Delta Construction Industrial Base Construction Project

- Added: 18.03.2014
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Construction Plan, Construction Schedule, Construction Scope Table, Autocrane Installation Diagram. There is a bomb with calculations.
Project's Content
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Additional information
1 General part
2 Brief description of construction conditions
3 Construction plan
4 Organizational and technological diagrams of construction
5 Construction duration
6 Justification of construction personnel requirements
7 Justification of construction requirements for temporary
buildings and structures
8 Justification for the need for basic construction machines,
mechanisms and vehicles
9 Substantiation of construction demand for electric power,
water and other resources
10 Production control
11 Occupational safety and fire safety measures
12 Environmental and Recycling Conditions
building waste
Attached drawings: 2007 - 18 - PIC
1) Stroygenplan (sheet 1);
2) Table of the scope of preparatory works, table of the design capacity for the construction site (sheet 2);
3) Vertical binding of crane g/n (sheets 3,4);
4) Construction Schedule (Sheet 5)
Solutions for the organization of construction.
year-round construction and installation works by contracting method;
specialized organizations are involved in the performance of special installation works;
It was decided to perform work in 1 shift using manual labor and using mechanization tools that ensure the preparation of the construction site, the arrangement of communications, the construction of the building in the optimal time;
supply of construction materials, structures and equipment to the object under construction are provided from the Customer's enterprises and warehouses with centralized delivery of vehicles in one shift;
provision of construction with water, heat and electricity is carried out from existing facilities located in adjacent territories;
provision of construction with compressed air, steam, acetylene, oxygen from temporary systems and installations;
To ensure the construction of administrative premises, it is planned to install 1 storey inventory buildings of the container type of the Universal system.
2. characteristics of construction conditions,
Volumetric planning solutions
2.1. Brief description of the site.
The land allotted for the industrial base of Delta Construction LLC is located on the outskirts of the village of Denisovo, Borovsky District, Kaluga Region.
The area allocated for construction is free of buildings by the beginning of design and is a plot covered with grassy vegetation with a total area of 2.56 hectares.
The territory of the building is adjacent: on the south side - on the existing road to the city of Borovsk, on the north side - with an empty undeveloped territory, on the west - with an empty undeveloped territory, on the east side - with the village of Denisovo. The relief of the site is flat, the absolute elevations of the earth's surface vary from 166.97 to 171.34 (difference 4.37 m).
Space-planning and structural solutions.
The following types of buildings are supposed to be located on the territory of the building:
• canopy for circulation saw with total area of 24 m2;
• repair box with 225 m2 area;
• electric workshop with an area of 96 m2;
• mechanical workshop with an area of 96 m2;
• cold metal warehouse (spare parts for machinery) with area of 360 m2;
• cold metal warehouse (plumbing equipment) with area of 360 m2;
• office building with area of 210 m2;
• dining room with an area of 240 m2;
• 2-storey dormitory building with an area of 441.5 m2;
• diesel boiler house of container type with area of 36 m2;
There will also be: an open storage area for materials (metal), 2 open storage areas for inert bulk materials, an open storage area for construction equipment and transport for 12 units, a fire tank with a volume of 30 m2, 2 RBU.
2.5. Utilities.
When equipping utility networks, first of all, it is advisable to carry out works on the sewage system.
Laying of water supply and heat supply networks is carried out by a specialized organization. Design, placement and construction of networks is carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.04.02-84, SNiP 3.05.04-85, SNiP 12032001 (part 1), SNiP 12032001 (part 2), SN478-80
The power supply connection point is a complete transformer substation. All electrical installation works are performed according to SNiP 12032001 (part 1), SNiP 12032001 (part 2), GOST 12.1.01375, SNiP 3.05.06-85, SN 174-85, SN 465-74 by a specialized organization.
3. construction plan.
3.1 The construction plan shows :
- accommodation of temporary domestic premises;
- arrangement of temporary roads;
- arrangement of material storage sites and concrete acceptance for each object under construction;
- Organization of temporary power supply and water supply of houses under construction.
3.2 Basic principles of construction site organization:
- selection and binding of lifting cranes taking into account hazardous areas during installation of building structures;
- sizing of storage rooms and open storage areas;
- provision of normative illumination of the construction area and work places;
- determining the need for inventory buildings based on the maximum number of people working on the construction site;
3.3 Selection of lifting cranes is due to space planning and structural solutions.
4. organizational and technological diagrams
To ensure timely preparation and compliance with the technological sequence of construction, the project provides for two construction periods: preparatory and basic.
4.1 Preparatory works:
4.1.1 Prior to the commencement of the main works, the Customer shall put the construction site in kind and create a geodetic basis in accordance with SNiP 3.01.0384 "Geodetic works in construction." The basis is created by an organization licensed to perform geodetic work.
4.1.2 At the construction site received from the customer according to the act, the general contractor provides the following preparatory work:
- Arrangement of temporary household inventory buildings.
Install residential and administrative buildings on the construction site in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN As part of sanitary facilities, places should be allocated and equipped for the placement of first-aid kits with medicines, stretchers, fixing tires and other means for providing first aid to victims.
Provide temporary domestic premises with water and electricity according to temporary schemes. The drinking water regime is imported, in accordance with the requirements of sanitary norms and rules.
- Perform temporary power supply to the construction site.
