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COURSE PROJECT On Engineering Technology

  • Added: 31.03.2018
  • Size: 179 KB
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Design of hydraulic grip piston manufacturing technology

Project's Content

icon Заготовка _ МЧ00.77.00.05.bak
icon Заготовка _ МЧ00.77.00.05.cdw
icon Карта сборки.bak
icon Карта сборки.cdw
icon Курсовая.doc
icon Поршень _ МЧ00.77.00.05.bak
icon Поршень _ МЧ00.77.00.05.cdw

Additional information


Mechanical engineering is the most important industry. Its products - machines for various purposes are supplied to all sectors of industry, agriculture, transport, determining the level of their development. Engineering plays an extremely important role in ensuring the defense of the state.

The process of creating a machine is divided into two stages. The first stage consists in the development of the machine design with the corresponding drawings. The second stage consists in development and implementation of production processes of machine parts manufacturing and assembly, which constitutes the main task of machine building technology. The steps of creating a machine are closely interconnected. Indeed, it is impossible to develop a good machine design without taking into account the technology of its production. The accepted technologies for manufacturing parts and assembling the machine determine its quality and production costs. The development of technology allows you to apply new design solutions that increase the quality of the machine and reduce these costs. The modern idea of ​ ​ mechanical engineering technology was formed on the basis of research and development of many generations of domestic and foreign scientists and engineers, which contributed to its formation as a branch of technical science, which is engaged in the study of laws operating in the manufacture of machines, with the aim of using these laws to ensure the required quality of machines and their lowest cost.

A great contribution to the formation and development of engineering technology was made by domestic scientists B.S. Balakshin, V.M. Kovan, I.M. Kolesov, V.S. Korsakov, A.A. Matalin, S.P. Mitrofanov, A.P. Sokolovsky and many others.

Design of the manufacturing process of the cover...

1.1. Procurement Material Selection

The production method should be the most economical with a given volume of released parts. This depends on the degree of material consumption, the number of operations, their labor intensity, cost, and the production process as a whole.

Taking into account the above mentioned facts, we will accept rods for the production of the blank, with the maximum approximation of the dimensions and shapes of the finished part. For comparison we will use the example of calculation from hot-rolled rolled stock of normal accuracy as per GOST 2590-81

Mechanical Valve Assembly Technology Design

The mechanical valve is designed for automatic plants spraying lubricating and cooling liquids.

Valve consists of housing pos. 1 divided into two cavities, one of which receives compressed air.

When pusher moves, pos. 6 to the right it presses on the rod pos. 3, moving the valve, pos. 5. Compressed air passes through valve along longitudinal slots of rod to spraying device.

When the load is removed from the pusher, the valve, rod and pusher return to the initial position under the action of spring pos. 9. As a result, the valve is pressed against the seat pos. 4, closing the air passage.

This mechanical valve consists of:

1. Case

2. Cover

3. Rod

4. Saddle

5. Valve

6. Pusher

7. Sleeve

8. Cover

9. Spring

10. Washer

Drawings content

icon Заготовка _ МЧ00.77.00.05.cdw

Заготовка _ МЧ00.77.00.05.cdw

icon Карта сборки.cdw

Карта сборки.cdw

icon Поршень _ МЧ00.77.00.05.cdw

Поршень _ МЧ00.77.00.05.cdw