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Course project: Workshop for repair of equipment.


Industrial building for repair of industrial machinery. Zhbk.

-plan for 0,000

-Surface section

-Wall Cut

-Abc with dimensions and sections

- Note

Project's Content

icon архаСельхозтехника.doc
icon Цех ремонта сельскохозяйственной техники.dwg

Additional information


Table of Contents.

1. General information and space-planning solution of the production building

2. Structural solutions of the production building

3. Calculation of thermal insulation of the coating

4. Calculation of area and equipment of ABK

5. Volume-planning and structural solution of ABK

6. Technical and economic indicators (TEP)

Drawings content

icon Цех ремонта сельскохозяйственной техники.dwg

Цех ремонта сельскохозяйственной техники.dwg

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