Data Center Gas Fire Extinguishing Project

- Added: 03.08.2014
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Additional information
1. General part
2. Brief description of the object
3. Main Design Solutions
4. Calculation of installation parameters
5. Principle of plant operation
6. Occupational safety
3. Main Design Solutions
3.1. Automatic gas fire extinguishing plant is designed for automatic detection of fire in the server room, generation and transmission of signals about the state and operation of the plant, as well as activation of gas fire extinguishing equipment to create a concentration of fire extinguishing agent sufficient to localize and extinguish the fire in its initial stage in the protected room without the participation of people.
3.2. To extinguish the fire in the server room, a modular automatic gas fire extinguishing unit has been designed, including:
• fire extinguishing agent module installed in the protected room
• (module placement is defined by the customer) at the wall;
• universal ADM pressure switch;
• high pressure hose;
• main and distribution pipelines with outlet nozzles;
• smoke fire detectors of type DIP45 (IP2donbass 5);
• instrument for receiving and monitoring and control of automatic fire extinguishing means and alerts "S2000ASPT";
• warning light and sound alarm equipment;
• manual fire detector IPR 5133M with the signature "Fire extinguishing start";
• the C2000M control panel, the control unit of fire extinguishing of "S2000PU" and the RIP power supply installed indoors with the round-the-clock watch;
• "KTMN plastic" electronic identifier reader (Touch Memory key) for disconnection and restoration of automatic operation of the gas fire extinguishing unit installed at the entrance to the protected unit.
3.3. Gas - Chladone 125XP as per TU 24120430048068996 rev.1, which has high fire extinguishing capacity, is used as a gas fire extinguishing substance (hereinafter - GOTV).
Freon 125HP does not make harmful effects on the equipment which is in the protected room.
3.4. The fire extinguishing method is volumetric by filling the protected room with 125ChP chladone vapors before creating a fire extinguishing concentration.
3.5. The estimated quantity of GHTV and the selection of equipment are taken based on the provision of standard fire extinguishing concentration in the protected room.
In accordance with the Code of Regulations of SP 5.131302009 the normative volume concentration for fire hazardous substances in the protected room - 9.8%, the release time of the fire extinguishing substance for modular installations is not more than 10 seconds.
3.7. Fire extinguishing agent storage is provided in the gas fire extinguishing module
MGP 6510032E. And with electrostart-up, established at a wall. The module consists of a cylinder and a shutoff device (ZPU).
The RCP has a pressure gauge, an electromagnetic TEM drive, a local start-up device, a safety pin for local start-up and a safety membrane. Module ECU with electric start-up is connected by high-pressure hose to main pipeline.
As gas boost nitrogen in accordance with GOST 929374, boost pressure in a cylinder of the MGP 6510032E module is used. And - 5.0 MPas. Parameters of IHL electric start by DC voltage U = 24B, I = 0.450.55A. The voltage application time is not less than 0.5 s. The current strength when checking the integrity of the electromagnet should not exceed 0.1A.
During filling of the modules, the mass of the fire extinguishing gas is monitored by weighing, and leakage of the fire extinguishing gas during operation is monitored by the pressure gauge installed on the module shut-off device .
3.7. According to item 8.6.3. SP 5.13130.2009 modular units shall have 100% stock apart from the calculated quantity of HVAC.
Modules with stock should be stored in the warehouse of the organization that carries out AUGP service.
3.8. The release of GTV to the protected premises was designed through the jet nozzles of Technos M + LLC in Nizhny Novgorod installed on distribution pipelines, the arrangement of which is made taking into account the characteristics of the spray radii and ensuring uniform filling of the entire volume of the GTV room. Distribution pipelines and outlet nozzles are designed to be laid under the ceiling of the protected room.
Diameters of nasadok and the area of outlets are given in the drawing 01/01.2014APT1 sheet 3 and 4.
3.9. The release of the GTV to the protected room is provided 30 seconds after the audible and light alarm about the beginning of the fire in the room.
3.10. Smoke fire detectors of type DIP45 (IP2donbass 5) are designed to detect fire in the room protected by automatic gas fire extinguishing units.
3.11. Two types of electrical start-up of the plant are provided for the protected room:
• automatic - at the actuation of at least two smoke fire detectors IP 21258 (ESO1003) installed on the floor of the protected room at a distance of not more than half of the normative one, determined according to Table 13.3 of the code of rules SP 5.13130.2009;
• remote - at operation of the tame fire announcer of IPR513 at an entrance to the protected room or buttons of remote start-up on the S2000PU block in a protection post.
