performed. Due to the inseparability of span structures, all variants have rigidity, however, variants No. 1 and No. 2 have small deflections of span compared to variant No. 3. Due to the flexibility of the span structures of option No. 3, large deflections and stresses arise in them. Steel-iron concrete structures are also less durable due to the combined work of metal and concrete.
Conclusion: for this indicator preference is given to option No. 1.
4.3. Production key figure
In this indicator, the methods of constructing the bridge are analyzed and less labor-intensive is detected.
The construction of the bridge according to variant No. 1 requires the installation of additional devices (construction of temporary supports, slipway, installation of hydraulic jacks, advance rack) for the assembly of span structures and safe sliding on permanent supports of the bridge.
The construction of a steel-iron concrete bridge is carried out in two stages:
1) installation of main beams of span structure
2) installation of reinforced concrete slab of roadway and its inclusion in joint work with main beams.
In itself, the method of constructing a steel-concrete span is more laborious than the longitudinal sliding (variant No. 1) of the spans and requires a lot of time.
Option No. 3 is undoubtedly the most complex and time-consuming and long-term construction.
Stages of cable-stayed bridge construction:
1) construction of the support and pylon body, foundations to the boundary of the openings
2) installation of span units and longitudinal sliding
3) installation of taps to the pylon and stiffening beam
4) tension of veins to design forces.
Conclusion: Preference is therefore given to option No. 1.
4.4. Architectural and aesthetic indicator
This indicator considers the architectural expressiveness and integrity of structures with the existing terrain landscape. Since the center of mass is located in the middle part of the channel, options 1 and 2 provide symmetry of the structure, but the predominance of the odd in the number of spans and supports leads to a decrease in visual perception of the bridge as an integral structure. The large scaffolding spaces of option 3 provide good visibility of navigation paths. In addition, large spans covering the river mirror are easy for visual perception and have great architectural expressiveness.
Conclusion: Option 3 has the advantage.
8. Environmental justification of the project
The legal basis for the development and improvement of Russian environmental legislation is the Constitution of Russia. Article No. 42: "Everyone has the right to a safe environment, reliable information about its condition and to compensation for damage caused to his health or property by an environmental offense."
Environmental management is one of the most important and complex problems facing humans today. We are getting more and more evidence of severe environmental forecasts when creating industrial and agricultural complexes, planning production activities taking into account distant consequences, an environmental approach to work in agro-biocenoses. In other words, at present, in the conditions of a market economy and optimal environmental management, it is necessary to learn how to manage your activities in accordance with the requirements of "nature," considering its laws, rules and principles.
During the reconstruction and maintenance of the bridge, environmental protection requirements should be taken into account at all stages of the work by preventing and limiting their negative impact on the natural environment to the established maximum permissible levels .
The impact of the bridge construction process is considered direct if, during its life cycle, new sources of impact (affecting the environmental situation) arise in the region, directly related to the construction process itself.
The impact of the bridge construction process should be considered indirect if it is manifested in changing working conditions and controlling the effects of other facilities that have a direct impact on the environment and living conditions of the population.
Based on the search results, an environmental impact statement (EPA) is compiled. It should reflect:
- condition of project implementation (purpose and necessity);
- description of the proposed project;
- description of the state of the environment at the moment;
- reasonable alternatives, including the alternative "not to implement the project"
- Environmental impact assessment of the proposed project
During the construction of the bridge, a variety of harmful environmental impacts can occur. Let us highlight the main effects:
- dust and gas content of the construction site, mainly in the area of the construction site;
- contamination with construction waste during the construction of intermediate supports, foundations and installation of the span structure.
8.1 Influence of pollutants on the atmosphere
At the stage of construction of such a facility as a bridge, harmful substances enter the atmosphere and which is more dangerous in the reservoir. Given that the water we consume for household needs from river reservoirs has long failed, even with good treatment, to meet the standards of water suitable for consumption - each new case of pollution leads to an even greater deterioration in its quality, which in turn leads to a further deterioration in human health.
