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The building of the ABK metalurgical plant in the city of Shakhty, Rostov Region - Administrative and household building


Thesis project. Drawings, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

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Additional information


Certificate Project Statement


1. Architectural - construction part

1.1. Introduction

1.2. Source Data

1.3. Master Plan

1.4. Space Planning Solution

1.5. Architectural solution of facades

1.6. Constructive solution

1.7. Heat Engineering Calculation of Enclosing Structures

1.8. Engineering equipment

2.Computed - Structural Part

2.1 Frame calculation

2.1.1. Load collection

2.1.2. Define loads and forces

2.2. Selection of reinforcement in the column

2.3. Selection of reinforcement in the slab

3. Foundations and foundations

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Geotechnical conditions

3.3. Collection of loads and determination of design forces acting on


3.4. Selection of foundation type

3.5. Selection of foundation depth

3.6. Calculation of column foundation F-

3.6.1. Determination of preliminary dimensions of F- foundation base

and determination of design soil resistance

3.6.2. Determination of the design ground of the base. Calculation of deformation

base (draught)

3.7. Calculation of column foundation F-

3.7.1. Determination of preliminary dimensions of F- foundation base

and determination of design soil resistance

3.7.2. Determination of the design ground of the base. Calculation of deformation

base (draught)

3.8. Foundation structures

3.8.1. Foundation structures F-

3.8.2. Foundation structures F-

3.9. Pile Foundation Calculation

3.9.1. Determination of pile quantity for FS-1. Pile settlement

3.9.2. Determination of pile quantity for FS-2. Pile settlement

3.10. Design of foundation slab PF-1 in axes 10-14, L-R

3.10.1.PF load collection

3.10.2.Compute cast-in-situ foundation slab PF-

4. Organizational and technical part

4.1. Characteristics of the object under construction and construction conditions

4.2. CIW nomenclature and volumes

4.3. Labor and Machine Time Cost Sheet

4.4. Selection of main construction machines and mechanisms

4.5. Selection of methods and works

4.6. Building a Network Model

4.7. Determiner card

4.8. Network Calculation

4.9. Network Technical and Economic Indicators

4.10. Object Construction Plan

4.11. Warehouse Design

4.12. Design of temporary buildings and structures

4.13. Temporary Water Supply Design

4.14. Provision of electricity for construction

4.15. Calculation of compressed air demand

4.16. Temporary Road Design

4.17. Technical and economic indicators of the construction plan

4.18. Health and safety measures

4.19. Job Instruction for Foundation Arrangement. Area


4.19.1. Source Data

4.19.2. Scope of Work

4.19.3. Cast-in-situ columnar foundations Foundation slab PF-

4.19.4. Material warehousing

4.19.5. Calculation of labor costs

4.19.6. Quality control of works

4.19.7. Safety precautions during foundation works

4.19.8. Logistical resources

4.19.9. Technical and economic indicators

4.19.10. Calculation of work quantities during foundation arrangement

4.19.11. Counting machinery and equipment

4.19.12. List of process accessories

5. Economy

5.1. Assessing the cost-effectiveness of innovation in construction

5.2. Compare competing options and determine cost-effectiveness

5.3. Local Estimate No.

5.4. Local Estimate No.

5.5. Determining the annual economic impact of the optimal option

5.6. Reflecting the cost-effectiveness of innovation in the performance of the construction organization

5.7. Object estimate

5.8. Summary Estimate

5.9. Evaluation of economic efficiency of the set of organizational and technical solutions

5.10. Technical and economic indicators of the investment project

6. Safety of life

6.1. Introduction

6.2. Environmental safety

6.2.1. Environmental impact of harmful production factors

6.2.2. Measures to reduce environmental impacts of production factors

6.3. Safety of crane works

6.3.1. Definition of hazardous installation area

6.3.2. Definition of hazardous area during cargo movement

6.3.3. Definition of crane hazardous area

6.3.4. Erection of building structures (load-gripping device)

6.4. Calculation of artificial lighting

6.5. Calculation of grounding device

6.6. General Plan Fire Safety Measures

6.7. Calculation of evacuation time in case of fire




Construction is one of the main branches of the national economy of the country, ensuring the creation of new, expansion and reconstruction of existing fixed assets.

Capital construction has a crucial role in the development of all sectors of production, increasing the productivity of public labor, improving material well-being and the cultural standard of living of the people.

