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Course project on the topic: Design of the unit repair area

  • Added: 21.12.2015
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The theme of my course project is to develop the organization of the production process of repairing the units of the Tu-154M aircraft for a given annual program. To develop the organization of the production process, it is necessary to study the structure of the repair object, determine which parts and units are most susceptible to wear and tear. On the basis of this, it is necessary to determine from what stages the technological process will consist, and what parts should be divided into the repair workshop of the units. The final stage of the course design is the plan of the repair section of the Tu-154M aircraft units, shown in A3 format with observance of scale and all symbols.

Project's Content

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icon Курсовой по ремонту ЛА-Кошкарев П.А. ЭЛб-11-1.docx
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icon Проект участка ремонта агрегатов.cdw

Additional information




1. General information about aircraft to be repaired

2. Description of design of repair objects

2.1 Units of fuel system

2.2 Hydraulic system units

2.3 Air conditioning system units

3. Diagram of process of aircraft equipment repair in the workshop

4. Determination of annual labor intensity of aircraft repair Tu-

5. Calculation of working time fund of equipment and workers

6. Determine the number of personnel to perform the annual repair scope

6.1 Calculation of the number of production workers

6.2 Calculation of the number of auxiliary workers

6.3 Calculation of the number of employees

7. Calculation of the required quantity of equipment

7.1 Calculation of total equipment quantity

8. Calculation of areas of main, auxiliary rooms of workshops,

sections of aviation repair production

9. Calculation of electric repair shop consumption

energy, compressed air, water

9.1 Annual power consumption per facility

9.1.1 Annual power consumption for the facility

9.1.2 Annual electric energy consumption for lighting

to installations

9.2. Determination of water flow rate




The theme of my course project is to develop the organization of the production process of repair of Tu154M aircraft units for a given annual program.

To develop the organization of the production process, it is necessary to study the structure of the repair object, determine which parts and units are most susceptible to wear and tear. On the basis of this, it is necessary to determine from what stages the technological process will consist, and what parts should be divided into the repair workshop of the units.

After the theoretical part, the following calculations must be performed:

determine the cost of repair of one aircraft;

Determine the workload of the annual programme


calculate funds of working time of equipment and workers;

Determine the number of personnel to carry out the annual aircraft repair programme;

calculate the required quantity of equipment;

determine the areas of the main and auxiliary premises of the workshop (section) of aircraft repair production;

propose space-planning solutions for production premises;

perform calculations of consumption by the workshop (site) of repair production of electric energy and water.

The final stage of the academic year project is the plan of the site of repair of units of the Tu154M aircraft represented on A3 format with observance of scale and all symbols.

General information about aircraft to be repaired

Tu-154 is a three-engine jet passenger aircraft for medium-length airlines, the most massive Soviet jet passenger aircraft and the main "workhorse" on the USSR air lines. In the period from 1968 to 2013. 998 Tu154 aircraft of several modifications were produced, the main of which were Tu154B and Tu154M.

The Tu154B aircraft has been produced since 1975 and was distinguished from the early series by a reinforced wing structure, additional fuel tanks and emergency exits. In total, 378 aircraft of modifications Tu154B1 and Tu154B2 were built. In addition, all previously produced Tu154 and Tu154A aircraft were modernized in Tu154B.

In 1982, the first flight of the Tu154M model took place with new more economical engines and improved wing aerodynamics. Before the completion of mass production in 2013, more than 400 Tu154M aircraft were produced, many of which continue to carry passengers today.

The Tu154 aircraft is built according to the aerodynamic scheme of a free-carrying low-wing with a swept wing (35 ° along the line of a quarter of chords), a T-shaped plumage with a rearranged stabilizer. The location of the engines is rear, which reduces the noise in the cabin and the turning moment in case of engine failure, but creates problems with the "shading" of the stabilizer and engines at large angles of attack and with the rear alignment, which initially leads to surging and failure of the side engines, then medium failure, and a sharp decrease in the efficiency of the steering wheel. The aircraft falls into deep piling mode and then - a flat corkscrew, from which it is not withdrawn without special equipment.

The power plant consists of three TRDD NK82 (U) of OKB276 design by N.D.Kuznetsov. On the Tu154M modification, they were replaced by the D30KU154 engine of the design of OKB P.A. Solovyov. Two engines are located on the sides on the pylons, the third - inside the fuselage with an air intake channel. Control of engine shutdown and operation mode - direct cable from the levers located in the cockpit. The engine control levers (TCL) are located on the middle panel of the pilot and on the flight engineer's console, are connected and operate synchronously. Engines shutdown levers are located on flight engineer panel to the left of TCL, reverse control levers are located on the front of pilots TCL.

The landing gear of the aircraft is three-post, with a nose strut. The main landing gear, equipped with disc wheel brakes (with the Tu154M modification, as well as some special-purpose Tu154B2, cooling fans received the brakes), are retracted into special nacelles on the wing. The fore strut is rotary, on the modification to Tu154B1 inclusive is controlled only by pilot pedals, with the modification of Tu154B2 in taxiing mode it is controlled by the handle on the commander's left panel. Extension of all struts - against air flow, actuators of extension, retraction, brakes and turn - hydraulic.

The wing is three-legged, caisson-shaped, with a double transverse V, on the centroplane minus 3 degrees, on the detachable parts of the wing - plus 1.5. The illusion of a negative transverse V occurs due to the large twist of the center plan, as well as due to the fact that the leading edge of the wing is installed noticeably higher than the rear. It consists of a center wing and two detachable parts of the wing (OCHK), equipped with slats, three-slotted flaps (on Tu154M - two-slotted), interceptors and ailerons. In the center plan there are four fuel tanks - two (service tank No. 1 and tank No. 4) in the fuselage, two (two tanks No. 2) in the wing parts. In each of the detached parts of the wing there is a tank No. 3.

All steering surfaces have booster control. Two boosters RP56 (hydraulic booster) operate both sections of an elevator, one RP56 a direction wheel, on one RP55 booster the aileron of each half-wing. Boosters are of an irreversible type, aerodynamic forces on the steering wheel and pedals are simulated by spring loaders, trimming is carried out by moving the loaders' stops by electromechanisms. Stabilizer, flaps and flaps have electric drive, interceptors - hydraulic drive.

Interceptors operate in different modes. Internal interceptors located on the center plane are released only when the thrust reverser of the engines is turned on. Middle interceptors are controlled by a handle on the middle panel of pilots. External interceptors work in electronic mode, that is, unsynchronously on the right and left half-wings, being released when the aileron of its half-wing rises by a certain amount.

The cabin is equipped with an air conditioning system operating in the parking lot from the APU, and when engines are running, from engines. Air taken from the engines compressors and APU is also used to start the engines and operate the anti-icing system.

According to some Tu154 pilots, the aircraft is unnecessarily complex for a mass passenger liner and requires high qualification of both flight and ground personnel.

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