Road machines and equipment shall be on site only for the duration of the relevant work. The parameters of the used machines and equipment in terms of exhaust gases, noise, vibration shall comply with the established standards and specifications of the manufacturer.
Filling of cars, tractors and other self-propelled vehicles and mechanisms with fuel, oils must be carried out at stationary and mobile filling stations in specially designated places. Filling of stationary machines and mechanisms with reduced mobility is carried out by gas stations.
Filling in all cases shall be performed only by means of hoses having a closure at the outlet. Use of buckets and other types of open utensils for filling is not allowed. At each point, spent oils shall be collected and then sent for regeneration. Draining of oils on vegetable, soil cover is prohibited.
At the stage of operation of the bridge, the question arises of the threat to human health from gases emitted into the atmosphere by vehicles. The toxicity of exhaust gases of engine carburetors is mainly due to the content of carbon monoxide CO and nitrogen oxides NO and soot.
Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide), combining with the hemoglobin of human blood or warm-blooded animals, prevents the absorption of oxygen, thereby weakening the body, its resistance to various diseases. Chronic poisoning with this gas causes rapid fatigue, headache, heartbeat, respite, etc.
It is necessary to control the release of CO by cars and prevent the outage of transport at the construction site.
Organic cementitious materials are a significant source of atmospheric pollution in the construction of the bridge bed.
In this embodiment of the bridge construction, an asphalt concrete mixture based on oil bitumen, which contains concentrated substances, is used for the paving of the bridge. Under normal conditions, when constructing a bridge bed in compliance with the norms and rules of work, the concentration of chainsaw in the atmosphere does not exceed the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) standards.
During mass work on the construction of the pavement and pavement of approaches to the bridge, other toxic hydrocarbons are emitted from asphalt concrete into the atmosphere, and the amount of emissions is directly proportional to the temperature of the mixture. It should be noted that the effective reduction of toxic hydrocarbon emissions is achieved by replacing bitumen with asphalt bitumen emulsions.
When constructing a bridge bed, such as: an anti-corrosion layer of epoxy resin, a layer of adhesion of bitumen-based components, asphalt concrete coating also based on bitumen components - it is necessary to carefully monitor the technological process of work and in no case prevent the aforementioned components from entering the bridge into the river reservoir. This leads to water pollution, which in turn affects human health.
A significant number of technological processes associated with the construction of a bridge causes the release of dust (soil, sand, cement, mixed) polluting atmospheric air. Dust formation is caused by insufficient humidity of soils and other materials, the presence of dusty and clay particles in soils.
In particular, the so-called "dust works" during the construction of the bridge can include:
- concrete mix production from cement at the concrete plant at the construction site;
- sandblasting of metal parts of span structure on slipway;
- development of soil for embankment of approaches in quarries;
- filling of the embankment and arrangement of sand and crushed stone layers of road clothing on the bridge and suitable embankments.
Maximum dust concentration occurs when working in quarries. Technological processes should provide for soil moistening to optimal humidity: 1012% - for loam, 1.52.0% - from the amount of dust fraction in sandy soils and sand-gravel mixtures.
And it must be remembered that excess MPC dust in the workplace adversely affects people's health.
8.2 Environmental impact of noise and vibration
The technological processes of the bridge construction are also sources of intense noise and vibration, which negatively affect human health, flora and fauna. Noise reduction measures are limited to noise reduction at its source, i.e. noise reduction using sound reflecting and sound absorbing screens in the way of sound propagation or noise protection measures at the most protected facility. In accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.00383, sound levels and equivalent sound levels should not exceed 85 dB.
During the construction of the bridge, the main sources of noise and vibration pollution of the environment are:
- at the construction site (locksmith, turning, mechanical workshops for bolt preparation, etc.);
- on the slipway (technological processes associated with the assembly of the span structure; especially the noise effect on the human body is manifested in the closed box space of the span structure);
- in places of construction of intermediate supports and supports (processes of concrete mixtures laying and vibrating, processes of tongue-and-tongue fencing and protective metal pipes immersion);

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