Local start-up from the MGP 6510032E module. And, in compliance of item 8.13.2. SP 5.13130.2009, must be excluded (blocked).
3.12. For alarm of fire, operation and malfunctions of automatic gas fire extinguishing units, a set of devices based on the integrated Orion security system of Russian manufacture, having a certificate of conformity and a certificate of fire safety, is used.
3.13. The technical implementation of the Orion integrated security system is based on the use of the head (master control) network controller of the system, which uses the C2000M control and control panel, which interrogates the devices of the Orion system connected to it through the RS485 interface line.
When "Fire" signal is received, command pulse is generated to automatic starting circuit. In the protected room, the warning sound and light alarm "Gas - leave!" Is turned on, ventilation is turned off and the warning system in the building is turned on. After 30 seconds, when the information about closing the doors is received, the warning alarm "Gas - leave!" Is turned off, the alarm "Gas - do not enter!" Is turned on and voltage is supplied to the starting devices of the modules.
3.14. In the automatic start mode, the plant operates during the period when there are no people in the protected room. The electric circuit of the device of the Orion system provides to "S2000ASPT" shutdown of automatic start-up when finding people in the protected room and turning on of the precautionary alarm system "Automatic Equipment Is Switched-off".
Shutdown and restoration of automatic start-up, is carried out by the button installed on the S2000ASPT device and by means of the reader of electronic identifiers (charms of "Touch memory"). At the same time, before entering the protected room, the light alarm of the plant operation mode is activated.
3.15. Technical facilities of the gas fire extinguishing units control system provide automatic control of:
• integrity of fire alarm loops along their entire length;
• integrity of electrical start-up circuits for breakage and short circuit;
• integrity of control circuits of light and light-sound annunciators.
3.16. Information on the fire, operation, malfunction of installation is displayed on the display of the With 2000M remote controller installed on an object.
The scope of information corresponds to items 12.112.2 and 12.4 of the code SP5.13130.2009 and provides for light and sound signalling:
• on fire occurrence;
• about the operating mode of the plant;
• about plant actuation;
• failure of the main power supply voltage;
• failure of powder fire extinguishing units.
Sound signals about fire and operation of powder fire extinguishing plants differ in tone from signals about malfunction.
3.17. For detailed information about the operation of Orion system elements, refer to their technical descriptions .
3.18. Cable lines of fire protection systems shall be made with fire-resistant cables with copper cores that do not spread combustion during group laying according to category A as per GOST R IEC 60332322 with low smoke and gas release (ngLSFR) or containing no halogens (ngHFFR). Cable lines of fire protection systems shall remain operable under fire conditions for the time required for the operation of specific systems of the protected object.
Wiring is laid in cable - channels, corrugated PVC pipes.
3. 19. According to PUE, gas fire extinguishing plants in terms of ensuring the reliability of power supply are classified as electrical receivers of the 1st category, therefore, the power supply of the plant is carried out from two independent sources. Input by tension ~ 220B of alternating current is provided to be brought to the S2000ASPT device and the power supply.
4. Calculation of plant parameters
4.1. The calculation of the installation in order to determine the required quantity of GHTS, the number and type of modules was carried out in accordance with Appendix E of the code of rules of SP 5.131302009.
When performing calculations, the following main criteria are met:
standard release time of GOTV is not more than 10 seconds;
nozzles shall be used in one room (protected volume)
only one type;
GOTV charging coefficient in modules no more than a 0.9kg/l;
difference of GTV costs between two extreme nozzles on one
distribution pipeline not more than 20%;
direction pipelines volume shall not exceed 80% of volume
GTV in cylinders;
total area of all nozzles shall not exceed 80% of the area
sections of the main pipeline;
The expiration process must be completed and the system must be emptied.
As a result of calculation to installation one MGP 6510032E module is accepted. And, filled with freon in number of 83 kg., time of giving of GOTV - 9.16 sec.
Calculation results are given in drawing 01/01.2014APT sheet 2.
5. Principle of plants operation
5.1. In standby mode, automatic smoke detectors DIP45 constantly monitor the appearance of smoke in the protected room.
The S2000ASPT device exercises constant automatic serviceability check of announcers, connecting lines of starting devices, light and light-sound annunciators on break.
