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Gas supply to the industrial base of Novocherkassk, Rostov region

  • Added: 09.08.2014
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Content of the graphic part: 1. FRG 2. Internal device GRPSH-400 3. Heating and ventilation of tractor box 4. Gas supply of tractor box 5.

Project's Content

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icon Раздел 1и2.doc
icon Раздел 3.doc

Additional information


Section I Main Section

Introduction.... 3-

1.1. Gas Supply Diagram

1.2. Gas supply of tractor box

1.2.1. Main gas supply design solutions.5-

1.2.2. Determination of maximum hourly gas flow rate

1.2.3. Hydraulic calculation6-

1.2.4. Gas control points. 14-

1.3. Heating and ventilation of the tractor box... 15 -

1.3.1. Characteristics of the object.... 15-

1.3.2. Main thermal solutions. 16-

1.3.3. Calculation of emissions of harmful substances from emitters.. 17 -

1.3.4. Calculation of ventilation air flow... 19-

1.3.5. Sanitary and hygienic requirements

1.4. Gas supply to the blacksmith shop

1.4.1. General Instructions on Gas Supply of Blacksmith Shop 22-

1.5. Gas supply of the administrative building

1.5.1. General instructions on gas supply of the administrative building.. 25-

Title II Patent Research

Patent Research Report .27 -


The rational use of gaseous fuel, with the greatest realization of its technological advantages, allows to obtain a significant economic effect, which is associated with an increase in the efficiency of the units and a reduction in fuel consumption, easier regulation of temperature fields and the composition of the gas medium in the working space of furnaces and plants. As a result of the use of gaseous fuel in industry, it is possible to significantly improve the quality of products, intensity and sanitary and hygienic level of production.

The social advantages of using natural gas compared to other types of fuel are related to saving time and labor on fuel harvesting and storage, maintenance of heat generators, the possibility of manual and automatic control of temperature in the premises, provision of hot water supply in the home and for industrial needs.

Currently, domestic enterprises manufacture a fairly wide range of gas-powered devices, but their operating parameters are lower than foreign ones. Increasing their efficiency will make it possible to save in 2010-2011. 2-3 billion cubic meters. m of gas per year.

When designing gas networks of villages, the following issues must be solved:

- determination of all gas consumers in the gasified area;

- determination of gas flow rate for each consumer;

- determination of places of distribution gas pipelines laying;

- determination of diameters of all gas pipelines;

- selection of equipment for all GRP and GRU and determination of their location;

- selection of shutoff valves (latches, cranes, gates);

- determination of places of installation of control tubes and electrodes for monitoring the state of gas pipelines, their operation time;

- development of methods of gas pipelines laying at their intersection with other communications;

- determination of estimated cost of gas pipeline construction;

- development of measures for safe operation of gas pipelines.

The volume of resolved questions from the listed list is determined by the assignment for the diploma project.

The growth of gas consumption in cities, towns and rural areas, as well as the scale of distribution networks, pose new and difficult tasks for gas engineers related to the development and reconstruction of systems, improving their reliability, and protecting the air basin.

1.1. Gas Supply Diagram

The gas supply scheme of the industrial base of Novocherkassk, Rostov Region is determined based on the location of gas supply sources, the nature of the industrial base development and the presence and location of gas consumers. Gas distribution in the territory of the enterprise is carried out according to a two-stage system. A cabinet-type gas control station is connected to the high-pressure gas pipeline. Consumers are connected to low-pressure gas pipelines.

Design solutions of low-pressure networks, and the type of GRP is determined depending on the nature of the development of the enterprise and on the calculation of the minimum total investments in the network.

The diagram of low-pressure gas pipelines is adopted as dead end.

1.2. Gas supply of tractor box

1.2.1. Main design solutions for gas supply

Supply of gas is provided in the engineering building on the Ru low-pressure gas pipeline = 0.005 MPas.

Odored natural gas as per GOST 554287 is provided as fuel. Natural gas has the following composition (as a percentage of the volume):

Methane - 94.7% - 95.0 %

Ethane - 1.35% - 3.13 %

Propane - 0.28% - 0.60%

Butane - 0.23% - 0.46%

Nitrogen - 1.36% - 2.19 %

Carbon dioxide - 0.11% - 0.14%

Gas density 0.76 kg/m3 at temperature 0 ° C, pressure 0.10132 MPa. The lowest combustion heat is 33180 kJ/m3 (7900 kcal/m3). The gas supply scheme for consumers of the enterprise is dead end.

1.3.5. Sanitary and hygienic requirements

In production rooms equipped with the designed heating system, the air temperature shall not be lower than 4 ° C, normal values for the cold period of the year, in accordance with SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of production rooms."

Relative humidity and air velocity comply with the requirements of SanPiN

The difference in air temperature along the height of the working area meets the requirements of SanPiN

Intensity of infrared irradiation of human body surface ^ does not exceed 140 W/m: at air temperature corresponding to lower boundary of optimal values specified in SanPiN These conditions are provided on the basis of the power of the installed emitters, the height of their suspension, as well as ordinary clothes and headgear of employees of the enterprise.

Placing emitters in the upper area of the room prevents direct exposure of human eyes to infrared radiation.

3.1. General provisions

The project for the organization of the construction of the gas supply system of the industrial base of Novocherkassk, Rostov Region, was developed on the basis of the assignment for graduate design.

The development of the construction organization project was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current norms:

- SNiP 1.04.0385 * "Standards for the duration of construction and for business in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures," Parts I and II [];

- SNiP 12012004 "Construction Organization" [];

- SNiP 12032001. Part 1 "Safety of work in construction" [];

- SNiP 12042002. Part 2 "Safety of work in construction" [];

- PPB 0103 Fire Safety Rules for Construction and Installation Works [];

- SP 421032003 "Design and construction of gas pipelines from polyethylene pipes and reconstruction of worn-out gas pipelines" [];

- JV 121362002 "Labor safety in construction. Decisions on labor protection and industrial safety in construction organization projects and in work execution projects "[];

The source of water supply for the facility under construction is the existing industrial network. Sources of electricity and other types of resources necessary for construction are urban. Temporary buildings and structures were built at the construction site to ensure construction and installation work.

3.6. Work Schedule

The work schedule is one of the main documents according to which the construction process is organized.

The main requirements in the development of the schedule are:

compliance with the regulatory period for the construction of gas networks;

compliance with the process sequence and the most complete alignment of works performance;

ensuring uniform loading of leading teams and machines;

ensuring safe working conditions of workers.

The work schedule is shown on sheet 9. In parallel with the calendar plan, an era of labor movement is drawn up

3.9. Construction Master Plan

For the development of the construction plan, the following initial data are used:

- geotechnical survey data;

- data on supply of construction with necessary material and technical resources;

- development master plan with application of existing buildings and structures, as well as communications;

- safety requirements.

The need to develop a construction plan is to create conditions for the acceptance and storage of structures, parts and products, the safe operation of construction machines and mechanized installations, the uninterrupted supply of water and energy resources to the facility, as well as the creation of normal living conditions for workers.

The width of the path for the movement of workers is 1 m.

Temporary water supply is connected to the existing one and is supplied to household facilities.

The sewage is latrine. Power supply is provided from the existing power transmission line. Housings are located outside hazardous areas and provide passage to them along temporary paths with a width of 1 m.

Two hazardous areas of crane operation are indicated on the construction plan:

1 zone - installation work area equal to boom departure.

2 zone - dangerous cargo drop zone.

The construction master plan is presented on sheet 9.

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