The architecture of civilian buildings has undergone significant changes in recent years. The system approach is widely used in the design of civil buildings, covering urban planning, architectural and functional planning, technical and economic aspects of design solutions. The architectural planning solution is based on the functional purpose of buildings, their technical equipment and economic space planning solution.

Cost reduction in architecture and construction is carried out by rational space-planning solutions of buildings, correct selection of construction and finishing materials, design facilitation, improvement of construction methods. The main economic reserve in urban planning is to increase the efficiency of land use.

The diploma project uses CAD elements, which include both variant searches for a space-planning solution, as well as structural calculations and graphic work.

1. architectural part


The diploma project presents the administrative and household building of a metallurgical plant in the city of Shakhty, Rostov Region. The technical solutions adopted in the project comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary, hygienic, fire and other standards in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, and ensure safe operation for people's lives, subject to the provided measures.

Master Plan

The location of the 3-story building of the administrative-domestic building is due to the development project of this district. The boundaries of the site allocated for the construction of the building are determined by the act of withdrawal of the site. The area of ​ ​ the site allocated for the construction of the ABK within the conditional boundaries is - 2590 m.

In accordance with the "Gornogeological justification of the possibility of building a plant for the production of steel billets and small-scale rolled stock in the city of Shakhty, Rostov Region," the buildings and structures of the complex are designed without structural measures.

Improvement of the territory includes a covering of the carriageway of roads from asphalt concrete, the device of coverings of sidewalks from paving concrete slabs, installation of concrete borders and curbs, installation of decorative lamps, placement of small architectural forms (garden benches, ballot boxes for garbage, information stands, etc.), etc.

Lawn sowing and group tree planting are provided for areas of the territory free from development and car passes. Trees are planted in groups and ordinary planting, lawns are broken, sown with perennial grasses and flowers in covered fertile soil 20 cm thick.

The construction site, construction materials and products used in the construction of this facility, as well as the building of the administrative building developed in this diploma project in accordance with the Federal Law "On Radiation Safety" No. 3F3 of 09.01.96 meet the requirements of the "Radiation Safety Standards" (NRB99) SP and the "Basic Sanitary Rules for Ensuring Radiation Safety" (OSP ORB99) SP

Results of radiation monitoring shall be transferred to the Customer prior to commencement of works. The Customer shall organize departmental control of radiation quality of building materials and structures, appoint responsible persons by order. Data of radiation monitoring of building materials and structures coming to the construction site shall be entered in the author's supervision log. A copy of the radiation monitoring report of each batch of building materials and structures coming to the construction site shall be submitted to the design organization. Attach these acts to the delivery documentation along with hidden works acts.

The vertical layout of the section of the administrative-household cor-pus has been decided continuous as a result of the study of the scheme for organizing the terrain. The planning marks of buildings, structures, roads, driveways and sidewalks are determined taking into account the minimum volumes of earthworks and ensuring natural drainage from the territory of the construction site.

The slope of the planned territory ranges from 35%.

Architectural solution of facades.

Facades of the administrative building are faced with facade panels made of galvanized steel with decorative coating. The windows are made of metal plastic with blue coating (RR35). Glazing of all windows - single-chamber double-glazed windows. Stained glass windows are made in aluminum structures with a blue polymer coating (RR35) with filling with single-chamber double-glazed windows. Windows and stained glass windows on the outside of the glazing shall be fitted with 4 mm thick glass with blue sun reflective coating. On the inside of the double-glazed window, 4 mm glass with a selective coating is used in stained glass windows. The coating shall face the inter-glass space. Windows on the inside also use 4 mm thick glass without coating.

Constructive solution

The structural system of the building is a frame-link frame made of monolithic reinforced concrete. The frame of the building is formed by:

- cast-in-situ reinforced concrete columns ,

- cast-in-situ reinforced concrete slabs.

Two types of Foundations were selected for this project: columnar monolithic reinforced concrete in axes 19, A-L and monolithic reinforced concrete slab in axes 1014, M-R. The rationale for this selection is detailed in Section 3. "Foundations and foundations."

The external walls of the ABK building are designed with 250 mm thick brick bricks K-0 100/15/GOST 53095 * on 50 grade plasticized cement-sand mortar with sealing of the seams from the outside and plastering from the inside with 20 mm thick cement mortar and insulation from the outside along the si-stack of the "ventilated facade."

