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Course work on the discipline of the BASICS OF CAR PRODUCTION AND REPAIR TECHNOLOGY

  • Added: 03.06.2019
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INTRODUCTION.. 5 1. THEORETICAL SECTION.. 6 1.1. Procurement methods. Choosing a rational option. 6 1.2. Basing, classification, and selection rules. 14 1.3. Thermal deformations of the process system.. 19 1.4. Pneumohydraulic, magnetic and vacuum actuators. 21 2. PRACTICAL SECTION. DEVELOPMENT OF "SHAFT" PART MANUFACTURING PROCESS. 24 2.1. Analysis of source data. 24 2.2. Calculation of output volume. 26 2.3. Production batch. 27 2.4. Define the production type. 27 2.5. Select the type and method of procurement. 28 2.7. Diagram of process route of part processing. 30 2.8. Calculation of allowances and interoperative dimensions. 31 2.9. Selects machine, tooling, and tool types. 33 2.10. Design the Shaft part finishing operation. 34 CONCLUSION.. 38 LITERATURE.. 39 APPENDIX. SHAFT WORKING DRAWING.. 40

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1.1. Procurement methods. Choosing a Rational Option

1.2. Basing, Classification, and Selection Rules

1.3. Process System Thermal Strains

1.4. Pneumohydraulic, magnetic and vacuum actuators


2.1. Analysis of source data

2.2. Calculation of output volume

2.3. Production Batch

2.4. Define Production Type

2.5. Selecting the Type and Method of Procurement

2.7. Flowchart of part processing process route

2.8. Calculation of allowances and interoperative dimensions

2.9. Select Machine, Tooling, and Tool Types

2.10. Designing a Shaft Part Finishing Operation




Job for coursework

Theoretical questions:

Method of obtaining blanks. Choosing a rational option;

Basing: classification, definitions, and selection rules;

Thermal deformations of the process system;

Pneumohydraulic, magnetic and vacuum actuators.

Input data for design of process of "SHAFT" part manufacturing:

Drawing of Shaft part;

Production program Nr = 750 pieces;

The operating mode is two-shift.


The explanatory note contains 40 pages, including 13 drawings and sketches, 15 formulas, a roadmap on 37 pages, 7 sources, 1 annex.

The course work will provide answers to the theoretical questions posed (theoretical section), in the practical part of this calculation and graphic work, the technological process of manufacturing the Val part will be designed according to the version of the individual task. It will also calculate the mass of the part and the initial workpiece, analyze the part for processability, determine the batch of starting the part into production, select the necessary technological equipment and equipment, calculate cutting modes and rationalize the process operations.

When performing calculation and graphic work, making decisions on the selection of process options, equipment, tooling, and methods for obtaining blanks is carried out on the basis of technical and economic calculations, which makes it possible to propose an optimal option.


The production efficiency, its technical progress, quality of products in many respects depend on the advancing development of production of the new equipment, machines, machines and devices, on every possible introduction of methods of the technical and economic analysis.

In this regard, in the educational process of higher educational institutions, a significant place is given to independent works such as coursework on mechanical engineering technology.

Course design consolidates, deepens and summarizes the knowledge gained by students during lecture and practical classes. Course design should teach the student to use reference literature, GOST, tables, nomograms, norms and prices, skillfully combining reference data with theoretical knowledge.

In the theoretical part of this work, 4 questions will be revealed in the discipline: "Fundamentals of the technology for the production and repair of cars" according to option 104.

In the practical part of this calculation and graphic work, the manufacturing process of the "Shaft" part according to the version of the individual task 2.39 will be designed. The mass of the part and the initial workpiece will be calculated, analysis of the part for processability will be carried out, the batch of starting the part into production will be determined, the necessary technological equipment and equipment will be selected, cutting modes will be calculated and process operations will be normalized.

Selection of process bases

The selection of process bases depends on the structure of the workpiece and the finished part, as well as on the equipment used. For rough base we take external surface of part rotation. We take the center holes and the end of the part as the finishing base.


In the theoretical part of this course work, 4 questions were revealed in the discipline: "Fundamentals of the technology for the production and repair of cars" according to option 104.

In the design part of the course work, the main stages of designing the technological process for manufacturing the Val part were performed according to the parameters specified in the methodological instructions.

The initial data for the design were analyzed, the material of the part was selected and its characteristics were considered, the volume of the part output, the size of the production lot and the type of production were determined.

A workpiece from rolled stock was selected, technological bases for processing the part were assigned, and a route process plan was designed.

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