Course project on planning a technological line of milk production

- Added: 03.02.2022
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Course project on planning a technological line of milk production
Project's Content
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Additional information
Substantiation of plant capacity, selection of construction site
Functional structure of the designed object
Process Flow Chart Development
Analysis of mechanized production technologies. Proposed technology
Substantiation of quantitative and qualitative process indicators
Preselection of machine system
Process Section
Calculation and selection of process equipment
Calculation of labour force
Architectural and construction section
Substantiation of building dimension parameters, selection of building structures
Development of layout solutions of premises, equipment
Development of design solutions for plumbing heating and ventilation systems; water supply and sewerage; lighting
Development of master plan
Environmental safety of the project
The course project is presented with an explanatory note made on 47 pages of printed text and includes 44 calculation formulas, 8 drawings, 7 tables and 15 titles of used literature, as well as a graphic part.
The explanatory note describes the line of production of melted milk, as well as calculations of raw materials and workshops for the production of these products.
The graphical part of the course design is presented on 3 sheets of A1 format.
The developed market economy, the creation of which became the goal of the reforms carried out in the country, implies the existence of a comprehensive commodity market, including the food market, an important component of which is the market for milk and dairy products. Currently, we can only talk about the beginning of the formation of a full-fledged dairy market in Russia.
The situation was aggravated by the fact that the transition to a market economy was a period of a sharp decline in product production, as a result of the formation of the dairy market, it began in the face of a decrease in commodity supply from domestic producers. In 1991-1995 the production of whole milk products decreased 3.7 times, animal oil, fatty cheeses and dairy preserves - 2 times, dry dairy products - 1.5 times. A similar trend continued in 1996. The decline in dairy production was accompanied by a reduction in its assortment.
One of the main directions of the development of the milk and dairy products market in the country is the formation of a competitive environment.
Over the past decades, the provision of milk and dairy products to the population of the country has been carried out within the framework of a system of centralized formation and distribution of food funds, strictly regulated state pricing for food. Under these conditions, there could be no question of serious competition of the producer in the market of milk and dairy products. The main milk processors and dairy producers in the country were dairy enterprises, combined as part of the corresponding food industry.
Currently, mini-factories for the production of milk and sour milk products are becoming increasingly popular. Such plants can be located on the territory of a small settlement, military town or farm. Such mini-workshops are manufactured at the manufacturing plant completely ready for work. The configuration of such workshops is based on the principle of modularity, that is, it can be assembled as a designer from the necessary parts, without adding anything superfluous. The leaders among the various modular milk processing workshops are COLAX mini-production, which is confirmed by the various awards received by the developers and manufacturers of these mini-plants.
This course project proposes to consider the constructive development of an individual workshop for the production of melted milk with a capacity of 500 kg per shift.
Functional structure of the designed object
The pre-plant zone with a passage and the main entrance to the territory of the enterprise is located on the southwestern side. Entry into the territory of the enterprise is associated with external passenger and freight traffic.
Vehicles entering the territory pass through the diesel barrier and are allowed into the territory only upon presentation of a pass.
To ensure transportation on the territory of the enterprise, there is a network of paved roads providing access to buildings and structures.
The company has a speed limit of 5 km/h.
The directions of cargo and human flows on the territory of the enterprise are located taking into account the minimum number of their intersections .
A map of the movement of vehicles on the territory of the enterprise is located on the main passage.
The route of movement of milk suppliers in the territory of the enterprise is strictly limited by circular traffic. After sanitizing, the vehicle is sent to the milk reception point and then leaves the enterprise through the western gate. Exit is through the southeast gate.
The milk reception point is a building where milk is weighed when taken, and a laboratory is also located in it where the taken milk is evaluated and its fat content and acidity are specified. Milk is accepted if it complies with GOST 1326488, after which it is cooled and sent to temporary storage tanks.
The milk raw material is transported to the designed workshop via a surface pipeline from temporary storage tanks.
Preselection of machine system
The following process equipment is planned to be installed in the designed workshop:
meter-flow meter;
equalizing tank;
plate heat exchanger;
separator-milk cleaner;
a tubular pasteurizer;
VDP bath;
plate cooler
Environmental safety of the project
The intensive development of all branches of the national economy is due to the main tasks of nature conservation at the present stage. Based on the unity of society and nature and considering that anthropogenic influence is one of the environmental factors; find out that the process of using nature and the process of protecting it are inextricably linked. It follows that the main principle of nature conservation is its protection in the process of its use.
Environmental protection is a system of international, state, regional, political, sanitary and hygienic and social measures aimed at the rational use, protection and reproduction of natural resources, at the protection of the natural environment from pollution. In accordance with legislative and regulatory documents, the set of protective measures consists of the following measures:
- development and application in industry of low-waste and waste-free technological processes, machines and equipment;
- development, production and application of sulphurous gas and dust collecting equipment for air pool protection;
- equipping existing industrial enterprises with effective wastewater treatment systems;
- Development before security education.
For the dairy industry, the protection of raw materials and food products from the danger of contamination by various chemicals is an important area. One of the areas of environmental protection is the development of scientific and basic standards for permissible emissions of various substances into the atmosphere and water bodies of industry enterprises.
Sanitary treatment at dairy enterprises is carried out in the following order:
- mechanical cleaning of treated surface from raw material residues and contaminants. During mechanical cleaning, cold and warm water is used, which is lowered into the sewer only through fat traps;
- washing using detergents;
- disinfection using disinfectants;
- rinsing.
If detergents - disinfectants are used, then the process of washing and disinfection is combined.
The quality of products produced by dairy enterprises is largely determined by the quality of washing and disinfection of technological equipment, containers, equipment with which milk and dairy products contact. Each workshop shall have an equipment sanitation schedule approved by the shop manager. The equipment is washed and disinfected by dedicated personnel.
Measures to reduce pollution and reduce harmful substances in wastewater are divided into technical and technological ones. The technical ways provide for the treatment of waste water before discharging into the reservoir, as well as the use of recycling and re-water supply systems.
Technological measures include measures to reduce the consumption of fresh water for technological needs. Also used at the plant for mechanical treatment of waste water are grids, sand traps, fat traps, sumps and disinfectants.
One of the sources of air pollution is emissions from the production boiler house. In order to reduce the harmful effect of boiler house emissions on the working personnel and conduct the technological processes themselves, emissions are carried out at a safe height through the chimney.
In this course project, the technological lines for the production of drinking milk were considered, and the proposed technology was also presented. The raw materials required for the production of 500 liters of melted milk were calculated.
The process equipment for the line was also calculated and selected, the systems were calculated: heating and ventilation, water supply and sewerage, as well as lighting of the designed workshop for the production of pasteurized milk.
Environmental safety measures have been developed for the project.




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