Power supply device shall be made from the designed TP in accordance with the specification. Route the supply cable from TP by supports. For construction on the building site on a support under a canopy to install the distribution power cabinet of ShRS125U3, 250A, 380V, IP54 and a box vvodnouchetny 250A, 380V, YaVU2. At CRS perform loop of repeated grounding of zero wire.
Spread temporary networks at the height of:
- 3.5 m - above the passageways;
- 6.0 m - above the driveways.
Wiring of temporary e/networks used in the construction of buildings and lighting of the construction site shall be performed by insulated wires or cables.
Lighting of the construction site shall be performed according to the permanent design.
All electrical equipment installed on the construction site for the period of building construction shall comply with GOST R50 571.232000 "Electrical installations of construction sites." Electric welding devices shall meet the requirements of GOST 12.2.00374 and GOST Electric welding units shall be connected to the power supply via a chopper and fuses or a circuit breaker.
- Arrangement of temporary roads.
- Cut vegetation soil is stacked at the construction site in accordance with GP.
- Organization of surface water runoff.
- Fencing of the construction site in height and continuity satisfying the requirements of GOST 2340778 "Fencing of inventory construction sites and construction and installation work areas. Specifications. " The fencing shall be made according to the permanent design.
- Arrangement of wheel washing point at the exit from the construction site with arrangement of water flow into ring KTs151, with possibility of further pumping out by special transport.
4.1.3 When entering and leaving the construction site, information boards shall be installed indicating the name and location of the object, the name of the owner and (or) the customer, (gene) of the contracting organization performing the work, the name, position and telephone number of the responsible manufacturer of the work on the object. At entrance on the building site the scheme with the indication of under construction and temporary buildings and constructions, entrances, entrances, locations of water sources, fire extinguishing means and communication, with graphic symbol according to GOST 12.1.11482 has to be established.
4.1.4 Perform all preparatory works in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12012004 *.
4.1.5 Completion of preparatory works at the construction site shall be accepted according to the Act on labor safety measures execution, executed in accordance with Appendix "I" SNiP 12012004 *.
4.2 Main works
4.2.1 Earthworks Perform earthworks with an EO4121A excavator equipped with a reverse shovel with a ladle capacity of 0.65 m ³. Excess soil shall be removed from the construction site by agreement with the district administration. During the construction of the facility by the flow method, soil storage is possible in the allotted area. In winter, soil from the pit is taken to other facilities. Development of trenches for external networks and communications is carried out by the E652 (E302) excavator, with a soil shortage to design marks of 7 cm. Perform earthworks in accordance with SNiP 3.02.0187.
4.3 Construction and installation works in winter conditions at average daily temperature below 5 deg C and minimum daily temperature below 0 deg C shall be carried out in accordance with the instructions of this section and the requirements of working drawings of NPP section.
Pits and trenches shall be protected against ground freezing by means of soil damage or insulation shelter. Cleaning of the base is performed immediately before the monolithic pile caps.
Backfilling of pits and trenches should be performed with melted soil.
4.4 Low carbon steels can be welded in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.03.0187 at temperature not lower than 30 deg C. At temperature below 10 deg C and wind, the welding site must be protected by temporary shelter. The current must be increased in proportion to the decrease in temperature, starting from 0 degrees C.
4.5 Specific technological solutions and main organizational measures shall be developed in the Work Execution Project for each individual building.
Production control.
10.1 The required quality and reliability of the structures shall be ensured by the construction organization by implementing a set of technical, economic and organizational measures of effective control at all stages of the construction products creation.
10.2 Quality control of construction and installation works shall be carried out by specialists or special services that are part of construction organizations or are involved from outside and equipped with technical means that ensure the necessary reliability and completeness of control.
During the incoming inspection of building structures, products, materials and equipment, it is necessary to inspect their compliance with the requirements of standards or other regulatory documents and working documents, as well as the availability and content of passports, certificates and other accompanying documents.
10.3 Operational control shall be carried out during construction processes or production operations and ensure timely detection of defects and taking measures to eliminate and prevent them.
During operational control, it is necessary to check compliance with the technology of construction and installation processes; compliance of performed works with working drawings, construction codes, rules and standards. The results of the operational inspection shall be recorded in the activity log.
The main documents for operational control are regulatory documents, process (typical process plans) and operational quality control diagrams.
10.4 During acceptance inspection, it is necessary to check and evaluate the quality of construction and installation works performed, as well as critical structures.
10.5 Hidden works are subject to inspection with drawing up of acts. The certificate of examination of hidden works shall be prepared for the completed process performed by an independent subdivision of the performers.
Examination of hidden works and preparation of a certificate in cases when subsequent works should begin after a break, should be carried out immediately before the subsequent works.
It is forbidden to perform subsequent works in the absence of acts of inspection of previous hidden works in all cases.
10.6 As soon as they are ready, responsible structures are subject to acceptance during construction (with the participation of a representative of the design organization or author's supervision).
10.7 Quality management of construction and installation works shall be carried out by construction organizations and include a set of measures, methods and means aimed at ensuring compliance of quality of construction and installation works and objects completed by construction with the requirements of regulatory documents and design documentation.
10.8 Inspection control shall be carried out at all stages of construction in order to check the effectiveness of previously performed production control.
10.9 Based on the results of the production and inspection quality control of construction and installation works, measures should be developed to eliminate the identified defects, while also taking into account the requirements of author supervision of design organizations and state supervision and control bodies acting on the basis of special provisions.
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