Non-combustible mineral wool slabs ISOVER KL37, p = 15 kg/m3, 120 mm thick and ISOVER VKL, p = 120 kg/m3, 13 mm thick, followed by facing with facade cassettes of MP2000 type made of galvanized steel δ = 1.2 mm with decorative polymer coating, are used as wall insulation. These works are carried out by a specialized organization.

In external enclosing structures, aluminum stained glass windows are used with filling with single-chamber double-glazed windows.

Internal partitions are provided for:

- brick 120 mm thick brick K-0 100/15/GOST 53095 *;

- KNAUF gypsum board systems according to the series 1.031.9.-2.00, ex.1;

- metal-plastic glazed.

All holes in brick walls and partitions after installation of communications should be carefully sealed with cement sand mortar of grade 100. in gypsum-board partitions, seal the holes as per recommendations of 1.031.9-2.00 series, Fig.1.

When laying brick walls and partitions in the slopes of door and window openings, lay antiseptic wooden plugs measuring 250x120x65 mm through 10 rows of masonry in height, but at least two on each side of the opening.

The roof in the designed building is accepted as flat with an organized external drainage. See the roof plan in Figure 1.2.

Roofs composition:

1. 3-layer water-insulating carpet made of "Isoplast" coiled material of TU 57700020051623594 (or other guided material having flexibility on a bar with a radius of 25 mm at a temperature of 10 to 20 ° C) for the upper layer - from "IsoplastaK" grade EKP5, for the lower layer - from "IsoplastaP" grade 4 XPPP.

In the places where the roof adjoins the parapets and other structures protruding above the roof, the layers of the main water insulation carpet should be reinforced with two layers of isoplast: the upper layer - from IsoplastaK, the lower 2 layers - from IsoplastaP.

In the roof at elev. + 7.200 along the top of the water insulation carpet, ceramic unglazed tiles 15 mm thick are laid along a layer of quartz sand 35 mm thick.

Before the installation of the water insulation carpet, the surface of the heat insulation should be cut off with a solution of bitumen grade BN90/10 GOST 6617 - 76 * in kerosene or salt oil in a ratio of 1:3 by weight.

2. Thermal insulation:

• Top layer - mineral wool slabs ISOVER OLK30UPO, 30 mm thick, p = 125 kg/m3 coughed with glass cloth on the top side and with grooves (15x15 mm in size, 100 mm in pitch on the bottom side of the slab) forming row ventilated channels. Plate is connected to each other in tongue-ridge.

• Lower layer - mineral wool slabs ISOVER OLP, p = 77 kg/m3, thickness 110 mm on the roof at el. + 10.800 b axes 1114, V-H and thickness 100 mm - on the rest of the roof area at el. + 10.800, a. also on other roofs.

Slabs of upper layer should be laid with displacement of seams relative to seams of slabs of lower layer.

The slabs of the lower layer shall be attached to the coating assembly with the slabs of the upper layer in a mechanical (anchor) manner by a mechanical fastening system consisting of a poppet element and a "ROCKclip concrete" anchor. Based on the current wind load, the number of anchors per 1m2 of the coating should be at least three on a 1.5 m wide strip along the outer outline of the coating, and at least one on the remaining area of ​ ​ shelter.

3. Vapor insulation - 1 layer of polyethylene film 0.5 mm thick over the entire roof area. Steam insulation shall be installed on the vertical surfaces of parapets, walls, ventilation shafts at a height of not less than 250 mm above the upper layer of heat insulation.

4. Cast-in-situ reinforced concrete slabs of 200mm thickness.

Roofing works shall be performed by a specialized organization licensed to perform this type of work.

To cover a lightning protection grid and conductor cables with two layers of PF1189 TU6-10-1710-86 enamel.

Work on lightning protection shall be carried out under the supervision of electricians.

Stairs are designed to communicate between spaces located on different floors.

Stairs are designed from reinforced concrete marches. Ladder fencing is made of metal chrome links.

A spiral staircase is designed along axes 12/H, which is necessary for communication between the premises and the access to the winter garden, which is located at elevation + 10.800. The ladder frame is metal. The steps of the stair march are prefabricated reinforced concrete, the platforms are monolithic reinforced concrete, covered with tiles of ceramic granite on glue.

Drawings content

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