5.2. At emergence of ignition in the protected room, from smoke fire announcers the signal on the S2000ASPT device which gives out acoustic arrives and
light signals about the fire. It should be borne in mind that the operation of two detectors in the loop corresponds to the signal "Fire," the operation of one detector corresponds to the signal "Attention."
5.3. At operation of two announcers in the S2000ASPT device impulses on inclusion of an electromagnet of the MGP 6510032E module are formed. And with electrostart-up. In the protected room, warning sound and light alarms are turned on, general ventilation and air conditioning systems are turned off. In the building, the warning system for people in case of fire is turned on. After 30 seconds, voltage is supplied to the electromagnet opening the shutoff-starting device located on the module bottle. At the expense of nitrogen pressure, freon 125HP through the nozzles located on distributive pipelines comes to the protected room.
5.4. In the automatic start-up mode, the plant operates during the period when there are no maintenance personnel in the protected room. Automatic start-up is switched off when the door to the protected room is opened or "Automatic is OFF" button on "S2000ASPT" device with indication of OFF state, as well as with the help of TouchMemory keys. When finding service staff in server, installation is transferred to remote start-up and formation of a command impulse on start-up of installation carried out from tame fire announcers of IPR5133M, are located at an entrance to the protected room or the button from the S2000PU control unit installed in protection.
Further operation of the unit is similar to operation during automatic start-up.
5.5. The automatic start-up mode of the unit is restored from "S2000ASPT" devices, as well as with the help of TouchMemory flaps.
5.6. For management of systems and devices at the fire on the S2000ASPT device the contact of the Fire relay is provided.
5.7. The sound signal about the fire is distinguished by the tone and nature of the sound from the signal about the malfunction and actuation of the installation.
6. Occupational safety
6.1. Compliance with safety precautions is a prerequisite for safe operation during installation, maintenance and operation of fire extinguishing and fire alarm units. Violation of safety rules can lead to accidents.
6.2. During installation, maintenance and operation of the plant:
"Rules for operation of electrical installations of consumers";
"Safety Rules for Operation of Electrical Installations of Consumers";
PB 0357603 "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of vessels operating under
pressure ";
PO TRM0162001, RD 15334.0-03.15000 "Intersectoral labor protection rules
(safety rules) during operation of electrical installations. "
6.3. When installing the plant, the requirements of SNiP III480 * "Safety in construction" should be followed, including compliance with the requirements ,
described in the sections:
electrical works;
electric welding and gas-flame works;
loading and unloading works;
operation of the tool technological equipment;
installation works ;
Equipment testing.
When performing electrical installation works, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.0685 and PUE.
When working with the PTS84 pistol, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of VSN 41080 "Instruction on the use of powder tools during installation and special construction work."
When working with the power tool, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of GOST 12.2.00775.
6.4. During operation of the fire extinguishing and fire alarm unit it is necessary to follow the operating manual, technical descriptions and certificates of the equipment included in the unit, RD 25 96490 "Maintenance and repair system of automatic fire extinguishing, smoke removal, security, fire and fire alarm units, organization and procedure of works", "Rules for technical operation of electrical installations of consumers," "Safety rules for operation of electrical installations of consumers" (PTE and PTB).
During operation of the plant, the following basic rules shall be followed:
repair the plant equipment in the absence of
pressure in the repaired unit;
all repair and scheduled works with electrical equipment of the unit
perform only after power supply disconnection;
6.5. Installation works shall be performed in accordance with RD 78.14593.
6.6. In accordance with GOST R 5096996, electrical equipment, metal wool and pipelines of the units must be grounded.
The resistance of the grounding device used to ground the electrical equipment shall not exceed 4 ohms. In the circuit of grounding and zero conductors there shall be no disconnecting devices and fuses. Connection of grounding and zero conductors to parts of electrical equipment shall be made by welding or bolting, in accordance with "PUE."
6.7. Maintenance of automatic fire protection systems is allowed for persons under 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination, training and instruction on labor protection, an internship and a knowledge check of labor protection requirements in accordance with the established procedure. The instruction shall be recorded in the respective instruction logs. The mounters serving the fire-fighting unit shall be provided with protective equipment that has passed the relevant laboratory tests.
6.8. After actuation of the AUGP unit, removal of fire extinguishing composition, smoke and combustion products from the room, be carried out by a general ventilation system or a mobile ventilation unit.
It is allowed to enter the protected room after the fire extinguishing composition is released into it and the fire is eliminated until the ventilation is completed only in the isolation means of respiratory protection, after 20 minutes.
Титул. Чертежи. Спецификация.dwg
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